• Show Date: 16/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Richard Gunn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/11/2023

Bakewell Agricultural & Horticultural Society

Bakewell & District 16.07.23.

Judge Mr R.J. Gunn.


Puppy 2 entries 1 absentee.

1st Dalgarno, Mrs C. & Miss C. Vencharno Top Gun Maverick.

Handsome well balanced tri colour dog full of promise for the future. Loved his head with domed skull and appealing expression from his eyes. Well laid shoulders to his front with straight legs and nice tight feet all fitting well around his deep chest. Muscular well bent stifles to his rear which he used well to drive around the ring with good length of stride. B.P.I.B.

Junior 1 entry.

1st Scarlet Mrs N. Rossut Vestry With Michelroy.

I loved this beautiful blanket tri bitch of just over a year old. Well balanced both in her outline and whilst moving. Feminine in her hear of good length with a domed skull of moderate width, dark eyes set well apart and good length of ears all carried well by her neck of ample length. Nice round bone to her front with shoulders well laid back and elbows tucking in neatly under her well sprung deep chest. Level topline which she kept at all times, nice strong short loin leading to her excellent rear with muscular well bent stifles and good strong hocks. On the move she covered the ground with good length of stride and excellent drive from her rear. B.O.B. and pleased to say she went on to win the hound group.

Post graduate 1 entry.

1st Cyprien Miss J.R. Blunderhall Enchantment Among Jocerik.

Compactly built tri colour bitch who was well balanced throughout. Correct in her head of moderate width and slightly domed skull with eyes well set apart. Well laid shoulders with good bone to her front. Deep chest with well sprung ribs. Muscular rear with angles complimenting her front. She moved with good strides and drive from her rear.

Open 1 entry.

1st Dalgarno, Mrs C. & Miss C. Eardley Shirley Knott Avec Vencharno.

Beautiful tri colour bitch who was well balanced throughout and full of breed type. Correct in her head with slight dome to her skull and dark eyes set correctly giving an alert expression. Well laid shoulder to her front with straight forelegs set neatly under her deep chest and nice tight feet. Level top line leading to her well made rear with excellent muscle and well bent stifles. She again moved effortlessly with long strides and plenty of drive. R.B.O.B.

Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Puppy 1 entry.

1st Parsons Miss H. Priorpark Proud As Punch.

Beautiful bitch of correct size and well balanced. Loved her head with a flat skull of good length, broad between the ears and intelligent expression from her dark round eyes all carried by her long neck. Sloping shoulders to her front with ample bone all fitting neatly around her deep chest with moderate spring of rib. Muscular rear with good turn of stifle and nice strong well let down hocks. She moved well around the ring with a free, active stride. B.P.I.B.

Junior 3 entries 2 absentees.

1st Willunat Miss C. Gambia Sirus-Canis Maior At Clauwill (IMP POL).

Well balanced light wheaten bitch full of breed type. Feminine head of correct proportions with a well-defined stop and round eyes set well apart. Good front with straight legs and sloping shoulders with good muscle. Her body has ample depth of chest with a muscular loin and a nice ridge along her back. Muscular rear with a good bend of stifle. She moves freely around the ring with plenty of drive from her powerful rear. R.B.O.B.

Post graduate 3 entries 1 absentee.

1st Willunat Miss C. Gambia Sirus-Canis Maior At Clauwill (IMP POL).

2nd Hancock Mrs K.J. Stasimelsie Mace.

Well made bitch with a nice clear ridge to her back. Correct in her head and eye carried well on her long neck. Good front set nicely around her deep chest and with a complimenting muscular rear assembly. She moved well around the ring.

Open 1 entry.

1st Cyprien Miss J.R. Shavano’s Quality Of Life By Indie JW (IMP NOR).

Beautifully made bitch who was so full of breed type. Loved her head of correct proportions with a flat skull and round bright expressive eyes. Nice arch to her strong neck which leads down to her well made front with ample bone and well lad shoulders. Good depth of chest with moderately sprung ribs and a level top line with a beautiful ridge along her back with matching crowns. Muscular slightly arched loin to her rear with stifles well turned and good strong hocks. She covered the ground with effortlessly with good length to her active free striding action. B.O.B.


Post graduate 1 entry.

1st Sawyer Ms H. You Little Una At Stonelow..

Beautiful bitch who was nicely balanced in her outline. Strong and well-muscled throughout she has a good head with a flat skull and nice eyes. Good front with a deep chest and nice elegant lines to her muscular rear with nice arch over her loin and complimenting her front perfectly. She moved powerful light action around the ring. R.B.O.B.

Limit 1 entry.

1st Sawyer Ms H. Jaxx Teller At Stonelow.

Handsome dog with a good head and eye with nice chiselling to sides all carried well by his muscular neck of ample length. Good front assembly with elbows nicely under his deep chest. Muscular rear with stifles well bent and well developed wide thighs. On the move he covered the ground with a good free striding action. B.O.B.