• Show Date: 20/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Ray McDonald Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/09/2023

Kent County Canine Association

AVNSC Gundog

Puppy (5,0)
1st Weller’s Sabisabi Apachi Tonka at Geenawell - Spaniel (American Cocker). What a confident showman this 10 mths D is. Loved his outline, masculine head, good dome to skull with dark round eyes. Good length of neck into well made forequarters with well laid shoulders, straight front with good bone and feet. Slight slope to topline to a well angled rear. Moved with purpose and drive. BAVNSC, BP and Puppy Group 2
2nd Porter-Manning & Porter’s Walleroo Duncan Disorderly - Hungarian Vizsla. 10mths and another lovely youngster. Good outline, masculine head of good breadth but not overdone. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders, good bone and feet. Level back over deep chest to moderate rear angles. Moved well

Junior (1,0)
1st Searles’ Cravessa’a Bottoms Up – Spanish Water Dog. Just 12 months this brown & white D is of good size and shape with a pleasing head of correct shape and proportions. Well made forequarters with well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Deep chest, well sprung ribs under a level topline through to a moderately angled rear. True mover with drive. RBAVNSC
2nd Jennings’ Wallaroo Romeo - Weimaraner. 15mth D. Had more confidence today that when I last judged him. Liked his outline, good head shape & proportions. Enough length of neck into well made forequarters, straight front. Deep chest through to a strong loin and a well angulated rear. Moved best once settled.

Post Graduate (8,0)
1st Porter-Manning & Porter’s Walleroo Kinki Bootz – Weimaraner. 15mth and litter brother to 2nd. Well proportioned masculine head into a good length of clean neck and very well made forequarters with lovely forechest, good bone and feet. Level topline to a moderate rear. Moved with drive and attitude.
2nd Jennings’ Wallaroo Romeo - Weimaraner.
3rd Edlin’s Graygees Tsarine - GSP

Open (5,0)
1st Williamsons’ Bluesprings Picture This JW – Irish Setter. 5yr D, loved his outline. Long lean head of correct proportions with dark eyes. good length of neck to well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm. Deep ribs & a muscular loin under a gently sloping topline. Correct angles behind with a good turn of stifle. Moved with drive.
2nd Searles’ Adormidera Apache Rose at Cravessa – Spanish Water Dog. 3yr B. Correctly proportioned head, short neck to well made forequarters although I would like a little more forechest. Good spring and depth of rib through to good rear angles and moved with purpose. .
3rd Wallington’s Multi Ch Micael Blue Diamond Among Ohanava – Hungarian Vizsla

AV Imported Breed Register Gundog

Open (1,0)
1st Kent, Byrne and Barclay’s Bryanelly Woody among Nizzana - Portuguese Pointer. What a lovely 5yr D. Super outline, clean and well muscled. Loved his head, broad skull and good proportions. Lovely length of neck into super forequarters with well laid shoulders and good forechest. Good bone and neat feet. Deep chest through to a moderate rear. One of the best movers, true and precise with drive. In Shortlist for the group. BAVNSC, BP and Puppy Group 2


Puppy (2,0)
8mth litter sisters, both very nice although a little different.
1st Wynne-Evans’ Droveborough Frost Queen. O/W. Preferred her flowing outline and head. Classic head shape with dark hazel eyes and well made forequarters. Lovely bone and feet. Deep chest to a muscular loin and a nicely angulated rear. Moved really well with drive. RBOB, BP & Puppy Group 4

2nd Wynne-Evans’ Droveborough Snow Queen. B/W. Another lovely youngster. Finer than her sister all through with a pretty feminine head. The same well made forequarters and deep chest. Moved well

Junior (2,1)
1st Roberts’ Kananaskis Hudson. 18 months the day after the show. Masculine dog, broad through skull with good proportions to head and nice dark eyes. Lovely forequarters with well laid shoulders, good return of upper arm and good forechest. Deep chest to elbow under a level back. Good rear angles and well muscled. Steady, true mover with drive.

