• Show Date: 11/06/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Mea Kendall Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/08/2023

Ashfield (Notts) Canine Society

Ashfield Canine Society - 10th June 2023

Mea Kendall (Headra)

Thank you to all exhibitors for putting up with an extremely hot day.

Bichon Frise

Junior (1-0)

1st T’lulu Du Royaume Des Quatre Pattes - Mrs A Albert - Loved her size and shape, has a very exquisite head with a good bite and lovely pigment. Her construction is excellent with a particularly good front assembly and fabulous head carriage Moves out really well for one so young - Best Puppy

Post Graduate (1-0)

1st Alizo Everyone is Made Here - Miss D Wilson - Nice shape and moved out well maintaining a good head carriage. Has a very good coat which was very nicely presented without being overdone. He had an attractive head with a lovely big eye and plenty of good pigment. - RBOB

Open (1-0)

1st Manoir Edge of the Universe at Kantosky - Miss D Wilson - Although he stood on his own he dominated the ring from the first moment. I could not fault his movement. Never put a foot wrong. Precise and true with reach and drive. A real pleasure to go over, lovely head proportions. Dark eye of good size, super neck, front and topline. A strong powerful rear topped with an immaculate trim BOB


Puppy (1-1)

Junior (2-1)

1st Newtonwood Double or Quits - Miss M Walker masculine head with correct dentition, good topline with correct rise over the loins, tail carried well over the back, moved well and with drive, coat of correct texture and presented in nice condition.

Post Graduate (3-1)

1st Kateniara Only Time - Ms C Cooper - Nice quality dog very good well balanced head, good bite. Well laid shoulder and good front, strong body with correct ribbing, well angulated hindquarters, he moves very well with lots of drive. Good coat RBOB

2nd Mooncast Little Princess - Miss A Cooper - Pleasing bitch. Good head with correct skull, correct bite, Good eye, excellent pigmentation and nicely angulated front, overall well balanced. She moves soundly holding her good topline.

Open (5-2)

1st Tiggerfield Jack Flash at Mantafield - Mrs R Harris - This 5 year old dog has a very aristocratic look about him and he says I am here to win. and he was correct. Nice head with correct bite and jaw, super well filled front, lovely overall balance and good angulation front and rear, broad strong loin, good topline. He moves out so well, always holding his shape.Very typical Havanese. I was happy to award him BOB

2nd Pandaprint Be Mine at Toytales - Mrs S Walker - Delightful male with wonderful attitude, presented and handled to best advantage. Well balanced head, nice expression, good neck and shoulder, super body and topline, correct tail and strong hindquarters. A pleasure to watch on the move

3rd Corrandulla Hello Dolly - Mrs B Krzkyszkowski

Lowchen (Little Lion Dog)

Junior (1-0)

1st Golbourn’s Bubbleelicious - Messrs K & R Morgan-Stanley - Lovely baby with balanced outline, proud neck, good bone and nicely developing ribcage. Well proportioned head with short foreface and round expressive eye. Very nicely balanced and nicely animated on the move

Post Graduate (1-0)

1st Golbourne Oh So Posh - Messrs K & R Morgan-Stanley - This young dog just grabbed my attention from the moment he trotted into the ring very well balanced in outline with very good neck and proud carriage, good tail set and "shelf", good front and hindquarters, silky well presented coat, good sized dark eye and strength to foreface. Moved extremely well, straight action coming and going and lovely reach and drive making an impressive profile pleased to award him Best of Breed

Open (2-0)

1st Golbourne Izzadorable - Messrs K & R Morgan-Stanley - A bitch with an excellently balanced outline, proud neck, short back and high tail set. Very nice substance, strong loin and balanced angulation. Well presented quality coat, lovely balanced head of good width and short muzzle, and lovely dark round expressive eyes. Relaxed action on the move with good reach and drive and straight action coming and going RBOB

2nd Cleeview Unlocked Sprit in Godpeakiki - Mr C & Mr I Godfrey and Peacock - Lovely bitch, compact with very attractive head of nice width. Good topline and tailset, moved quite well going round.


