• Show Date: 08/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Luke Johnston Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Afghan Hound Association

Afghan Hound Association Open Show (PM)

Saturday 8th July 2023

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

1. Kirk & Williams’ Istani Davidoff The Game. 7 month old black and tan. Loved the look of this houndy young dog, excellent proportions with super length of leg and standing over good ground. Masculine head of the correct proportions, good strength of underjaw and well shaped eye. Lovely neck and front construction. Prominent pinbones, good fallaway to correct set of ringtail. Perhaps a little too moderate in hindquarters, hope he drops into them and develops a touch more bend of stifle. Nonetheless, he moved very well on a long, springy stride with excellent carriage. Reserve Best Dog and Best Puppy Dog.

Puppy Dog (4)

1. Kirk & Williams’ Istani Davidoff The Game.

2. Hitch’s Zendushkas Amarillo. 10 month old black masked gold. A quality and well balanced puppy who pushed for 1st and made it a close decision. Preferred the head overall of 1 but this dog too has correct eye and expression. Squarer in proportions than 1 and could perhaps have a touch more length but has a firm level topline. Lovely long neck into a well made front. Super hindquarters with good bend of stifle and low hocks, which I preferred to 1. Sound mover with a springy gait, but not quite the stride of 1.

3. Woodward’s Pramya King Of Everything (Imp).

Junior Dog (1)

1. Sharp’s Affyneeta Rhapsody In Blue. 10 month old domino. Quite a raw dog and generally needs more work on presentation in coat and performance. Head of good length, slight stop with a dark eye. Could have more neck and better set on of front. Has time to body up and strengthen in topline but has a good short loin. Good bend of stile and straight, well let down hocks. Moved ok.

Yearling Dog (0)

Veteran Dog (1)

1. Seamarks & Nemoto’s Sayadena Northern Nights VW (Imp). 8 year old cream dog. Masculine throughout. Coat off the correct texture and with some to spare. Good neck into a fairly well made front. Super body and ribbing, but a bit slack in topline. Excellent prominent pinbones and fall away. Could just move a bit more purposefully and use his tail. Best Veteran Dog.

Novice Dog (3)

1. Kirk & Williams’ Istani Davidoff The Game.

2. Woodward’s Pramya King Of Everything (Imp). 3rd in Puppy. 11 month old black mask gold. An upstanding and showy puppy. Preferred the head of 1. Long neck and fairly well made front. Would like less length for better proportions. Excellent pinbones and fallaway. Moved well on a springy stride and super carriage, but not the reach of 1.

3. Sharp’s Affyneeta Rhapsody In Blue.

Special Beginners Dog (1)

1. Kirk & Williams’ Istani Davidoff The Game.

Graduate Dog (0)

Post Graduate Dog (1)

1. Peek-Matar’s Yansukhim’s Sherbet Fizz. 2 year old black. A well sized, balanced and proportioned dog who appealed for outline on the stack. Masculine, well-proportioned head. Long neck and well angulated fore and aft. Not yet finished in body and could do with more width and fill, particularly in front. Good tailset and carriage but not ringed. Super carriage but much too erratic and lifting in front movement which spoiled the picture on the move.

Limit Dog (1)

1. McLay’s Cloudside Sunking. 6 year old black masked gold. A fully mature dog with type and quality. He is so well balanced and proportioned, everything fits and flows and he is ‘all of a piece’. Masculine head of good length and balanced width of skull, lovely eye and expression. Good neck into laid back shoulders. Firm, level topline but pinbones and croup could be a touch more prominent. Well bodied with excellent depth and ribbing. Strong hindquarters with good length from hip to hock and let down hocks. I wish he would give a little more on the move, nevertheless, he moves with a sound and typical action. Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show.

Open Dog (0)

Minor Puppy Bitch (0)

Puppy Bitch (1)

1. Morgan & Kemp’s Rhazmakh Spirit O’ Summer. 9 months old black and silver. A raw and feminine bitch built on good proportions with lovely length of leg. Feminine head and dark, well-shaped eye, held on a long neck. Excellent topline, pinbones and fallaway. Balanced but perhaps a little too moderate in angulation fore and aft. Needs to fill out in body but has time. Can settle in front movement but has plenty drive and good carriage. Best Puppy Bitch.