Post Graduate (5,2)
Interesting class with 3 nice but different bitches.
1st Perren’s Evaluna Chasing Rainbows with Hookwood JW. 2yr B. Preferred her overall shape and proportions. Classic head of good shape, good length of neck to well laid shoulders. Deep through brisket to very good rear angles. Best mover, driving and true.
2nd Wynne-Evans’ Droveborough Royal Flush. 2yr Liver & White B. Built on different lines but with a lovely head. Super forequarters with well laid shoulders and good forechest, good bone and neat feet. I would like a bit more rear angulation. Moved well.
3rd Kennedy’s Droveborough Enid Blyton.

Open (3,1)
1st Smith’s Lypal Well I Never. 4yr Orange & White D. What a lovely D. Liked his flowing outline, masculine but refined. Loved his head shape and dark amber eyes, clean neck into very well made forequarters with well laid shoulders, return of upper arm and a little forechest. Good depth and spring of rib. Slight slope to topline to a muscular rear with good angles. Super mover, true with drive and reach. BOB & Gundog Group 1
2nd Ottway’s Caithpoint Paloma Faith at Castlebank. 6yr Black & White, feminine B with a nice outline. Pleasing head shape, hazel eyes. Good length of neck to well laid shoulders but I would like a little more forechest. Good depth to rib and straight topline. Would benefit from more rear angulation. Steady mover.

Spaniel (Cocker)

Junior (5,2)
1st Clarke’s Harbethol Look Magical Tyme. 13mth Blue Roan D. Loved his outline, masculine head of good shape and nice dark eyes. good length of neck to super forequarters with well laid shoulders, good bone and feet. Well sprung ribs to a short loin and a correctly angulated rear with moderate turn of stifle. Moved with drive. RBOB
2nd Hutton-Baber’s Esqueen I’m Iconic at Babtonkelpie (Imp Pol). 14mth Black & White B. Good shape to head but a little strong for me. Very well made forequarters with well laid shoulders. Deep well sprung ribs to a moderate rear and a lovely level topline. Moved well with drive.
3rd Warrington’s Zakova Wise Guy. 7mth baby. Lovely youngster with pleasing head and nice dark eyes. Well made with well laid shoulders and developing forechest. Level top line over deep well sprung ribs to good rear angles. Moved well once settled. BP

Post Graduate (7,4)
1st Clarke’s Harbethol Look Magical Tyme. 1st junior
2nd Hutton-Baber’s Esqueen Following Star at Babtonkelpie (Imp Pol) JW. 25mth Blue Roan B. Lovely shape and outline. Feminine through head with dark eyes. Well laid shoulders with good bone and feet but would like a little more forechest. Level back over deep well sprung ribs through to good rear angles and correct tailset and carriage. Moved with drive.
3rd Stevens’ Honestly George.

Open (4,1)
Super class
1st Clifford’s Wyncastle’s French Quarter Smash with Chamford HJCH ShCEx (Imp Hun). 3yr Blue Roan. Super D of lovely size and shape. Masculine yet refined head of good shape with dark eyes and well set ears. Super forequarters with well laid shoulders, return of upper arm and good forechest. Good bone and feet. Level topline over deep well sprung ribs, short strong loin to a well angled rear. Moves with reach, drive and style. BOB and Group 3
2nd Warrington’s Zakova Miss Scarlet. 3yr Golden B. Longer through body than 1. Lovely head and expression with dark eyes. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders, good bone and feet. Level topline, good spring of rib with good depth. Muscular rear and moved with reach and drive.
3rd Bavin & Austin’s Rojoys Chase The Dream JW ShCM VW.

