• Show Date: 01/10/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Paul Richardson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/10/2023

Aberystwyth & District Canine Society

Firstly i would like to thank the officers and committee for their invitation to judge at this show. The atmosphere was great, some quality dogs and some who did not perform on the day possibly due to the Shocking weather. I must also say Thank You to my 2 able stewards who looked after me.



1st. Evans's Cobyco Catch A Falling Star At Annabec. B A pleasing young bitch, She has a nice head, correct dentition, a good length of neck and a tidy front, Well bodied and a good tuck up, Nice top line and nice rear angles, She moves well. BP

GRADUATE 5 & 2ab.

1st. Rose's Silkridge Honor Blackman At Ridanflight B A promising youngster with a bright future, She is balanced, Feminine and graceful. Free from exaggeration, Head of good length, small ears, oval eye with good dentition, A long neck into well placed shoulders, correct depth of brisket and a good tuck up. Nicely arched over her loin, firm thigh and second thigh with a good bend of stifle, A lovely bitch who moves with drive and covers the ground well. BOB.

2nd. Colquhoun's Wolfcastle Dream Easy D. Nice enough head, Slightly arched masculine neck and good shoulders, Well ribbed with enough body and substance throughout, I just preferred the ground coverage of 1 on the move.

3rd. Williams Bodlon Rumour Has It.


1st. Brodie & Owen's Wolfcastle Livin The Dream D. A well balanced male, Masculine, Head of good proportions Good reach of neck and a good lay of shoulders, Some good attributes and a male who stands over plenty of ground, A male who moves well covering plenty of ground.

2nd. Thompson's Bythelad Abracadabra Arwell. D. Attractive head, dark eye with good bite, Tidy in front with good depth, pleasing top line, good tuck up and a firm well angulated rear. Sound on the move.

3rd. Colquhoun's Kidaruka A Mothers Prayer.


1st. Evan's Wolfcastle Hope " N " Glory With Annabec. B. A nice feminine bitch with pleasing lines, Nice in head and of good proportions, Clean long neck, Well placed shoulders, good front and feet, plenty of substance throughout her body, correct angulated rear with well let down hocks and a firm rear, pleasing to watch her move.

2nd. William's Layways Now And Forever Bodlon. Nice enough head with a good top line and good rear angles, Nice depth of body but would prefer firmer rear muscle tone.



1st. B. A very nice youngster, Typy, Head of good proportions, Well off for bone and substance throughout, Good jacket, firm muscle tone and one who moved very well. BP & PG2


1st. Jones's Wyeafon Illusion In Blue. B. Lots to like about this bitch. Beautiful head with good stop, Nice dark eye, small ears and a strong jaw, Her neck is of good length into a good lay of shoulder. Straight in front with ample depth of brisket, body of good length with a good spring of ribs. A well muscled rear with correct angles, A lovely moving bitch who holds her top line. BOB & GP1.


PUPPY 2 & 1ab

1st. Horton-Green's Kirkbyvalley Ruff And Reddy. B. A pretty bitch of decent size. Feminine head, Nice length of neck, Level top line and good tail set. Well ribbed and firm muscle tone. Nice bend of stifle and easily spanned, A good jacket with thick pelt, Moved well. BP & PG3

OPEN DOG $ & 2ab.

1st. D. A pleasing head, Tidy front, Good bone and substance, clean neck and well placed shoulders, firm over the loin with a well muscled rear, moved well both fore and aft. BOB & GP4.

2nd. Greenway's Foxchapel Perfect Day With Foxcourt. D. Typy, Nice male with a head of good proportions, Neck of moderate length into good shoulders, Firm top line with a good underline, A very sound mover who covered the ground well.

OPEN BITCH 5 & 3ab.

1st. Greenway's Foxcourt Amber Spirit Gambler. B Nice bitch, pleasing head, good width of head and short muzzle. easily spanned with good pelt. A level top line and firm loin, She has a firm rear and a bitch who is sound on the move.

2nd. Davies Bryngoch Maggie Maybe Of Foxchapel. B. Another nice bitch, She has a good front, ample depth and substance, correct depth of brisket and well ribbed, a firm top line and a firm rear, moves well both fore and aft.


GRADUATE 2 & 1ab

1st. Protheroe's Crocodile Rock. D. Strongly built youngster with plenty depth and substance, A level top line and good rear muscle, Moved out well. BP, BOB, PG4


OPEN 2 & 1ab.

1st. Mathias's River Spirit Of Dapperdax. D. Pleasing head with a good top line, Well bodied and a good jacket, Good rear, straight in front, Parallel movement both fore and aft. BOB.



