• Show Date: 07/10/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Sarah Stephenson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 12/10/2023

Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club

Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club

7th October 2023 

Border Terrier

I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge the border terriers, the exhibitors for their entry and sportsmanship accepting the placings. Thank you to my stewards, Janet Higgins and Maureen Ward, for making my judging experience a positive one and keeping the ring running smoothly.

Minor Puppy 2(1)

1st Flegato Fidelio at Oatberry ( Mrs K Tuffin) blue & tan, with correct coat. Liked his head, correct bite easily spanable with thick pelt. Lovely movement. Just a little unsettled on the table, but lots to like and he has time on his side. Best Dog & BPIB

Puppy Dog - no entries

Puppy Bitch 1 (1)

Junior 5

1st Borderrush Rambutan (Miss A J Hall) BB & BOB caught my eye as she entered the ring, lovely head and eye, correct bite. Nice thick pelt, coat in good condition. Easily spanable. Liked her angulation and balance, giving her easy, sound movement. Was pleased to award her Best Bitch and BOB.

2nd Jordith Roll Up and Shine (Mrs L & Mr A Jordan-Smith) 12 months old dog, in good condition, nice masculine head, correct bite, spannable with thick pelt. Movement was sound just unfortunate to come up against the BOB.

Yearling 4

1st Borderrush Rambutan (Miss A J Hall) as above.

2nd Good Golly Miss Molly at Martifers (Mr M & Mrs J Sharp) feminine bitch with coat in good condition, spanable, movement was easy and sound. Just preferred the size of no.1.

Limit 2

1st Borderrush Rambutan (Miss A J Hall) as above.

2nd Cheynonis Once In A Blue Moon For Borderrush (Miss A J Hall) Blue and tan bitch with feminine head, in good coat, moved out well. Handled to advantage, unfortunate to come up against the winner.

Open Dog - no entries

Open Bitch 5 (2)

1st Borderrush Magic Bean (Miss A J Hall) in good condition, easily spanable with thick pelt. Balanced and moved well. Unfortunately was a little unsettled in the line up for BB. Was pleased to award her RBIB and since find she is dam to the BOB.

2nd Fevstone Rosie Posie (Ms M Masefield) 14 months old blue & tan, feminine head, harsh coat and good pelt, moved well, a youngster with time on her side.