Spaniel (English Springer)

Puppy (4,3)

1st Weyman’s More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster at Spuffing. 6mth Tri D. Oh my, what a gorgeous baby. Lovely overall shape with super head shape and proportions. Good length of neck to very well made forequarters with well laid shoulders and good forechest. Super bone and tidy feet. Deep chest under a level topline through to a well angled rear. Such a super mover, so precise with reach and drive. Really took my eye and is surely one to watch. BOB, BP & Puppy Group 3.

Post Graduate (4,0)
Lovely Class
1st Dunsdon’s Seaspring Winds Of Change. 2yr Tri B. Love her for type, super head and so well made. Well laid shoulders, good return of upper arm and super forechest. Level topline over deep ribs. Well muscled rear. On the move she is true with lovely reach and drive. RBOB
2nd Weyman’s Spuffing Prosecco. 2yr Liver and white. Another very nice B with lovely head and neck. Well laid shoulder but not the forechest of the winner. Well sprung ribs of good depth under a level topline. Good rear angles and another good mover.
3rd Proctor’s Petranella Perfick Bliss
Res Strover’s Seaspring Windcatcher at Chipewyan.

Open (4,2)
1st Savell’s Petranella Shenanigan. 2y Liver & White B. Liked her outline and size. Feminine head and expressive dark hazel eyes. Good length of neck to well laid shoulders and good forechest. deep well sprung ribs and level back to correct rear angles and good turn of stifle, Moved true with drive.
2nd Crouch’s Trimere Timeless with Kassan. A more upstanding B. Pleasing head atop a good length of neck and well laid shoulders. Narrow through the front and lacks forechest and depth of brisket. Level topline. Would benefit from more angulation behind. Moved ok.

AV Gundog Veteran (10.6)

1st Bavin & Austin’s Rojoys Chase The Dream JW ShCM VW.- Spaniel (Cocker) Typey 8yr Blue Roan B. Feminine head with dark eyes. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders and good forechest. Level topline over deep well sprung ribs to a well angled rear. On the move she is a joy to watch, true all round with reach and drive.
2nd Dunsdon’s Seaspring Beclaimed – Spaniel (English Springer). 9yr B of good type. Feminine head on a clean neck of good length. Well laid shoulders and good forechest and deep well sprung ribs. Correct rear angles, moved true with drive.
3rd Smith & Hill’s Serendipity Dog Principe James Con Rosgar JW (Imp ESP) - Retriever (Golden)
Res Pett’s Lady In Red De Ambersclan of Rumwood - Retriever (Golden).

Gundog Group

Gp1 Smith’s Lypal Well I Never - Pointer.
Gp2 Dorrell’s Tollisty Moet En Chandon JW – Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling). 2yr D, really liked him for shape, size and personality, a bit of a showman. Correct shaped head, good neck into well made forequarters. Level topline with correct tailset and carriage. Good rear angles. Moved true with drive.
GP3 Clifford’s Wyncastle’s French Quarter Smash with Chamford HJCH ShCEx (Imp Hun) – Spaniel (Cocker).
GP4 Britton’s Graylacier Classic Design – Gordon Setter. 5yr D, one of those dogs who is not flashy and takes your eye but one you have to get hands on to appreciate. Liked his head, good length of neck, well made fore and aft, a solid typey dog.

Gundog Puppy Group

Gp1 Taggart’s Altindan User Friendly – Retriever (Golden). What a stunner. When I saw her come into the group, I thought she was going to really push those I had already judged. And push she did. 8 months and so together. Love her shape and type. Super head, feminine but with required strength and proportions and a soft expression. Excels in forequarters, level topline and super tail set and carriage. On the move she is so tidy, precise in footfall, true and with effortless drive.
Gp2 Weller’s Sabisabi Apache Tonka at Geenawell – Spaniel (American Cocker).
Gp3 Weyman’s More Than Amazing Wanna Be A Gangster at Spuffing – Spaniel (English Springer).
Gp4 Wynne-Evans’ Droveborough’s Snow Queen – Pointer

Judge: Ray McDonald