• Show Date: 25/11/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Olivia Danks-Kemish Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 01/02/2024

Setter & Pointer Club

Setter and Pointer club open show 25/11/23 I would like to thank the committee for a very warm welcome , and for my invitation to judge the English setters today. Setter and Pointer has long been one of my favourite shows, and it was an honour to receive this invitation. I would also like to thank my lovely steward for keeping my ring running as smoothly as possible. Thank you also to the exhibitors who entered. It was a shame that many absentees missed their class as they were in the champ show hall, and didn’t hear the announcement of the open show starting. English setter Puppy 1st Cannell’s SHARNYX SYENITE 7 month old blue dog puppy. Lovely head, good eye, and low set ears. Long, lean neck leading to muscular shoulders and a correct topline. Strong in loin for his age. Well angulated with good bend of stifle, and moved well BPIB 2nd Byrne’s SHARNYX SAXONITE Litter sibling to 1. A taller dog who covers plenty of ground. Another lovely head, with kind expressive eyes. Well angulated. Not quite as mature as his brother today. Junior 1st Owen’s MARWESSETT YSOBEL ENIGMA AT CORNSETT A pretty Orange bitch. Pleasing head, with deep and expressive eyes of good shape and colour. Low set on ears. Good topline and well ribbed. Good angulation fore and after. Moved well when she eventually settled down 2nd Reid’s HUNTERBLUE MYSTIQUE AT DIERSETT A lovely blue girl with the most beautiful head piece. Low set ears and good stop. Long muscular neck, good topline and well angulated behind. Personally I find her a little upright in shoulder compared to 1 Post grad 1st Jennings-Sharman & Sharman’s WANSLEYDALE MAYFLY WITH CANTERIS I have admired this bitch ringside many times, and today she did not disappoint. She commanded my attention from the moment she entered the ring. Exquisite head, melting eyes, low set ears. Elegant muscular and lean neck flowing to a level topline, deep chest, well sprung ribs and well set on tail. Good angulation fore and after. Moved well, holding her topline and a slashing tail all the way round. Very pleased to award her BOB 2nd Ridsdill’s SHARNYX HERE’S BONNIE Blue bitch of 21months. Good head, strong neck and shoulders, would prefer a stronger topline. Good tailset. Nice tight feet. Limit 1st Wale’s CHANINA GOLDEN ROSE JW Beautiful Orange belton bitch. The most feminine head, with kind, oval and expressive eyes of good shape. Low set on ears. Good topline, deep in chest and well sprung ribs. Good angulation fore and after. Moved well. 2nd Hepburn’s TATTERSETT RAINBOW LEGACY. Unfortunately I have no notes for this exhibit as they did not stay for me to critique. Open 1st Wilson’s RAVENSETT GIOVANI Orange belton 5yr old male. I have done this boy well previously, and he looked well today. He possesses the most handsome head, with dark oval eyes that are so expressive, and low set ears. Elegant muscular and lean neck flowing to a level topline, deep chest, well sprung ribs and well set on tail. Good angulation fore and after. Unfortunately I felt he lacked muscle in his second thigh today. RBOB 2nd King’s DOBBIES DELIGHT AT GRANTASTAR 9yr old Blue belton male who is looking good for his age. He thoroughly enjoyed his time in the ring today. He presents a pleasing outline and shown today in good condition and coat. Pleasing head properties, good neck and shoulder, strong topline, and well angulated. Moved well Olivia Danks-Kemish