• Show Date: 22/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Liesel Thorner Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/08/2023

Southampton & District Canine Association

Southampton Canine Society Utilities Critique

I would like the thank the Southampton Canine Society Committee for the invitation to judge at their show. I would like to say the weather was kind to us, but it was not as we know. In fact, it was horrendous and probably the worst weather I have ever attended a show in. So well done and thank you to the stoic exhibitors who stayed to the very end for their classes, I really did appreciate your entry and the efforts you went to to present your dogs in the best condition possible considering how wet they got. Thank you also to my stewards Sarah-Jane and Molly, who kept everything running well, found replacement pens when they stopped writing and still managed to ensure I had a legible catalogue despite the running ink on soggy paper.

I had some lovely exhibits to go over and the quality of the dogs in the group was so good that I was splitting hairs and could have given out more group cards. Thank you to the other utility breed judges for putting forward such quality dogs.

Boston Terrier

Puppy (1, 0)

1st Gallagher’s Wynele Wishful With Izralight

Raw 10 month old brindle bitch. Head with good proportions and developing nicely. Well set and carried ears, alert expression. Arched neck leading to a sloping shoulder. Nice amount of bone keeping femininity, straight legs and good feet. Moved well. BPIB

Junior (2, 0)

1st Sandells’ Shawmut Shelby Dakota

18 month old brindle young lady that pipped her litter brother to 1st place here. Preferred her more defined stop and ear carriage. Nice length and arch to neck into sloping shoulder. Balanced in angulation. Good straight bone, pasterns could be a little stronger. Moved well.

2nd Sandells’ Shawmut Pontiac Chieftain

Balanced compact brindle male, of good type. Nicely angled fore and aft, with good slope to shoulders and short back. Nice bone in straight legs. Feet could be tighter. Correct muscling. Moved well.

Post Graduate (2, 1)

1st Hamlin’s Devotoblaze Hope’s Miracle JW

Rising two year old showy bitch, built on a taller frame. Good square head in correct proportions. Muzzle short with defined stop and line between open nostrils. Well set ears and a dark eye, although could be a little rounder, give an alert expression. This young lady is balanced fore and aft, with a sloping shoulder, short back and slight rise over her loin to a correct tail set. She carries enough straight bone and has short strong pasterns and tight feet. Moved well with a rhythmic gait. BOB.

Open (7, 1)

Really splitting hairs with these two males, each having points I preferred over the other.

1st Rosparquier Small Talk For Devotoblaze ShCM

6 year old Brindle with square head and defined stop and correctly set ears. Dark eye. Has a good neck into sloping shoulder. Preferred the combination of the front and rear construction on this male. Enough bone for frame and good feet. Moved well. RBOB

2nd Sandells’ Shawmutt The Trailer Blazer

2 year old male with good head that I preferred over the first place dog. Square, with good ear set and carriage, defined stop, round dark eye and correct muzzle. Short coupled, but a little wider in front than one and more tuck up. Moved well.

3rd Trevett’s Sarkay Pocketfulasunshine

German Spitz (Mittel)

Puppy (2, 1)

1st Hutchings-Brooks, Brooks, Hutchings and Hutchings’ Jansanleis The Magic Piper with Jenerelena

10 month old cream parti bitch. Feminine head of good proportions, lovely dark eye with black pigmentation to rims, lips and nose. Correct ear set and carriage. Good bite. Square outline with moderate balanced angulation. Nicely bodied for age with enough bone and cat like feet. Coat coming along. Alert and interested and showing well. Moved with an effortless gait. BOB BPIB

Junior (1, 1)

Post Graduate (0, 0)

Open (1, 1)


Puppy (0, 0)

Junior (1, 0)

1st Purser’s Twybrook Charming Prince

Almost 15 month old male that has a befitting name and lovely ring presence. This young man is charming and pulled out all the stops to beat the wonderful open winner that I have always liked to BOB today.

Beautifully balanced with a masculine head of correct proportions. Lovely dark eye and correct pigmentation with well set and carried ears, feathered and with “ear rings”. Has a “melting” expression. His balanced front and rear are well angulated and his level topline leads to a good tail set and carriage. He is nicely muscled all through without being overdone and carries enough bone in straight legs and stands on good feet. He moved well with reach and drive holding his topline. A lovely jacket finishes the picture. BOB, G4.

