- Show Date: 10/06/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Luke Johnston Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Newmarket & District Canine Society
Newmarket and District Canine Society
11th June 2023
Junior Handling Association 6-11 Years
1. Skye Dunn, aged 6, handling a West Highland White Terrier. I was told after judging that this was Skye’s first ever show in a handling class, and also handling a different dog than usual, a 10 month old puppy no less! What a performance Skye put on, completing all patterns I asked for and showing her dog’s teeth in a such gentle but professional manner. Skye did her very best to keep the dog in the middle of herself and I and was encouraging her dog at all times. A really impressive first-time performance. A future star!
Junior Handling Association 12-16 Years
1. Leah Chadwick, aged 13, handling a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Leah put on a very accomplished performance. She did everything I asked of her to a very high standard whilst blending into the background. Straight lines, neat corners and lots of discrete encouragement of her dog. Best Junior Handler of day 2.
2. Amelia Wright, aged 14, handling a Jack Russell Terrier. Another good handling performance with lots of verbal encouragement and making use of the full ring with neat patterns. Unfortunately, I only asked to see the bite and Amelia showed all sides of the mouth, which became the deciding factor on the day.
A.V.N.S.C. Hound Puppy (2)
1. Miller, Avery, Howie & Emrys-Jones’ Marksbury Regina at Millvery. A most appealing 7 month old Bloodhound bitch. Feminine in head with correct proportions and good eyes. Long neck into super front construction. Level topline which she holds on the moved. Well angled rear quarters. Really sound on the move with an open and free stride in profile. Delightful temperament. I was sorry that she did not appear in the Puppy Group later in the day. Best Puppy AVNSC.
2. Kuivenhoven & Thorpe’s Asta (Imp NLD). 8 month old Norwegian Elkhound male. Of good proportions; up on the leg, compact in body and square in outline. Masculine head with good width between his ears and correct wedge shape. Unfortunately, he was rather difficult to assess in all aspects as he was rather unsettled not being handled by his owner, showed glimpses of sound movement.
A.V.N.S.C. Hound Graduate (3)
1. Hills’ Rangali Gretel at Shimmeree. Basset Fauve De Bretagne. 17 month old bitch. Feminine, well-sized and well-balanced bitch. Lovely head and expression. Good front assembly and straight forelegs. Well bodied with a good spring of rib, could have been more level in topline. Stifles well bent and strong hocks. A very sound mover in all directions. Good coat and condition. Reserve Best AVNSC.
2. Leech’s Mochras Mahmalade by Jamchala. Basset Fauve De Bretagne. 12 month old bitch. Built on a larger frame and squarer proportions than 1, would not want her any taller. Balanced head with moderate dome. Pleasing eye and expression. Preferred the front assembly and soundness out and back of 1 but this bitch had super profile movement holding a level topline.
3. Bufton’s Kenzduo Shore.
A.V.N.S.C. Hound Open (2) Tough class.
1. Leech & Thornton’s Mochras Mahgaux. Basset Fauve De Bretagne. 12 month old bitch. Well-balanced bitch of super proportions. Good head, eye and expression. Fine, well set ears. Short muscular neck into good front assembly. Well bodied and a level topline. Excellent rear which she really uses on the move. Excellent profile movement, such a free and active gait, holding her level topline with good carriage, which won her the class. Super harsh coat and condition. Best AVNSC. Very marginally missed out on a place in the group.
2. Howie & Emrys-Jones’ Ch Marksbury Malfoy. An impressive 4 year old Bloodhound male who made it a very close decision. Appealed for size, substance and balanced standing well over himself. Long head of the correct proportion and planes, with a dignified expression. Well made throughout and a powerful mover coping well with the heat.
Bavarian Mountain Hound Puppy (1)
1. Seago & Gibbard’s Conwydogs Purple into Amlida. 11 month old bitch. Quite forward and developed for her age. Feminine head but with good strength and width throughout. Well bodied for her age and of the correct proportions. Balanced in angulation fore and aft which is displayed in her movement, light and springy with a free and ground-covering sidegait. Delightful temperament. BOB, BP & HPG4.
Bavarian Mountain Hound Open (1)
1. Borsuk’s Boartracker Bill. Mature 3 year old dog. Another with the correct proportions, being slightly longer than tall. Masculine head on a strong neck. Good spring and length of ribcage. Well laid shoulders but could have more return of upper arm and was rather out at the elbow, this showed in front movement too. Good movement otherwise holding his outline in profile. RBOB.
Borzoi Junior (2,1)
1. Wheatley’s Takatoria Legally Blonde. 17 month old bitch. Liked her head which was of the correct proportions, dark eye and keen expression. Graceful outline with correct top and underline, well bodied and good depth for a bitch of this age. Would not want her any shorter in body proportions. A sound, parallel mover. BOB.