1st. Jenkins Twinan Barefoot On The Beach. D. Nice dog to judge, Nice head with good ears, eye and strong jaw. Clean masculine neck, decent topline, easily spanned and in good coat, a well muscled rear and sound mover. BOB



1st. Scanlan's Dringshaw Tranquility Among Pantycelyn. (SBT) B. I was impressed with this R/W Pied Bitch puppy. Sweetest of heads without exaggeration and a head of good proportions', medium sized eye, good ears and dentition. Clean through her neck into well placed shoulders, A good spring of rib with a level topline and firm rear. when settled she is parallel on the move, A quality youngster who i shall watch with interest. Best AVNSC PUPPY & PG1

2nd.Williams Tillbach Apollo (MBT). D Another puppy of quality, Head of good length, Correct shape of eye, egg shaped head with a powerful jaw, Masculine neck into good shoulders, strong front of ample width and good depth, Well off for bone and substance and a good spring of ribs, a cracking rear and a lovely mover, Another i will watch with interest.

3rd. Cole's Rattustrap Soulmate ( Man Terr )


1st. Connor's Caymenstaffs Ebony At Ringablok ( SBT ). Good in front with good depth, nice enough rear and movement, I would prefer a little more head.


1st. Grainger's Black Cullins Catrione ( IMP DEU ) JW. (Skye Terr ) A well balanced bitch of good size, Long and Low, Nice head with good ears and neck. Well bodied and well ribbed, A very sound mover with a good rear. BAVNSC GP3

2nd. Jones & Arnold's Tycadno Tom Foolery (Cairn). D. Typy male, he has a nice head and expression, pleasing body and well ribbed, firm over the loin and nice in profile, A true moving male.



1st, William's Tillbach Apollo (MBT)

2nd. Coles Rattustrap Soulmate. (Man Terr ) A well proportioned head, Tidy front, well bodied good rear angles and well marked. Sound on the move.


1st. Grainger's Black Cullins Catrione ( IMP DEU ) JW. (Skye Terr)

2nd. Harries Manawyddan Beautiful Noise. (SCWT). A pretty dog but unfortunately the handler did not get the best out of the dog today, I feel the noise of the rain on the roof of the building did not help.


GP1. Jones's Wyeafon Illusion In Blue. (Australian) GP2. Norton's Divadell's Charging Bear (Scottish) GP3. Grainger's Black Cullins Catrione ( IMP DEU ) JW. (Skye) GP4. Davies Davies Gwynfe Carreg Glas Of Foxchapel


PG1. Scanlan's Dringshaw Tranquility Among Pantycelyn. (SBT). PG2. Jones's Wyeafon Red Hot Chilli Pepper. PG3. Horton-Green's Kirkbyvalley Ruff And Reddy. PG4. Protheroe's Crocodile Rock



1st. Kitchen's Sevarna Catalonia's Angel. B. A veteran who was balanced, head of good proportions, in good coat and well off for bone, body and substance throughout. Moves with drive. BOB

2nd. Kitchen's Sevarna Delightful Dilys B. Nice enough head and straight in front, However she did not have the body and substance of her kennel mate.


GRADUATE. 3 & 1ab.

1st. Warren's Welshpel Celti Warrior (ATC AY0985734) D. A balanced male, He has a tidy front, nice bone, a good length of neck and well placed shoulders, correct top line and well sprung ribs, enough angulation over his rear quarters with firm muscle, a sound moving male. BOB & GP4

2nd. Carter's FY Coegyn Red Carmellia At Cartezz B. A pretty puppy bitch of a type and progressing nicely, good bone and substance, ample depth, a nice moving youngster who needs time.



1st. Williams Zanianh's Castle. D. A young male of 7 months, First impression. Alert. Nice in head without exaggeration, almond shaped eye with small ears, good reach of neck into a good lay of shoulder, His body is coming along nicely, he has good rear angles and on the move he covered the ground well. BP & BOB. PG2.


1st. Williams Gowdenin Surprise. B. From the same kennel as my previous class winner, Typy, well proportioned, good head, depth with a firm rear, In good coat, In the challenge for best of breed i went for the positive movement of the puppy.



1st. Mathias Serenlas Daggerspell of Dapperdax. D. A wedged shaped head, Nice eye, small ears with a good expression. Neat in front, He has a good reach of neck and well placed sloping shoulders, he has enough depth and substance, firm over his loin and a good bend of stifle, a sound mover both fore and aft. BOB.



1st. Skillings Hawksflight Papa Dont Prech At Dacfolke. Head of good length and medium width, dark eye with good dentition. Moderate reach of neck into a good lay of shoulder, straight in front with good feet, ample depth and ribs well sprung, firm rear muscle tone, a good moving dog both ways. BOB.

2nd. Davies Ambrajai Eternal Dreams. B. A nice enough bitch with some good points, on the day she was a little unsettled on the move. Decent head, eye and expression, neat front, well bodied and moderate rear angulation.



