• Show Date: 10/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Nicola Spencer Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/01/2024

North Of England Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club

North of England Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club 

Open Show - April 10th 2023

Thank you to the Officers and Committee of the North of England Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club for this honour of being able to judge your beautiful breed and thank you to all on the day, including my efficient stewards, for the wonderful hospitality.

My top award winners exemplified the breed standard with so many of the key characteristics in type that had stuck with me from background reading on the expanded standard, that imposing strength and substance for example but with no coarseness in appearance or impingement to the free, powerful action on the move. Temperaments were excellent as were the fundamentals of strong, complete dentition and strongly made double dewclaws.

Veteran Dog (1,0)

1st Lisjovia Takahashi JW SHCM

Impressive male, correctly constructed front and back. Beautiful masculine head with expressive eye. Excellent pigmentation. Ear correctly set. Short, muscular neck of moderate length. Excellent bone. Deep broad chest and ribbed well back. Firm topline. Decent width in hindquarters. Stands on good feet with hocks well let down. Excellent coat. Moved out well. Best Veteran in Show.

Minor Puppy Dog (1,0)

1st Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti for Pyrbern

Masculine head still developing but of good proportions at this stage. Correctly shaped eye with good colour and pigmentation. Enough bone relative to size. Well made through his front construction and stands true in front. Good depth to his chest with ribs extending well back. Muscles developing nicely though, not untypically for a baby in such a heavy, big boned breed, he still needs to strengthen up in the rear. Good tail length and carriage. Dense coat well presented. Best Puppy in Show.

Puppy Dog (1,0)

1st Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern  


Junior Dog (2,0)

1st Belshanmish Dark Star

Typical juvenile frame that he needs to drop into as he matures but has lots of promise and preferred his overall shape and outline. Head well rounded from front and side. Super eye of good shape, colour and pigmentation. Well set ear. Good bone. Stands strong in front with good depth of chest. Plenty length through the upper arm lending to good angulation in forequarters. Short, strong neck. Excellent topline with good tail carriage. Muscular hindquarters with plenty width in first and second thigh. Beautifully presented.

2nd Penellcy You Could Be Mine For Davandrey

Another still developing in his frame. Heavier made in skull relative to muzzle proportions with a larger ear. Expressive, masculine eye with excellent pigmentation. Well enough made through neck and shoulder. Ample breadth and depth to chest. Length of leg ratio to body depth not as equally balanced as winner. Not quite as well angulated in hindquarters and moved closer in rear than the winner. Excellent coat.

Post Graduate Dog (2,1)

1st Kalkasi Just Because JW

Eighteen months and maturing beautifully. Loved his head and eye. Balanced in overall shape and outline. Most beautiful expression with eye of correct shape, colour and pigmentation. Correctly proportioned ear well set. Balanced head of desirable proportions and shape with plenty strength in muzzle. Excellent bone. Very well proportioned leg length relative to height. Excellent topline and tail set. Strongly made through the body with excellent rear assembly. Super coat very well presented. Moved very soundly. One to watch.

Limit Dog (8,2)

Difficult class to judge. Shape and make in head in particular varied.

1st Jumicar Just An Illusion

This male impressed for overall balance and strength; a little bold in skull and could have less stop but had the gentle curve shaping through the skull. Excellent pigmentation. Excellent bone and feet. Strong through the neck into a well made front assembly. Deep chested with good ribbing extended well back. Strong through the couplings. Excellent topline and tailset. Powerful hindquarters. Beautifully presented in excellent condition.

2nd Kalkasi Wicked Spirit

Typical in outline. Not as confident as one but loved his expression, certainly has that contemplative look about him. So masculine and imposing without any hint of coarseness. Balanced proportions to the skull and muzzle in profile with the desired curves through the skull. Well constructed in forequarters with plenty depth to the chest. Well ribbed back and strong through the loin. Moved so soundly on good feet. Excellent coat.

3rd Lisjovia Flaming Drambuie For Willmac

Lovely head of good balance comparing skull to muzzle. Typical expression coupled with excellent pigmentation. Good bone and feet. His angulation front and back is balanced though appears not as firm in topline as the previous two. Good proportions overall with plenty width in hindquarters. Excellent coat.

Open Dog (3,0)

What a super class. More difficult to split the first two but in the end one had the merit of maturity and today just had the edge on movement and tail carriage, which is often a challenge when handling such large dogs in a smaller indoor environment. 

1st Ch Gillandant Thief of Hearts at Dewyche

Impressive in type and utterly masculine with that sense of elegance and magnificence that comes from his maturity. He demonstrates so many of the essentials associated with the breed. Absolutely love his head and expression; balanced, strong, correctly shaped and with the excellent pigmentation to outline everything beautifully. Plenty of strength through the neck and body with balanced angulation to his fore and hindquarters. He is so well constructed which was clear to see in how well he strode out with true footfall and excellent tail carriage. Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show

2nd Charibere Simply The Sequel at Kaianna JW

Shown in fabulous condition with so much to like; his quality shines through but initially today he didn't quite have the animation on the move in the class; he did get his act together more in the challenge to thoroughly deserve Reserve Best Dog. Super head and eye. Excellent pigmentation to add to his typical Pyrenean expression. Another who is very well constructed all through and stands on excellent feet. Well balanced between body and limb. Ample bone with strength through the pasterns and hocks well let down. Balanced in outline with the required strength and substance all through whilst retaining a degree of elegance. So sound and assured on the move once he gets going; I’m sure his crown won’t be far away.

