- Show Date: 06/07/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Leila Tarabad Contact Judge
- Published Date: 06/10/2023
Tibetan Terrier Association
Tibetan Terrier Association
6th July 2023
Judge: Miss Leila Tarabad (Khatibi)
What an honour it was to be asked to judge a club show for a breed so close to my heart, one that I have had the pleasure of living with, showing, breeding and grooming for hours on end!! I was absolutely delighted with the entry of 70 dogs and had some super quality exhibits to get my hands on, so thank you to all the exhibitors who entered. A general observation, front assembly seems to be the most consistent issue with very few having the angulation and length of upperarm required which in turn meant a lack of reach on the move, some were also rather narrow in front with the legs almost touching and eyes were a little lighter than ideal in more than a few of the dogs. On the plus side temperaments were superb, mouths were good and plenty of the dogs were the correct shape and balance.
MPD (2)
1.Davies’ Waterley Heart Breaker. Nice start to the entry with this quality b/w baby presented in pristine condition. Mature for his 7months, squarely built and with good substance, wouldn’t want him to grow on much more. Strong neck, straight front with good depth of chest and spring of rib, good bone and feet and well angulated rear. Handsome, masculine head with strong muzzle, large round eyes and super expression. Moved with an effortless action, holding a super outline in profile. A future champion I have no doubt. BPIS.
2.Harrison’s Boshay Kaliko Jack. 8month old slightly larger than 1 and not quite the balance of outline I was looking for. Sturdily built with good spring of rib, shoulders could be better, good topline and tail carriage. Strong head with good length of muzzle. In nicely presented coat, moving happily.
PD (3)
1.Rudderham’s Dejaru Masquerade. Nice little black handled and presented to an advantage. Presents a neat, balanced outline without exaggeration. Enough neck into decent shoulders, firm topline, strong loin, body maturing nicely for age, good bone and feet. Appealing head and expression with strong muzzle and jaw, nice eyes and good mouth. Moved soundly holding his outline well in profile. In plenty of quality coat.
2.Kemp’s Araki Blinkin Bonkerz. Here was an example of when a dog lives up to it’s name! A little more of him than 1 but still squarish in outline. Best shoulders in the class and good rear angulation allowing him to move with a lovely free action in profile. Masculine head with dark eyes and nicely balanced length of muzzle. A very happy puppy!
3.Harrison’s B Kaliko Jack.
JD (2)
1.Ford’s Avaness Stars Shine Darkly over Setrique. Really lovely b/w, spot on for size and balance, not overly mature for his age but with everything in the right place for him to finish well. Good neck and decent shoulders, still needs time to develop in rib and tighten in front, good bone and feet, level back, strong loin and well constructed rear with hocks well let down. Lovely head properties, well proportioned with correct length of muzzle, dark round eyes, good chin, dense pigment and typical tibetan expression. His movement was super, absolutely accurate out and back (easily one of the best of the entry), effortless in profile with a good length of stride and nice drive from the rear. A very unfussy performance, nothing flashy or overdone and not yet in his adult coat but I rather liked him and I considered him in the challenge. I will watch his progress with interest.
2.Hedger & Bourne’s Araki Devils Gold at Evemlyn. Just out of puppy and not in the best coat. Nice size with good neck, topline and tail carriage, could stand straighter in front. Nice head with dense pigment, strong muzzle and jaw. Moving freely.
PGD (2)
1. Thomas’s Kelmorespitz Golden Storm. Won here on his more positive movement out and back and better front assembly. Could be a touch shorter in loin for balance, good topline moderate reach of neck, good chest and ribbing.
2.White’s Trytez Try’n Stop Me. Masculine b/w of nicer type here but very narrow in front and could stand straighter. Moderate reach of neck, good substance, tailset could be higher. Good mouth, strong jaw and plenty of furnishings.
LD (6,3)
1.Laffling’s Araki Secret Loverboy at Taxiki. Young g/w dog in super condition who has really matured well and come together nicely. Handsome head with marked stop, correct length of muzzle, eyes could be a touch darker. Square in outline with decent shoulders, firm topline, well set and carried tail, lovely substance, bone and feet. Moved well, particularly behind.
2.Thomas’s Kelmorespitz Smokin Storm. Soundly constructed with good chest and ribbing, level topline, carrying a little more weight than ideal. Lovely reverse scissor bite, nice dark eyes and correct length of muzzle. Moved freely.
3.Clayforth’s Haradwaithe Mickey Rooney.
