- Show Date: 23/09/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Roxanne McDonald Contact Judge
- Published Date: 03/01/2024
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society
German Shorthaired Pointer
Puppy (1, 0)
1st Beresford’s Tuptonsett One Too Many – Just 6 months but showing a clean outline, strong round bone and light feet. Ears set in line with light, almond eye. Good forechest and ribs for age. Moves true but was a little tentative today and wouldn’t stride out. I hope she gains that confidence and shows herself to her full potential. BP.
Special Yearling (2, 0)
1st Heath & Robinson’s Pinseeker Pep Guardiola – 12 months and on a smaller frame but remains in proportion. Lovely clean outline, correct construction and well made throughout. Noble head with almond eyes and ears set above eye level. Good front and chest with plenty of lung room. Strong topline held on the stand and move. BOB
2nd White’s My Pride & Joy – 15 month very raw junior. Good, strong topline, strong head with correct eye and ear. Shown in great muscular condition.
Limit (1, 0)
1st Anderson’s Knabynnus Autumdays – 5 years old and fully mature. She carries a strong topline with slight slope to croup. Good angles and balanced with a nice rear. Pretty head while remaining lean and noble. Broad between the ears. Moved true. RBOB
Retriever (Flat Coated)
Puppy (3, 0)
1st Beeson’s Esined Burning Bright – 10 months and the most mature of the class. Lovely head with slight stop, low set ears. Good bone, level topline leading to slight slope to croup and well-set tail, moved true and steady with reach and drive. BP
2nd Knight & Jacobs’ Gemswin Maggie May – Just 6 months but what a cracker with so much potential, but still very raw on the day. Solid built, strong topline and so true on the move. Very happy and has the sweetest of heads.
3rd Dunnett’s Hoedun Alexandra of Denmark
Special Yearling (3, 1)
1st Knight & Jacobs’ Gemswin Goody Two Shoes – 15 month bitch who is longer than tall. Good head, dark eyes and ears set level. Good feet and nice bone and overall size. Well constructed front and rear, moved true. BOB
2nd Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy – 17 months, shorter cast through the body. Dark eye, smaller ears but set correctly. Strong topline and balanced but would like a bit more angulation. Wasn’t moving his best today.
Limit (6, 2)
1st Holliday’s Floki Super Trouper – 5 year old fully mature bitch who presents a lovely, stylish outline. Good bone, long through the head and broad between the ears. Good feet, moved well. RBOB
2nd Beeson’s Esined Pandora – Another lovely bitch, but she just didn’t have the presance of my winner today and moved well. Lovely head and eye. Good ears. Strong front and good bone. Tight feet, well made and balanced
3rd Hessing’s Hoedun Daddys Eyes at Montechor
Res Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy
Open (4, 2)
1st Hessing’s Hoedun Daddys Eyes at Montechor – 3rd in limit, this young dog has a lovely outline and strong topline. Tail set on with slight croup. Good bone and feet, broad skull and slight stop. Moved OK
2nd Campbell & Brown’s Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy. 2nd Sp yearling & 4th Limit
Retriever (Golden)
Puppy (5, 1)
1st Angell’s Linirgor Seven Up at Millanza – 7 month dog who will take his time to mature, but his foundations are there and so well made with good lay back of shoulder with long blade, equal in return of upper arm. Giving the appearance already of a balanced and powerful dog with strong bone. His kind expression with the dark eye and pigment and ears set level with the eye. Broad skull and balanced head. Legs standing straight when viewed from the front and moved true with long stride. BP and couldn’t be denied Puppy Group 1. I look forward to watching him mature.
2nd Taggart’s Altindan User Friendly – This bitch oozes femininity while maintaining good bone and good head with a dark eye. Touch longer cast currently but maintains a strong topline on the stand and move. Compact feet and moved true and with reach and drive.
3rd Mandley’s Maltqudos Enchanted JW
Res Tarsey’s Altindan Unforgettable
Junior (6, 3)
1st Taggart’s Altindan User Friendly – 2nd puppy
2nd Hush’s Ousevale Ocean Breeze at Benrowan – 17 months and has a balanced shape. Good topline, well angulated with a lovely head. Good front and compact feet. Moved well.
3rd O’Gorman’s Berrymeade Firestarter (AI)
Post Graduate (2, 0)
1st Tarsey’s Mitchnel You Pierce My Soul – young bitch and still immature and needs some time. She is smaller set all over but remains in proportion. Level topline with tail set level with the back. She is slightly longer than tall. Good angulation fore and aft. Moved true with reach and drive.
