• Show Date: 28/01/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Marion Withers Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Wellingborough & District Canine Society

Border Collies

Puppy (5 entries, 2 absent)

1st Austin & Zolakova’s Hysteps My Irish Colleen

A nicely balanced b/w bitch of just under 8 months, but quite mature for her age, she has a pleasing outline with enough substance for her ideal size. Her head handles well with a nicely rounded muzzle, good underjaw, correct eye shape and placement, good stop and well carried ears. She has a good reach of neck into well laid shoulders and length of upper arm, level topline, low set tail, strong muscular hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved soundly with good ground covering action. BP.

2nd Jaskolski’s Piece of Happiness Mickey

7 months b/w, his head is of correct proportions with correct stop, nicely rounded muzzle and dark oval eye, he has a kind expression, but his ears at this stage are rather heavy and he was reluctant to use them. He has a strong well arched neck, straight front with flexible pasterns, level topline, good bend of stifle, well let down hocks and a long tail. His feet are of correct shape but would benefit from some trimming. I just preferred his forehand angulation to that of 3rd, and he moved with good reach and drive once his handler got him to settle.

3rd Hartfield’s Moshanta Memories Move On

Junior (6,2)

1st Hysteps My Irish Colleen

2nd Dalby’s Hidden Bo Fedele Amico for Axernamoon (Imp Rus)

Quite plain b/w of nice make and shape. Attractive head with good balance of skull to muzzle, correct stop, nicely rounded foreface, well placed dark eyes and good ear carriage. He has a good length of neck and layback of shoulder, enough depth of chest for his age, level topline and slope over croup into low set tail, very good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Very responsive to his handler and moved well from all angles.

3rd Piece of Happiness Mickey

Post Graduate (5,1)

1st Hidden Bo Fedele Amico for Axernamoon (Imp Rus)

2nd Piece of Happiness Mickey

3rd Rollingbones Jamaica

Open (5,1)

1st Lucky For You Wesley JW (Imp Hun)

Eyecatching r/w whose excellent construction is immediately apparent. He has a very pleasing head and expression with good balance of skull to muzzle, good underjaw, smooth cheeks, well shaped and placed eye and very responsive ears. He is nice for size with just the right amount of bone, a muscular well arched neck, good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, straight front with flexible pasterns, good depth of chest and spring of rib, level topline, strong loin and long low set tail. His hindquarters are also well angulated, so he moved soundly coming and going and with good reach in profile. Shown in good coat and condition, I was pleased to award him BOB

2nd Kinton’s Kinaway Dreams With Fire (AI) JW RBOB

I liked this girl a lot but at 21 months she lacks maturity. She is ultra feminine with correct head proportions, nicely rounded muzzle, distinct stop, dark nicely placed oval eye, and good ear set, all combining to give an appealing expression. She too is correctly angulated at both ends and moves accordingly. She has enough bone for her ideal size, straight front with sloping pasterns, a level topline with pretty sweep over the croup to a long low set tail, good bend of stifle, and well let down hocks. At the moment, as one would expect, she does not have the depth of chest and development of ribcage of the 1st placed dog, but her day will come, and she well deserved RBOB.

3rd Piece of Happiness Mickey

Marion Withers (Judge)