• Show Date: 19/03/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Herts & Essex Border Canine Society

I should like to extend my sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge at this show.  It was a very enjoyable day and I very much appreciated the opportunity and the support from the exhibitors on this appointment to assess some lovely dogs. 

Many thanks to my 2 stewards, especially Geraldine Dodd, for their efficient running of my rings. 


Special Yearling (4)

1ST Ridsdill, Mr G, Sharnyx Here’s Bonnie: A bitch of 13 months of age. Very good overall balance and breed type. Lovely head of correctly proportions and carried high on muscular and lean neck, soft expression, ears set low, correct, clean and complete dentition, shoulders set well back, deep chest, body of optimum length, well made hindquarters, tight feet. On the move her movement was flowing and accurate in all profiles. BEST OF BREED. 

2ND Cook, Mrs S D, Pernickety Quartz: A bitch of 10 months of age. Of very good type and proportions, shown and presented well. Still very raw, presented a very good clean profile when standing, pleasing feminine head and expression, dentition correct, clean and complete, neck of moderate length, good forehand assembly, well ribbed back, strong hindquarters. On the move I found her to be sound but not accurate at times due to her tender age.

3RD King, Mrs G, Sirius Blue Heaven At Grantastar

Limit (5, 1abs)

1ST Mcloughlin, Mrs V & Miss K, Arabin Silver Panda: A beautifully presented bitch of just over 2 years of age. A well made bitch who has superb quality bone all through. Very clean and balanced outline, feminine head with soft expression, dentition correct, clean and complete, clean muscular neck that has excellent reach into well placed shoulders, good width and depth to brisket, elbows set close to brisket, strong loin, muscled and moderate hindquarters, moved very well. RESERVE BEST OF BREED


2ND White, Mr A J, Paduan Nightingale: A bitch of just over 3 years of age. Pleasing head with soft expression, ears set low, moderately deep muzzle, correct, clean and complete dentition, muscular and lean neck, shoulders set well back, deep chest, well made hindquarters, tight feet. On the move she was sound.

3RD Cook, Mrs S D, Pernickety Quiddity: A male of 10 months of age, up to size for his tender age. extremely ‘raw’ as one would expect. Of very good overall type, pleasing head and expression, ears set low, dentition correct, clean and complete, good forehand assemblies, chest deep, quality bone all through, well made hindquarters, moved well and soundly. BEST PUPPY

Open (3)

1ST Ridsdill, Mr G, Sharnyx Glacier Ice: A male of 4 years of age, in full coat, presented and shown well. Standing he demonstrated a clean outline free of exaggeration. Good quality bone all through. A pleasing clean head with defined stop and occipital protuberance. Muzzle strong.Correct, clean and complete dentition, well placed ears, clean neck into good forehand assembly, deep chest of good width, strong loin of optimum length with well muscled hindquarters – at times when standing he can appear slightly straighter in stifle than I would like. Moved well, accurate both fore, aft and in side profile.


2ND Watkin, Mr J W & Mrs V, Valsett Starlite Sunny Days: My class winner when entering the ring. A well made bitch who was beautifully presented. Very clean and balanced outline, feminine head with soft expression, dentition correct, clean and complete, clean muscular neck into well placed shoulders, good width and depth to chest, elbows set close to brisket, strong loin, muscled hindquarters, unfortunately she was not shown to her best advantage with the exception of when she was stacked – very disappointing.

3RD King, Mrs G, Dobbies Delight At Grantastar


Puppy (5, 2abs)

1ST Clarke, Mr A E G, Miss L D & S J, Harbethol Look Magical Tyme: A well presented male of 8 months of age. Shown and handled well. When stacked he gave the appearance of being longer cast than my second placed exhibit but I preferred the more well developed head of this exhibit. Merry nature with tail wagging, pleasing head, expression and eye, ears set low, correct, clean and complete dentition, neat set neatly into well placed shoulders, compact body and well rounded hindquarters, nice feet, moved very well. BEST PUPPY

2ND Collier, Miss R, Pepperbox Midnight Parti: A very well balanced male puppy of almost 7 months of age. Loved his balance and outline. Dentition, correct, clean and complete, good head with square muzzle, full eyes, moderate length of neck into well placed shoulders and adequate return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, short loin, good bend of stifle, presented a lovely picture, moved well

3RD Collier, Miss R, Pepperbox Parti On

Special Yearling (2, 1abs)

1ST Davies, Mrs I, Mablehope Melrose Miss Of Peacevale: A well presented and balanced bitch of 15 months of age. Presented a very pleasing picture. Very smart and well-balanced and compact. Pleasing head, expression and eye, ears set low, correct, clean and complete dentition, neck set neatly into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, compact body and well rounded hindquarters and good bend of stifle, nice feet, moved very well.  