2nd King’s Pajula Little Miss Princess – Longer cast bitch in lovely coat and golden colour. Slight wedge to head and muzzle with broad skull. Good bone and moved true from behind.
Limit (2, 0)
1st Barber’s Messano Just Good Friends with Swansreach – Mature male, Broad head and powerful muzzle. A strong and powerful appearance with good bone. Well laid back shoulders with strong topline. Good ribs and depth of chest. Well bent stifles which helped him drive around the ring. RBOB behind his sister who has the better tail carriage, but couldn’t deny him top spot later in the day for Best RBOB Gundog.
2nd King’s Pajula Little Miss Princess – 2nd Post Grad
Open (4, 0)
1st Seamons’ Messano Just Dance – This bitch presents a balanced outline, looking athletic and powerful with the kind expression. Head broad, but maintains her femininity, good bone and front with well laid back shoulders and equal return of upper arm, strong, level topline and tail set level with the back and carried the same. True mover with a long stride. The overall picture and my BOB and Group 3
2nd Hush’s Benrowan Esprit – Mature bitch who was longer cast and muzzle shorter than skull. She has a great front, straight and with good bone and feet. Held a level topline at all times and good rear. Moved true.
3rd King’s Pajula Little Miss Princess
Res Maynard’s Chinnordale Grand Finale
Veteran (3, 1)
1st Bowden’s Ousevale Xtravaganz – 11 year old bitch who still has wonderful body and true movement, with reach and drive. Loosing a bit of definition in her headpiece with age, but she still has the foundations. Good neck into well laid back shoulders, her angulation beautiful.
2nd Maynard’s Tamniarn Ella Belle t Chinnordale – 9 year old with lovely eyes and ears. Broad skull and muzzle. Tad heavier in her front but good depth of chest. Moved well.
Spaniel (English Springer)
Puppy (4, 1)
1st Wilson’s Calvdale Padlurowncanoe at Zawspring – 9 months and maturing at a good level. Good head with chiselling below the eyes. Well boned with round, compact feet and short pasterns. Strong loin with a slight slope to croup with tail set low. Moved well. BP
2nd Gledhill’s Dexbenella Dream of Dreams – Just 6 months old but showing lots of promise. Deciding factor for 1st was maturity, especially in movement. Good shape and bone, lovely head with lots of detail.
3rd Clifford’s Dexbenella Oasis Dream of Chamford
Special Yearling (4, 1)
1st Keely’s Khaleesi De Les Tres Llacunes with Alhambian (Imp Esp) – This workmanlike bitch took my eye the moment she walked in the ring. Her head is fairly broad, slightly rounded skull and dark eye. With an alert and kind expression. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders. Correct body proportions. On the move she as a free and easy movement with reach and drive. While still young and some maturing left to do, today she was my one to beat. BOB, and continued to shine to take Group 1.
2nd Frusher & Slack’s Chanangel When You Beliieve at Shersona – Flashy bitch who showed well. Good depth to muzzle but would like more definition. Good front and reach angulation and moved true. Strong loins and level topline held firm.
3rd Gledhill’s Jagger De Tres Llacunes TAF
Limit (2, 0)
1st Frusher’s Dexbenella Fenella at Shersona – loved her very typical head. Good bone and tight, round feet. Good rib and depth of chest and good width of thigh. Moved OK.
2nd Proctor’s Petranella Ferfick Bliss – Smaller in head and squarer in body this bitch has a strong neck into well laid back shoulders. Moved OK in front and profile, but messy in her rear movement today.
Open (3, 0)
1st Gledhill’s Greg De Tres Llacunes (Imp) – Lovely head with good depth of muzzle and almond-shaped eyes with long ears. Strong, slightly arched neck into well laid back shoulders. Good bone with tight, round feet. Moved with reach and drive and won the class on the cleanness in movement. RBOB
2nd Keely’s Alhambian Amy Winehouse – Another I really liked, but she needs to steady in her movement, which unfortunately made her messy on the day, although she demonstrated her reach and drive. Good bone and tight feet. Lovely head and long ears set with her almond eye. Short, strong loin gave her the compact outline.
