- Show Date: 27/10/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Roxanne McDonald Contact Judge
- Published Date: 03/01/2024
Lagotto Romagnolo Club of Great Britain
I’d like to thank the club for the invite to judge their club show, and the exhibitors for staying during this long day following Midland Counties judging. It was a shame the end of the show lost atmosphere, with my Best in Show having also taken BOB earlier in the day, being whisked off for the Midland Counties group judging before judging was fully completed.
Thank you also to my stewards, who kept the ring flowing so no-one was hanging around. A great job I’m sure everyone appreciated.
Class 1 Veteran Dog (0 Entries)
Class 2 Puppy Dog (4 Entries)
1st Arcticbreeze Now Or Never (Mrs & Mr S & K Tollerfield) – 8 month old brown and white squarely built dog. Straight topline and good front angulation and longer in lower thigh. Broad skull and good planes across his head and muzzle slightly shorter than skull. Triangular ears, compact feet good bone and moved well. Best puppy dog, reserve best dog & Best puppy in show
2nd Il Granaio Dei Malatesta Dick Dastardly Of Pendlebrier IMP ITA (Mr D Bell) – 10 month brown dog of similar type to my winner. Straight topline, correct body proportions, broad skull with correct planes and muzzle. Tail set on a slight slope to croup. Moved OK but wasn’t as clean as 1st on the day.
3rd Mizani Primavera Forest (Mrs T Webb)
Res Rozebottel’s Mario Tronti IMP NLD (Mrs C & Miss J Snowdon & Nelson)
Class 3 Junior Dog (1 Entry)
1st Arcticbreeze On Vacation (Miss G Willott) – 8 month old brown dog of smaller type. Good proportions with square appearance and chest reaching to elbow. Good head with dark eyes and correct ears. Moved free in profile but still needs to tighten in front and rear which will hopefully come.
Class 4 Novice Dog (1 Entry)
1st Arcticbreeze On Vacation (Miss G Willott) -1ST Junior Dog
Class 5 Post Graduate Dog (1 Entry)
Arcticbreeze Jackpot (Miss G Taylor) – 2 year old brown and lovely type. Correct square appearance with leg length more than body height. Narrow enough in front and correct front angulation Straight topline and tail set on slight slope to croup. Moderate rear angulation with good length to upper and lower thigh. Lovely head with correct planes and dark, round eye. Compact feet and moved well. Best Dog, Best in Show
Class 6 Limit Dog (0 Entries)
Class 7 Open Dog (3 Entries)
1st Arcticbreeze Turbulence at Allsong (Mr & Mrs S A & B Whittick) – Mature dog with good bone and straight topline. Correct tail set and carriage. Good head with correct planes. Chest narrow in front and correct angulation. He was just a little longer than tall. Moved well
2nd Mizani Dioro Over Savio (Miss J Nelson) – A taller dog with a bit too much width in front. Woolly, thick coat and lovely head with a broad skull. Good bend of stifle, moved true
3rd Mizani Diorbe Of Slovakia At Dumdiddly ShCM (Ms P McAllister)
Class 8 Veteran Bitch (3 Entries)
1st Fullforge Floral Dancer (Ms V & Mr J Williams & Carless) – Larger in size but in proportion and screams breed type as a squarely built dog of rustic appearance. Good skull although would prefer a shorter muzzle. Straight topline, compact feet, good bone and chest reaching to the elbow. Tapering tail carried well. Moved well. Best Veteran in show
2nd Mianatra Bound To Be Blossom (Miss R DeBlasi) – This cream bitch was slightly longer than tall, but with a beautiful head. Good bone and moved well in profile. Correct tail set and enjoyed her day and loved being in the ring.