Limit (3, 1abs)

1ST Wallis Baga, Misses B A & C J, Velrok Mister Bluesky: Extremely well balanced 2½ year old male, dentition, correct, clean and complete, good head with square muzzle, full eyes, moderate length of neck into well placed shoulders and adequate return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, short loin, good bend of stifle, presented a lovely picture. Moved extremely well. RESERVE BEST OF BREED


2ND Howard, Mrs D E & Mr P D, Sweet Orange: A bitch of just over 3 years of age with much to like about her. Well balanced although when stacked can give the impression of being slightly longer cast. Lovely head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, moderate neck into well placed shoulders, strong and compact body into well rounded hindquarters. Good bone all through. Moved very well.

Open (5, 3abs)

1ST Keely, Mr M & Mrs K, Oakbeach Dare To Dream Big With Alhambian (IMP SWE): What an outstanding dog this exhibit is of 3½ years of age. Extremely well balanced, in fact, ‘balanced and compact’ says it all. Dentition, correct, clean and complete, good head with square muzzle, full eyes, moderate length of neck into very well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, short loin, good bend of stifle, presented a lovely picture. Tight neat feet with short nails. Moved very well, accurate fore and aft and demonstrating a lovely sidegate. His tail never stopped wagging. BEST OF BREED and GUNDOG GROUP 1 


2ND Collier, Miss R, Pepperbox Back In Time: A male of just over 2 years of age. Very well Balanced and well developed skull, square muzzle, gentle expression, dentition correct, clean and complete, lobular low set ears, strong neck into well placed shoulders, well developed chest, short loin, level topline, muscular hindquarters, the best of feet and shortest of nails, very good and sound on the move.


Special Yearling (1)

1ST Abrahams, Ms J C & Mr J R, Cravessa’s Right On The Dot By Adormidera: An extremely raw bitch of 8 months of age who needs far more ringcraft training and socialising with people. Nicely built with good head and expression correct and clean dentition, strong neck into well placed shoulders, moderate hindquarters – on the move she was sound but needs to settle and understand the routine of showing. BEST PUPPY

Limit (1)

1ST Hall, Mrs J S, Prizelands Bella Bon Nita: Very well presented bitch, now fully mature and showing many of the virtue’s of the breed namely robust and of moderate size. Strong but not coarse head with flat skull, strong jaw with correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck leading to good forehand assembly, level back and well muscled moderate hindquarters. Moved very well. BEST OF BREED 

Open (2, 1abs)

1ST Abrahams, Ms J C & Mr J R, Adormidera Dark Necessity: A 3½ year old male who presented with extraordinary amounts of coat. Of pleasing type, scores in head and bone quality. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Good bone all through, well placed shoulders, deep chest into moderate loin, moved well and soundly. RESERVE BEST OF BREED


Special Yearling (4, 1abs)

1ST Jennings, Dr L, Wallaroo Romeo: A male of 10 months of age and already well up to size but balanced. Lovely head, moderately long with moderate stop, medium sized eye, strong jaws, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong clean-cut neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest level back, slightly sloping croup, strong but moderately angulated hindquarters. Moved accurately and smoothly both fore, aft and in profile. BEST PUPPY.

2ND Suet, Mrs M, Mr D & Mr F, Silberliss Saucy Mare: A bitch of 11 months of age. Good head with correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck into well placed shoulder, deep chest with well sprung ribs, moderately angulated hindquarters, quality bone throughout, firm and compact feet moved very well – slightly longer cast than my first placed exhibit.

3RD Suet, Mrs M, Silberliss Peckham Pouncer

Limit (2, 1abs)

1ST Suet, Mrs M, Silberliss Solitaire: A 3 year old bitch, presented and shown well. Balanced and free from exaggeration. Good head of moderate length, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck well placed shoulders deep chest level back – On the move she moved smoothly and accurately in all planes.. RESERVE BEST OF BREED. 


