• Show Date: 28/01/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Leila Tarabad Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

South Of England Pomeranian Club

South of England Pomeranian Club

28th January 2023

Judge: Miss Leila Tarabad (Khatibi)

Veteran d/b (1)

1. Holman’s Ch. Kamis Mystical Legend of Brooklyn at Altina. Lovely start to the day with this beautiful 9 ½yr old gentleman who I have judged previously and has always impressed. Today was no different, still every inch the showman and moving so soundly and accurately holding his outline firm. Compact frame with short neck, level topline, good ribbing and high set tail carried straight over back. Such a sweet face with dark expressive eyes, dense pigment and neat ears. Fabulous temperament, not fazed at all with a change of handler in the challenge and even though he no longer carries such a glamorous coat he is still one of my favourites. BVIS.

Minor Puppy dog (2)

1. Holman’s Altina Alabama True Romance. Cheeky 7 month old son of the BV and you can see the similarity. Neat, compact shape with short neck, lovely ribbing, short loin, moderate rear angulation, straight front and parallel rear. Such a delightful expression, with correctly shaped dark eyes, short muzzle, dense pigment and small ears. Moved with attitude, tail set high and carried correctly, full of puppy coat at the moment so will look forward to seeing him mature. BPIS.

2. Beinarovica’s Born To Win Junassminis (imp LVA). 7month old but not quite the attitude of 1 at the moment. Nice size with good chest and ribbing, fine bone and small feet. Pretty face with dark eyes, nicely finished muzzle and dense pigment, ears could be a touch smaller. Happy on the move but not holding his outline as well as 1.

Puppy Dog (3,2)

1. Beinarovica’s Born To Win J. (see mpd)

Junior Dog (1)

1. Slough & Balalova’s Cookie of Persimoone (imp UKR) Beautifully presented 17month orange dog who makes a lovely shape in profile with compact frame, short level back, high set, profusely furnished tail and moderately angulated rear. He holds his shape well on the move, covering the ground with a lovely brisk gait, just a touch close going away. Appealing expression with dense pigment, nicely finished muzzle and neat ears. Nice coat, at it’s junior stage at the moment but when in full adult coat it should enhance his outline further.

Novice Dog (2,1)

1. Holman’s A. Alabama True Romance (see mpd)

Post Grad Dog (2,1)

1. Hills’ Sharhazlah Luvs A Dare Devil. Well schooled 2yr old who is bigger than I prefer but sound on the move with a lovely buoyant action, accurate out and back and holding his outline nicely in profile. Soundly constructed but could be shorter in loin, fine bone, moderately angulated rear, tail carriage could be better. Sweet face with dark eyes and finely finished muzzle, ears could be neater.

Limit Dog (2,1

1. Hills’ Sharhazlah Kamikazi Devil. 2yr black (I see all the “Devils” are from the same parents!) who made a very nice outline when he was stood although I think a little more attention to his coat could really enhance his shape. Correctly shaped head with small ears, nicely finished muzzle and pleasing expression. Moved well with a brisk action but could hold his outline firmer. Profuse, correctly textured coat and typical temperament.

Open Dog (3)

1. Holman’s Altina’s Henry Higgins JW.18month old orange who still has a little maturing to do but already presents the most impressive, typical outline with plenty of correctly textured, perfectly presented coat to enhance his well balanced shape. Small and compact with super tailset and carriage, fine bone, good front and rear assembly, short neck, good ribbing, short loin and parallel rear. The most beautiful, sweet expression from his dark, oval eyes with smallish ears, well finished muzzle, good stop and dense pigment. Moved freely with attitude holding his outline firm, accurate out and back and quite obviously full of his own self importance, he knows he’s special! A gorgeous little dog who couldn’t be ignored and ultimately took BD & BIS.

2. Slough’s Special Edition of Persimoone JW (Imp Ukr) A touch more of him all through than 1 but I couldn’t help but be impressed by his super construction, eyecatching outline and really impressive movement. Masculine head, eyes dark but a little rounder than I'd like, intelligent expression, dense pigment and so attentive to his handler. Compact with short level back, good chest and ribbing, profusely furnished tail set and carried correctly. Buoyant and confident on the move holding his outline perfectly, presented in good coat and condition.