Post Graduate (2, 0)

1st Purser’s Twybrook Charming Prince

As per 1st in puppy.

2nd Johnson’s Valleyrise Illustration

Judged this young lady as a puppy in 2018 and she has matured nicely. Feminine all through, she is balanced with good angles fore and aft and carries enough bone. Nice head, with moderate stop, dark eye and correct pigmentation. Alert and intelligent expression. In good coat. Moved well.

Open (2, 0)

1st Johnson’s Sensation Vom Tespelkooi Of Valleyrise VW (IMP DEU)

8 year old bitch that was unlucky to meet the junior and PG classes winner here today. I have judged this girl previously and noted her lovely feminine head, dark eye, and correct pigmentation. Her ears are set and carried well and have the desirable “earring” black tips. All of this creating an alert and confident expression. Her angles fore and aft are balanced and well put together allowing her a good reach and drive and she tops off the picture by being in good coat. Lovely to see her again on such good form. RBOB

2nd Davies’ Millhanger Kemboy

4 year old well balanced male of type, with a good layback of shoulder and angle of upper arm. He carries masculine bone and has good feet. His head is well proportioned, with a lovely dark eye and well set and carried ears. Moved well.

Poodle (Standard)

Puppy (2, 0)

1st Lawton’s Sarnia Love Me Tender With Abbeydale

11 month old black of good sort. Masculine head with lovely almond shaped dark eye, correct bite. Nicely angled fore and aft, good width and depth to his chest, straight legs and good feet. Moved well with reach and drive from behind, but still a little loose coming toward which should tighten with age. Had a lovely ring presence. Well handled. G4

2nd Dickenson’s Sterlingway Name Ya Poison At Sorviodunum

10 month old silver male with masculine head and dark eye. Still coming together through front as needs more width and depth to chest. Good bone and tight feet. Nicely muscled for age. Moved ok.

Junior (1, 1)

Post Graduate (1, 1)

Open (1, 1)

Shih Tzu

Puppy (0, 0)

Junior (3, 0)

1st Gardner’s Ethelsmead True Grit

Sturdy 15 month old gold and white male. Good broad masculine head with nice uptilt to his nose and lovely open nostrils. Arrogant head carriage. Balanced fore and aft with well laid back shoulder and good width to his chest. Nice bone. Good mover showing full pad. BOB

2nd Silsbury’s J’adoremy Mr Red’N Stare

Young male of 13 months built on a smaller frame but still sturdy and well boned. Nice head, with dark eye and alert expression. Good head carriage. Balanced with good muscling. Moved ok.

3rd Silsbury’s J’adoremy Mr Red Revenge

Post Graduate (2, 0)

1st Austin’s Rossvale Meant To Be At Chotahkees

Gold and White 2 year old, with feminine head, lovely dark eye and slight uptilt to her nose and good open nostrils. Moderate angulation in front and rear. Moved well showing good pad. RBOB

2nd Silsbury’s J’adoremy Red Bounty Forever

Rising 5 year old red male with arrogant head carriage. Masculine head, dark eye and good muzzle. Level back. Balanced angulation. Nicely muscled through. Moved ok.

Open (3, 0)

1st Swift’s Chanikos Poket Full O’Dreams For Shanora

Another gold and white, a bitch of 4 years. Feminine all through yet sturdy and carrying enough bone. Slightly tipped up nose, dark eye and correct muzzle. Nicely balanced with moderate angulation. Showed full pad on the move.

2nd Beer and Tilley’s Miracey Sand Warrior For Tilbe

Larger framed 2 year old male with masculine head. Correct muzzle, dark eye, although would prefer a little rounder. Well boned young man with moderate angles. Moved ok.