Open (2)

1ST Upton-Lovell & Upton, Mrs S & Miss H, SH CH Gunault Lustrous With Roydack: A bitch of 5½ years of age. Presented a very clean and balanced outline. Pleasing head, not coarse in any way, correct, clean and complete dentition with very tight scissor bite. Strong neck into well placed shoulders deep chest of good width, well sprung ribs, well developed musculature on hindquarters, Moved accurately and smoothly both fore, aft and in profile whenever asked. BEST OF BREED.

2ND Suet, Mrs M, Silberliss Summer Of Love: A bitch of approaching 6 years of age, shown and presented well – this bitch has very good musculature. Of pleasing overall type, correct, clean and complete dentition, good head clean neck into very good forehand assembly, brisket of good width and depth, optimum length of loin for my preference, moderate hindquarters, moved very well.


Puppy (4, 1abs)

1ST Jennings, Mr D K, Afterglow Bambalam With Alibama (Spaniel, (American Cocker): Well presented and shown male of 11 months of age. Good well developed and rounded head, correct, clean and complete dentition, long muscular neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest with deep ribs, strong hindquarters, presented beautifully, moved very well. RESERVE BEST AVNSC, BEST PUPPY & PUPPY GROUP 2

2ND Munro, Mrs M, Talpalupo Monello (Italian Spinone): A bitch of just 9 months of age who was not cooperative with her handler on the day. Head correct with oval skull, deep muzzle, correct mouth with complete and clean dentition, good shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, straight forelegs, broad and deep chest, strong hindquarters, moved very well.

3RD Welton, Ms L, Affilato Juts You Wait (Italian Spinone)

Special Yearling (8, 2abs)

1ST Cooper, Mr W & Mrs S, Hazean Donetsk To Deifstock (IKC) (Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla): A bitch of just 13 months of age. Very well balanced with an excellent head, moderately broad and lively expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition, clean well muscled neck, well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, elbows close to body, deep chest, level back, strong hindquarters with moderate angulation. Harsh close fitting coat, moved very well. BEST AVNSC

2ND Macbain & Brewer, Miss A & Ms D, Fecimus Son Of A Gun (Field Spaniel): My class winner upon entering the ring – sadly this did not come to fruition. Absolutely stunning Field Spaniel male of just 16 months of age. Noble and well balanced, dentition correct, clean and complete, Outstanding head, well chiselled, lean beneath the eyes, no coarseness whatsoever, gentle expression, good neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, correct in rib cage to body length ratio, moderately bent stifles, tight round feet, on the move she showed drive from the rear and was true fore and aft. 

3RD Dodd, Mrs S & Mr M, Silvestre Golden Dragon (Bracco Italiano)

Limit (9, 3abs)

1ST Latheron, Ms L, Fynder Reacher (Irish Water Spaniel): A lovely exhibit of this breed. Just 2 years of age so with the best still to come. He is perfectly balanced all through. His head is high in dome and of good length and width. Well arched neck leading to good lay of shoulder. Elbows are tight to the brisket with the ribcage well sprung - but still need to develop further - from the elbow thus affording the correct rolling gait on the move. Well made hindquarters and long hip to hock. Hocks set low to ground. In excellent coat and condition. On he demonstrated both power and drive with accuracy and soundness.  

2ND Alpe & Abram, Mrs J & Mr P, Amscot True Lies (AI) (Gordon Setter): A bitch of nearly 2½ years of age. Presented in lovely condition and a credit to her owner. Again, feminine in head and expression, kindest of eyes, well placed ears, neck lean and slightly arched into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, elbows close to body, deep chest and well sprung ribs, wide loin, strong hindquarters, quality bone all through, close knit feet with short nails. Moved very well, accurately and soundly.

3RD Macbain & Brewer, Miss A & Ms D, Fecimus Son Of A Gun (Field Spaniel)

Open (6, 2abs)

1ST Osborn, Ms G, SH CH Elgert Lady Sta’Dust JW (Field Spaniel): A 7 year old bitch of high quality. Very good head, well chiselled, lean beneath the eyes, no coarseness whatsoever, gentle expression, good neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, correct in rib cage to body length ratio, moderately bent stifles, tight round feet, on the move she showed drive from the rear and was true fore and aft, presented in absolutely stunning condition.

