• Show Date: 19/03/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Penny Roberts Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/08/2024

Herts & Essex Border Canine Society

Herts & Essex Border CS Open Show – 19th March 2023

Pastoral Group + AV Working

AVNSC Pastoral

Puppy (1,1)

Special Yearling (2)

1. Fowler & Mancey’s Toptune Take A Chance On Me (Belgian Shepherd Dog, Groenendael). Very attractive young female with a lovely fine-chiselled head of good length, lovely alert expression. Nice overall square proportions and in good coat. Elegant and brisk on the move.

2. Hudson’s Mournebrake Archangel (Hungarian Puli). 14 month grey coat coming in nicely. Nicely balanced youngster with a lot of bounce! Moved out nicely when settled.

Limit (2,1)

1. Fowler & Mancey’s Toptune Angeleyes (Belgian Shepherd Dog, Groenendael). 21 mo bitch of good type. Very feminine head of correct proportions and good lively expression. Liked her moderate, balanced angulation and correct body shape with good depth of chest. Moved out well once warmed up – neat and brisk. BAVNSC.

Open (2,1)

1. Hudson’s Weetoneon Jive Bunney (Imp FRA) (Hungarian Puli). Really liked this 9yo male who was shown in good order. Good head and expression, sufficient neck, and correct proportions and well constructed. Coat of quality with good cords. Moved well. RBAVNSC.

AV Pastoral Veteran (9,1) This was a lovely class of really quality, fit and competitive veterans.

1. Treasure’s Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW. (Finnish Lapphund). Coming up to 11 yo but not showing it in her demeanour. Lovely head and expression, correct for overall balance, correct angulation and good bone and feet. In super condition and so very sound on the move. BAV Pastoral Veteran and Group 2. Very pleased to see her go on to take BVIS.

2. Tansley’s Bilyara Ice Maiden (Border Collie). 10.5 years and a lovely, typical border collie. Good for overall balance, lovely in body, very fit. Super on the move with that great collie momentum – all forward, steady and alert.

3. Benton’s Ch Brooklynson Jane Russell of Oakestelle (Rough Collie).

4. Hudson’s Weetoneon Jive Bunney (Imp FRA) (Hungarian Puli).

5. Hoare’s Briggsview Opalesque (Shetland Sheepdog).

Collie (Rough)

Special Yearling (5,1)

1. Corben & Davis’ Wisewyn Lustosa Design (Imp PRT) NAF/TAF. Nicely balanced sable puppy with very pretty head, correct eye shape. Really had it together and moved well. BPIB

2. May’s Maqueeba Magical Kisses. My notes say ‘close up to 1’ – another very pretty, well balanced puppy in fine coat which was well presented. Good front. Sound on the move.

3. Noble’s Beldones Hugo Lloris for Tonova.

4. May’s Maqueeba Magical Blessing.

Limit (4,3)

1. Collino, Harvey & Harvey’s Wicani Invoking Spirit. Handsome 4 yo sable male. Good wedge-shaped head with correct proportions. Overall presented a balanced outline. His coat was well presented with good harsh texture to top coat. Moved soundly but would have liked more drive. RBOB.

Open (4,2)

1. Benton’s Ch Brooklynson Jane Russell of Oakestelle. Lovely 8 yo bitch. Attractive head, with such an intelligent expression. So well-constructed and fit. In good coat. Correct for bone and good feet. Very sound on the move. BOB

2. May’s Camanna Careerchangeing for Maqueeba. Handsome sable male with good head with lovely eye shape. In super coat and condition. Liked his bone and feet. Sound but not as fluid on the move as 1.

Collie (Smooth)

Special Yearling (0)

Limit (3,1)

1. Benton’s Brackenhaye Queen Of Hearts of Oakestelle. Lovely tricolour bitch of such good type. Correct in head with lovely expression. Well-marked, harsh coat in great condition. Loved her angulation front and rear. Very sound, her movement unfussy and effortless. BOB.

2. Corben & Moore’s Stormsett Shadow Dancer via Caprioara. Masculine dog, heavier all through. Not as balanced in outline as 1 and this showed on the move.

Open (1)

1. Benton’s Ch Oakestelle Venus De Milo VW ShCEx. Good merle who was well placed in the Veteran class. Full of breed type and very sound. A worthy champion, but today had to give way to the Limit winner. Well deserving of RBOB.

Estrella Mountain Dog

Special Yearling (0)

Open (1)

1. Mckinlay’s T’Safira Do Cabeco Do Seixo (Imp PTR). Beautiful 3 yo bitch. Very feminine – but showing strength and power. Powerful head and lovely body, short coupled and well-muscled. Strong bone and good oval feet. Beautiful rich colour and well shaded coat of good texture. Very sound on the move and flowed around the ring. BOB.

Hungarian Pumi - a delight to judge this breed for the first time today. Thank you to the exhibitor for bringing her dogs for me to go over.

Special Yearling (1)

1. Johns’ Breezelyn Ears A Breakthrou for Alepenkye. Very attractive junior. Feminine with correct long, narrow head and good ear placement and tipped. Lovely square outline, good tail set and lovely dense ‘shaggy’ coat. Bright and happy girl who moved out so soundly. Really liked her. BOB.

