• Show Date: 02/01/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Paula Hill Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/01/2024

Worcester & Malvern Canine Society




English Setter Post Graduate

1 Loakes' GOLDBIRCH HEARTS DESIRE JW 19 month bitch who presented a clean outline, kind eye head well proportion, deep through chest, good forehand assembly, strong muscular neck of good length, flowing into nicely laid shoulders, moved well with an easy stride, presented in good condition and coat but wouldn't want any heavier. BOB

2 Wilkinsons' PHENSET FIRESTORM 2.5 year old male, shorter coupled than winner and not as positive on move, masculine head with a kind expression, neck of OK length, balanced front and rear, moved well from well muscled rear. RBOB

English Setter Open

1 Lawson's WANSLEY DORIAM GRAY JW 4 year old male, mature in body, masculine head with good depth to muzzle, correct ear set, head carried on muscular neck, dee through chest, nice feet, presented in hard condition and well coated. Moved steadily with drive.

GSP Junior

What a super class of puppies, I really was spoilt and am sure placings will change during their showing career.

1 11.5 month dog, well up to size, lovely head which was balanced, strong muscular neck, nice forehand construction, good feet, strong topline which was held on the move, nice muscled rear end used well to move around the ring. BPIB

2 Bunker's WINTERWELL LITTLE ITCH bitch of good size, pretty head, OK front, good feet, well bent stifle, still needs to develop rear but will come with maturity

3 I really liked this young man, for his overall balanced outline, what a promising future he must have, his movement was a joy to watch, just needs to tighten in topline which spoilt his outline on the move.

GSP Post Graduate

1 Very feminine bitch, small and compact but presented a clean outline, would prefer a bit more length to her neck, lovely front, good depth chest for age, well bodied without being over done,moved out well. RBOB

GSP Open

1 Dymond's SH CH QUINTANA DIAMOND DUST AT FRIARSBELLE JW 19 month male who showed so well, he has a balanced outline, kind masculine head with good pigment, ears set on, strong muscular neck flowing into well laid shoulders, excellent forehand construction, deep through chest, strong over lion, well muscled rear which he used to show good coverage as he moved around the ring. BOB

2 3 year old male, who pushed winner hard, liked his head and the way he held himself on the move, good strong over loin neat feet, well muscled hind quarters, moved with drive.

Gordon Setter Open

1 Ashley-Turners' HERNWOOD THE BOTANIST well up to size male, presented in a coat of good length and quality. His head is masculine without being over done, deep through muzzle, strong neck into good shoulder assembly. Deep through chest, good muscled rear, moved well. BOB

2 Sandiford's HERNWOOD CHRISTMAS EVE smaller bitch who was not in her best clothes, feminine head with gentle expression, OK length to neck, OK front, would prefer neater feet, moved well once she got into her stride.

Hungarian Vizsla Junior

1 Miles' GLENBOWS CARBON COPY lots to like about this 7 month old boy, nicely made all through, good balance to head and gentle expression, neck flows into well laid shoulders, with a good return of upper arm, good depth to chest for age, neat feet, comes alive on the move with excellent footfall, moved true fore and after and very good ground coverage, muscle tone was good for his age. BPIB & RBOB

2 Wall's PERLLANSIDE FLY THE FLAG Smaller than winner, 6 month old pretty bitch, another who is well made, good length to neck, good front, good straight forelegs and nice feet, not quite the bend of stifle as winner, she moves well with a good stride.


Hungarian Vizsla Post Graduate

1 Wall's PERLLANSIDE STREET PARTY 6 month puppy dog, lots to like and another who should have a bright future, he has a balanced outline for age, lovely front with good shoulder placements. Kind gentle head with a soft expression, moved well, just not as together as the Junior winner for BP

Hungarian Vizsla Open

1 Ward's DANTON OBESSION WITH TANTARAVIZ 3 year old bitch, of pleasing size and balance, good reach of neck, strong and muscular flowing into well made shoulders. She has a very appealing expression with good eye shape, lovely tight feet, she stands on straight legs, good depth of chest with spring of rib, she was presented in good muscular condition which enabled her to move around the ring with ease. BOB

2 Porter-Manning & Porter's WALLAROO HAWK EYE JW 4.5 year old male, who appealed for size, I preferred his movement over the 3rd place but he didn't match the class winner. Very masculine in appearance, strong kind head, strong over loins, short coupled, another who was shown in good coat and condition.


Nova Scotia Duck Toller Retriever Puppy

1 Kindel, Anstead Kindel's EUSAINT PRIDE AND JOY lovely class of puppies which was won by a 6 month old bitch, standing 4 square for her age, very attentive to her handler who got the best out of her, she has a lovely outline, pleasing head an lovely pigment, carried on a neck of good length, good forehand construction, lovely feet, good bend f stifle with good muscle tone for her age, she moved very well, once she got settled into her stride BPIB

2 Westwood's EUSAINT ORCHARD THIEVES another promising puppy, very happy and confident for her tender age of 6 months, presented a good balanced outline, I did prefer her head shape over winner, good front, still lots of development to be done, another who moves well for her age.


