• Show Date: 21/02/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Nicola Garbutt Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Ripon & District Canine Society

I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge this lovely evening show and for there wonderful hospitality, also to the exhibitors for the lovely entries I had some very nice dogs to judge was nice to see so many nice puppies, and to my two stewards for keeping everything running smoothly.

BIS ESS Chandler Elazlan Tribal Craft JW what a handsome boy he is still a junior but has matured so much since the last time I judged him good head of nice proportions long neck level top line good bone good depth of chest well presented coat good rear angulation on the move even in a small ring he never faltered just could not deny him top honours im sure he is going to have a bright future .RBIS WFT Roulston Brocolitia Clementia at Ivy Jewel very smart young lady who was shown to get the best out of her very well presented femmine head with dark eyes lengthy neck good depth of chest level top line short coupled good tail set and carriage just loved her attitude another rising star. BPIS I had a really good line up of puppies to choose from im sure some of these will go on to have exciting futures my eventual winner was the lovely Shetland Sheepdog Walker Tooralie’s Tornade 8 months male B/W just loved this boy he was so balanced and steady on the move wedge shaped head with good ear set and placement which he used to give the overall look when stood lovely dark eye good tail set with gentle slope over his croup nice neat feet well arched neck of good length good body well presented RBPIS Dalmation Pearson Kelevra Dill or no Dill 8 month black spotted male another puppy with so many good qualities super head with dark eye well placed ears good stop clean neck and good shoulder good return of upper arm to give good front extension on the move good bone tight feet level topline well angulated hind quarters shown in muscular condition plenty of reach and drive on the move .BVIS.ShihTzu Casentieri Alchez Return to the Sea 7 years young what a little sweety she was she flew round the ring really enjoying herself lovely head and expression wide jaw good mouth deep chest good front and round ribcage level topline with high set tail carriage well presented.