Today I had a large number of puppies entered under me and my Best Puppy in Breed was a puppy exhibited in Post Graduate. Unfortunately on the day some exhibitors got a little confused but thanks to my super officiant steward all was totally correct that were presented to me for Best Puppy in Breed.

Puppy (5-1)

1st  Glendian Clover at Basilbrooke - Ms J Hanson - My first thought, when I saw this beautifully baby was WOW. Nicely sized, with a lovely head and expression. Dark eye with large, well placed ears. She has a way of standing that catches the eye. Superb topline, which she maintains, well on the move. A quality exhibit, which I shall watch her future with interest. Best Puppy in Breed

2nd Keomandi Just a little Magic at Pappretty - C Anderson - Yet another lovely baby, just a month older than the class winner. Carried herself really well around the ring. Sweet head of correct proportions, body coming together nicely and moved well

3rdFarthinghall Wizz Away - Mirs K Milroy

4th Yeldaeh’s Miss Elizabeth - Mr T & Mrs C Headley

Junior (4-0)

1st Lafford Black Onyx - Mrs C Lees This young man 15 month old is coming together really nicely, he just could not be overlooked as he shouted look at me with his superb movement and showmanship. Nicely marked head, with black mask. Large, well placed, well fringed ears. Well balanced, with all the right bits in the right places.

2nd Yeldaeh’s Mr Chizlewick - Mr T & Mrs C Headley - This baby has a lovely head and sweet expression, dark eyes, well defined blaze and large, correctly shaped ears. Good reach of neck, on well, placed shoulders and level topline, moved out well.

3rd Lafford Inspector Lewis at Farthinghall - Mirs K Milroy

4th Wilachans Thin White Line - Mrs J & Mr C Green & Cooper

Post Graduate (6-2) 1st Glendian Blake at Wilachans - Mrs J & Mr C Green & Cooper -This little dog really has a lot to charm, full of fizz, just over 2 years old, straight front, moves with a nice reach and drives off good hindquarters. Loved his neck and shoulders. Large ears with beautiful fringing. Good body under the attractive outer packaging.

2nd Pappretty Georgy Girl - C Anderson - A well balanced 26 mth lady has a lovely head and expression. Large, well placed ears. Good neck and topline. Moved out well. Slightly longer in the loin then class winner

3rd Farthinghall’s Candy Man - Mrs K Milroy

4th Wilachans Goblin King - Mrs J & Mr C Green & Cooper

Open (5-4)

1st Wilachans Rebel Rebel - Mrs J & Mr C Green & Cooper - This striking 3 year old dog grabbed my attention from the moment he trotted into the ring. Mature with a lovely head and expression, dark eyes and pigmentation. Good mouth. Ears, well place and nicely frigid. Superb length of neck and a level topline which gives him such elegance when moving around the ring. He coped with the unbelievable heat of the day perfectly - BOB

2nd Baillion Black Obsidian for Zizula - Mrs L Slater - Very close decision between 1st and this well balanced & nicely marked, mature man, pushed hard, all the way to the very end. Beautiful head & expression with dark pigmentation. Huge, well placed ears, with curtain fringing. topline and tail carriage spot on. Straight front and good turn of stifle. - RBOB

3rd Yeldaeh Lady in Red - Mr T & Mrs C Headley

4th Pappretty Grt Expectations - C Anderson

Yorkshire Terrier

Puppy (1.0)

1st Canabis Wild Fantasy - Ms A Haisova - What great puppy compact & neat, lovely head & eye, well placed ears ,good spring of rib, colours breaking nicely, presented & moved well - Best Puppy in Breed

Post Graduate (1.1)

Open (2.0)

1st Stadmeyer Rolybeth Tlisea - Mrs L Stadin - When you look across the ring she catches your eye straight away, that superbly balanced outline, gorgeous head & body so well balanced. The unvarying topline on the move, the powerful drive, the beautiful rich golden tan, the magnificent colour and wealth of coat, all put down to perfection from the handler, go to make this exquisite bitch. Stunning.- Best of Breed

2nd Jestidek’s Alfredino - Ms A Aaisova - A lot to like about this dog, good head of a nice colour, good texture coat, dead level topline which he held on the move, stood four square on his box.  - RBOB