3rd Morgans’ Dexbenella Frilled To Bitz
Spaniel (Irish Water)
Open (2, 1)
1st Latheron’s Fynder Reacher – Taller than I would like, but he remains in proportion and a smart, upstanding, strongly built, compact IWS. Strong front with tight feet. Level topline, well ribbed back and well sprung. Short, strong loin and good angulation with a well laid back shoulder. Moved freely and soundly with reach and drive. BOB
Spanish Water Dog
Puppy (1, 0)
1st Searles’ Rommy De Ubbadat En Cravessa (Imp Esp) NAF TAF – Just 6 months old lovely shape and correct proportions. Depth of chest to elbow. Broad skull with muzzle shorter than length of skull. Stright front and moved well. BOB & BP
Special Yearling (2, 0)
1st Abrahams’ Cravessa’s Right On The Dot by Adormidera – This young bitch is just immature and needs more time to fill out throughout her body, but still lots to like about her. Good depth to chest. Good bone and round feet. Level topline and woolly texture to her coat, showing curl. Good layback of shoulder and good angles. Moved true with reach and drive. RBOB
2nd Searles’ Cravessa’s Bottoms Up – Loved his head and neck. Good bone and round feet. Correct curly, woolly coat and level topline. Like his sister, still needs to mature and fill out, which he has time to do.
Limit (1, 0)
1st Abrahams’ Adormidera Dark Necessity – 3 year old mature lad, broad, flat skull with shorter muzzle. Good front, well made with good angulation and good bone. Deep chest, level topline and moved true.
Open (3, 1)
1st Abrahams’ Adormidera Ziggy Star Dust – 6 year old male fully mature. OK for bone with broad skull. Level topline and short loin. Well ribbed back with good depth on chest. Moved well.
2nd Hall’s Prizlands Bella Bon Nita – 7 year old bitch who’s OK for bone and size. Level topline with good spring of rib. OK in rear.
AVNSC Gundog
Limit (4, 1)
1st Macbain & Brewer’s Fecimus Son Of a Gun JW – Spaniel (Field) – 21 months with broad head and noble look and long ears. Good bone with tight, good sized feet. Level topline and good depth of chest. Tail set low. Moved well with reach and drive. BAVNSC
2nd Webber’s Fecimus Country Roads to Trevoris – Spaniel (Field) – 3 year old bitch, feminine head with ears set low. Good bone and feet. Moved well with reach and drive
3rd Webber’s Fecimus The Kings Troop at Trevoris – Spaniel (Field)
Open (3, 0)
1st Macbain & Brewer’s AM/CAN/UKC Ch Fecimus Written In The Stars – Spaniel (Field) – Lovely bitch standing on good feet. Deep chest which is well developed. Strong, level topline and good length. Lovely mover and a good head. RBAVNSC
2nd Webber’s Fecimus Star Troop at Trevoris – Spaniel (Field) – Mature dog but would have liked more to him. Broad skull and deep muzzle, He has a good front and strong topline with good length. Moved well.
3rd Webber’s Fecimus Golden Opportunity for Trevoris – Spaniel (Field)
AV Imported Breed Register Gundog
Open (2, 0)
1st Sladden’s Khyannes Villette at Canemamans (Imp Hun) – Braque D’Auvergne – Feminine bitch. Muzzle length equal to skull with slightly divergent planes. Ears set below the level of dark eyes. Good front and standing on tightly knit feet. Level topline with tail set lower than back. Moved with reach and drive. BIBR
2nd Collins & Cooper’s Playboy Des Rives De L’Estuaire (imp Fra) - Braque D’Auvergne – Heavy dog with short muzzle but broad skull and correct divergence, in proportion to his size. Good bone and size. Strong topline with short loin. RBIBR
Gundog Group
Grp 1 Keely’s Khaleesi De Les Tres Llacunes with Alhambian (Imp Esp) – Spaniel (English Springer) – In the larger ring she excelled with her reach and drive I saw in the breed class, and kept up her performance to win the group
Grp 2 Keely’s Sh Ch Oakbeach Dare To Dream Big with Alhambian (Imp Swe) – Spaniel (Cocker) – this boy was a merry, sturdy built cocker, compact throughout and didn’t stop showing. Moved with reach and drive, was a close call for 1st & 2nd but he just had to give way to the younger springer.
Grp 3 Seamons’ Messano Just Dance – Retriever (Golden). Continued her performance from the breed class, moving true and full of type for a Golden Retriever.
