• Show Date: 29/01/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Mandy Romeo-Dieste Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Coalville & District Canine Society

Gordon Setter
Post Graduate (1)
1st Mawby’s Burroughtoff Lilly Loch
Pretty 2 year old with good head properties showing a defined stop and dark eye. She has moderation through her body and has well developed thigh. She is short in hock which enabled her to move with drive.

Open (3)
1st Ashley-Turner’s Hernwood The Botanist JW
This boy is still a young dog but is developing well. His head is of good shape with a slightly rounded skull, however I would prefer a tighter eye. He is well balanced through his body and angulation with slightly arched loin. On the move he is straight both ways and covered the ground well in profile. BOB
2nd Cops & Whiting’s Locksheath Black Ice
Stronger dog all through than 1. He has good depth of rib and correct elbows. Tight feet and quality bone. His coat is of good quality but I would like his markings to be a richer tan. On the move he was true and went with drive. RBOB
3rd Michalak’s Kyuna Dream Merchant

Bracco Italiano
Puppy (2)
1st Goode’s Braccorion’s Expressive at Brackenvale
A lovely young bitch who was really giving her handler a hard time today. Lovely head and soft, naughty expression. Good neck which is well placed in to her shoulders. Quality bone and good feet. She is well angulated both ends which enabled her to move true and with drive when she did get it together. BOB & BP
2nd Steel’s Braccorion’s Expelliarmus To Juhua
This young lady was plainer in head than 1 and I would prefer better feet. She is deep in rib and has a good bend of stifle and short hocks. Moved ok

Post Graduate (2)
1st Goode’s Braccorion’s Expressive at Brackenvale
2nd Steel’s Sazmallin Beijing Boy To Juhua
A soft expression and good ear set. He is nicely developed in rib and has a good loin. He has a nice bend of stifle and shows good width behind when standing but was close behind on the move today.

Open (4,1abs)
1st Critchley’s ShCh Braccorion’s Never Say Never JW
Strong bitch with an attractive head and expression. She has good bone and good feet. She has a good rear with long muscular thighs Her deep rib is well sprung. On the move she was sound and true. RBOB
2nd Goode’s Rus De’Viaro Olympia at Brackenvale JW
This young dog is of a different type and lacks maturity next to 1. Long head with slight stop. Deep enough in rib with short loin of good width. He moved with plenty of drive.
3rd Angus’ Braccorion’s Ruddy Gorgeous

Italian Spinone
Post Graduate (1)
1st Etches’ Tintibell This Is The One
I liked this 16mth dog who just needs a bit of time. He has clean skull of good shape and eye.He stands on lovely feet with quality bone. Good shoulders and correct topline. He is well angulated all round which shows in his free movement. RBOB

Open (1)
1st James’ Inostricani Fianna
Good bitch who is strongly built. She has a lovely head with kind expression. Her neck is well placed in to her correctly laid shoulders. She has a good bend of stifle and short hocks giving the relaxed movement. BOB