A.V. Imported Breed Register Open (2,1)1.Wyer/Marshall-Wyer (Griffon Fauve De Bretagne)bitch with lovely balanced head and kind expression arched neck well laid shoulders good bone and feet moderately angulated hind quarters easy stride on the move keeping her outline. A.V. Vulnerable Breeds Open(6,1)1.Newton Coalacre Do The Foxtrot (Bearded Collie) 8 months bitch with good head and expression moderately arched neck into well laid shoulders level top line good tail set still needs to mature in body but this will come with age moved with ease.2.Constantine Ormanstar Cosmo at Kaleginy (Deerhound)well shaped head good reach of neck good bone well bent stifle moved with ease once settled lovely deep chest.3.Chandler Chanangel Yorkshire Rose (WSP).Shetland Sheepdog PG(3,1)1.Walker Channerswick Pennywise B/M bitch nice flat skull ears well placed and tipped good eye shape and colour neat feet well presented good length of neck good shoulder and rear angles tail of good length moved well.2.Welford Echolynn Polyphonic B/M bitch good colour slightly bigger than winner but was also well presented good eye shape lovely ear shape and set nice outline good body proportions moved well. O(3,1)1.BOB Welford Ristine Emerald 4yrs tri bitch of good proportions lovely wedge shaped head ears of correct size appealing expression tidy feet ribs nicely shaped firm topline with gentle slope to croup light steady movement well presented.2.Wales Shelegian Truly Timeless well presented sable bitch heavier type than winner good eye shape and expression clean head ears well placed firm top line low set tail moved out well .PMD O(4)1.BOB Holmes Lisjovia Sign of the Times what a lovely boy nice head shape good eye shape and pigment well boned nicely padded feet broad back with strong top line easy moving with good gait well handled.2.Robinson Lisjovia Blue Lagoon very similar in type to my winner close between them my winner was just that bit more mature in body again lovely head with lovely shaped expressive eye moderate neck strong hindquarters moved well .3. Holmes Lisjovia Hanky Panky .Bearded Collie O(1)1.BOB BPIB Newton Coalacre Do the Foxtrot. A.V Pastoral O(2)Quite a hard class this as both were GSD of different types 1. Stephenson Readepter Spirit Rambler male with nice head good eye shape and colour good pigment long neck nice outline on the move well handled to get the best from him . 2. Cave Casiann Ate bitch that presents a lovely shape when stood lovely head with good pigment and expressive almond shaped eyes good strong hind quarters but on the move she kept pacing but im sure in a bigger ring she would be different so had to settle for second today. Border Terrier O(2,1)1. BOB BPIB Martin Realydorn Lilac what a cheeky young lady compact with a nice head dark eye and neat ears good depth of chest coat of good texture once settled moved steadily with good tail carriage. Norfolk Terrier(O)Norwich Terrier (1,1) A.V. Terrier O(4,1)1.RBIS Roulston Brocolitia Clementia at Ivyjewel(WFT)2.Ashton Knowlelion Clover Leaf with Kitesprite NAF TAF (Airedale Terrier )clean head good ears long neck level top line good harsh coat moved out well once settled. Pug O(2,1)1.BOB Vurgest Nicobri Hudson River at Huntersplug black male heavier type well balanced head for shape and size good pigment good twist to tail lovely happy boy sound mover. Chihuahua S/C O.(1)1 BOB Shantallah Marcel 9 years male who was enjoying his evening out with his young larder moved well level top line good tail carriage. Chihuahua L/C O(0)CKCP O (3)1.BOB BPIB Hood Rabymar New York 9 months ruby male won this class on his movement head ok large dark round eye needs to develop in body but that will come with maturity slight arch to neck well cushioned muzzle tail set low and carried just right on the move feathering and coat developing nicely. 2.Richardson Kringleholme Kraftwerk smaller type Blenheim male nice dark eyes good mouth gentle expression another that needs to develop in body but should come with maturity just not as positive on the move as the winner .Lowchen O(2)1. BOB Bryan Teejay Struck Gold male of nearly 6 years young attractive head with good proportions lovely eyes with soft expression short well ribbed body moderate angulation won this class on his steady balanced movement.2.Richardson Hollincose Adore You liked this young lady but just not as settled on the move as the winner well balanced head dark well pigmented eyes arched neck good body well presented coat. English Toy Terrier O(1)1.BOB Reeve Gillings Syloette 18 mths bitch pretty head dark eye neat ears holding herself well on the move stands well. A.V.Toy O(3)1.Haigh Tazanory Scarlet Ohara (Griffon Bruxellois) pretty girl with lovely dark expressive eyes lovely ear placement coat of good texture showed well straight legs strong thighs square body cat like feet moved soundly round the ring. 2. Fox Lynmily Mister Blue Sky(CKC) 3rd in the cavalier class larger type head ok dark eyes lovely straight silky coat moves soundly biut does tend to carry his tail to high.3. Vurgest Hunterspug Rainbow Warrior (Pug). Whippet O (2)1.BOB Wilkinson Silkridge Saffron 2 lovely bitches in this class but loved this girls femmine head and expression balanced in angulation so elegant when stacked well laid shoulders strong quarters short hocks good tuck up moved soundly with sufficient reach and drive.2. Rahman Pretty Tilly TickTock at Alichichi lovely feminine head small ears long neck nicely angulated front arched tight feet good depth of brisket good tuck up moved well close decision between the two and im sure that they could change places on another day. A.V. Minor Puppy (10,5)1.BPIS Walker Tooralies Tornade (Shetland sheepdog)2.Chandler Time Fly’s (cocker spaniel) 6 mths blue roan at her first show but she took it all in her stride lovely head dark eye good length of neck for her age short and Coby moved soundly once settled well presented.3 Haigh Tazanorys Rafa Nadal (Griffon Bruxellois).A.V. Puppy(8,4) 1.Roulston Ivyjewel Dare to Dream (Boston Terrier) 11 mths male square head padded muzzle deep stop ears well set enough neck forechest still developing strong pasterns neat feet good top line well muscled quarters shown in good condition well handled. 2,Chapman Kitsune Notorious (AI)(German Spitz Mittel ) another lovely puppy well presented coat of good texture good wedge shaped head correct stop lovely dark eyes good pigment lovely neat ears which he used well good neck straight front strong loin high set tail good rear angulation well handled. 3. Gregson Malificent Phoenix (Lhasa Apso). A.V. Yearling(9,5).1.Walker Tooralie’s Two Step (Shetland Sheepdog) well presented tri male with lovely gentle expression good eye shape wedge shaped head neat ears which he used to complete the picture when stood lovely neat feet good reach of neck leading to good shoulder placement well angulated free flowing movement.2. Roulston Kentwone Boston to Ivyjewel (WFT) young bitch with lovely outline feminine head good eyes and ears long neck merging into short back good coat texture and presentation well set tail moved soundly.3. Moran Aibraen Kenzo (DDB).A.V.OPEN.(6,2)1. Moore/Casentieri Emerson Alpiu Slenis of Alchez (IMP LTU)JW SHCEX OSW(Shih Tzu) black and tan male of good over all proportions broad head wide jaw good length of neck leading to level top line shown in top class condition with a very well presented coat flows round the ring on the move he is maturing nicely.2. Roulston Kenxtwen Beauty Bluebell (Boston Terrier) bitch with good outline when stood good ears dentition good straight back with tail set on low straight front but needs to tighten up as can move a little messy well handled and shown in good condition.3.Stephenson Readepter Spirit Rambler (GSD).A.V. Veteran (6,3)1.BVIS Casentieri Alchez Return to the Sea (Shih Tzu) 2. Holmes Lisjovia Slick as a Whistle JW ShCm (PMD) 9yrs young in the middle of a coat change so not looking his best but still a well deserved place lovely gentle expression moved soundly well handled. AVNSC.P(4,2) Two lovely puppies in this class im sure both will do well in the future.1.BNSCP Casentieri The Impossible Girl at Alchez (Basenji)B/W bitch really lovely to go over good head with decent wrinkling nice arched neck good top line and tail set compact well padded feet very smart and balanced on the move .2. Roulston Ivyjewel Dance all Night (Boston Terrier)another quality puppy from this kennel pretty head dark eyes front developing nicely neck of adequate lenghtstrong pasterns neat feet top line is level tail is low set good rear angulation .AVNSC.J (6,2)1.BNSC Fairhurst Valefell Savannah Journey (PBGV)j13mths male who was full of the joys of spring a real happy boy pleasing balanced head strong jaw large nose pad dark eyes good length of neck good ribbing firm topline well presented coat of good texture for age moved out well once he settled .2. Fairhurst Valefell Moonlight Tides (PBGV) litter sister to my winner not as developed in coat and body as her brother but that will come with maturity lovely head shape and expressive dark eyes straight front neat feet holds her top line well muscled hind quarters strides out well in profile.3. Corner Cishelvine Portia at Carcorn (Dachshund Wire Haired).AVNSC.O(7,3)1.Moran Aibrean Heart of Glass(DDB) feminine bitch with a strong head nice clear eyes good stop strong front and depth of chest good body shape moved with ease in this class and thought she would have been my BNSC but In the challenge just decided that she had had enough.2. Bycroft Niavana Odyssey(BSDTervueren) feminine head with lovely expression dark eyes and scissor bite ears well placed and used nice body shape good angulation moved well coming and going .3.Casentieri Zvezdny Genie in a Bottle (IMP UKR)(Basenji)

Nicola Garbutt (Judge)

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