3rd Silsbury’s Juhuas Expecto Patromum For J’Adoremy

Tibetan Spaniel

Puppy (1,0)

1st Stevens and McKnight’s Mullagh My Irish Ivy At Tibbygold (IKC)

7 month old Sable young lady. Lovely dark, correctly placed eyes with good pigment to rims and a black nose. High set ears. Head and muzzle still has some coming together to do but this should come with age. Good neck into well laid shoulder. Level topline to correct tail set and carriage. Feminine all through with moderate bone. A little distracted on the move as one would expect with a baby, but showing promise. BP

Junior (0, 0)

Post Graduate (4, 0)

1st Bevis’s Skyvana Free Spirit Of Starlance JW

Attractive 2 year old bitch that is balanced and feminine all through. Typical head with lovely dark eye, well placed ears, defined stop and good muzzle with correct cushioning. Strong neck into laid back shoulder, level topline and correct tail set and carriage. In lovely coat. Moved well.

2nd Borrett's Rosanley Harmonia With Tibama

3 year old fawn bitch built on a finer frame. Feminine head with correct muzzle proportions, well placed and carried ears, dark eye and alert expression. Nicely balanced with moderate angulation, level back and good tail set and carriage. Moved ok.

3rd Hall’s Balgray Shab Tra

Open (7, 1)

1st Bevis’ Ch Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance ShCEx

Hansome 3 year old male on good form. Masculine head of good proportions. Ears set and carried well, dark eye and nice depth and width to muzzle with correct cushioning. Well balanced with well laid shoulder and moderate angles fore and aft. Level topline leading to good tail set and carriage. Correct in legs and feet. Moved very well. BOB

2nd Stevens and McKnight’s Ch Rhubisk Dressed to Impress At Tibbygold.

6 year old fawn bitch and another lovely example of the breed. Feminine head with good skull and muzzle ratios, well set and carried ears and a dark eye, setting of an alert intelligent expression. Balanced for and aft with a good lay of shoulder and moderate angles. Good topline and tail set. Enough bone to keep femininity and good feet. Moved well. RBOB

3rd Wayman’s Mynapaw Perfect Symphony

Lhasa Apso

Puppy (4, 1)

1st Adam-Slomkowski’s Skylax Be Like You

Promising 6 month old bitch with lovely ring presence. Feminine head with correct ratios. Dark eye and well set ears. Good bite. Nicely muscled for age, enough bone in straight legs and good feet. Compact, sturdy with good angles fore and aft. Moved freely. BP

2nd Carrick’s Carribae Sundream

Another lovely bitch puppy at 10 months. Good head with correct ear set and carriage. Lovely dark eye. Balanced angulation with well laid back shoulder, nice topline and tailset. Moved well.

3rd Carrick’s Carribae Theodore

Junior (1, 0)

1st Adam-Slomkowski’s Skylax Dare To Believe

One I have judged before as an 8 month old, now just turned a year. Good head, nicely proportioned, with a lovely dark oval eye. Good bite. Well laid shoulder, level topline and high set tail carried correctly. Balanced angles, good straight bone and well feathered feet. Gaited the ring freely.

Post Graduate (4, 1)

1st Adam-Slomkowski’s Kentwone Derek Jewel By Skylax

This two and a half year old gold male has matured nicely over the last few months since I judged him last. He has a lovely masculine head of correct proportions, pendant ears carried well and dark oval eye. Lovely strong arched neck set into a well laid shoulder. Balanced fore and aft with good angulation, topline and tail set. A sturdy young man with good bone in straight legs. Correct coat doing its job today in the weather and not overdone. Moved well with a free stride showing himself off well. BOB.

2nd Parvateneni’s Domensa Perfect Dream

Rising two year old larger framed bitch. Sturdy with adequate bone and a straight front. Balanced angulation, level topline and high set tail. Lovely dark eye and aloof head carriage. Moved ok.

3rd Birkett’s Littondale Estelle.

Open (4, 1)

1st Torrance’s Synyul Imagined.

Two year old parti with typical arrogant carriage both on the stand and moving. Nice masculine head of good ratios. Dark eye and good ear set. He is balanced with good angulation, level topline and well set tail. He really caught my eye on the first go round due to his free ground covering movement. Would prefer more of him under his well kept coat to sturdy him up a bit. RBOB.

2nd Birkett’s Sifrasons Take It Easy.

Another two year old male build on a larger frame. Nice head, dark eye and aloof expression and head carriage. Balanced with good angulation and substance. Level topline and high set tail. Nice feet. Moved well, but was out moved by the first place dog today.