Junior Bitch (1,1)

Yearling Bitch (1,1)

Veteran Bitch (5,1)

1. Adams’ Ch Zandahar Just Tiger Lily JW ShCM VW. 10 year old dark brindle. Impressive for her age. Good head and eye. Super neck into well laid shoulders and good length and return of upper arm. Excellent hindquarters with strength, width and length from hip to hock. Would like a touch more definition to her croup. Such a sound mover with an excellent stride and at this age, can forgive her slight lack of carriage. A quality exhibit indeed. Reserve Best Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.

2. Link’s Ch/Ir/Ned/Int Ch Popovs Bora Bora at Orashan JW (Imp). 9 year old black masked gold. Another quality exhibit who scored for general proportions. Feminine head with good eye and expression. Preferred the neck and front of 1. Well bodied with short, level topline. Super hindquarters which she used well on the move where she had super carriage but not quite the stride of 1.

3. Peek-Matar’s Sleepy Hollow at Yansukhim JW ShCM (Imp).

Novice Bitch

No entries.

Special Beginners Bitch (2) Two very different bitches with a range of virtues and faults, which made it a close decision.

1. Kirk & William’s Calamus Dirty Dancing at Istani (Imp). 4 year old black masked gold. Liked her size and proportions. Lovely feminine head, eye and correct expression. Ok in shoulder and upper arm. Preferred her body and ribcage over 2. Moved well enough but too proud of her tail.

2. Hirst’s Ayoubkhan Snow Cloud. 2 year old cream. Undoubtedly feminine bitch built on a rangier frame than 1. Better in front than 1. Very raw, lacking depth and fill of body. Tends to fall away in her outline on the stack. Excellent pinbones, definition of croup and ring tail. Felt she was a more typical mover and preferred her tail carriage. Not as together and developed as 1 and just felt she lacked the dignified look of an Afghan, which made my decision.

Graduate Bitch (1)

1. Hirst’s Ayoubkhan Snow Cloud.

Post Graduate Bitch (4)

1. Fisher’s Shimalma Campari Goes to Ifmaraf. 2 year old black masked cream. Such an attractive bitch of obvious quality and full of type. Loved her head, beautiful eye and expression. Super neck into well laid shoulders. Best front of the class. Well ribbed back but would like a shorter loin for ideal overall proportions. Balanced hindquarters. Such a sound and typical mover with a ground-covering stride. Strongly considered for RBB.

2. Turner, Hutton & Boydell’s Nightwind You’re My Kind Of Crazy (Imp). A close decision between 2 and 3, both nice bitches. This bitch is spot on for proportions which I preferred to 3 who I found a touch too square. Feminine bitch with a lovely head and eye. Not quite the front angles of 1, but fairly well constructed all through. Positive mover but not quite the reach of 1.

3. Smart’s Gezancol Kissed By An Angel.

Limit Bitch (2)

1. Hughes & Luty’s Gezancol Fallen From Grace. 3 year old heavily patterned black masked gold. A super bitch full of type and quality. She has balance with excellent proportions and a typical outline. Strong but most attractive and typical head with good length, certainly has punishing jaws and a well shaped eye, finished off with a keen expression. Very well constructed throughout and balanced angulation with excellent sweep to her hindquarters. Well ribbed and a short loin which shows in her firm, level topline which she holds completely on the move. Good croup and a well set ringtail, held well on the move, finished the pictured. Once settled, she moves with such a typical, springy action covering a lot of ground with ease. Quite a comfortable Best in Show winner. Best Bitch and Best in Show.

2. Kirk & William’s Calamus Dirty Dancing at Istani (Imp).

Open Bitch (1)

1. Turner, Hutton & Boydell’s Nightwind You’re My Kind Of Crazy (Imp).

Mr L A Johnston