OD (9,2)
1.Knight’s Ch. Waterley Ricky Evangelista. Black dog, totally unexaggerated in all departments and not a flashy mover so doesn’t immediately catch the eye but on closer inspection I found him to be such a lovely dog with much to admire. Squarely built, balanced and sturdy with strong neck into good shoulders, well ribbed back to strong loin, well angulated rear, good bone and feet. Well balanced head with round eyes, marked stop, strong muzzle and good chin giving typical resolute expression. Moved with an effortless stride maintaining his outline in profile and moving well out and back. In beautifully presented coat, super condition and with a lovely outgoing temperament. An easy choice for Best Dog in the lineup. BD, BOS.
2.Cooper & Purslow’s Araki Whodares Wins. Another nice one of a lovely size and type. Again presents a well balanced outline, square with good substance, firm topline, moderate reach of neck and the best front and rear angulation in the class. Handsome, correctly shaped head with round eyes, dense pigment, strong muzzle and good chin with lovely Tibetan expression. I loved his movement, covering the ground with a lovely length of stride and plenty of drive, head held proudly and topline firm, just a little careless with his tail carriage at times. Didn’t hesitate to call him back to challenge for rbd. RBD.
3.Willoughby’s Palshar Jimmy Choo.
VD (2)
1.Thomas’s Int Ch. Layoli Dazzled By Smoke Shcm Be Jr Ch. 7yr b/t in good quality coat, handled to an advantage. Masculine head with dense pigment, dark round eyes, marked stop, strong muzzle and jaw. Adequate neck, firm topline, could be a little shorter in body for balance, good depth of brisket and spring of rib, well constructed rear which he put to good use on the move going away accurately and covering the ground easily in profile. BVD.
2.Hedger & Bourne’s Evemlyn Hot to Trot. 9ys old with good mouth, dense pigment and correctly set ears. Nice size but could be a little shorter in body. Free moving with nice temperament.
MPB (3)
1.Lambert’s Shamisha Mona Lisa. Easy winner here, 6months old and a proper little showoff! Such a pretty head with cheeky expression, lovely eyes, correctly balanced length of muzzle and good chin. Strong neck into a sound front, good chest and ribbing for age, standing straight in front with good bone and feet. Super topline and tail carriage, strong rear, tall enough at this age but with the correct balance and already carrying plenty of quality coat. Such an easy action on the move, covering the ground well in profile, impressive out and back. Will be interested to see how she matures. BPB.
2.Pettit’s Rogspa Sunbeam. Smaller and finer all through with lots of maturing to do but squarely built with lovely topline and tail carriage. Sweet feminine head with pleasing expression. Moved happily but would like more reach and drive.
3.White’s Trytez Golden Glow.
PB (7,1)
1.Kemp’s Araki Spice of Life for Yanlan. The most together in this class, maturing well with good chest and ribbing for age, short loin, firm topline, decent shoulders and strong, well angulated rear. Well balanced head with dark eyes, good pigment and typical expression. Moved with a free gait, looking particularly good in profile.
2.Green’s Verony Looks Like a Lady. Smaller than 1 with good neck, topline and tail carriage, well constructed rear, good bone and feet. Appealing head and expression. Moved soundly.
3.Laffling’s Dejaru Queen of the Night.
JB (8,1)
1.Le Moignan’s Waterley Honey Rider at Fideletchan. Beautifully presented b/w of such appealing type and obvious quality. Lovely head carriage on a strong neck flowing into a firm topline, well ribbed back to short loin and strong, well angulated rear. Sturdy and square in outline with good bone and feet, carrying a quality coat and presented in pristine condition. Beautiful feminine head with correct balance, good mouth and chin giving the desired resolute expression. Impressive movement especially in profile, covering the ground with ease and confidence. Handled to an advantage and was close up in the challenge.
2.Green’s Verony Danish Romance. Different type to 1 with plenty to admire. Squarely built with a well balanced outline, nice size and substance, good bone and feet, firm topline and high set tail. Correctly shaped head with nice eyes, strong muzzle and lovely expression. In good coat.
3.Bateman’s Kybo Santa Monica.
YB (6,2)
1.Knight’s Snoanda Morgan Le Fay. 4th in jun. Small and square with good substance and well sprung ribs. Moved happily but could have more reach and drive and was a little close behind. Very nice head and expression, presented in plenty of quality coat.
2.Dyer’s Tasica Absolutely Fabulous. Bigger than 1 with good topline and tail carriage, adequate neck and well angulated rear. Good head shape, could have stronger muzzle and jaw. Moved freely.
3.Pettit’s Boshanti Elyana Rogspa.