2ND Foreman, Mrs S, Mr P & Miss H J, Toberworthy Harvest Moon (Large Munsterlander): A male of 4 years of age. Of good overall balance – a very nice example of this breed. Good head shape with kind expression. Correct lay of shoulder and depth of brisket. Level topline and correctly set tail. Strong hindquarters with excellent bone and feet. Very accurate and sound on the move.

3RD Macbain & Brewer, Miss A & Ms D, AM/CAN/UKC CH Fecimus Written In The Stars (Field Spaniel)

A.V. GUNDOG VETERAN (20, 4abs)

1ST Dunnett, Mr P, Hoedun Alexandra Of Demark (Flat Coated Retriever): A bitch of 7½ years of age, presented in outstanding condition and a complete credit to her owner. She is the correct size and beautifully balanced. Excellent head and eye. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Well laid back shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm. Correct rib to loin proportions with well made hindquarters. Good bone and feet. Moved and shown to advantage. In excellent coat and condition. BEST AV GUNDOG VETERAN 

2ND Porter-Manning & Porter, Mrs A R & Mr G, Wallaroo All That Jazz ShCM (Hungarian Vizsla): A male of 7 years of age. Super clean outline and well balanced, free from exaggeration. Lovely head and expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition, Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Well-ribbed back. Good bend of stifle. Moved well both fore and aft and in profile.

3RD Osborn, Ms G, SH CH Elgert Lady Sta’Dust JW (Field Spaniel)


Open (1)

1ST Bixby, Miss S A, Rodenrose One Step Beyond (Korthals Griffon): I could not take my eyes off this male of 2½ years of age years from the moment he entered the ring. True to breed type, distinguished in appearance, head of rectangular profile with marked rise over the eyes and moderate stop. Long ears correctly set below the level of the eye. Correct, clean and complete dentition with tight scissor bite, well muscled neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, correct 11:10 body ratio and well developed and prominent forechest. Well angulated and muscled hind quarters, quality bone all through. Moved very well, both balanced and lively holding topline very well. A truly superb dog. BEST AV IMPORT REGISTER & GUNDOG GROUP 4


Puppy (7, 5abs)

1ST Wilton-Clark, Ms J, Shalfleet Chilli Cracker (Whippet): Really lovely puppy with well balanced and graceful outline. Long lean head with clean cut jaw. Excellent length of neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm with front legs placed under the body. Enough depth of chest for age with well sprung rib leading to strong loin and well defined tuck up. Scores in her hindquarters with correctly bent stifles and well let down hocks. Excellent bone and feet. Moved well on a long stride. I liked her very much indeed.

2ND Seago & Gibbard, Mrs D & Mr S, Conwydogs Purple Into Amilda (Bavarian Mountain Hound): Well balanced with correct height to length ration. Head has well defined stop with skull and muzzle of equal length. Well laid shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm. Shows good strength in body and is well ribbed back. Strong hindquarters with well bent stifles. Excellent bone and feet. Not quite as together on the move as the winner.

Special Yearling (4, 3abs)

1ST Reece, Mrs S M, Saleehah Stardancer (Whippet): Good overall balance and very elegant. Narrow head with well set ears. Shoulder well laid back with equal length of upper arm. Brisket deep. Correct topline. Definite tuck up. Hindquarters are well muscled with nicely turned stifles. Excellent bone and feet. Moved parallel both fore and aft with good stride when viewed in profile.

Limit (4)

1ST Garrod, Miss H R, Fauveahoy Sea Shanty (Basset Fauve De Bretagne): Very well balanced all through. Head of good length with well defined occiput. Short, muscular neck leading to well laid shoulder. Good depth and width of chest. Level topline. Good length of ribcage. Strong hindquarters - would like a fraction more bend of stifle. Stern well carried when moving. Coat could be tidier. Moved well on a good stride.

2ND Pitfield, Mrs J L, Follyfield Fortissimo (Miniature Long-Haired Dachshund): Excellent overall balance. Head of good conical shape and well set ears. Clean neck flowing through to well laid shoulder and return of upper arm showing an excellent prow. Level topline with ribs well sprung. Strong hindquarters with well bent stifles. Not quite as free in movement as the winner.

