• Show Date: 13/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Paul Routledge Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Redditch & District Canine Society

Redditch & District Canine Society – Saturday 13th May 2023

I must firstly thank the officers and committee for the lovely invite and to have the honour to judge Best in Show plus their stake’s classes. I was privileged to have some wonderful exhibits sent through to me by the respective group judges. I would also like to thank my two stewards Siobhan and Karen for a sterling effort keeping the classes moving and made my life much easier with the judging task in hand. This show truly supports the breeds from the Import Register and also the Non-CC breeds with some fantastic entries across the various groups which was really good to see.

Best in Show, I selected the winner of the Gundog Group which was the English Springer Spaniel, Daenerys Blood Of The Dragon a 2.5 year old male. He gave an impressive profile on entering the ring and he did not disappoint when going over him. Super impressive head with a dark eye. a wonderful neck carriage, pleasing front with adequate depth of chest and well placed shoulders. Strong body with a super topline and well placed tail. Well-muscled hindquarters with strong second thigh which carried him round the ring with that super flowing movement. In excellent coat and condition, he could not be denied the top award today.

Reserve Best In Show was the winner of the Utility Group which was the Tibetan Spaniel, Ch Bowcara Be My Guest a 4 year old male. Pleasing head proportion, masculine but not overdone. with a suitable muzzle. Correct dentition. Well placed ears which gave an overall super expression. Pleasing front with correct amount of bone and shoulders well laid. Overall he had correct body proportions displaying balance. In super coat right through with satisfactory feathering. He was a joy to watch on the move which was sound and free in all directions.

Best Puppy In Show was the winner of the Terrier Puppy Group which was the Jack Russell Terrier. Kaszavolgyi-Furge Milton NAF a 7-month-old male. For me one of the stars today even at this tender age. Very smart and flashy. Super head with a strong muzzle, almond shaped eye. Ears well set and placed giving a superb expression. Good front for this age, though chest developing. Well of bone, good body with correct coat and texture and a super topline retained on the move. For a young dog his movement was superb with a free and easy action and drive from the rear. Handled very well.

Reserve Best Puppy In Show was the winner of the Pastoral Puppy Group which was the Bearded Collie, Theres Some About De Chester At Snowmead (Imp Fra) a 8 month old bitch. Full of promise, balanced head with a dark eye. Good front with a adequate length of neck, well laid shoulders, good bone and feet. Correct body length with moderate hindquarters which were well muscled for such a young exhibit. Movement came with a good stride length which was also free and easy. Viewed in profile the topline was retained. Well presented.

Best Veteran In Show was the winner of the AV Pastoral Veteran which was the Hungarian Puli, Ch Callendu Despicable Me At Kashbeluli ShCM, ShCEx VW a 9 year old black male. I can understand why he carries his Ch title. Exquisite head with suitable domed skull, super black pigment. Superbly balanced in front and rear, and in superb body condition, with ribs well sprung. On the move he keeps his shape and topline with the typical Puli driving action and correct reach. He was well deserving of this award today.

Stakes Classes

AV Imported Register Breeds Stakes (12, 6A)

1st Dennis – Shadowshack All Moons (White Swiss Shepherd Dog). 20 month old male, strong masculine head, chiselled with correct muzzle and super expression with a dark eye. Super front with depth of chest and well of bone. Muscular neck, good topline and suitable ribbing Strong topline and good length of rib. Well-muscled hindquarters with strong hocks. Movement was steady and sound with a good gait covering action which was not overdone.

2nd Jeavons – Int/Multi Ch Pic D’Arlee Nelson Avec Bergerpicard (Imp Fra) (Picardy Sheepdog). 5 year old male of medium size. Super head and expression, dark eye and well placed ears. Muscular front with good bone and feet. Strong topline, well ribbed body and good coat texture. Pleasing hindquarters with moderate angulation. Moved soundly around the ring with a good profile and topline retained.

3rd Stanley – Covehithe Steam Boat Willy (Black and Tan Coonhound)

AV Rare Breed Stakes (33, 21A)

1st Stewart – Duckhills Thistledown Dance Of Emmi Over Twybrook (Imp Swe) RL3EX (Kooikerhondje) 6 year old bitch, wonderful head retaining femineity. Well placed ears set correctly given an alert and gentle expression. Adequate length of neck into well placed shoulders. Good bone, lovely body profile. Well-muscled and moderate rear angulation. Good coat and condition with suitable feathering throughout. Movement was free and easy with tail carried correctly.

2nd Howsam – Cotonkiss Wotta A Girl Wants At Jandoes (Coton De Tulear). 20 month old bitch, Good head and expression with a dark eye and super pigment. Good front and topline, with a wonderful tail carriage and correct body proportions. Moved okay, just a little uneasy going away.