Open (1)

1. Johns’ Breezelyn Ears A Top Tip at Alepenkye. 3yo bitch, and I see from the catalogue, half-sister to the other exhibit and you can see many similarities. Not quite as square in outline, but good head shape and correct for bone and feet and lovely jacket. Another sound mover and nice female – just preferred the overall balance of the youngster. RBOB.

Shetland Sheepdog – a nice entry with only two absentees. Thank you.

Puppy (0)

Special Yearling (1)

1. Ingram’s Mosardi Don’t Stop. Very attractive 14mo male. Merle with lovely coat and rich tan trim which was very well presented. Lovely head with correct eye, well placed ears. Correct bite. Made a very pleasing outline and moved out soundly.

Limit (7,1)

1. Ingram’s Mosardi Forget Not. 3yo merle whose nickname, I learnt, was Pudding – which seemed very unfair! I liked her eye and ear set. Good overall outline and a very nice front assembly. Won this class on that front and her sound movement.

2. Hull’s Mohnesee Queen of Diamonds of Lizmark. 5 yo bitch, another attractive merle. Scored in head properties. Liked her balanced outline. Shown in good coat. Lovely bone and feet. She was a little ‘lazy’ on the stack, looking lovely when alert and moved soundly.

3. Rutterford’s Kelgrove Midsummer Blue at Stormhead

4. Hoare’s Sabema Pina Colada

5. Taylor & Yuille’s Shelridge Toastmaster at Chelmermead

Open (5,1)

1. Hull’s Mohnesee’s Dream Date of Lizmark JW. Lovely 5yo sable male in beautiful coat which was so well presented. Under the coat I really liked his overall construction and proportions. Very handsome, correct head. Neat for bone and good feet. One the move he was very good to watch. BOB.

2. Colman-Smith’s Kyleburn Sibylla at Shelridge. 6yo sable bitch with very feminine head, lovely expression and very good overall outline and balance. In good coat and looked a picture on the stand and was sound on the move. RBOB.

3. Rutterford’s Kelgrove Midsummer Blue at Stormhead

4. Hoare’s Briggsview Opalesque

Swedish Vallhund

Special Yearling (1)

1. Amon’s Pepperthyme Wild Fire. Loved this 7mo pup – she was an absolute star! Super head with good eye shape and colour and lovely ears. Good for neck and, although just a baby, has excellent balance and proportions and moved out so very soundly. Very happy showgirl. BOB, BPIB. Group 3 and Puppy Group 2.

Limit (0)

Open (2,1)

1. Amon’s Pepperthyme A Star Is Born. 3 yo bitch. Another quality exhibit – and I learnt the two exhibits are half-sisters. Shares many of the positive attributes of the puppy, with lovely proportions, nice length of leg and good bone and feet. Very sound on the move. Just preferred the slightly darker eye of the youngster. RBOB.

Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

Special Yearling (0)

Open (2,1)

1. Frosdick’s Mistycor Apollo Back To Black for Kalwig (imp RUS). Really nice 4 yo brindle male Cardigan. Handsome head, lovely large ears, well set and carried. Sturdy and well built – with the most super front. Good length of body and rib with strength in the loin; well set and carried tail. Lovely harsh coat. Moved out well. Group 4.

Pastoral Group

1. Potterdale Heritage (Bearded Collie)

2. Treasure’s Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW (Finnish Lapphund)

3. Amon’s Pepperthyme Wild Fire (Swedish Vallhund)

4. Frosdick’s Mistycor Apollo Back To Black for Kalwig (Welsh Corgi – Cardigan (imp RUS))

Pastoral Puppy Group

1. Elliott, Brown & Godfrey’s Sezanne Afire Love (Belgian Shepherd Dog – Tervueren)

2. Amon’s Pepperthyme Wild Fire (Swedish Vallhund)

3. Treasure’s Pavoskas Galaksitti (Finnish Lapphund)

4. Mann’s Dixierose Thatz Ma Girl (Samoyed)

AV Working

Puppy (8,3)

1. Peck & Ames’ Winuwuk Line Of Duty for Enesha (Boxer). Very attractive brindle pup, developing well. Scored here on his lovely head, good overall proportions and beautiful condition. On top of that he moved out very well.

2. Crooks’ Alfross Tulabo Abeyscir (Leonberger). Another quality puppy with good head and the typical Leo puppy ears of fluff which are so attractive. Strong in body and bone presenting balanced outline and moved very well.

3. Cook’s Lobeaubox Lena Marelli (Boxer)

4. Wells’ Labanc-Volgyi Happy Feet Two TAF (Bernese Mountain Dog)

5. McPhail’s Anchorbrook Angel In Black (Newfoundland)

Special Yearling (6,5)

1. Drakeford’s Mississippi-Missouri Walking My Angel (Newfoundland). 14 mo youngster and another pleasing head and soft expression. Developing well in body and substance. Good bone and correct feet. Moved out soundly.

Limit (2,2)

Open (4,3)

1. Johns’ Azgard Kastella for Alepenkye (Siberian Husky). 3yo black and white bitch of very nice type. Loved her head and correct ears. Nice body proportions with sufficient angulation front and rear. Double coat of good texture and this girl was shown in lovely fit condition. Very nice on the move – light on her feet. Nothing exaggerated. Liked her a lot.