- Show Date: 18/11/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Richard Forsythe Contact Judge
- Published Date: 23/12/2023
West Of England Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club
West of England Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club
18th November 2023
Firstly I would like to thank the committee for being incredibly welcoming and hospitable on what turned out to be a very wet day on the whole.
With Cavalier King Charles Spaniels being my original breed more than 20 years ago I was very much looking forward to this appointment. From the entry that I had, out of the 59 that were entered there were 41 present and I commend the owners on attending on such a miserable day and turning the dogs out beautifully. The overall quality was stronger in the bitches today. As breeders, just need to ensure that the more “domed” skull is not creeping back in to the breed.
Minor Puppy Dog (2,1)
1st – Mrs Lucy Koster-Tindall – Harana Now You Has Jazz. A Black and tan with super tan. At just 6 months this puppy has so much to offer. A well constructed head with skull being flat between those ears that are set high with good length to leathers. A lovely round, endearing eye. Muzzle to skull proportions are good. Correct bite. Where this boys scores for me is the length of neck which leads into a super topline and finished with a tail that just extends his topline. The front assembly is so well put together with good straight limbs. Angles in rear are great. This puppy was unsettled on the move today but is clean in movement away and back. I heavily considered this boy for BPD but unfortunately just didn’t want to move on the final assessment. This boy will be one I will watch with great interest.
Puppy Dog (1,0)
1st – Mrs L and Miss H Long – Arroline Kryptonite. An attractive 11 month old Tri Colour. A Charismatic dog who definitely pushes his owner to get the best put of him. A Masculine head with a little more dome than what I would prefer. Super ear placement with enough feathering for age. Great skull to muzzle proportions with enough underfill to soften the whole expression. Lovely neck and topline which he held both on the stand and on the move and a tail that was carried well at all times. Enough depth to chest and spring of ribs. Down on pasterns a little. On the move this boy looks very impressive on side profile, however where he lost out to the MPB for BPIS as he has a slight roll in the movement whereas the bitch is true coming and going.
Junior Dog (2,0)
1st – Mrs C and Miss J Lewis – Carleeto Cutie Pie. 14 month old ruby dog who is of a larger frame. A masculine head without being too coarse. Lovely large round eyes which are set well in the head with super dark pigmentation. Enough underfill and cushioning to soften the whole expression and a good length to muzzle. Great ear set which finishes the whole headpiece. Neck of good length which leads into a strong level topline. Great front assembly with clean front limbs. Lovely angles behind. I really liked this dog however he carries his tail higher than preferred. On the move this boy moves with reach in front but moves a little close in rear.
2nd Mr W Stansbury – Cathmead Saint David at Dooraclaire NAF TAF. 16 month old Tri colour very different size to 1. Head needs a little more developing. Lovely round eyes which are set well. Flat skull with set high and leathers of good length. Needs a little more underfill. Pigment missing in nose. Neck is shorter than preferred. Good shoulder placement with clean front limbs. Good depth of chest and spring of ribs. This boy was very timid which reflected in his movement.
Yearling Dog (3,1)
1st – See Junior Critique
2nd – Miss K Hawkins – Lexody Pandemonium – 15 month old Blenheim with a pleasing head. Lovely round eye which is set well. A flat skull between super ear placement. Plenty of underfill softening the expression. Mouth slightly undershot. Good shoulder placement with elbows close to a well fill chest. Neck of good length which leads into a level topline although slightly longer than preferred. Tail set well and carried as an extension of the topline. Lovely angles in rear and well muscled. On the move moved out well, but can get a bit messy in rear.
Novice Dog (2,1)
1st – Mrs C Franks – Cathmead Love the Moment. 2 year old Blenheim who scores for size. Flat skull with high ear set. Eyes are set slightly further apart than preferred and shows white of eye which spoils the headpiece. Good neck, shoulders and topline. Clean front assembly with enough forechest. On stand looks very pleasing with angles where they should be. Moved OK.
Post Graduate Dog (4,1)
1st – Mrs Koster-Tindall – Harana Pinball Wizard. 18 month old Black and Tan who was presented beautifully. A masculine head which just needs some time to finish. A beautiful eye which is round, dark and so endearing. Needs a little more underfill to soften the expression. Good muzzle to skull ratio. Skull flat with ears set on OK. Beautiful neck which flows into a super topline and a tail that just extends the topline. Super depth to chest with plenty of heart room. Good spring of rib. Super angles This boy has so much going for him but boy does he test his owner! The movement that was evident is exactly what I look for. Good reach in front and good drive in rear staying parallel. I liked this boy a lot and I would love to see him in a couple of years once he matured and the head is finished. RBD.