3rd Gaesten Lucky Luna (C Snowdon)
Class 9 Puppy Bitch (3 Entries 1 Absent)
1st Arcticbreeze Keep A Secret (Mrs L Mort) – Just 6 months and very immature but has all the foundations. Lovely head and good size body for age and a lovely shape. Good angulation and moved true, just needs time. Look forward to watching her grow. Best puppy bitch
2nd Gameglow Rockstar At Wyecapie NAF TAF (Ms A J J Gunson) – Lovely head with broad skull. Good front and rear angulation and level topline with correct tail set and carriage. Moved well, would just prefer a bit more length in leg.
Class 10 Junior Bitch (4 Entries)
1st Nelbekio Just The Ticket (Miss J Nelson) – Taller in type but squarely built. Ribs narrow in front and broadening behind the elbows. Correct angulation fore and aft with level topline. Broad skull and dark eye. Moved well
2nd Arcticbreeze Top Secret (Mrs L Mort) – 6 month old lost out to the winner on maturity. Lovely type with straight topline and good lay back of shoulder with an equal return of upper arm. Her rear is long in the upper and lower thigh. Lovely head and skull with muzzle slightly shorter than length of skull. Moved well in profile but is currently a little wide in front on the stand and move. She didn’t perform in the puppy bitch challenge as well as her sister.
3rd Arcticbreeze Secret Agent Del Rigrunner (Mrs S Robinson)
Res Camminare Tremia Daisy (Miss & Mr R L & C Walker & Tonge)
Class 11 Novice Bitch (1 Entry)
1st Camminare Tremia Daisy (Miss & Mr R L & C Walker & Tonge) – This bitch lost out today in the previous class for not being confident in being assessed, but I got to see enough of her. Narrow front and a good chest. Broad skull with muzzle slightly shorter and moved well in profile.
Class 12 Post Graduate Bitch (6 Entries, 2 Absent)
1st Allsong Nuova Luna (Mr & Mrs S & B Whittick) – Lovely type and size with correct angulation fore & aft. Narrow front to chest and slight spring of rib. Striaght topline with correct tail set. Compact feet and moved well and true from all angles. Broad skull with correct muzzle proportions.
2nd Rumolboys Chandra Rising (Ms V & Mr J Williams & Carless) – 3 year old who was very similar to 1st, but she is a little shorter in thighs, which split them. Muscular neck leading into well laid back shoulders and correct in chest. Lovely head with dark, round eyes and correct ears.
3rd Arcticbreeze Hopscotch To Floreydown (Miss W Heller)
Res Nelbekio High Hopes (Ms S Langley)
Class 13 Limit Bitch (6 Entries 2 Absent)
1st Marleydown Dimensional Dot At Mianatra (Miss R DeBlasi) – slightly longer cast bitch but good proportions in height from leg to elbow and elbow to shoulders. Straight topline and narrow to front of ribs. Moved well from all angles. Dark eye and good ears with correct muzzle to skull proportions.
2nd Leyther Summer Rona (C Snowdon) – Smaller and finer in type, straight topline and slope to crop. Correct angulation but a smaller head and soft coat. Moved well.
3rd Mizani Sebio Iola (Mrs L Lillicrap)
Res Camminare Tremia Cedrina (Mrs & Mr A & S Walker)
Class 14 Open Bitch (5 Entries 1 Absent)
This was my best class of the day with 4 lovely bitches.
1st Prada Della Fino To Bedeslead IMP USA (Mrs C & Mrs V Adkins-Fry & Norbury) – Loved this bitch for type and proportions. Straight topline, correct through chest and broad skull with muzzle slightly shorter then length of skull. Correct ears and moved true with reach and drive. Best Bitch, Reserve Best in Show, Best opposite sex in show
2nd Rumolboys Cascade Of Fire (Ms P McAllister) – I really loved this bitch who let herself down at the end of the class after getting spooked. Slightly taller than my winner with lovely proportions, shape and so much to like. Loved her head and moved with reach and drive. Called in to challenge for Reserve Best bitch where she redeemed herself to take the award.
3rd Arcticbreeze One And Only (Mrs L Mort)
Res Moonreed Warbler At Allsong (Mr & Mrs S A & B Whittick)