NB (7,2)
1.Green’s V. Danish Romance. (see jb)
2.Rider’sTaxiki Rainbow of Hope. Lovely and square in outline with good topline, enough neck and well set and carried tail. Free moving but could have a little more reach in front. Cheeky expression with dark round eyes and strong muzzle. Not in the best coat.
3.Luckman’s Pinrow Springtime Star.
PGB (7,1)
1.Bateman’s Snoanda Bumble Boogie. An easy winner here with a typical outline, nice size and lovely type. Square and balanced in profile with strong neck and good head carriage, level topline, strong loin and soundly constructed rear which she used to her advantage on the move driving well from behind as she circled the ring with ease, accurate going away and holding her outline firm in profile. Beautiful head and ‘Tibetan’ expression with lovely dark round eyes, marked stop, correct length of muzzle and strong jaw. In well presented, quality coat.
2.Wilson’s Djankay Starlight Fair. 19month old who’s very impressive profile movement appealed greatly. Still not fully mature but has everything in the right place to finish very well. Soundly constructed all though with lovely balance to her outline, firm topline and strong rear. Pretty, feminine head with nice eyes and expression. Yet another good one.
3.Rudderham’s Khyibrang’s Spanish Eyes with Dejaru.
LB (5,2)
1.Green’s Verony Mystic Charm. Mature 3.5yr old in super condition and coat. Squarish in outline, with good chest and ribbing, shoulders could be better, strong loin, firm topline with tail set and carried well and good rear assembly. Head of correct shape and proportions with large round eyes, good muzzle and jaw and super expression. Moved freely holding her outline firm.
2.Thomas’s Kelmorespitz Dazzled Storm JW. Nicely balanced, correct size and square outline, not in the coat and finish of 1. Medium neck, level topline, high set tail, moderate bone and good feet. Nice head and expression with dense pigment and correct length of muzzle. Moved well.
3.Cooper’s Best Foot Forward Erbosedition (imp SVK)
OB (3,1)
1.Honey’s Ch. Khyibrang Queen of the Straits JW. Superb black bitch who I’ve always admired and at nearly 7 years old is looking as impressive as ever. Spot on for size and balance, so feminine but still with the strength and sturdiness required. Lovely head carriage, perfect topline and tailset, good front and rear assembly, correct substance and bone for size and in well muscled condition. Gorgeous head and expression, large dark eyes, strong muzzle, good chin, and dense pigment. Moved with such a lovely action, reaching well in front and with good drive behind, accurate coming and good away, holding her outline firm at all times. Presented in first class order, in full, quality coat and handled to perfection. From a lovely lineup I couldn’t look past her and she continued to show her socks off after a long day to top the entry. Best Bitch, BIS.
2.Le Moignan’s Waterley Moneypenny. Another really lovely bitch who was carrying a ilttle to much weight and so wasn’t moving as freely as I’m sure she can. Impressive in outline and a type that appeals greatly, with good neck, topline and tail carriage, lovely chest and ribbing, strong loin and well angulated rear. Well furnished, pretty head with correct length of muzzle and round eyes which could be a touch darker.
VB (3,2)
1.Willoughby’s Baltoro Puss In Boots. At 7yrs old this lady is still looking a picture and couldn’t be overlooked. Medium sized, sturdy and squarely built with good bone and feet, firm topline, balanced front and rear angulation and well sprung ribs. Well proportioned head with resolute expression, nice eyes, strong jaw and correctly set and carried ears. Moved with such an easy, accurate gait looking particularly good in profile and sound out and back. Totally unexaggerated in head, shape and movement, carrying a lovely coat of the correct texture, presented beautifully. Surprised she doesn’t carry her title. I thought she was lovely and deserved to take RBB and RBIS.
Sp.VB (1)
1.Cooper’s Araki Classy Chic. 10.5yr b/w who is still in good condition, sturdily built with good spring of rib, short strong loin, good topline, strong neck and straight front. Such a sweet face still with lovely dark round eyes, correct length of muzzle and strong jaw. Moved so soundly and presented in good coat.
Sp O Clipped B (1)
1.Bridges, Rose-Dawson & Rose’s Ch. Araki Kaughtu Again JW. Such a lovely 6yr old who even clipped off is quite obviously a class act and has nothing to hide! Super substance, bone and feet, squarely built with lovely chest and ribbing, straight front and parallel rear with good turn of stifle. Strong yet feminine head with dense pigment and good chin, eyes could be a touch darker. Moved with purpose, easily one of the best moving in front, coming towards with accuracy and reaching well in profile, strong drive from behind and holding her outline firm at all times. Would be lovely to see her back in coat competing in veteran!