3rd Parvateneni’s Domensa Perfect Dream

AVNSC Utility

Puppy (8, 1)

1st Osborne’s Beaconspride Tatiana For Jasava (Chow Chow)

This red young lady took my eye as soon as she entered the ring. She had such ring presence and showmanship for her mere six months of age. She looked balanced and well made from the other side of the ring and on examination did not disappoint. Typical head for age with correct proportions that will mature well. Dark oval clean eye, correct pigmentation to mouth and tongue. Lovely ear set and carriage. Well balanced with correct angulation, well laid shoulder, broad chest and sprung ribs. Short coupled and nicely muscled all through but not overdone. Straight front, with correct bone. Rough coated, in good condition and coming on well. Was sound and free on the move with a proud carriage. Best AVNSC, BP AVNSC. This youngster impressed so much I could not deny her G1 and then PG1. She expectedly gave a lot away in age in the adult group but despite this gave a really good impression of herself against lovely competition. Pleased to see the BIS judge award her BPIS. I will watch this young lady with interest.

2nd Bull and Warren’s Jolerob One way Of Puttin It At Starferry. (Shar Pei)

Another promising young bitch. 8 month old well balanced red with typical head, broad muzzle and good mouth. Lovely dark, clean eye. Correct ears. Moderate angulation fore and aft and nicely muscled throughout. Good straight bone down to compact feet. Moved well.

3rd Kaye, Byrne and Barclay’s Nizzana Dammit Jim (Canaan Dog)

Junior (7, 3)

1st Rennison’s Krav Addict True Love With Zaniah (Imp Fra) (Akita)

White Akita of 17 months. Lovely silhouette on this feminine girl. Well balanced with moderate angulation, tight elbows and enough bone in straight legs stood on good feet. Level topline to correct set on and carried tail. Chest with plenty of heart and lung room. Correctly muscled. Moved with powerful strides covering the ground. Just needs to tighten up a little.

2nd Nicholls’ Jasava’s Fezziwig (Chow Chow)

Black 12 month old bitch who was a little out of coat today. Good head with muzzle of moderate length, dark clean eye and correct mouth. Strong neck into a well laid shoulder, good topline and tail set. Chest is deep with well spring ribs and she is nicely muscled all through. She has good bone in straight legs and stands on tight feet. Moved well.

3rd Bialkowska’s Toshirainu Hoshi Tora (Akita)

Post Graduate (4, 2)

1st Saunders’ Liefkees Amore (Keeshond)

15 month old dog, masculine all through, but not over done in any way. Compact and sturdy, with good amount of bone. Nice head, dark, correctly set eye with spectacles and pencilling. Ears well set and carried. Correct in angulation fore and aft with good muscling. Moved well when settled. Reserve Best AVNSC.

2nd Lindsey’s Krav Addict Solid Snake for Tykin (Imp Fra) (Akita)

Rising two year old red with a black mask who was giving his handler a hard time. Masculine head with dark clean eye, ears well set and carried and a good bite. Well angulated fore and aft with good heavy bone. Correct tail set. Moved well.

Open (4, 1)

1st Saunders’ Liefkees (Keeshond)

Feminine 6 year old. Wedge shaped head with defined stop. Lovely dark eye with required pencilling. Well sloped shoulder, enough bone in keeping with frame and correct depth and width to chest. Correct hind angulation and nicely muscled all through. Moved well.

2nd Bull and Warren’s Zaralee I’m Still Standing At Starferry (Imp Fra) (Shar Pei)

Four year old red male. Typy head, with dark clean eye and frowning expression. Well placed ears. Strong neck into well laid shoulder, correct topline and strong moderate rear. Enough bone for masculinity, but not overdone. Moved well.

3rd Cann’s Sunmarca Secret Agent

A.V Utility

Puppy (10, 8)

Both the pups in this class need more acclimatising to the show ring as were unusually watchful of my approach and going over them.

1st Bialkowska’s Toshirainu Hoshi Tora (Akita)

8 month old bitch with some still some coming together to do. Moderately angles fore and aft, good bone and straight legs. Well developed forechest. Topline needs to strengthen. Covered the ground well, just needs to tighten up all through.

2nd Bialkowska’s Toshirainu Miyuki Mavies.

Litter sister to 1st place and much the same can be said. Head coming along but just needs to finish. This young lady’s topline is firmer and leads to a good tail set and carriage. Again, covered the ground well and will tighten with maturity.

