• Show Date: 16/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Mandie Heslop Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Durham County Canine Association

Durham County Canine Association 16th July 2023

Thank you to the hard-working committee, GSB&OC for the supported entry & my very helpful stewards I had many quality dogs to go over & I was delighted to see my BOB klein go on to win a large utility group All dogs displayed very good temperaments despite the gales that were blowing everything everywhere !

German Spitz (klein)

Puppy (0)

Special Yearling (1) 1st Rogerson's Nosregor Easy On Me 1 year old black bitch - Lovely one to start with - just my type! Beautiful feminine wedge shaped head with a good mouth & neat ears Good angles & balanced body maintaining a level top line Nice straight legs with tight feet & correct tail set Moved well in all directions RBOB

Limit (1) 1st Rogerson's Nosregor Take It All 1 year old black dog - Litter brother to the SY winner Excellent wedge shaped head with lovely dark eyes & expression Almost square in outline with balanced angulation Well presented and handled Excellent front & side movement but slightly toeing on right hind Would just prefer a bit more all over BOS

Open Dog (0)

Open Bitch (1) 1st Rogerson's Nosregor Sister Sledge 2½ year old Cream bitch - Mother of the previous two Wow! This bitch is really on top form just now Attractive head with a flatish skull and neat ears Very good pigment, correct mouth and lovely expression Her body is very well balanced with good angulation fore & aft She is well off for bone whilst maintaining her femininity Nice tight cat feet and beautifully presented Moved very well from all angles - totally at one with her handler BOB Gp1

German Spitz (Mittel)

Puppy (2) 1st Garbutts Longsdale's Lets Dance for Nixtev 7½ month old gold bitch This bitch has the most beautiful head & expression Correct oval-shaped dark eyes, excellent pigmentation & good ear set She presents a balanced, fairly square outline and is well off for bone She can stand a little cow-hocked at times but this was not evident in her movement which was very good from all angles Well presented and handled BP PG3

2nd Rogersons Nosregor Sticking Around 9½ month old sable dog Finer type than 1 & still a raw puppy with maturing to do He has a good wedge shaped head with a nearly flat skull Nicely high set ears and dark eyes with good pigment giving a kind expression He has good angulation & a level top line into the correct high tail set Movement was very good from all angles

Special Yearling (1) 1st Garbutt's Cadasaro Fighting Fit for Nixtev (IKC) 17½ month old cream bitch Well balanced bitch with plenty of substance Medium wedge shaped head with correct mouth and dark pigment Good high ear set & correctly shaped dark eyes Moderate length of neck into very well placed shoulders Excellent coat of correct texture and lovely neat cat feet Moved out well - especially in profile BOS +RBOB

Limit (1) 1st Rogerson's Nosregor Hercules 2 year old black & white particolour dog This dog was a real surprise to me once I got my hands on him Handsome, broad wedge shaped head with a moderately defined stop Good dark eyes, black pigment and a lovely expression He has a short-coupled, well-knit body with very good angulation Not in full coat but what was there was correct in texture & well presented He moved very well from behind but was slightly high stepping in front

Open Dog (1) 1st Corkin & Garbutts CH Nixtev Zeventis 6 year old black/seal dog His head is broad, wedge shaped & masculine He has a friendly expression & correct mouth He has a good length of neck into excellent shoulders This is balanced by the correct hind angulation & well let down hocks His body is square and well knit with a short loin & moderate tuck up Excellent bone, plenty of substance and lovely tight cat-like feet His movement is superb Straight and effortless from all angles with good reach & drive in profile It was this that won him BOB as he was completely out of coat

Open Bitch (3,2) 1st Garbutt's CH Nixtev Yazara 7 year old cream bitch This girl is not a big one but presents a lovely square outline with no lack of substance She has balanced angulation fore & aft with a moderate tuck up & short loin

Her head is pleasing with a good mouth, correct dark eyes and high set ears Eye staining slightly spoilt her lovely feminine expression Moved soundly from all angles maintaining a level top line

2nd Corkin & Garbutt's Nixtev Xamira 7 year old white bitch She has a good, nearly square outline with a good length of neck Her head is attractive with nice dark eyes of the correct oval shape & set obliquely She had a lovely coat of the correct texture that was very well presented & neat feet Would prefer ears slightly smaller & set higher Movement was difficult to assess as she was out to have fun & mess her patient handler about

Mandie Heslop