• Show Date: 02/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Leila Tarabad Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/09/2023

South East Lhasa Apso Society

South East Lhasa Apso Society 

Open Show 2nd July 2023 

Judge: Miss Leila Tarabad (Khatibi) 

I was delighted to be asked to judge this Lhasa Apso club show, a breed I enjoyed showing many years ago as a YKC member. It was held alongside Windsor Champ show and although I didn’t get into the ring until 2.30 I was so pleased that everyone stayed to show under me which made for a super entry. The windy conditions were less than ideal but at least it was dry so we were able to make use of the big ring. I didn’t know many of the dogs and so it was nice to judge an entry without any ideas on what I may find! Interestingly I see now that all my final winners except the Veteran dog are children or grandchildren of ‘Showstopper’ and several other class winners too. My main observation would be that fronts need improvement, not only front assembly but movement coming towards was not good on the whole. Lots were also close behind but I was more forgiving of that if profile movement was good. Overall the depth of quality was in the bitches, temperaments without exception were great and all were presented in super condition.   

MPD (2,1) 

1.Forsyth’s Nadarley Majestic Murphy. 8 month g/w baby who made a good account of himself. Nice substance and bone, decent shoulders and straight front, firm topline, well set and carried tail and good rear angulation. Masculine head, with dark eyes and dense pigment. Moved happily, using his rear well. A fraction more neck would enhance his outline. BPD. 

PD (2) 

1.Adam- Slomkowski's Skylax Dare to Believe. 11month old who certainly displayed his typical Apso temperament! Nice size and balance to his outline with enough neck, firm topline, well set and carried tail, good chest and ribbing for age and well angulated rear. Appealing head qualities and typical expression, dark eyes, correct length of muzzle and ok mouth. Moved well when he wanted to, holding a lovely outline in profile, just wasn’t cooperating enough on the move to make the most of himself which was a shame but I’m sure he’ll have better days.  

2.Cleaver’s Risondock Ace I Could Keep. 9month old, sturdy and compact, needs more neck for balance and could stand straighter in front but presents a pleasing outline with level topline and well set and carried tail. Masculine head with dark eyes, well balanced length of muzzle, moving happily and presented well. 

JD (1) 

1.Cleaver’s Zentarr Maverick. 16month gold with a pleasing head shape, nice eyes, medium stop, well finished foreface, correct length of muzzle and well set ears. Front assembly could be better and still needs time to mature fully in body but has a nicely balanced length of body, good topline and nicely presented coat. Moved soundly and handled well. 

YD (2) 

1.Clutterbuck & Cain’s Kutani Hamilton JW. Very impressive 22month black, sturdy and compact with lovely balance to his outline, lovely reach of arched neck, decent shoulders, would like a little more width in front but he is still young and has a little more maturing to do. Well ribbed back to strong loin, good rear assembly, well muscled and with tail carried well over his back. His beautiful head and snooty expression are irresistible! Masculine but in no way coarse, medium stop, correct length of muzzle, well placed oval eyes and dense pigment. Moved with attitude covering the ground with a free, effortless gait, driving well behind and with nice reach in front, holding his outline firm in profile. In heavy, beautifully presented coat and handled to perfection. I’m sure he will look even more impressive once fully mature and will carry his title with little trouble. RBD. 

2.Revillas Rodriguez’s Crystal Eye’s Wam Bam Boom at Khumbila (imp DK) JW. A flashier b/w of 18months who was unlucky to meet 1 as he was one of the better males in the entry. A touch more of him all through than 1 but still presents an impressive, nicely balanced outline with lovely reach of neck into good front, well sprung ribs, firm topline, super tail set and carriage and well angulated rear. Well shaped head with dark eyes, good width of jaw, finish to foreface and super furnishings giving such a typical expression. In outstanding condition with coat presented beautifully. Moved with such verve, very nice out and back and with a lovely happy spring in his step as he circled the ring.  

ND (2,1) 

1.Adam-Slomkowski's S. Dare to Believe (see PD)

GD (2) 

1.Considine’s Gallerio Ill Take You Dancin for Denzka JW. Nice size 2yr old with adequate reach of neck, level topline, high set tail, good ribbing and strong loin. Nice balance to his head with dense pigment, good muzzle, eyes dark but a touch round, well set ears and good head furnishings. Moved well, nice width behind, covering the ground nicely in profile. 

2.Williams’ Shigatse Jackson. 4yr old, a touch longer and could have more neck for balance but is well ribbed back with good tailset and carriage, nicely constructed rear which he uses well on the move. Nice temperament. 