Irish Wolfhound Puppy (1)
1. Webb & Shepherd’s Killoughery Missions Two for Inkleyboys. 11 month old male. Upstanding dog with size, strength and a commanding appearance even at this young age. Liked his proportions with good length of leg. Masculine head of good length held on a long and muscular neck. Well laid shoulders and return of upper arm, can settle into his pasterns still. Has time on his side to shape up in topline. Super hindquarters with good width to thigh and well let down hocks. Sound, easy mover covering good ground in profile with good carriage, coping remarkably well in the heat throughout the day. Super coat and condition, lovely temperament. BP & HPG1, delighted to hear he went RBPIS Day 2.
Irish Wolfhound Yearling (1)
1. Severn-Kumar’s Gaelmarque Nomateus. 21 month old male. This young male impressed for his graceful and athletic appearance and movement. Stands over plenty ground. Good head, eye and expression. Long neck set into a super front assembly with elbows set neatly well under the body. Still has time to develop into a fully mature hound but has good infill, depth of chest and ribs carried well back. Strong hindquarters used well on the move. In the end, his free and active movement won him the breed. BOB.
Irish Wolfhound Open (1)
1. Webb’s Gaelmarque Mission Success for Inkleyboys. 3 year old full mature male. Masuculine dog throughout, lovely head and expression, strong neck into a fairly well constructed front. Excellent infill and width of forechest and deep brisket. Excellent hindquarters. Moved soundly. Just felt he was looking a bit heavy and not holding his topline as well as the younger male so gave way for BOB. RBOB.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy (3,2)
1. Cox & Musgrave’s Carlincox Jerseyroyal. 11 month old bitch. Feminine puppy built on a good frame with the correct proportions and a lovely outline stacked. Feminine head, bright eyes with a lovely expression and ears set high of good size. Well angled fore and aft, could have more slope to pastern. Well ribbed back and good body. Sound mover covering good ground but can tend to lose her outline on the move. Shows potential. BP & RBOB.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Open (3,2)
1. Cox’s Ch Carlincox Pure Gold JW. Mature 4 year old bitch in full bloom and of obvious quality. I was surprised to find that this kennelmate was not the mother of the puppy as they possess many of the same qualities and are similar in outline in proportions. Well proportioned head with good width and strength yet still feminine. A precise, active and free mover covering plenty ground and holding her outline. BOB & HG2.
A.V. Hound Veteran (8,3)
1. Leech’s Ch/Ir Ch Gavelkind Conquistador by Jamchala. Basset Fauve De Bretagne. Just shy of 8 year old and in super condition. Masculine head of correct proportions held on a strong neck. Well bodied with a firm level topline, wouldn’t want him any longer. So easy to see where his daughters (in the AVNSC classes) got their strong rears, excellent profile movement and firm toplines from. Sound mover from all angles with a fantastic profile action. I was delighted to see he went all the way to Supreme BVIS over the two days.
2. Hills’ Shimeree Black Satin JW. Whippet. 7 year old black bitch who oozed femininity and quality all through with no exaggerations. Graceful in outline and full of curves. Very smooth to go over on the table and sound in all directions on the move. Lovely quality.
3. Cross’ Stargang Sansa.
Hound Group
1. Hamilton’s LU Ch Alishamar Roxane JW (Imp BEL). Saluki. A very lovely moderate bitch with strength and grace. Feminine head of good length. Dark oval eye, good expression and well set ears. Lovely long neck. Typical in outline with gentle curves to top and underline. Very moderate, and balanced, in angulation fore and aft. Moved very typically in all directions with a light and lifting action. Showing and handled very well in the heat to comfortably secure the top spot.
2. Cox’s Ch Carlincox Pure Gold JW. Rhodesian Ridgeback.
3. Bailey’s Glasvey Double Trouble for Loggeta. Long-haired Dachshund. A quality bitch of pleasing size. Correct proportions and balance. Very feminine in head with correct eye and expression. Flowing outline. In beautiful coat and condition. Moved very sounding from all angles holding her outline.
4. Samson’s Romaclove The Power Of Love. Whippet. A lovely bitch with lots of quality. Curvy and smooth in outline which she holds on the move covering plenty ground in profile.
Hound Puppy Group
1. Webb & Shepherd’s Killoughery Missions Two for Inkleyboys. Irish Wolfhound.
2. Cox & Musgrave’s Carlincox Jerseyroyal. Rhodesian Ridgeback.
3. Phillips’ Summerview Hello Hugo. Miniature Long-haired Dachshund. A promising puppy with lots to like. Good size and substance built on the correct proportions. Masculine head. Well angled fore and aft and puts it to good use on the move.
4. Seago & Gibbard’s Conwydogs Purple into Amlida. Bavarian Mountain Hound.
Reserve BOB Stakes
1. Tomkins’ Pasgal Reach Out And Touch. Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Smart black dog of super strength. Well balanced and put together. Pleasing to go over and in excellent condition, lovely muscle and a short, glossy coat. Moved parallel and with excellent drive in profile.
2. Morland’s Zoraden You Are My Universe. Whippet. A very elegant and shapely fawn and white bitch. Feminine head, so well put together and curvy in body. Excellent profile movement holding her outline completely and showing super reach and drive.
3. Saich’s Lindcoly Witches Brew. Cairn Terrier.
Mr L A Johnston