2nd – See 2nd in Yearling
Limit Dog (4,0)
1st Mrs R Surman – Cavaliegh Kennedy. 4 year old Blenheim who stole this class with ease and ultimately was my BIS. A beautiful, masculine headpiece. Flat skull with a super ear set with leathers of correct length and plenty of feathering. Dark, round eye with super pigmentation. Plenty of cushioning and underfill which gave that ultimate soft expression. Super shoulders, with clean front limbs. Elbows are tight to a well filled chest. Neck is shorter than preferred but there is no such thing as a perfect dog and this was one minor fault. Such a great topline with strength in loin extended by a tail that never rose over that line. A well constructed, muscled rear. On the move this boy comes alive, his footfall is next to perfection. This boy scores highly for his overall shape and size. In the BIS challenge this boy was pushed to his limits but the bitch just flagged a little in the last go round. Congratulations!
2nd – see 2nd in Yearling
Open Dog (1,0)
1st - see 2nd in Yearling
Veteran Dog (3,3)
Minor Puppy Bitch (7,4)
What a way to start the bitches with this class!
1st – Mrs M Cunningham – Revdvicki’s Esther Verheyen. The first line I wrote in my book was “I WISH SHE WAS MINE”. When looking at how she is bred I’m not surprised she looks the way she does by having CH Gransil Bourbon as a sire. When this girl walked in the ring she immediately caught my eye with her overall shape and balance. Super feminine throughout. A beautiful head with flat skull and super set ears. Super round, dark eye which just draws you in. Good muzzle to skull ratio and a correct bite. Lovely neck leading into a strong level topline with a great tailset which never stopped wagging which is great to see in a puppy. Overall balance and structure is sound which means she moved like an absolute dream. I will be watching how this girl develop in the future. I had no hesitation in awarding this girl BPIS.
2nd – Mrs R Surman – Harana C’est Si Bon. Another Ruby baby at just 6 months old. Going through a bit of a growth spurt as she is slightly croup high. Slightly larger in frame than 1 but has great qualities nonetheless. A feminine head with a super dark, round eyes placed well. A flat skull with ears set on high with good length to leathers. Lovely length to neck. Super shoulder and clean straight front assembly. Enough chest for age. Tailset is good and isn’t gay at all. Lovely rear construction. On the move she was a little unbalanced but I would love to see this girl in the future as I think she will put in a stellar performance.
Puppy Bitch (7,4)
1st – Miss H Liverton-Ovey – Chantismere Conchetta For Halosey (IKC). 11 month old well broken Blenheim. This bitch has a heavier head than preferred. Lovely, dark, round eye which lures you in. Flat skull with ears set on high and good length to leathers and used at all times. Good length to muzzle, correct bite. Neck is of good length which leads nicely into a firm topline and finished with a tail that extends the topline. Just a note when on the move just be careful that she doesn’t move too quickly as she loses the lovely topline. Super shoulder placements with good chest and elbows close. Well constructed rear which she uses well.
2nd – Mrs L and Miss H Long – Arroline Eternity JW. A Feminine bitch throughout with a lovely headpiece. Super round eyes. Good length to muzzle and enough underfill. Lovely flat skull with high set ears with good length of leathers and enough feathering to soften the whole expression. On the stand this girl is a real picture showing off her virtues. Lovely neck leading into a strong topline and finished with a good tailset. Good shoulders and chest. Clean straight front. Good angles. On the move the movement was a little erratic which cost her the class.
Junior Bitch (7,4)
1st – Mrs A Bubb – Sweetbriar Heirs and Graces with Wandris. This bitch was putting in a great performance in each of the classes that she entered. A heavier marked Blenheim who scores highly in overall shape, balance and size. Ultra feminine headpiece with a lovely dark round eye which gave me the look of endearment. Would have preferred a slightly shallower stop. Enough underfill to soften the expression. A flat skull with high placed ears which finished the whole headpiece. Super shoulder placement and clean straight front limbs. Topline was one of the best that was here today which was then finished by a great tailset which just extended the topline. Enough depth of chest with elbows tight to the well sprung ribs. Well constructed and muscled rear which is advantageous when this girl began to move. Light on her feet with reach in front and drive from the rear. Textbook footfall. This girl lost out to BIS with just being a little tired in the challenge. I wish you all the success with her. BOS RBIS
2nd – Mrs L Koster-Tindall – Harana Hopelessly Devoted. 14 month Blenheim. A super soft expression on this girl with lovely dark, round eyes with enough underfill. Plenty of cushioning. Good length to muzzle. Shallow stop. Would have preferred a flatter skull. High ear set which has leathers of good length and plenty of feathering. Deep chest with good spring of ribs. Lovely neck which leads into a flat topline and finished with a good tailset. Coat in superb condition. Slightly longer in loin than 1. Super angles in rear and well muscled. Moved out well and just needs to tighten up movement in front.
Yearling Bitch (5,2)
1st – See 1st Junior Critique
2nd Mrs C and Miss J Lewis – Carleeto Minnie the Minx JW. Rising 2 year old Black and Tan. Larger than I would have preferred. That said this girl is still balanced throughout. A super headpiece feminine without being coarse. A lovely dark, round eye which is super expressive. Flat skull with high set ears and plenty of feathering. Muzzle to skull ratio is good with a shallow stop. Another bitch today with a super topline which was held on the stand and the move finished with a good tail set. Super depth to chest and spring of ribs with plenty of heart room. A well constructed front elbows tight to chest. Rear is well constructed and muscled. Coat well presented. Once settled this girl moved out with reach and drive.
