- Show Date: 15/10/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Richard Bott Contact Judge
- Published Date: 09/04/2024
Gravesend & Medway Towns Canine Society
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society
Richard Bott
Thank you to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at this show. I had a very enjoyable day and I must say that the committee really do make you feel appreciated as a judge and for the time you have given to come to their show, thank you.
I must apologise for the delay in this critique appearing as I thought I had uploaded it on to the KC site, rookies error and I discovered I hadn’t not done it properly.
1st Marksbury Rockerfella at Karames (Bloodhound)
Clean in outline and showing substance without coarseness. Long and well proportioned head with clean eye and pleasing expression. Strong neck and well made front assembly. Firm in topline, good depth to brisket and firm in loin. Powerful quarters which were used to advantage on the move.
2nd Rubicon’s Songbird by Boughton (imp USA) Greyhound
Blue brindle showing elegant clean lines and gentle curves. Head well proportioned with good strength to underjaw. Neck flows neatly into shoulders and a good front assembly, still needing to fill a little iin front as expected at this age. Good topline and enough tuck up. Width to second though and stands over plenty of ground. Moved a little apprehensively on the floor today.
3rd Haggatty Callisto (Beagle)
Post Graduate
1st Switherland Gabriella at Stookewood (Basset Hound)
Presenting an image of plenty of substance whilst remaining feminine. Head is well proportioned with planes almost parallel. Low set ears and an appealing expression. Neck of good strength and fitting neatly into front assembly. Good depth to brisket, ribs well back and firm in loin giving a level topline. Quarters well developed and used well on the move. Covered the ground well and had carriage about her. Best AVNSC.
2nd Diheath Pyjama at Karames (Basset Hound)
Masculine throughout without coarseness. Pleasing head and expression with correct planes. Well angulated front assembly but not as positive on the move coming towards as one. Well ribbed back and firm in loin. Stern well set and which was carried correctly. Moved steadily as another who was slipping on the floor today.
3rd Donay Firefly (Beagle)
1st Shyllar Wrapped in Gold (Basenji)
Clean in outline and good length of leg. Pleasing head with well set on ears and obliquely set eyes. Enough reach of neck and straight front. Ribs well back and firm through the loin. Enough shelf and well set tail. Moved with carriage and covered the ground.
2nd Whilaway All Fired Up at Boughton (Greyhound)
Clean lines and standing over plenty of ground. Masculine head with neat ears. Arched neck into well placed shoulders. Good underline. Width to second thigh and in muscular condition. Not with his usual handler and couldn’t get into his stride today.
3rd Switherland Final Chase at Stookewood.
AV Import Hound
1st Trevise Du Pont Des Granges Avec Demarfi (Basset Blue De Gascoigne)
Feminine with the right amount of substance. Wedge shaped head with a gentle expression. Arched neck and well placed shoulders. Ribbed back to a firm loin and well set on tail. Good muscular development throughout. Moved steadily but needs to gain a little more confidence to complete the picture of presence.
Afghan Hound
1st Zendushkas Take That
Black masked gold who had good presence in the ring and this was shown even more on the move with his carriage. Masculine head with good strength to underjaw and he looks straight through you. Won the class and BOB on his front construction and extension on the move. Large feet straight front legs, good fill in front and level topline. Defined pin bones and correct fall away. Plenty of length from him to hock and moved with style and amination. BOB and Group 1.
2nd Zendushkas Amarillo
Litter brother to first and very similar in make and shape. Didn’t have the extension and return of forearm of his brother. Appealing head with a typical expression. Super muscular development and good length from hip to hock.
1st Absolute Afghans Djibout at Karnak JW (imp)
Masculine head with good strength to foreface. Strong arched neck and well placed shoulders. Short backed with a level topline. Defined pin bones and fall away to the croup. Good length from hip to hock and in muscular condition. Another who didn’t cope with the floor today and this prevented him from striding out to advantage.
