• Show Date: 06/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/08/2023

Tunbridge Wells & District Canine Society


06 MAY 23




J 1(0)

1. Cox’s Lady Jed. Feminine, lovely proportions, good coat, lovely steady movement, nice typical outline, ears could be a little better, BOB.


O 2(1)

1. Skipper’s Nasabe Brora of Baillieswells. Good proportions, excellent tail and ears, good top-line, moves ok but coat could be a little better, RBOB.




P 3(0)

1. Snelson’s Sakino’s Envy at Ashtrax. Very raw, well up on leg but needs to grow up a little, good proportions, nice steady mover in profile, BP.

2. Kendall’s Shyllar Fizzy Feet of Kendarctic. Ok overall performance and shape but just a little heavier all over for age.

3. Kendall’s Shyllar Riding A Dream of Kendarctic.


J 2(0)

1. Kendall’s Arctictrail North of Denali for Kendarctic. Good balance, good head, eye and ears, good top-line, sound and free mover, RBOB

2. Snelson’s Sakino’s Envy at Ashtrax. Repeat.


PG 3(0)

1. Kendall’s Kentwone Passion Fruit with Kendarctic. Heavy dog, well presented, would just like him a little lighter in frame but very sound mover.

2. Snelson’s Sakino’s Envy at Ashtrax. Repeat.

3. Gauntlett’s Olgivan Show Everyshow Must Go On (imp RUS).


O 3(1)

1. Johns’ Azgard Kastella for Alpenkye. Lovely proportions, outline and balance in profile, good neck, top-line and croup and well ribbed, moves well with good profile stride and sound rear, BOB

2. Snelson’s Salazka’s Mr Abernathy at Ashtrax. A little stronger in head but nice shape, could be a little bit more relaxed in top-line but good bone and feet.




P 3(0)

1. Cardiff’s Freebreeze Pixar at Prosperity. Lovely proportions, outline and balance, good expression, head, neck, top-line and tail, moved well, BOB & BP.

2. Welch/Drake/Hazeltine’s Clamerkin Jubilee Surprise at Hookwood. Very good mover in profile, good neck and top-line, good depth and underline.

3. Brooksmith’s Millpoint Golden Pippin.


J 3(0)

1. Welch/Drake/Hazeltine’s Clamerkin Jubilee Surprise at Hookwood. Repeat.

2. Roberts’ Kananaskis Black Bryony. Needs to fill a little in front but has good proportions, top-line and tail and moves steady.

3. Ovel’s Hookwood Enchanted at Jimaura.


PG 5(0)

1. Brooksmith’s Nightgold Pippin. Good proportions, outline and balance, moves well.

2. Perren/Welch’s Evaluna Chasing Rainbows with Hookwood JW. Preferred top-line of 1st, moves well keeping outline and is a sound mover.

3. Quinn/Welch’s Hookwood Gene Genie.


O 6(2)

1. Welch’s Sharnphilly Toggi with Hookwood JW. Good proportions and clean outline standing and moving, preferred head of puppy that was BOB, front could be a little tidier, RBOB.

2. Welch’s Hookwood Starman JW. Strong dog, well constructed and balanced, nice powerful movement.

3. Ovel’s Jimaura I’m For Caroline.




PG 2(1)

1. Jones’ Trosley Tamoshanta. Masculine, good proportions, bone and feet, kind expression, steady sound mover, BOB.




P 1(0)

1. Suett’s Silberliss Peckham Pouncer. Raw male with good neck and top-line, good proportions but needs to fill out a little in front, moved well in profile, BP.


J 3(2)

1. Suett’s Silberliss Saucy Mare. Lovely head and expression and good ears, good proportions, underline, coat and colour, RBOB.


O 1(0)

1. Suett’s Silberliss Solitaire. Nicely balanced with good proportions, coat and colour, good head, eye, top-line, bone and feet and when settled moved well, BOB.






1. Konation Baggy Trousers. Longhaired GSD, good bone, feet, head, ears, steady mover.

2. Sabisabi Apache Tonka at Geenawell. Parti-coloured American Cocker Spaniel, could have a little more length of leg but lovely ears and correct top-line.

3. Trageeda’s One Night Only.




1. Aprika Fifth Avenue. Boston Terrier, beautiful outline and proportions, she has strength with femininity, lovely head, excellent ears, good expression, excellent top-line and such a lovely mover for her age.

2. Romanico Bacctu Clarricks. Boxer, lovely square compact outline with good head and expression, good top-line and moved well.

3. Gladmin Capetown Candy.



1. Clandrift Bring Me Sunshine. Flat Coated Retriever, nice and racy, good proportions, good head shape, expression, neck, top-line and tail.

2. Skylax Dare To Believe. Lhasa Apso, good proportions and balance with lovely kind expression, nice head shape, good neck, top-line and tail.

3. J’adoremy Mr Red Revenge.




1. Ferrybelle’s Take It Easy. Japanese Spitz, nice proportions, good expression, excellent ears, good coat, tail, top-line and moves well.

2. Sophtspot Quality Street. Dalmatian, good balance, nice head, good proportions, good tail set and carriage, nice mover, good depth, well ribbed, good bone.

3. Sakino’s Envy at Ashtrax.




1. Ashronsha Love To Dream. Boxer, lovely overall outline, compact, medium sized, good top-line, moves well keeping outline standing and moving, feet ok.

2. Ferrybelle’s Take Cover JW. Japanese Spitz, good proportions and balance, good coat and tail, nice bone and feet, moves well.

3. Konatian Turn On The Magic.




1. Lateagain Wild Heart avec Sariandobes JW. Brown Dobermann, compact with strength but no coarseness, good top-line, deep chest, well ribbed, moved well.

2. Marsabit Tinkerbell for Leititia. Golden Retriever, good length of leg, good head with nice expression, good neck, top-line, coat and tail.

3. Breezelyn Ears A Breakthrou for Alepenkye.


Best in Show - English Toy Terrier.

Reserve Best in Show - Rhodesian Ridgeback.


Best Puppy in Show - English Toy Terrier.


Reserve Best Puppy in Show - Irish Terrier.