Nova Scotia Duck Toller Retriever Junior

1 Strevens' TOLLISTY YOU CAN'T DECLINE 16 month boy, loved his masculine head good ear set, lovely pigment, he has good length of upper arm and a nice layback of shoulders, deep through ribs, with elbows close fitting, strong in topline which he held on the move with good tail carriage, another who makes good use of the ring with his effortless movement, in good coat and presented well. RBOB

2 Trickett's CFYRE'S HIGH TEA AT TOLLPEPPER (IMP CAN) 12 month bitch who pushed winner hard, very feminine head, good balance to outline, not in her best of coats but she hides nothing, when she moved, she moved with good drive and an easy stride around the ring.


Nova Scotia Duck Toller Retriever Post Graduate

1 Bate-Ash's EUSAINT HIT THR LIGHTS I liked this boy for his overall appearance and attentiveness to his handler, masculine all through without being overdone in anyway, coat of good quality and texture, in very hard muscular condition, he moved at one with his handler although I would prefer a lower tail carriage.

2 Dorrell's TOLLISTY MOET EN CHANDON JW pleasing outline, masculine in head, kind expression, he has an OK front, deep chest and OK feet, moved OK when settled, with good tail carriage


Nova Scotia Duck Toller Retriever Open

What a super class and I really was spoilt for choice and had a hard decision to make.

1 Strevens' SH CH TOLLEKIN CAIFE GAELACH AT TOLLISTY I really liked this girl, as she appealed to me for her overall balance and b reed type, lower end of the standard, but everything in the right place, excellent length of upper arm with good shoulder placement, legs placed well under body, straight forelegs with neat feet, deep in chest and carrying the correct amount of weight, shown in hard muscular condition all over, she comes alive on the move, true fore and after and good side gate, coat of good texture and condition. BOB

2 Elkin's CH TOLLELKIN CAIFE AMERICANO SGWC well up to size male, who really pushed the winner hard, I just preferred the overall size and balance of the bitch, he is so masculine, has a super masculine head with good pigment, ears set on well, carried on a strong muscular neck leading into super shoulders, ribs well sprung with good coverage, strong muscular condition over loin, excellent bend to stifle, when he moved, he moved with correct footfall and with ease around the ring.


Cocker Spaniel Puppy

Sadly some adults and puppies were very unsettled so this was reflected in my placings today

1 Clifford's TOMARISROAN SHINING STAR OF CHAMFORD 9 month blue roan bitch, good outline, lovely type, has a very pleasing head with ears set low, kind eye, excels in front construction for age, straight forelegs, cat like feet, carrying just the correct amount of weight, moved with a good stride and drive, happily around the ring, coat coming in and well presented BPIB

2 Hutton-Baber ESQUEEN I'M ICONIC AT BABTONKELPIE (IMP POL) 6 month black and white bitch who is very eye catching, such a striking head for his age, wide nostrils, with good eye shape and ears set, another who has good shoulders leading into sturdy body for age, level topline with tail set on, moved very well with a good ground coverage, just not as settled as winner.


Cocker Spaniel Junior

1 Bayliss' SHIREPARK SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BY WILANORAH blue roan dog, who is well up to size, masculine head with dark eye and eyes of good length, excellent forehand with good depth to chest, legs straight, good feet, neck of length which flows well into his topline, strong over loin, good condition with a good second thigh, moved well with a good length of stride, coat of correct texture and well presented. RBOB

2 Tavernor's CASSOM BLUE MUSE AT REGALTAV ultra feminine girl, who pushed the winner hard but just didn't have his confidence on the move, I liked her overall shape and balance, good depth of chest, nice topline, moved well once settled.


Cocker Spaniel Post Graduate

1 Brotherwell's WISSANT DEAR DARLIN blue roan bitch, very feminine and pretty head, with the kindest of eyes,, ears set low with a good length excellent pigment, lovely strong neck which flowed nicely into a good level topline, she is deep through chest, straight legs and good tight feet, lovely bend of stifle, carrying correct amount of weight, she moved out well with good drive and a happy disposition, coat presented in good condition. BOB

2 Pearce's KENWAD BLACK GROUSE AT MISKA JW all black masculine male, with a gentle head and expressive dark eyes, he has a good depth to muzzle, clean muscular neck, flowing into good shoulders, very deep chest with good spring of rib, tight catlike feet, he was shown in hard condition compared to some, movement was true fore and after, coat of good quality.


Cocker Spaniel Open

1 Clifford's WYNCASTLE'S FRENCH QUARTER SMASH WITH CHAMFORD HJCH ShCEx blue roan dog who has a lovely head of good proportions, dark pigment with eyes to match, excellent front, with good straight forelegs, I would prefer tighter feet, deep chested with good spring of rib, level topline with good tailset, moved well around the ring.

2 Jarman's ACQUELIN DOUBLE FARA FLARE blue roan dog who is shorter coupled than winner, super shoulders and good fore chest, deep chested with close fitting elbows, ears set low and of good length, neat feet, strong in topline and over loin, showed good driving action from rear.