Novice Bitch (7,2)
1st See 1st Junior Critique
2nd Mrs D Coole – Jolainey Magic Time – This girl really pushed the winner in this class and could swap places on another day. Again another bitch who scores in overall shape and size. Lovely feminine head. Eyes are dark, and round which are placed well in the head. Muzzle to skull ratio is good. Flat skull with high set ears which she used at all times. This girl has a great shoulder placement with straight clean legs. Neck is slightly shorter than the winner. Chest has a good depth and ribs are sprung. Topline is strong on the stand and on the move and is finished with a good tail set. Super angles in rear which is also well muscled. Today this girl settled for second as the winner had a little more drive in rear.
Post Graduate Bitch (5,1)
1st – Mrs J Wilson – Peters Cavalier Naomy Black Medgic. 3 year old super feminine Black and Tan. A pretty head with everything where is should be. One of the better heads today. Flat skull with impressive ears and feathering. Beautiful eyes and placement. Plenty of underfill and cushioning giving a soft expression. Lovely neck into a flat topline. Loved this girls front assembly. Straight limbs with ample bone. Rear angles which matched the front. Moved incredibly soundly. I considered this girl heavily for RBB however she was flagging her tail in the challenge which upset the overall balance.
2nd – Mrs R Surman – Harana Joan Jett. There is no denying this 4 year old Black and Tan is a female. Although larger in frame than 1 she still possesses some great qualities that a cavalier should have. A lovely headpiece with the skull being flat and high set ears with plenty of feathering. Dark , round eye set well in the head. Good muzzle to skull ratio with ample cushioning. Dark pigment. Enough underfill which softened the whole expression. Lovely front assembly with elbows being tight to the chest. Plenty of heart room in a well filled chest. Topline wasn’t as strong as 1 today as she was hunching from time to time. Tail was set on well. Lovely angles in rear which she used to drive around the ring.
Limit Bitch (3,0)
1st Ms C Z Martins – Babette Of An Excellent Choice To Clemartill JW (IMP NED). People could take note of how a coat should be presented from this exhibitor. I loved this girl for her overall shape and size with everything in the right place. A well broken Blenheim who oozes femininity. Lovely headpiece being well filled without being coarse. Dark, round eyes placed well. Flar skull with high set ears, leathers of good length and ample feathering. Good length to muzzle. Super shoulder placement with elbows tight to a well filled chest. Straight limbs with feet neither turning in nor out. Good depth to chest. Strong topline with strong loin and a tail that is set on well and extends that lovely topline. Angles in rear are good and matched with those in front this girl moved out with drive and purpose and I awarded her RBB.
2nd – Mrs C and Miss J Lewis - Carleeto Hello Kitty . Rising 4 year old Black and Tan. Well this is a girl who has so much character absolutely loved this about her although it could be to her detriment at times. A pleasing head with super round eyes and a good muzzle to skull ratio. Lovely cushioning around muzzle and enough underfill to give a sweet soft expression. I would have preferred a flatter skull. High set ears with good length to leathers and ample feathering finishing off the headpiece. Lovely neck leading into a correct constructed front. Good shoulder placement with elbows tight to a well filled chest. Super topline which she held on the stand and on the move. Great rear and super muscled. Super coat in great condition. Moved out well although has a lot of power in the rear that she can sometimes get herself in a muddle looking a little untidy.
Open Bitch (2,2)
Veteran Bitch (4,2)
1st– Mrs C and Miss J Lewis– Carleeto Nikita. At 7 years old this girl does not look her age at all. This girl knows her craft and credit to owners for keeping her in tip top condition. This girl kept catching my eye in the challenge for RBB. She scores for overall balance and her shape. A pleasing feminine head with eyes that are so endearing. Flat skull with high set ears and plenty of feathering. Good muzzle to skull ratio with plenty of cushioning. Lovely neck leading into a super topline which is held both on the stand and on the move. Tail was ok, tends to flag it which cost her RBB. Good angles in rear. This girl on the move is super sound. BVIS
2nd– Mrs L and Miss H Long– Arroline Phoenix. 9 year old tricolour. Lovely dark, round eye. Skull is flat between well placed ears with super length to leathers and covered with ample feathering. More of longer broader muzzle than 1. Good shoulder placement leading into a strong topline finished with a lovely tail set which didn’t stop wagging the whole time in the ring. Good depth to chest and spring of ribs. On the stand tends to lean back a little making her look down on her pasterns. Super angles in rear with good muscle tone.
BIS – Mrs R Surman – Cavaliegh Kennedy
RBIS & BOS - Mrs A Bubb – Sweetbriar Heirs and Graces with Wandris
BPIS - Mrs M Cunningham – Revdvicki’s Esther Verheyen
RBPIS - Mrs L and Miss H Long – Arroline Kryptonite
BVIS - Mrs C and Miss J Lewis– Carleeto Nikita
Richard Forsythe (RICHPIN)