• Show Date: 07/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Loraine Ratter Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Edwinstowe & District Canine Society



It was a pleasure to judge at this well organised show thank you to the committee for the invitation. I had an excellent steward gracious thanks Marion for your help and support. I had some real quality dogs to go over thanks to all the exhibitors for entering.

CKCS P 1ST & BP Tarabad Frondil Dahlia Smith B/T bitch of ideal size and excellent outline short-coupled throughout feminine head correct almost flat skull shallow stop dark eyes gentle expression good reach of neck well laid shoulder compact feet firm topline lovely temperament happy outgoing showgirl 2nd Dawson Luphenex Highland Mist Blen bitch with well broken markings feminine head well placed ears nice eye correct stop and dentition longer in muzzle than 1st enough neck straight front good topline which she retained on the move happy and confident temperament 3rd Lunt Oaktreepark Royal Ava

CKCS J 1st Dawson Luphenex Highland Fling male compact outline well-proportioned head high set ears dark eye good bone neat feet well set tail silky coat confident mover with a happy outgoing disposition 2nd Lunt Oaktreepark Royal Austin male well -proportioned head high set ears slight arch to neck not as compact as 1st level back moved adequately excellent soft silky coat texture

CKCS PG 1st Corner Bevelmount La Vielle at Delaby ruby bitch with excellent pigmentation ideal size feminine well-proportioned head shallow stop large dark round eyes typical sweet expression moderate neck well laid shoulder well sprung rib effortless and sound on the move

CKCS OD 1st & BOB Whitman Khatibi Bark Obama JW Shcex male B/T a soundly constructed spritely veteran with a beautifully balanced outline his head is masculine with a flattish skull correct stop cushioned muzzle and excellent dentition moderate neck harmonious angulation fore and rear correct bone and feet well-developed body short back level topline purposeful sound mover beautifully conditioned and presented happy outgoing showman his tail never stopped 2nd Dawson Luphenex Solent Lad Blen male pleasing head and expression slightly arched neck well laid shoulder moving a little close behind today well-presented soft silky coat

CKCS OB 1st Corner Kelrick Black Velvet At Delaby tri bitch well balanced throughout with harmonious angulation fore and rear typical head almost flat skull dark eyes soft expression correct dentition excellent pigmentation ears correctly set and well feathered moderate slightly arched neck well sprung ribs good bone and feet moved steadily well-presented silky coat 2nd Lunt Oaktreepark Magic Skye larger bitch pleasing head high set ears good dentition level topline good bone and feet silky soft well-presented coat lovely temperament

PAPILLION P This was an excellent class full of quality 1ST Keown BOB & BP Keomandi Fly Me To The Moon tri male confident, elegant and full of quality well-proportioned head large mobile well-set ears sweet expression fine bone good reach of neck level topline correct tail set and plume confident sound and stylish on the move 2nd Hector Amber Beauty Valentino At Talsett (Imp Pol) NAF tri male typical head correct stop well set ears good spring of excellent tail carriage moved soundly 3rd Lees Farthinghall The Inspector (NAF)

PAPILLION J 1ST Lees Lafford Black Onyx b/w male of excellent type dark eyes well set ears with glorious fringing level topline standing and on the move tail well plumed and correctly set positive and assured on the move beautifully presented 2nd Holmes Kasper Margenis (NAF) nicely balanced and well-constructed tri male pleasing head refined muzzle correct dentition good eye shape and colour level back good tail set and carriage sound on the move 3rd Keown Keomandi Fairy King

PAPILLION PG 1ST Hector Odyssey Elite Pillango At Talsett (Imp) pleasing outline typical head good stop fine muzzle dark expressive eyes excellent pigmentation ears well set and fringed level topline tail well plumed and carried correctly excellent coat texture and presentation sound mover 2nd Slater Lafford Golden Nugget pleasing head and expression soundly constructed good depth of chest ribs well sprung level top-line positive and sound on the move 3rd Holmes Elfuago Booyah

PAPILLION 0 1ST Lees Lafford Golden Child JW bitch ultra feminine and of beautiful type elegant outline dainty throughout with fine bone hare feet feminine head rounded skull defined stop fine muzzle fabulous expression and large mobile well-fringed ears good reach of neck level top-line profuse silky coat a little reluctant on the move today 2nd Slater Baillion Black Obsidian For Zizula male large mobile ears well placed with beautiful fringing moderate neck well developed body hare feet level topline coat of good texture sound free mover

JUDGE: L Ratter (Seafar)