3rd Ch, Swiss Ir Multi Int Ch Lisjovia Boris Bear at Darmaror JW SH CM SH CEX CW19

Super type and impressive for size and substance. Lovely eye and expression with excellent pigmentation. Balanced proportions skull to muzzle. Excellent ear. Short strong neck with excellent build in front. Ample breadth and depth to his frame. Pleasing topline with plenty strength to his ribs that extend well back with short strong couplings. Plenty width and good angulation to his hindquarters. Again excellent feet and good bone. Moved out well and beautifully presented.

Junior Bitch (2,0)

1st Belshanmish Ocean Soul

Appeals for type and substance coupled with a good degree of femininity. She is so very soundly built with good balance to her length of leg compared to depth of body. Head of wedge shape, well balanced with gentle slope to stop and rounded skull. Beautiful eye of correct shape and well pigmented. Excellent construction in forequarters complimented with correct rear angulation. Excellent top line and tail set with plenty strength to body. Beautifully turned out. Steady mover.

2nd Kalkasi Star of the Stage

Most beautiful dark eye of correct set and shape coupled with good pigmentation finishing off her excellent, well balanced head of correct shape. Excellent topline and tail set. Typical in outline though finer boned in foreleg than one and not quite the breadth and angulation in hindquarters. Balanced in proportion between length of leg and depth of body. Well presented and moved soundly.

Post Graduate Bitch (7,2)

1st Lisjovia White Lady avec Montmusique JW

Really lovely example of the breed and so soundly put together. She has ample substance to match her moderate size with correct proportions compared body depth to overall height.  

Balance, strength and correct shape to head. Typical expression from her lovely, well pigmented dark eye. Small ear well set. Head relative to body correctly proportioned for size. Balanced proportions comparing body depth relative to height. Excellent topline and tailset. Correctly angulated all through with excellent feet. Only just two years old she headed up a lovely class here and surely must have a bright future in store as she matures. Beautifully presented.

2nd Jumicar Moonstone

Presents a balanced overall outline. Head is balanced between length of skull and muzzle. Just preferred eye of one. Excellent pigmentation. Ears well set. Feminine but with plenty strength and substance and ample bone relative to her size. Equally she has good proportions comparing length of leg to depth. Well constructed through the upper arm with a clean lay of shoulder. Excellent topline tail set and tail carriage. Powerful hindquarters which she put to good use on the move.

3rd Kalkasi Star of the Stage 


Limit Bitch (6,2)

1st Febus Anapeou JW

The star of the day, her maturity belies her youth as she isn’t yet two. She was absolutely on point today and both in stance and on the move I felt she was teeming with breed type and quality. Her head is balanced, well proportioned and correctly shaped with typical eye and expression. She stands so true in front with strength through the pasterns and correct angulation through the forequarters leading up to clean shoulder placement and a good flow through to an excellent topline and tailset. Well bodied in the middle with good ribbing. Super mover, so effortless, with excellent tail carriage. Beautifully furnished and presented and handled so well. Very pleased to award her Best Bitch and Best in Show and what an exciting future she must have ahead of her.

2nd Gillandant Simply The Best

Plenty quality. Lovely dark eye with good pigmentation. Head of good proportion relative to overall she but just preferred skull shape on one. Strong neck of moderate length. Stands true with well made angulation in forequarters. Clean layback of shoulder with excellent firm level back. Well proportioned leg length relative to height and depth of body. Powerful hindquarters with firm hocks. Moved out beautifully with an excellent coat that is beautifully presented. Reserve Best Bitch.

3rd Lisjovia Sweet But Psycho

Head of pleasing size, shape and proportion. Eye typical in expression, set and shape with excellent pigmentation. She has decent front construction with clean ones though new and shoulder. Not as firm and level in topline as the first two. Good depth and breadth in chest and ribs but a little longer coupled. Strong enough hindquarters with more moderate angulation. Moved soundly. Well presented with good coat and furnishings.

Open Bitch (2,1)

1st Ch Penellcy She’s Like The Wind

Very smart and beautifully presented, definitely feminine with enough substance. In the main she presents a balanced outline but with a little more length of neck. Excellent eye of correct shape and colour and desired pigmentation. Stands true in front with sufficient bone. Well made through the ribs with good depth, excellent topline and tail set. Plenty width in hindquarters. Sound in movement.

Nicola Spencer

Email: bannonbrig@gmail.com

Tel: 07710 495256