• Show Date: 28/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Shropshire Gundog Society

I should like to extend my sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee of Shropshire Gundog Society for inviting me to judge at this show.  It was a very enjoyable day and I very much appreciated the opportunity and the support from the exhibitors on this appointment to assess some lovely dogs. 

The atmosphere within the show was of calmness and enjoyment from exhibitors whilst the show itself was extremely well organised within a super venue.


Open (7, 3abs)

1ST Donnelly, Mr D & Mrs K, Kimmax They Kall Me Mr Tibbs: Upstanding male of 20 months of age. The epitome of breed type. Balanced head that is proportionate to body with good eye and well placed ears. Correct, clean and complete dentition, strong underjaw, strong, clean neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, brisket of good width and depth, elbows placed close to body, forelegs straight, excels in quality bone, moderate well muscled hindquarters with square hocks, good quality harsh fitting coat, tight feet with short nails, moved and handled extremely well. Best Of Breed.

2ND Donnelly, Mr D & Mrs K, SH CH/IR SH CH Kimmax Knock Yourself Out JW, ShCM: A male of 6 years of age. Balanced and displayed very good breed type. Balanced head with moderate stop that is proportionate to body. Correct, clean and complete dentition, very good forehand assembly with sloping shoulders, deep chest of good width with elbows close to body, ribs deep and well sprung, muscular loin of optimum length for me, excellent bone, good quality harsh coat, tight feet, moved very well. Reserve Best Of Breed.

3RD Donnelly, Mr D & Mrs K, Kimmax Who Dares Wins

RES Turnbull, Mr G D, Mrs E & Miss E A, Kimmax Two Kan Play At Elagram (AI)


Puppy (1)

1ST Donovan, Mrs J, Tighnabo Sgalpaigh: What a beautiful young lad at his very first show and of 1 week over 6 months of age. An absolute delight to Judge and of such a very sweet nature. A very stylish young dog, showing much promise, Obviously very raw but the potential can already be seen that he is a quality male in the making. A stylish young dog, showing much promise, deep head with clearly defined stop, dark eye, correct and complete mouth with clean dentition, correct forequarters, body developing nicely, strong stifles well bent, moved freely with drive. Completely at one with his handler. My pleasure to award him Best Puppy In Breed.

Junior (1)

1ST Fudge, Ms C, Fieldberry Secret Weapon At Rufusmoor: A quality male of juts over 12 months of age. Presented to the highest of standards – thank you. This dog presented a superbly balanced outline. Super head and expression, deep, strong muzzle with well defined lips, narrow cheeks, correct, clean and complete dentition. Long, arched neck into excellent forehand assembly, elbows close to body, deep brisket of good width and inline with his age and development, wide strong loin, straight hocks, in good coat and moved very well although he did act up at one point – he is a young male lets not forget. It gave me pleasure to award him Best Of Breed.

Post Graduate (1)

1ST Fudge, Ms C, Fieldberry Secret Weapon At Rufusmoor

Open (2, 1abs)

1ST Sandiford & Sandiford & Lomas, Mr P & Mrs C A & Miss A, Hernwood Christmas Eve (TAF): A very feminine bitch of 4½ years of age. I thought this bitch to be very typical in type, and very stylish when moving. She scores in symmetrical conformation. Super head with defined stop and defined lips, correct, clean and complete dentition, dark brown eyes, neck long and clean into well placed shoulders, brisket of good depth and width, body of moderate length, strong, well muscled hindquarters, moved very well. A well deserved Reserve Best Of Breed.


Puppy (1)

1ST Collier, Miss S, Sabisabi Apache Tadita: A bitch of 8 months of age. She has good well developed and rounded head, correct, clean and complete dentition, long muscular neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest with deep ribs, strong hindquarters, presented beautifully, moved very well. Best Puppy In Breed.

Post Graduate (2)

1ST Birch, Mr C, Zhemchuzhnaya Rossip Shape Of My Heart Dyrin (Imp Rus): A beautifully presented and very stylish male of just over 2 years of age. Pleasing well developed and rounded head with round and full eyes, correct, clean and complete dentition, long muscular neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest with deep ribs, strong hindquarters – he impressed me, but his tail carriage when moving I felt to be incorrect for me. Moved and handled very well. Reserve Best Of Breed.

2ND Glover, Mr M & Mrs C, Almondsbury In The Night At Mickcals: A bitch of 22 months of age. Overall she is balanced with good bone, pleasing head with defined stop. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Strong neck into good shoulder, deep chest and strong hindquarters. Much shorter cast than my first placed exhibit, almost bordering on cobby. Whilst when moving she is sound, due to the speed that she was moved at, accuracy was lost and I felt that she was resisting the speed at which her handler was trying to move her, which was too fast a pace for her.

Open (4)

1ST Edwards, Mrs B, Afterglow Bang Tidy: A male of just over 4½ years of age. Of very good type, construction and overall balance, beautifully presented and extremely well handled. Correct, clean and complete dentition, good head with round and full eye. Clean neck into good forehand construction, brisket of good width and depth, very good bone all through, excellent feet with short nails, moved very well and soundly. A pleasure to award him Best Of Breed.

2ND Glover, Mr M & Mrs C, Nasailleen Roosevelt At Mickcals: I really was drawn to this male of getting on for 5 years of age. Presented and shown to the highest of standards. Again balanced with good bone, pleasing head with defined stop. Strong neck into very good shoulder placement, deep chest and strong hindquarters. Moved soundly and accurately. Today, this poor lad was suffering from what is handler believes was an allergic reaction to grass or pollen, which had caused his eyes to swell.

3RD Birch, Mr C, Finndain Frappe For Dyrin

RES Birch, Mr C, Mischtikals Return O’The Mac At Dyrin

Martyn J Rees (Judge)