• Show Date: 26/03/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Peter Matfin Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Consett Canine Society

Consett Canine Society Open Show

Sunday 26th March 2023

Australian Shepherd Open 1.1.

1st. Talard She’s Got The Look. Turnbull/Holligan/Clegram/Douglas. A lovely 2yr old bitch of outstanding qualities, nice head, correct eye and ear set, good reach of neck level topline, deep chest, outstanding angulation, groomed to perfection, the overall picture was a dream, movement was true to the breed standard. It was a pleasure to award BOB and Pastoral Group 1.

Bearded Collie. Post Grad. 9.4.

1st. Talraz Song Of Summer. Jay. 22th old bitch. A nice feminine girl with a good correct head, perfect pigmentation, nice eye and ear set, scissor bite, correct shoulder lay, pasterns flexible without weakness, movement well. BOB, Group 3.

2nd. Talraz. Badge Of Honour. Nolan. As nice as the 1st placing, also the litter brother, again this one was a quality male, as his sister, these two I will watch with interest, both I think will have a good future.

3rd. Matamata Lorien Lady At Talraz. Jay.

Bearded Collie. Open. 3.1.

1st. Talraz Gift Of Gold. Jay. A nice 6 yr old bitch, typical of the standard, correct head, everything as it should be, good reach of neck, level topline, neck angulation, correct tail set. in good condition.

Border Collie. Post Grad. 2.0.

1st. Sevnine Diamonds To Cullain. Fisher. A 3yr old dog with a very pleasing outline in good proportion, a good head, good pigmentation, well set eyes and ears, scissor bite, good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, front legs, parallel viewed from the front, very nice throughout, moved well. BOB.

2nd. Locheil Love Found. Alexander/Turner/McDonald. A lovely 9mth old puppy bitch, very sweet, she had a nice feminine head, all as it should be, a little nervous at first, but that changed when she got used to me going over her, good topline, nice angulation, moved ok, a one to watch BP. A worthy winner of Pastoral Puppy Group 1.

Border Collie Open. 3.0.

1st. Sevnine Diamonds To Cullain. Fisher. As Before

2nd. Dalguise Justify My Love. Strathmore/Walker/Alcorn. A 5yr old bitch, with a good alert and keen expression, correct eye and ear set, good pigmentation, scissor bite, slightly arched neck, good shoulder set, all as it should be, moved well.

3rd.Locheil Dream Come True. Alexander/Turner/McDonald.

Rough Collie Limit. 2.0.

1st. Peblu Gold Reflection At Savataurus. Savage. A 5 yr old dog with a nice head in good proportion to the size of the dog which is of great importants when viewing this breed, showing the bluntness of the skull, good pigment, nice length of neck, good topline, nicely bent stifles, hocks well let down, moved well. BOB

2nd. Wicani The Peace Maker. Gibson. A nice young dog, nice head, good pigmentation, pleasing outline throughout, move well.

Rough Collie Open 1.0.

Caronlea Celtic Traveller With Fivannte. Donaldson. A 3yr old dog, a bit nervous but never the less, he had a typical head for the breed, everything were it should be, a sound dog, movement was true to the breed standard.

German Shepherd Dog. Open 2.0

1st. Casiann Ate. Cave. A two yr old bitch, she had the ideal characteristics of the breed, correct head, reach of neck, and length of body, almond eyes, black pigmentation, hindquarters strong, toes closed and arched, correct length. Moved well. BOB.

2nd. Readepter Spirit Rambler. Stephenson. A 4yr old dog, nice head, correct pigmentation, good reach of neck, nice outline throughout, need a little bodying up, never the less moved well.

Old English Sheepdogs. Open 5.2.

1st. Ambleoak Northern Star At Aljoh. Sutherland. A 2yr old bitch, a lovely strong square girl very sound, she had a lovely typical breed head, dark eyes, small ears carried flat to the side of her head, well arched neck, short compact body, plenty heart and lung room, pleasing picture, moved well.

2nd.Mellowdee Paws In Thyme In Dominoesdale JW. Laybourne/Johnson. Nice dog with a lovely male head, correct eye and ear set, foreleg straight with plenty bone, well sprung rigs, deep brisket, moved well.