3RD Mullen, Ms R, El Roalito Keep Smiling (IMP DEU) (Afghan Hound)

Open (1)

1ST Borsuk, Mrs M & Mr D, Boartracker Bill (Bavarian Mountain Hound): Excellent overall balance giving a picture of powerfulness without being coarse in any way. Good head shape with skull and muzzle of equal length. Ears set high. Clean neck leading to good forehand assembly. Ribs well back. Correct topline and tail set. Scores in hindquarters with well turned stifles and strong hocks. Excellent bone and feet. Moved with a powerful stride.

A.V. PUPPY STAKES (24, 5abs) 

1ST Rudderham, Mrs D, Dejaru Masquerade (Tibetan Terrier): A male of nearly 7 months of age. Beautifully balanced all through. Head of correct proportions with very good furnishing. Strong muscular neck leading to level topline. Excellent forehand assembly. Good length and spring of ribcage. Well muscled hindquarters. Feet of correct flat shape but nails could be shorter. Moved very well with good drive. BEST AV PUPPY

2ND Penn, Mrs M L & Mr A J, Sophtspot Quality Street (Dalmatian): Well balanced and free from any coarseness. Head of good length with flat skull. Clean neck of good length. Good lay of shoulder with elbows close to body. Spring of rib correct for age. Well made hindquarters with nicely turned stifles. Excellent bone and feet. Moved well - just not quite as together as winner.

3RD Parker & Mcdonald, Miss L V & Mr J, Violis Storm Cracker (Miniature Schnauzer)


Group 1

Keely, Mr M & Mrs K, Oakbeach Dare To Dream Big With Alhambian (IMP SWE) (Cocker Spaniel)

Group 2

Dymond, Mr B, SH CH Quintana Diamond Dust At Friarsbelle JW (German Shorthaired Pointer): A male of almost 2 years of age. A super example of the breed. Correct, clean and full dentition. 

Extremely well balanced whether on the move or standing and a presence that ensures that he stands out from other dogs. Clean cut head that is neither too light nor too heavy. Correct neck that is muscular, his forehand assembly is of the highest quality, briskey is deep but not wide and in proportion to his body. 

Extremely sound and true on the move both fore, aft and in side profile. 

Group 3

Elkin, Miss M L, CH Tollelkin Caife Americano SGWC (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever): A male of nearly 4 years of age. I have Judged this male on many occasions and he never disappoints but instead continues to improve and mature.. Balanced all through with nothing that I would want more or less of. Excellent head and expression with lovely eye. Ears correctly held and set. Correct, clean and complete dentition. The strongest of necks into excellent forehand assembly. Very good width and depth of brisket. Well sprung ribs with strong loin. Very good and unexaggerated hindquarters with good width of second thigh and moderately bent stifle. Quality bone. Moved accurately and soundly. 

Group 4

Bixby, Miss S A, Rodenrose One Step Beyond (Korthals Griffon)


Group 1

Adshead, Ms A M & Miss A L, Afonbach Syrax (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever): A bitch of 9 months of age. An extremely well balanced bitch of just 11 months of age, very feminine, balanced and well made all through. Very good head and expression with moderate stop and lovely eye of correct shape and colour. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Neck well set on to excellent shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Well ribbed back with short loin. Well bent stifles. Good bone, neat tight feet and short nails. She had a very nice attitude and moved soundly with drive.

Group 2

Jennings, Mr D K, Afterglow Bambalam With Alibama (Spaniel, (American Cocker)

Group 3

Heath & Robinson, Mrs L A, Mr M & Miss K, Pinseeker Pep Guardiola (German Shorthaired Pointer): A male of 11 months of age. A lovely male well balanced all through with good head and expression. Well laid shoulder with correct depth of brisket. Strong topline with well shaped hindquarters, dentition correct, clean and complete, good bone all through. Moved very well

Group 4

Seamons, Mr P D & Mrs J L, Ramchaine Luminescene Over Messano (IMP NLD) (Golden Retriever): A thought this bitch of just 10 months of age to be balanced and of good overall type. Lovely feminine head and dark eye and correctly pigmented nose, correct, clean and complete dentition with scissor bite, well placed and carried ears, clean neck into very well placed shoulders and return of upper arm, close fitting elbowslevel topline, stifles well bent, very good bone all through, tight, neat feet, moved very well and soundly. 

Martyn J Rees (Judge)