Junior (12, 7)

1st Purser’s Twybrook Charming Prince (Kooikerhondje)

See Kooikerhoondje critique.

2nd Adam-Slomkowski’s Skylax Dare To Believe (Llasa Apso)

See Llasa Apso Critique

3rd Williamson’s Shydally Ultimate Edition

Post Graduate (11, 8)

1st Williamson’s Shydally Ultimate Edition (Dalmatian)

A youngster I judged earlier in the year, now a few months older and maturing nicely. Feeling the weather today and why shouldn’t he. A breed that doesn’t carry a double coat and so gets into the skin a lot quicker. My critique noted the last time I judged him that he carried a masculine head with good ratios, but with a slightly tapered muzzle. So I am pleased to see this is now balancing out as his head develops further. Typy youngster with good bone and moderate angulation front and rear. Moved out well.

2nd Adsett’s Turcel Diplomat (Tibetan Spaniel)

Two year old young man, feeling the effects of the weather now. Masculine head, with good muzzle and dark eye. Short neck into well laid shoulder. Good topline. Tail carried over the back. Moderate angulation and adequate bone. Nice hare foot. Moved well.

3rd Pattington and Blomfield’s afwenna Honey Pie

Open (6, 1)

1st Blisset’s Kystuno Warners King (Dalmatian)

4 year old black of good type. Masculine head with flat skull and correct ratios. Neck of length leading into a defined wither and level topline. Nicely ribbed up. Balanced boy with correct angles fore and aft and carrying good bone. Nothing over done on this young man. Straight front with enough fill to chest. Good feet carrying him around the ring with reach and drive. Needs to show himself off a little more to fulfil his potential, but I am sure that will come.

2nd England and Edens’ Dalens Queen of the Seas at Silverspot (Dalmatian)

One I have judged previously as a junior and now a 3 year old. Black spotted bitch with feminine head, flat skull and well set and carried ears. Good neck into a defined wither. Tail set carried well on the move. Shoulder nicely laid. Enough bone in straight legs to keep femininity and tight feet with well arched toes. Handled to advantage on the move.

3rd Davies’ Millhanger Kemboy

Adult Group

G1 – See AVNSC Puppy.

G2 – Brooks and Cairns’ Corursus Become The One JW – French Bulldog

2 year old Brindle male who caught my eye on the first go round through his unexaggerated free flowing movement. A compact sturdy young man, with balance all through. Good head, with well placed ears and a dark eye. Moderately angled fore and aft, with width and depth to his chest and carrying nice amount of straight bone on good feet. Well handled.

G3 – Kaal’s Shunikka Ifor Dream - Dalmatian

Another I have judged recently as a pup and maturing as expected. 13 month old up to size black. Balanced with correct angles fore and aft, good fill and depth to chest and nice spring of rib. Carrying enough bone befitting his frame and tight feet. The weather didn’t seem to bother this young man today as showed well. Pleased that his handler took on board my comment in my previous critique about letting him move out a little more as he produced a lovely steady economic gait covering the ground well.

G4 – Twybrook Charming Prince – Kooikerhondje

See breed critique.

Puppy Group

PG1 – See AVNSC Puppy.

PG2 – Dawson’s Sanchara Where Your Belong

11 month old young lady maturing nicely. Lovely balanced puppy, with feminine head, defined stop and strong muzzle. Good bite. Nice dark eye. Well set and carried ears. Good angulation fore and aft with straight legs and enough bone in keeping with frame. Correct feet. Level topline leading to well set tail carried over her back. Good width and depth to her chest and ribs nicely sprung. Nicely muscled throughout and topped off with a good double coat. Moved round the ring with an effortless gait with reach and drive.

PG3 - Hucker’s Bevanray Terrypendrey (Frenchie)

10 month old brindle pied male showing well. Masculine head developing nicely, defined muzzle, dark eye and well placed and carried ears. Beautifully balanced sturdy dog with moderate angles and well muscled all through without being overdone. Construction really came into its own on the moved. Will watch this young man with interest.

PG4 – Lawton’s Sarnia Love Me Tender With Abbeydale (Poodle)

See Breed Critique.

Liesel Thorner