3rd Fieldsend – IR Ch Du Domaine Des Dhalbergs At Starwell (Imp Fra)

AV Minor Puppy Stakes (23, 21A)

1st Hough – Secret Agent With Sufayre (Hamiltonstovare). 6 month old male, very rangy and lean at this age but still a lot to like and he is correctly constructed for this to develop and mature. Lovely head proportions with correct muzzle length. Well of bone, straight legs and good padded feet. Good front and overtime the chest will develop. Pleasing topline, with moderate rear angulation. He moved correctly for his age with tail carried well.

2nd Whateley – Lyckalotte Holly At Arkadian (Bolognese). 7 month old bitch. Lovely head with a good dark eye, adequate front with shoulders well placed, correct dentition. Good body proportions. Coat is progressing at this tender age. Movement was okay and sound.

AV Puppy Stakes (17, 13A)

1st Matthews & Adams – Carofel Wings Of Hope (Pointer). 10 month old male, orange and white with correct head proportions and pigment, super length of neck with shoulder placement and front for this young age. Correct body with clean underline. Covered the ground really well with a good length of stride and good rear movement with a super tail carriage.

2nd Dowsett – Simiacanes Sedis Of Tteswood (Affenpinscher). 7 month old male, very good head and correct muzzle. Overall pleasing body proportions. Good neck length and depth of chest. Coat texture could be better and movement was good in all directions.

3rd Philips – Muliebrity Wild Orchid At Summerview (Miniature Pinscher)

Av Junior Stakes (25, 17A)

1st Stewart – Twybrook Sweet Princess (Kooikerhondje). Just over a year old bitch, with the most sweetest head and expression with well placed ears displaying this. Good front and correct lay of shoulder. Good bone and feet. Level topline with good body proportions. Her movement won her this class today which for her age was very sound and precise. Well handled.

2nd Graham – Boloria Wild Spice (Dachshund Wire Haired). 13 month old bitch, Good head with correct length proportions. Good arched neck and developing front but good for the age. Well ribbed in body, with goad coat and texture. Pleasing outline when on the move, but going away was a little untidy in rear movement.

3rd Suggit – Aptrick Buttersky (Affenpinscher)

AV Post Graduate Stakes (18, 13A)

1st Rivers – Ororas French Silk At Merrimak JW (Bearded Collie). 19 month old bitch, another wonderful find from todays exhibits. She displayed such an exquisite head and expression with the darkest of eyes and wonderful pigment. Strong reach of neck and well laid shoulders, super front with adequate depth. Strong topline with good body and ribs. Well-muscled rear angulation which was shown on the move which was totally effortless in all directions. Well presented and handled. She was also the winner of the Open Bitch Stakes and could not be denied.

2nd Watts – Oakmarsh Freedom (Retriever Chesapeake Bay). 4 year old bitch with a pleasing head shape, well placed ears and good pigment. Well-muscled neck, good front with suitable bone. Good for body with well-defined hindquarters. If anything I would prefer a little shorter in the hock. Movement was good with a pleasing length of stride. Well presented.

3rd Suiter – Genetika Rumplestiltskin (Kooikerhondje)

AV Mrs Jane Theron Memorial Open Dog Stakes (21, 16A)

1st Suggit – IR Ch Aptrick Time For Elevenses CW19 (Griffon Bruxellois). 6 year old male, wonderful for breed type. Head was well of proportion, black nose with a good dark eye. Super front with a good depth of chest which was wide. Good neck length with level topline, well sprung ribs and overall correct body proportions. Tail was correctly set and carried well at all times. In wonderful condition and coat which was of a good texture. Movement was also good to watch with a super driving action from the rear.

2nd Guy – Wynele Trooping The Colour (Boston Terrier). 7 year old male, giving a wonderful head and expression. Good front and shoulders, neck well developed and strong. Super topline with pleasing rear angulation. Good feet. Very smart on the move with good overall movement with a lovely profile.

3rd Bryans – Marilouvale Golden Reef (Japanese Shiba Inu)

AV Mrs Margaret Cooke Memorial Open Bitch Stakes (18, 10A)

1st Rivers – Ororas French Silk At Merrimak JW (Bearded Collie). Critique as per AV Post Graduate Stakes.

2nd Stewart – Duckhills Thistledown Dance Of Emmi Over Twybrook (Imp Swe) RL3EX (Kooikerhondje). Critique as per AV Rare Breed Stakes.

3rd Suggit – Aptrick Teacake Time (Griffon Bruxellois)

Judge – Paul McClure (was Routledge)