Norwegian Elkhound
1st Laakso Esko
Masculine in head with a dark eye. Strong neck and pleasing lay of shoulder. Well boned and good pasterns. Balanced in outline with a good leg length. Firm in topline and well made quarters. He moved covering the ground in an efficient manner and holding his shape.
2nd Barbaelka Betty Boop of Carolon
Feminine head of pleasing proportions. Good height to length ratio. Well boned throughout but carrying too much weight today. Coat of good texture. Movement a little difficult to assess as she was slipping a lot on the floor.
1st Norvin Joyeux Noel
Feminine head and expression, dark eyes and neat ears. Good reach of neck which was muscular. Well placed shoulders and good return. Ribbed back and firm in loin with a well placed and carried tail. Strength to quarters and moved out well with an accurate footfall and good carriage to take the class and BOB.
2nd Bowerhinton Bombette
Pretty head and expression. Good length of leg and short backed. Moved true on the out and back but did not have the extension of one.
3rd Laakso Kia’s Cracker of Carolon
AV Hound
1st Marksbury Rockerfellaat Karames
Post Graduate
1st Diheath Pyjama Party at Karames
2nd Rosencrantz Ophelia
3rd Starceylon Spectre
1st Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
2nd Norvin Joyeux Noel
3rd Evaluna Leave your Hat On with Kawrsing
1st Ch Citycroft Sundae with Oxana
2nd Bowerhinton Bombette
3rd Bowerhinton Bywnans
Hound Group
1st Zendushkas Take That (Afghan)
2nd Falconcrag One For The Team at Boughto (Whippet)
3rd Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz (Min Smooth Dachs)
4th Beaujons Vagabons of Monkhams (PBGV)
Hound Puppy Group
1st Delandmar Herbert Wood (Min Smooth Dachs)
2nd Marksbury Rockerfella at Karames (bloodhound)
3rd Nagshall The Odd Excuse (Min Long Dachs)
Cesky Terrier
Post Grad
1st Komidion Sonata for Sametova JW
Feminine head of good proportions and nice big teeth. Lengthy neck and well made front assembly. Well ribbed back and pleasing topline. Quarters well developed. Moved with drive and holding her topline. Super coat and condition.
1st Ch Komidion Prima Donna of Sametova
Lovely head and expression with good strength to foreface. Good reach of neck with his strong and fits neatly into shoulders. Pleasing front assembly, well ribbed and a lovely topline on the stack. Good quarters and moved covering the ground. BOB
2nd Sametova Bacary
Nice make and shape, masculine without coarseness. Well proportioned head with good strength and correctly placed ears. Lengthy neck and well made front assembly. Typical topline and decent quarters. He really hated the floor today and I managed to get a couple of glimpses of his accurate footfall.
Norwich Terrier
Baktwins One Moment in Time
7 months black and tan bitch of good make and shape. Cobby in outline and with good body proportions. Feminine head and dark eye. Coat of correct texture and moved with attitude and style.
Post Graduate
1st Alantro Silent Step
Feminine with substance, cobby and compact. Feminine head of pleasing proportions, decent ears and a strong neck. Well made front assembly, good through the rib and level firm topline. Moved true out and back and held her shape.
2nd Baktwins Only Believe
7 Months lovey type, make and shape. Giving a lot away on age in this class but lots to like and constructionally well made throughout. Feminine head with a cheeky expression. Moved very well once settled. Best Puppy.
3rd Sea Sky
1st Ragus Oh Boy
Smart chap clean in outline and well made throughout. Cobby and with the right amount of substance. Masculine head and an appealing expression with a hint of mischief. Strong neck, straight front and well boned legs. Good jacket and well presented. Good through rib and loin and held his outline on the move. Covered the ground well in profile. BOB Group 2.
2nd Misma of Brookhall
Pleasing make and shape but not as firm in topline as Oh Boy. Feminine head with good strength and a characterful expression. Decent front assembly, well boned legs and neat feet. Moved well in profile.
3rd Baktwins Let Me Be The One.
