- Show Date: 02/04/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Rebecca Godridge Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
German Spitz Club of Great Britain
German Spitz club of GB open show
Klein critique.
Breed results.
BD 21, CH Nosregor Willhe Surprise Ya (Miss L Rogerson)
RBD 20, Nosregor Take It All (Miss L Rogerson)
BPD 20, Nosregor Take It All (Miss L Rogerson)
BB 19, Nosregor Sister Sledge (Miss L Rogerson)
RBB 24, Fecimus One Of Us (Mrs S Slack)
BPB No Entries
BOB 21, CH Nosregor Willhe Surprise Ya (Miss L Rogerson)
BOS Nosregor Sister Sledge (Miss L Rogerson)
BP 20, Nosregor Take It All (Miss L Rogerson)
BV 23, Wychlea Lady In The Mirror By TYMY
Today I judged the German Spitz Klein and observed a wide range of types. I found this a challenge at times to decide which was the closest to the breed standard. There was a lovely selection of well-turned-out exhibits and I always enjoy the German spitz temperaments which shone as always.
1. Veteran Dog, Entries: 3, Absent: 1
1. Mrs C Trendle’s, Lusam Cheeky Boy, 2014 cream. Big strong healthy male, with sound construction, eye colour and pigment nice and dark for coat colour, unfortunately, the head is not his strong point though balanced and correct proportions. Correct shape, quality of bone and tail set, confident and brisk movement in a good overall healthy fit condition which came through on his movement and lovely spitz temperament.
2. Mrs C Serman’s, CH Rochedo Bill the Badger by TYMY, 2011 B/W Party, sweet old man, unfortunately not in his best condition though he seemed to be enjoying his day out, correct head and construction with nice bone and within the correct height. I found this decision hard, unfortunately, I was informed of this recent illness, which had left him out of condition standing slightly elbow out and poor behind in movement. I’m sure at his best he is a beautiful dog but unfortunately today he was out of condition though in excellent spitz spirits and seemed to be really enjoying his time out.
2. Minor Puppy Dog Entries 2, Absent 0.
1. Claran Court You Looking For Musique, Mrs J Y & Mr A M Chambers, 6 months Cream, Beautiful eye and good pigment with flat skull and neat well set ears, nice tidy baby beautifully turned out, excellent temperament didn’t even notice the measure which he fitted nicely under. One to watch,
2. Claran Count Your Breath TAF, Ms K Andrews, 6 months, Cream. Different in type to 1, Smaller and compact but well in hight range, head could do with being a little flatter in skull with more length in muzzle, eyes a little too round and of good dark colour, neat ears slightly wide set. Tidy feet, Short coupled. Typical young puppy temperament and lovely spitz personality.
3. Puppy Dog Entries 2, Absent 1
1. Nosregor Take It All, Miss L Rogerson, 11 months Black, Good spitz head with flat skull of correct proportions good bite neat well set ears, straight and balanced with nice bone, good tail set and moved out briskly with confidence, another young dog to watch as he matures.
4. Junior Dog Entries 0, Absent 0
5. Post Graduate Dog, Entries 1, Absent 0,
1. Bemojo Pearls Of Wisdom At Musique, Mr A Mrs J & Mrs BSJ, Chambers, Chambers & Gepp-cox, 18 months Cream, good pigment, would prefer flatter skull with more muzzle length, short cuppled, straight with good bone, tidy cat feet, lovely tail set, slightly timid on the table but able to go over and measure, much happier on the ground and obviously adores his handler where his lovely temperament came out and showed his lovely well set ears off, another fit dog which always finishes the picture for me.
6. Limit Dog, Entries 2, Absent 2.
7. Open Dog, Entries 4, Absent 2.
1. CH Nosregor Willhe Surprise Ya, Miss L Rogerson, 2019 Black, One for your hands, lovely spitz head with good bite, flat skull, correct eye shape and head proportions finished off with triangle well set ears, in full coat with a large mane which distracted the eye, fit well constructed body under his large double coat, his correct structure showed off well on the move, another fit male with all the spitz attributes.
2. CH Musique Born Legacy, Mrs J Y & Mr A M Chambers, 4yrs White with some cream party coming through, would have preferred more ovel eye with flatter skull and more length in muzzle but loved his neat well-set ears, another in full coat which was verging on too much though beautifully turned out, his personality really shone through and looked to be loving his time in the spotlight.
8. Veteran Bitch, Entries 3, Absent 1.
1. Wychlea Lady In The Mirror By TYMY, Mrs C Serman, 10yrs Black, a little out of coat and muscle tone making her hind movement a little weak at times, loved her head correct proportions angles and bite, neat little ears set on well which she was happy to show me, all finished off with a lovely dark eye, good bone for size over all a well balanced bitch with all the correct characteristics desired,
2. Lusam Toodle Pip, Mrs C Trendle, 13Yrs wolf sable, lovely compact and fit, her head not her best attribute, lovely dense coat with good texture and her sweet, loving and fun personality shone through, one you just want to take home.
9. Minor Puppy, Entries 1, Absent 1
10. Puppy, Entries 1, Absent 1
11. Junior, Entries 2, Absent 1
1. Ruskies Athena, Mr R & Mrs S Morgan & Griffiths, 15 months Black and white Party, beautifully turned and presented, head a little small, short in muzzle with rounded eyes and skull, neat ears and good pigment, a little too compact in frame, front substantially wider then behind due to her pulling rather than pushing on the move, rolled through stifle on the move noticeable from all directions, Happy and confident temperament.
12. Post Graduate, Entries 0, Absent 0,
13. Limit, Entries, 2, Absent 0,
1. Pommary Goodnite Sweetheart, Lady W Bray, 3yrs Black, Head in proportion, good dark eye, bit long in pastern with neat feet, body in proportion though a little weak behind which showed on the move and a nice temperament.
2. Pommary Zara, Lady W Bray, 5 yrs Sable, Head a little short in muzzle with round eye and skull good ears and pigment, short in neck but rather over weight which exaggerated this, good tail set, another with a weak behind, a happy personality showed well for handler.
14, Open Bitch, Entries 3, Absent 0,
1. Nosregor Sister Sledge, Miss L Rogerson, 2yrs cream, Nice flat skull of correct proportion and good bite, pigment correct for coat colour and a dark eye, nice angulation, proportions and bone, moved out well when all 4 feet were on the ground, typical spitz personality who was not always giving her handler the easiest job, but they had a good repour and very true to breed standard. Temperament, true to standard.
2. Fecimus One Of Use, Mrs S Slack, 4yrs sable, beautifully turned and handled a real little show girl. Pushed hard for 1st but preferred the head of 1, two very different dogs. Little light in eye, with rounded ears, a full dense coat and a little heavy in bone, but a lot to like.