• Show Date: 03/09/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Lesley Spence Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 11/09/2023

South Eastern Hound Club

South Eastern Hound club Sunday 3rd September 2023 Many thanks to the committee for the kind invitation to Judge at this lovely and well-run show. The sun shone all day, a bit warm for some of the dogs. My Steward was brilliant, she must have walked miles in the heat, making sure our classes had been announced. I would also like to say thanks the exhibitors for their understanding and patience whilst waiting for other exhibitors to finish in their breed classes. AV Special Veteran 7-9 23-11 Veteran class are so rewarding to judge. The dogs are always a credit to their owners and the owners to their dogs who do them proud. 1 Shepherds Ch Citycroft Sundae with Oxana JW ShCMe VW D 7 years. Very Smart Whippet I liked his body length. Pleasing head and expression, neat ears, strong well-placed neck. Balance front and rear, Covered the ground on the stand and move. 2 Howlet and Howden Skyswift New Moon D. 7 years Very elegant Greyhound. Good and strong reach of neck into well placed shoulders, nice spring of rib and strong hind quarters, which he used on the move. 3 Holloway Aksaifleet I’m Cheetah B 8years Basenji AV Special Veteran 10 + 7-4 1 McBain and Stevens Redcap Bella Sorella JW ShCM VW B 11 years. Very happy Beagle enjoying the sunny day. Expressive head with Good eye. Nice angulation, well put together. Neat feet. Happy on the move, pleased to award her Best Veteran. 2 Knowles Lelaps Expelliarmus Whippet D 11 years Good head and neat ears, pleasing front and rear. Covers the ground on the move. 3 McEwan Ch/IR Maudaxi Coco Chewnel from Marunnel B Bassett Griffon Vendeen (petit) Special Members Junior Stakes 2 1 Whitton Haggatty Bonafide D Liked this Beagle. He was proud and happy, on the move, and covered the ground . Balance front and rear. Strong topline, well carried tail. 2 Cvirkiene Catuma Xuta Tabangwa Very attractive smart Basenji. Good head carriage and expressive eye. Correct front and rear. She enjoyed moving around the ring during the afternoon heat. Susie Piggott Memorial Open Stakes. 19- 9 A pleasure to judge this class. The South Eastern hound club was one of Susie’s great passions. 1 Williams Tigsisle Totally Unique, Eye-catching Saluki who stood out to me in this class. She has balance all through her body. Good head and expression. well placed front and rear. Lovely light movement. 2 MClean Switherland Gabriella at Stookewood. Bassett hound, who was enjoying the scents the show ground had to offer. Correct head. Dark eye. Strong neck and topline. Strong hind quarters moved well. 3 Howlet and Kruger Barqa Di Gucci at White Squall JW (IMP ZAF) Whippet Special Champion Award Class 13 -4 Thank you for allowing me to go over your Champion Hounds, Excellent hounds for me to go over, I was spoilt for choice, a pleasure and treat for me! 1 Howlet Ch Skyswift Moonlight Serenade. This Greyhound serenaded me. Beautiful balanced bitch. Liked her head, Strong neck of good length. Correct shoulders, lovely spring of rib and depth to rib cage. Good loin into strong well angulated hind quarters. Covered ground on the move. 2 Lewis Ch Olphae Charman Otterhound. I like this breed; They are so happy end enjoy their outings. Good head, pleasing front. Good topline and hind quarters. Happy on the move. Correct coat. 3 Allchorne Ch Nelgus Thyme Bomb JW ShCex Bassett Best Reserve Best of Breed in show. Again many thanks to exhibitors for their Patience and understanding due to the waiting around, exhibits to be proud of. Great for me to put my hands on some excellent dogs. 1 Kelly Pilgrim Celt and Dac unforgettable love Pharaoh Hound. Eye catching Bitch. She moved well. Lovely confirmation a pleasure to go over and enjoyed watching her on the move. 2 Rowe Boloria Sugar ‘ n spice B Dachshund (Wire haired). Pretty bitch. Again, catches the eye. Nice front good topline held on the move. 3 Heather Whiteorchard Aurora B Irish Wolfhound. One I have met before, and she doesn’t disappoint. Judge Lesley A Spence