1st. Folkes Evangeline De L'Ambassadeur Des Belges At Dacfolke. (IMP HUG NAF TAF) D. A typy youngster who is balanced, pleasing head and expression. Stands four square, parallel in front, well ribbed, a moderate angulated rear and a sound mover. BP & PG4


1st. Morris's Ch Domburg Cant Say Never To Cairbar. B. A well put together bitch, Pleasing feminine head, medium sized eye and well set ears, she is good for pigmentation. Moderate reach of neck into a good lay of shoulder, she has a good depth of brisket, firm over her loin, her rear is well muscled with good feet and her movement is very sound. BOB.


GRADUATE. 3 & 2ab.

1st. Stephens Chalksville Made Of Magic For Brightmeadow. D. A 7 month's young male who oozes quality. Workmanlike and balanced. A clean cut head of good proportions, Almond shaped dark eye, well set ears with a strong jaw and good teeth. Correct length of neck into good shoulders. Lovely depth of chest with a good front. Firm loin, A well muscled rear with strong thighs which shows when he moves, A very sound mover. BP & PG1.


1st. Stephen's Brightmeadow Who Dares Wins. D. Loved Him. A dog from the top drawer, One of the soundest i have seen. A male full of vim and vigour, Very well constructed, A lovely head, nice eye, medium sized ears, ample reach of neck into well placed shoulders. He has a good front, good depth and plenty of bone and substance, Broad and firm over his loin which continued down his rear quarters, Pasterns vertical without weakness, A super moving male who excels on the move. A pleasure to judge. BOB & GP1. Pleased to see him go on and take BIS. Well Done.



1st. Price and Price's Valltineya Galadriel ( S Val). B. Nice size, pleasing head of wedge shape, flat skull, medium sized eye and correct ears, Good length of neck with a level top line. good for depth, well bodied, a firm rear and sound on the move. BAVNSC Puppy


1st. Ashbourne's Gold Charm White Magic. (IMP UKR) Sam. B. 12 months bitch in super condition. Head of good shape, almond shaped dark eye and correct dentition. A good lay of shoulder and straight in front. Ribs well sprung, firm over her loin, firm thigh and hocks well let down. Moves with drive covering the ground well.

2nd. Treasure's Pavoskas Galasitti ( Fin Lap) D. Well handled dog. Well off for bone and substance throughout, short loin with good tuck up. a well muscled rear and good on the move.

3rd. Treausre's Lapinluman Pilvipouta For Infindigo (IMP SWE)


1st. Leader & Wright's Angelicus Que Sera Sera At Bjelkier ShCM. B. (Samoyed) A balanced bitch who looked well in profile and did not disappoint hands on. Broad in skull, Nice dark eye, well set ears and a powerful jaw. Strong neck and good shoulders, Well bodied, well ribbed and a solid rear with feathered feet. A classy moving bitch who asks attention. BAVNSC GP3.

2nd. Price's Starvon You Got It At Connings Bear. ShCM VW. A veteran of 9 years, A well made dog with a good head, nice length of neck, straight in front and a good depth of brisket, A good firm rear and firm thighs, a free moving male who is parallel both fore and aft.

3rd. Treasure's Infindigo Reimu Emmi ShCM VW SHCEX ( Fin Lap)



1st. Merrells Taigwynion Ewart James. ( Lancs Heeler) D. A Stocky Dog. Head of good shape, Ample width of skull with a moderate stop, dark eye and good bite. Nice reach of neck, well placed shoulders, a level top line and well bodied. A dog who moves out very well.

2nd. Kitchen's Mollyfleck Gift Of Gold. (Bearded Collie) Proportionate head of good shape, flat skull with nice eye and ears. Tidy in front, enough body and substance, a sound moving male.

3rd. Fields Cruglwyd Cristyne (Card Corgi)

Res. Merrells Swanndale Antony.


1st. Jones Ceranda Surfs Up. (Pem Corgi) A 10 years male in great condition. Good head, Nice neck into a nice lay of shoulder. He still has the body and substance and on the day a very sound mover. BV.

2nd. Leader & Wright's Angelicus Que Sera Sera At Bjelkier ShCM

3rd. Price's Starvon You Got It At Connings Bear. ShCM VW.

Res. Kitchen's Sevarna Catalonia's Angel

VHC. Treasure's Infindigo Reimu Emmi ShCM VW SHCEX


GP1. Stephen's Brightmeadow Who Dares Wins (GSD). GP2. Davies CH Andvol Z-Sieger At Ermyn (IMP RUS) (Pem Corgi) GP3. Leader & Wright's Angelicus Que Sera Sera At Bjelkier ShCM. GP4 Warren's Welshpel Celti Warrior (Bord Collie).

PG1. Stephens Chalksville Made Of Magic For Brightmeadow. (GSD) PG2. Williams Zanianh's Castle. (S / Sheepdog) PG3. Davies & Jones Clairmar Amber Red. (Pem Corgi) PG4. Folkes Evangeline De L'Ambassadeur Des Belges At Dacfolke.