3rd. Mellowdee Moriarty With Lexalby SHcM. Ferguson.

Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Post Grad. 2.1.

1st. Lisjovia Hanky Panky. Holmes. A lovely 22mth old confident bitch, who is going places, full elegance of nice size, correct eye and ear set, perfect pigmentation, scissor bite, good reach of neck, well-muscled throughout, moved lovely.

Pyrenean Mountain Dog Open. 4.2.

1st. CH. Lisjovia Estevez JW SHcM SHcEx. Holmes. 6yr old dog, well balanced throughout, correct head, good eye and ear set, good pigmentation, strong reach of neck, level topline, plenty heart and lung room, slightly sloping rump, well-muscled quarters, moved perfect.

2nd. Lisjovia Sign Of The Times. Holmes. 2yr old dog, again outstanding and typical of the breed, again it doesn’t surprise me of this kennels, always good quality. Moved well.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Open 2.0.

1st.Saniaquinto Fly By Magic At Jacqueilas. Reay. A nice 3yr old male, nice and sturdy built, very alert, a nice foxy head, correct slightly rounded ears, good eye set, long nice, deep board chest, good length of body, well angulated, moved well. BOB.

2nd. Coquetmoss Princess Leia. Alexander. A nice young bitch typical of the breed, correct eye and ear set, nice reach of neck, everything as it should be, moved well.

AVNSC Puppy. 1.0.

1st. Fostebrie Special Edition. Foster. (Briard) what a lovely 10mth old bitch, very lively typical of the breed, slightly rounded skull, square muzzle, and intelligent expression, correct eye and ear set, scissor bite, good length of neck pleasing picture throughout, move well, Best AVNSC Puppy, Puppy Group 3.

AVNSC Open. 4.0.

1st. Stormymoon Odin. Curran (Briard) a 4 yr old male Briard, he had the typical head, with the large nose and square, dark eayes, black pigmentation, scissor bite, good length of neck, well laid shoulders, well angulated, nice topline, in good coat, moved well, Best AVNSC, Group 4.

2nd. Hawksflight Paparazzi At Domburg. Bird/Caden. (BSD,Groenendael) a 4yr old dog, medium size, in good proportion, his head finely chiselled, good eye set, correct pigmentation, well-muscled neck, good angulation, well balanced throughout, moved well.

3rd. Ch/IrCH Revloch Love Me Do (IKC) JW. Donaldson.

AV. Pastoral Puppy. 2.1.

1st Shellamoyed Midnight Max At Savataurus. Savage. (Shetland Sheepdog) a lovely 11mth old dog, Correct head, lovely eye and ear set, nice length of neck, everything in good proportion, moved well, a one to watch in the future.

AV Pastoral Post Grad. 3.1.

1st Casiann Ate. (GSD)

AV Pastoral open. 7.2.

1st. Willowthorn Kobalt

AV Pastoral Open 7.2.

1st. Willowthorn Kobalt Star By Savatayrus JW, Savage. (Shetland Sheepdog) a 6 yr old dog, he had a refined and elegant head, almond shaped eyes, small, ears with the tips turned over, good reach of neck, neck laid shoulders, deep chest, good angulation, moved well.

2nd, Domburg on My Mind. Arkley. (BSD, Tervueren) a 3yr old male, typical of the breed, nice head, good reach of neck, everything as it should be, moved well,

3rd. Saniaquinto Fly By Magic At Jacqueilas. Reay. Corgi (pembrooke)

AV Pastoral Veteran. 7.1.

1st. Talraz Nuts In May. Nolan. (Bearded Collie) an 8 yr old dog, outstanding at 8 yr old, he had a lovely head, correct eye and ear set, good reach of neck going onto well laid shoulders, nice topline, correct angulation, moved gracefully around the ring. Best Pastoral Veteran.

2nd. Ch/IrCH Revloch Love Me Do (IKC) JW. Donaldson. (BSD)(Groenenael) lovely BSD of 7 yrs, this bitch doesn’t look her age, correct head, good length of neck, nice throughout, move well.

Peter Matfin (Ashlantie)