3. Hills’ Sharhazlah’s Son Of A Devil.

Puppy Bitch (3,2)

1. Bailey’s Craigivar Black Bramble. 10month black, with delightful temperament, Could be a touch shorter in body but presents a pleasing outline with high set tail, fine bone, good ribbing and substance, moderately angulated rear and carrying plenty of coat which could be harsher. Sweet feminine head with dark eyes, smallish ears, good stop and finish to muzzle. Moved very happily. RBPIS

Junior Bitch (1)

1. Slough’s Spanapoms Heavenly Lass. 17month old who’s exuberance although delightful to see, didn’t help her make the most of herself! Good front and rear assembly, nice body and ribbing, straight front and parallel rear. Moved with a brisk, purposeful action.

Novice Bitch (2,1)

1. Lambert’s Reta Queen of Clubs for Pomstar. Black nearing 4 yrs, handled to an advantage. Nice size but could be more compact. Soundly constructed with good angulation fore and aft, well developed ribs, enough chest, fine bone and parallel rear. Pretty face with dark eyes, finely finished muzzle, ears could be neater. Sound on the move but not as neat an outline in profile as I’d like. Beautifully presented.

Post Grad Bitch (3,1)

1. Beinarovica’s Lex Fati Junassland (imp LVA) Smaller orange girl but made more of herself here than 2. Sweet face with delightful expression from her dark eyes with good finish of muzzle, stop and smallish ears. Short neck, lovely ribbing, short loin, high set tail and moderate rear angulation. Moved happily holding a pleasing outline,

2. Hills’ Sharhazlah Devilish Vixen. Black girl in lovely coat who couldn’t control her excitement and just wasn’t making the best of herself! Her panting did ruin her expression and her eyes are a little too big but her head shape is correct with lovely finish to her muzzle. On the table she was nice to go over, very well made with good barrel, correct front and rear assembly and short level back, unfortunately she didn’t keep herself together on the move and her very waggy tail didn’t help her on the stack! Infuriating for her handler I’m sure, however she certainly has the desired extrovert, lively temperament!

Open Bitch (1)

1. Holman’s Altina’s Tinkerbell JW. Litter sister to ‘Henry Higgins’ and the similarities are easy to see. Lovely size for a bitch with plenty of substance, super ribbing, short loin, level back and high set tail profusely furnished and carried well. Correctly shaped head with super expression from dark oval eyes, dense pigment, neatly finished muzzle and good stop. Moved soundly and accurately in all directions holding a firm outline in profile, circling the ring with a brisk action. As with all from this exhibitor her coat was in first class order and her temperament is delightful. She was an easy choice for Best Bitch.

Sp. Open Orange d/b (3)

1. Hills’ Ch. Sharhazlah’s Suave Devil Shcex. A really lovely, small, compact orange who I've met previously in group competition but this was the first time judging him in breed competition and I can see why he has had so many admirers. Ultra compact with super conformation, short neck into well laid shoulders good barrel, short loin, high set tail held straight over back, fine bone, such a dainty, well balanced dog. Typical head and expression with the darkest eyes finely finished muzzle and neat ears, so attentive to his handler at all times. Totally accurate on the move with a lovely buoyant gait. Just could have had a little bit more of the ‘look at me‘ attitude of his kennel mates! Was very close up in the challenge but he wasn’t in his best jacket on the day which would have enhanced his outline further so had to settle for RBD and RBIS.

2. Slough’s Special Edition of P. (see OD)

3. Beinarovica’s Lex Fati J.

Sp. Open Sable d/b (1)

1. Hills’s S. Luvs A Daredevil. (see pgd)

Sp. Open Black or Cream d/b (3,1)

1. Hills’ Sharhazlah’s Son of A Devil. 3rd in OD but made a better account of himself here. Lovely size and type with correct coat to enhance his outline, Short coupled with good ribbing, chest, straight front and parallel rear. Alert expression, nice eyes, well finished muzzle and smallish ears. Moved happily with a typical gait.

2. Bailey’s C. Black Bramble (see pb)

Sp. Open any other coloiur d/b (1)

1. Slough’s Spanapoms Heavenly Lass (see jb)

Special Beginner d/b (4)

1. Booth’s Retas True Destiny for Cagney’s. A rather nice dainty 5 yr o/s who’s type appealed greatly. Neat, compact frame with level back, good barrel, short loin, moderate rear angulation, fine bone and high set, well furnished tail. Feminine head with fabulous intelligent expression, correct finish to muzzle, good stop, lovely dark eyes and fairly small ears. Lovely movement in profile holding herself well, close going away but good coming towards. Beautifully presented coat and a delightful lively temperament. RBB, Best Special Beginner.

2. Lambert’s R Queen of Clubs for Pomstar. (see nb)

3. Beinarovica’s Born To Win J.