West Highland White Terrier
1st Hillstead Same Direction
Smart young chap who appealed in his proportions and outline. Full of spirit and character he really did put on a show. Masculine head with good pigment. Strong arched neck and short backed. Tail well set on and powerful quarters. Once he gets his act together he will have super presence. Moved accurately in all directions.
1st Hillstead Sweet Whispers
Feminine with good substance and style about her. Appealing head and expression, lovely neck into shoulders and straight front. Compact body with firm loin. Tail well on and carried well. Super presentation. She had style and attitude. BOB and Group 1
2nd Otto The Maverick Prince
1st Thorpaige Chasing Rainbows
Brindle bitch who presents a clean outline and good substance. Feminine head with a clean skull, well proportioned foreface and enough chin. Strong neck, straight front and correct amount of depth for her age. Balanced angles fore and aft and covered the ground with enough drive.
2nd Limkyns Moonlight Tango with Attomic
At just 6 months this lady was showing lots of promise. Head developing well and of correct proportions, dark eye with a hint of mischief. Good through the neck and shoulder. Correct bone and substance for her age. Balanced angled and I liked her body proportions. Needs to settle on the out and back as expected, showing good extension in profile.
Post Graduate
1st Thorpaige Chasing Rainbows
2nd Mellhawk Tiger Lily
Appealing head and expression, well placed ears and a good ratio of skull and muzzle. Neck strong but a little heavy on the shoulders today. Straight front, good bone, feet could be tighter. Liked her body proportions with a clean underling and slight tuck up. Developed quarters and firm condition. True on the out and back but tended to over reach in front in profile due to excitement.
3rd Invictadaw Raquel
1st Thorpaige What a Kerfuffle JW
Brindle bitch who combined strength with elegance. Squarely built and well balanced throughout. Feminine head, clean skull and well proportioned foreface with a good chin. Strong arched neck leading to a well made front assembly. Good depth and clean underline with slight tuck up. Firm in topline and good finish to the croup. Powerful quarters which were used to advantage on the move and with an accurate footfall. Bob, Group 1 and RBIS.
2nd Olibetay Bella Rosa at Hipkins
Feminine with good substance throughout. Pleasing head and expression and used her ears well. Balanced angles both ends and firm in topline. A little heavier than one today and not as clean in underline and tuck up. Covered the ground well in profile.
3rd Geenawell Really Fruity
Best In Show
Sh Ch Quintana Diamond Dust at Frairsbelle JW (GSP)
Smart dog who was still on form at the end of a long day. Stood over plenty of ground, masculine without coarseness and balanced in outline. Pleasing head and expression. Good reach of neck and balanced angles both ends. He was one who certainly was not fazed by the floor today. Moved with a good footfall and really driving out on an open side gait.
Reserve Best In Show
Thorpaige What a Kerfuffle JW (Boxer)
Best Puppy In show
Coraggiosa Tigre (Bull Terrier Miniature)
Well what a super character this young lady was. Everytime I looked around the ring she was watching and you could see her thinking “he better be looking at me!” Feminine head which is developing well. Very sound in construction and this was evident in her movement. Accurate and precise, with power and style. She maintained her outline throughout and had that extra something today to take BPIS.
Reserve BPIS
Bebecova Scarlet Witch (Clumber Spaniel)
Very appealing in outline, make and shape. Again her head is developing well for her age and has the correct proportions. Strong neck and well made front assembly. Body properties as you would require at this stage in her development and I was pleased to see that she is being allowed to mature at her own pace and has enough body for her age. Moved soundly with a hint of mischief.
Best Veteran in Show
Ch Ashleyheaths Black Thunder ShCM ShCEx VW (Cesky Terrier)
Masculine in head with the correct strength to foreface. Appeals in outline and balance and in very good condition. Very sound and really up for the job in hand today.
Reserve BVIS
Ch Citycroft Sundae With Oxana ShCm ShCEx VW
Stylish dog with gentle curves and a clean outline. Masculine in head with an appealing outline. IN good muscular condition and moved in an easy and effortless manner.