PGD (2) 

1.Forsyth’s Nadarley Quartz Hugo. 4yr old with the better front here although more neck would enhance his outline. Sturdily built with good ribbing, strong loin, well angulated rear and high set tail. Masculine head with typical expression, moved freely with good rear action. 

2.Williams’ Chtaura Shadow Man. 5yr old with nice eyes and well balanced length of muzzle. Good spring of rib, strong loin, good substance and firm topline. Moved happily but not as good out and back as 1.  

OD (4,1)  

1.Connett & Clutterbuck’s Kutani Daredevil. 3yrs in just fabulous condition presenting a fully mature, beautifully balanced outline which flows from head to tail. Strong arched neck leads to a nicely constructed front with good chest, straight legs, well ribbed back to strong loin, firm topline with super tail set and carriage. Correctly shaped head with superb pigment, good width of jaw and finish to foreface with typical expression. Straight, heavy coat was presented in magnificent condition to enhance his outline. He was the best on the move here, confident and accurate, carrying himself proudly around the ring. 

2.Yaxley’s Zentarr Gordon at Dardanelles. 5yrs of a nice size and shape with nothing overdone, but just wasn’t making the most of himself especially on the move which was a shame. Sound, sturdy and compact with good front assembly, well sprung ribs back to a strong loin and well angulated rear. Narrow head with good fallaway, nice eyes, correct length of muzzle and appealing expression. Moved soundly and accurately just couldn’t match the jaunty gait of the winner. Quality coat. 

3.Hazelhurst’s Absosengkye Re Light My Fire at Corroll. 

VD (2) 

1.Saunders’ Ch. Bellellen Double Ducie JW. I didn’t think I’d have to wait until veteran to find my winning male but he was certainly worth waiting for! A fully mature, small, sturdy dog with typical balance to his outline. Lovely arched neck, sound front assembly, super chest and ribbing, strong loin, firm level topline with tail set high and carried well over his back and well angulated rear. Lovely head and typical Apso expression, correctly shaped with nice eyes, good length of muzzle, black nose, good width of jaw and chin. In superb condition and beautiful quality coat. Moving so well in all directions, free flowing, head held high and driving well from behind. Did more than enough to take BD, just losing out in the final challenge to the girls who had the most fabulous ‘look at me’ attitudes. Nevertheless a quality Apso who is a credit to his owner. BD, BOS, BVIS.  

2.Schuckardt’s Timazinti’s Peppermint at Frenchlands JW Shcm Shcex. Another beautiful veteran in fabulous condition, 8yrs old (but you’d never know it!) A fraction longer than 1 with strong neck, firm topline, lovely substance, well sprung ribs and high set tail carried well. Masculine head with dense pigment, well balanced length of muzzle with good chin and finish of foreface. Moved well, just a little untidy coming towards.   

Sp. Beg D/B (3) 

1.Pruden’s Rishlyns Forget Me Not For Culversapso. A real little pocket rocket, 13months old with personality plus! Such a neat little shape with body developing well for age, well ribbed back to strong loin, nicely balanced length of body with good topline, lovely rear assembly with tail set and carried perfectly over her back. Beautiful feminine head with the prettiest eyes, medium stop, correct length and finish to muzzle and correctly set ears. Moved with such a typical jaunty gait, I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her circling the ring.  

2.Parvataneni’s Domensa Perfect Dream. A different type to 1, a little taller but totally unexaggerated with sound front and rear assembly, ample reach of neck, level topline and high set tail which could have a bit more height. Decent head and expression with dense pigment. Moved well for her young handler. 

3.Adam-Slomkowski's Kentwone Derek Jewel by Skylax. 

MPB (7,2) 

1.O’Doherty’s Autumnspell Heaven Sent. 6month old g/w with the most delightful outlook. Sweet expression with lovely dark eyes, good length of muzzle with nice width of jaw. Strong arched neck into decent shoulders, straight front, well ribbed back to strong loin and well angulated rear. Moved with a sound, jaunty gait, really making the most of herself with topline firm and tail carried over her back. Beautifully presented coat. BP. 

2.Barnett & Carter’s Skylax Best Part of Me Into Alamiks. Just 6months old with such confidence for her first time in the ring. Liked her size and outline with enough neck, good topline and lovely tail carriage. Well balanced length of body with good ribbing, strong loin and well angulated rear.   

3.Gillman’s Mytilene Pumpkin Spice. 

PB (3,1) 

1.Gillman’s M. Pumpkin Spice. 3rd in mp. B/W with a sweet face and dark eyes. Enough neck into a good topline, well sprung ribs, compact outline with high set tail. Moved well but could have more reach in front. In well presented coat. 

