• Show Date: 27/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Meaylee Lewis Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/10/2023

Hampshire Gundog Society

Hampshire Gundog Society

Premier Open Show

Sunday 27th August 2023

The Taro Leisure Centre, Petersfield, Hants, GU31 4EX

Critiques for Flat Coated Retrievers, Junior Handling Association & Adult Handling.

Retriever (Flat Coated)

Puppy (2, 1a)

1st Douglas’ KALEXAS UPPER CLASS AT GREENBAYHILL (IMP NOR). A very pretty and enthusiastic bitch of 11 months. Racy in outline. Well filled, one-piece head with dark eyes nicely set on a good reach of neck. Super forehand construction with her legs well under her body. Strong hindquarters which she used well to drive herself around on the move. BPIB.

Special Yearling (8, 2a)

1st Bowen’s CLANDRIFT BRING ME SUNSHINE JW. A super dog of 13 months, clean in his outline and happy to show himself off. Lovely well-moulded head and kind expression. Correct reach of neck in proportion to his body. Nicely laid back shoulders and deep chest. Well ribbed and holding a strong topline and good tailset. Moderate bend of stifle with well let down hocks. Stood straight all round. Moved freely with drive and accuracy so well deserving of RBOB. Hopefully a bright future ahead.

2nd Egginton & Davis’ PAJANBECK ONE MOMENT IN TIME (AI). A lovely bitch of 13 months with lots of maturing to do - which is expected in Flatcoats at this age. Liked her a lot when I judged her at 6 months and still do now. She’s a well balanced bitch, moderate in her angles and stands straight all around. Feminine head with dark eyes. Level topline and correct tailset. Moved accurately.

Post Graduate (4, 1a)

1st Egginton’s PAJANBECK NINE TO FIVE (AI). A 2 year old bitch of a lovely type. Well-moulded head, nicely filled under her dark eyes. Strong neck of good length into well laid back shoulders. Her legs sit well under her body and she has a good spring of rib, holding a level topline. Well muscled hind quarters and neat, round feet. Moved freely and held a good profile.

2nd Campbell & Brown’s RONEVORG FIREFLY FANTASY. At 16 months this dog has matured well since I judged him as a puppy. He has lovely dark eyes with a kind expression and a strong neck of good length. Good spring of rib and depth of chest and he is level in his topline with a good tailset. Nice turn of stifle into well let down hocks. Not as accurate behind as 1 on the move.

Open (6, 0a)

1st Branscombe’s TORINMILL GAELIC AURORA KCWGC. Approaching 9 years old, this bitch looks to be in her prime. Super balanced outline from her nose to her tail. My favourite head of the day - so well moulded, one-piece and complete with dark, nicely shaped eyes. Good reach of neck into laid back shoulders and correct forechest with her legs well beneath her body. Level in topline, short coupled and tail carried level throughout. Moderate hindquarters, well muscled. Flowed accurately around the ring, holding her profile. A credit to her owner. BOB & shortlisted in a full group for BIS.

2nd Merriman’s CANDILIZ PINA COLADA. A 9 year old bitch whose tail never stopped wagging. Slightly longer cast than 1 but many of the same attributes apply. Feminine in her head with intelligent expression. Super forechest and tight elbows. Nicely ribbed with a strong topline. Well balanced hindquarters. Stood straight all around on neat feet. Moved well with great footfall and held her lovely profile.

Junior Handling Association

6 - 11 years (1, 1a)

12 - 16 years (1)

1st Rosie Moss handling a Golden Retriever. Rosie stacked her dog accurately in a gentle manner. Her lead was always tidy and well placed over her dog’s shoulders. Her relationship with her Golden was easy to see. On the move, Rosie completed her patterns with straight lines and neat corners, communicating well with her dog throughout, and stopping a nice distance away from me on their return. 

Adult Handling

17 - 45 years (1)

1st Phoebe Toublic handling a Field Spaniel. Phoebe did a super job of handling her Field Spaniel. Phoebe’s a very tidy and quiet handler. Her stacking was great, always accurately and gently done. She moved at a good pace for her dog with straight lines and her lead kept tidy. The dog’s teeth were shown very clearly and Phoebe encouraged her dog quietly and positively throughout. 

46+ years (4, 1a)

1st Ruth Waller handling a Welsh Springer Spaniel. A very impressive job made by Ruth of handling her Welsh Springer. Every stack was done efficiently with her white lead well placed between the dog’s markings. The teeth were shown very well and Ruth moved her dog at a good pace with neat corners and straight lines. Her relationship with her dog was clear to see as her dog was totally in tune with her.

2nd Sue Tubb handling a Golden Retriever. A brave lady handling her friend’s puppy due to a Welsh Springer class clashing, but she did a great job. Sue communicated well with her dog to keep her attention and moved at a good pace. Her lead remained tidy and the teeth were shown ok. Not quite as fluid as 1’s performance. 

Judge: Miss M Lewis (Fairwinds)