Grp 4 Collins & Powley’s Deveron Duchess of Danehaven – Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) – this bitch didn’t stop showing. A joy to go over, so well constructed and great muscle tone. Slightly wedge shaped head and triangular ears set high and well back on her broad skull. She is a feminine bitch with breed quality and type, and the typical jaunty movement of a toller while maintain reach and drive.
Gundog Puppy Group
PGrp 1 Angell’s Linirgor Seven Up at Millanza - Retriever (Golden) – This boy impressed me in the breed and continued to in the puppy group.
PGrp 2 Porter-Manning & Porter’s Wallaroo Duncan Disorderly – Hungarian Vizsla – Rather mature lad already, I shortlisted him in the group too. His movement was faultless and great type and well angulated.
PGrp 3 Strevens’ Tollisty Shincha Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) – Just 6 months but I liked her for size, slightly wedge shaped head and correct ears. She is well made and moved true.
PGrp 4 Furnell’s Bebecova Scarlet Witch – Spaniel (Clumber) – Effortless mover with good chest and ribs. Large, square head with deep stop and dark eyes.
Reserve Best of Breed Gundog Group
1st Barber’s Messano Just Good Friends with Swansreach - Retriever (Golden) – A good class and a shame I only had 1st to award. He continued to shine into the day and cinched the award for Best Reserve Best of Breed Gundog.
AV Gundog
Puppy (9, 8)
1st Hedgecock’s Mamanova’s Pegaso – Spaniel (Cocker) – 8 month old at a leggy stage. Pretty head with dark, round eyes. Standing on tight feet and held a level topline, showing good reach and drive on the move.
Junior (15,10)
1st Clarke’s Harbethol Look Magical Tyme – Spaniel (Cocker) – Lovely head, dark eye and good depth of muzzle. Strong neck into well laid back shoulders and good angulation. Strong outline, moved with reach and drive.
2nd Abrahams’ Cravessa’s Right On The Dot by Adormidera – Spanish Water Dog – 1st SWD Sp. Yearling
3rd Marshall’s Wissant Moon and Stars - Spaniel (Cocker)
Res Collier’s Pepperbox Midnight Parti – Spaniel (Cocker)
VHC Webber & Sladden’s Valcor Killer Queen – Bracco Italiano
Veteran (14,8)
1st Bryant Phenset Firefly – English Setter – Long and lean head with dark eye and ears set level with eye. Level topline, tight feet with well-arched toes, moved true showing a lovely outline.
2nd Collier’s Pepperbox Summer Time RL6EX ShCM – Spaniel (Cocker) – Lovely body and shape with great movement. Good bone, lovely head and skull with broad muzzle. Strong topline and correct tail set.
3rd Bennett Helgen Romeo The Lover for Flyboron – Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
Res Watts’ Oakmarsh Acorn VW SGWC Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
Junior Handling Association
6 – 11 Years (2,0)
1st Jack Greenacre handling an English springer. – Jack showed his dog well with stacking it and presenting well, and spoke to it throughout the class. He won on his calm nature and rapport with the dog. Jack does need to listen to the judge and do as asked in the pattern work, but when guided further he did move the dog well.
2nd Ellie McGill handling a smooth collie – Ellie lost out today on her presentation of her dog. I’d like to see it stood better and present herself with more confidence too. I’d also like to see her talk to the dog more. Ellie did do OK lines at times in the movement.
12 – 16 Years (6,1)
1st Isabella Collier handling a Dalmatian – Isabella stood out in this class. She showed teeth clearly, talked to her dog throughout and they looked a fantastic partnership. Straight lines, showing the dog off to the judge and the only handler to ask the dog to stand at the finish. Overall a lovely, calm and sympathetic handler.
2nd Megan Slack handling a Shiba Inu – Megan stacked her dog well and showed teeth clearly and calmly. She moved her dog at the correct pace and stood back in front of the judge. She remained calm and a fuss-free handler.
3rd Kaitlyn Collier
Res Megan Fylma
VHC Daisy Nicholas
Adult Handling
46+ Years (9,2)
1st Christy Straughan handling a Manchester terrier – Christy is a very tidy handler. Stood her dog well and all times, had straight lines and tight corners in her pattern work, with the dog moved at the correct pace. Her showing of teeth was clean and clear and she spoke to her dog throughout.
2nd Sarah Goodley handling a Smooth Fox Terrier – Sarah is a smart handler who showed the teeth clearly and stood her dog well with good lines on the pattern work, moving in harmony with her dog.
3rd Mrs E Kennedy
Res Justine Stratton
VHC Mrs L Tyler