JB (1) 

1.Culverhouse & Roberts’ Culversapso Penny Lane. Superb 12month old just days out of puppy but already a contender for top honours. Gorgeous head and expression with beautiful dark eyes, correct length of muzzle finished neatly with dense pigment and lovely furnishings for age. Loved her outline, small and well balanced with lovely arched neck, good front assembly, well ribbed back to strong loin with level topline and well angulated rear. On the move she was one of the best in the entry coming towards, a touch close behind and really impressive in profile holding her head high and covering the ground with such an easy, jaunty gait. Put down in superb condition and with the most delightful temperament. Still needing time to mature which gave the older bitches the edge in the challenge, however I would be surprised if she doesn’t gain her title. 

YB (4) 

1.Hazelhurst’s Corrolls Calssique. Stunning 18month old black who I just couldn’t ignore! Small, sturdy and compact with impressive balance to her profile with strong arched neck into a soundly constructed front, super ribbing back to a strong loin, well muscled rear, perfect topline with tail set high and carried well. Beautiful feminine, well furnished head with such a typical expression, beautiful eyes, good fallaway, correct length of muzzle with enough chin and dense pigment. It was on the move that she really stood out, moving with such a free, jaunty gait, reaching well in front with head high, topline firm and making use of her well constructed rear. Her quality coat was presented beautifully and she was handled to an advantage. From a really lovely entry of bitches she was BB and later BIS. Another who is sure to carry her title. 

2.Schuckardt’s Kutani Black Opal at Frenchlands JW. Another black who was unlucky to meet 1 here being equally full of quality. Very sturdily built, a touch longer than 1 but still with a nice balance to her outline, good reach of neck, firm level topline, lovely tailset and carriage, good chest and ribbing and carrying a beautiful gleaming coat. Correctly shaped head with good length of muzzle, well finished lips, medium stop and dark oval eyes. Moved soundly holding her outline well, just couldn’t match the front of 1. 

3.Revillas Rodriguez’s Crystal Eye’s Whole Shebang at Khumbila (imp DK) 

NB ( 2) 

1.Gillman’s M. Pumpkin Spice (see pb) 

2.Parvataneni’s D Perfect Dream (See sp Beg) 

GB (1) 

1.Barnett & Carter’s Alamiks Perfect Illusion. Small and feminine with nice reach of neck, shoulders ok, good topline and tail, could be stronger behind, compact and well balanced in profile with well presented coat enhancing her outline. Pretty head and expression with nice eyes, dense pigment and enough chin. Moved with a lovely action.

LB (4,1) 

1.Connett’s Corroll’s To Hot To Handle. Another from this exhibitor that was a lesson in condition and presentation. Impressive outline which flows from head to tail. Well arched neck into decent shoulders, straight front, good chest and ribbing, level topline with tail set and carried well over her back. Well proportioned head with nice eyes, dense pigment and nicely finished muzzle. Sturdy and well muscled which was reflected in her movement having the more accurate gait here and covering the ground with lovely reach in front. 

2.Langford’s Quaytown Snowdrop. I really liked this 5yr old cream who appealed greatly for type and balance. Soundly constructed with good neck and shoulders, lovely chest and ribbing, strong loin and well angulated rear, could stand a little straighter in front. Really lovely expression with good length and finish of muzzle, dense pigment, oval eyes that could be a touch darker and good chin. Moved well holding her outline firm but just couldn’t match the free gait of 1. In lovely quality, heavy coat. Quality bitch. 

3.Schuckardt’s Elmichapel Walk In My Shoes at Frenchlands JW.

OB (3,1) 2 lovely girls who I see are sisters, with the older sister just having the edge on the day. 

1.Clutterbuck & Cain’s Ch. Kutani Showoff. Impressive b/w, put together well with nice front and rear angulation, super ribbing strong loin, plenty of substance, well balanced length of body, good reach of neck and correct topline and tail carriage. Lovely head and expression with nice eyes, medium stop, correct length of muzzle with good chin and good mouth. Accurate in all directions on the move, circling the ring with purpose and style. It really was a close decision in the challenge with the younger bitch just filling my eye a little more on the final go around. Nevertheless a superb bitch and every bit the champion. RBB, RBIS. 

2.Chambers’ Kutani Enigma. Another beautiful exhibit, so feminine and I’m sure will have many admirers. Similar in type to 1 and again with a lovely outline and balance. A neat little shape with correct length of body, firm topline, well set and carried tail, good rear angulation and in super coat and condition. Not quite the substance of 1 and although lovely on the move and accurate out and back she wasn’t using her front as well as her sister. Another that would be a worthy champion.