- Show Date: 15/04/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Kim Culyer-Dawson Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Basset Griffon Vendeen Club
JUDGE: Mrs Kim Culyer-Dawson
First of all, I’d like to say a big, “Thank You!” For the fabulous entry. It is always a pleasure to be allowed to assess another person’s dog. The hall was new to us all and although easy to get to and park, the floor space was limited and quite noisy to walk on. This had an effect on some hounds who found the thumping of feet a little daunting resulting in some not moving freely as normal. Something to think about for the future. I didn’t find any exhibitors with kinks in tails and coats were largely harsh to the touch. Mostly, hounds were happy despite the noisy floor. Only a couple had untypical, Petit heads and one or two had upright shoulders. Size seems to be an issue at the moment with a few dogs nearing the upper limit and some just within the lower. Another thing to watch for is the spring of rib. Quite a few had too much space between their elbow and rib cage. This showed when they were on the move as they were quite wide in the front coming toward me. Hopefully, maturity will help correct this in time. Lastly, the Committee worked hard to deliver a well-run, organised show bearing in mind the distances most of them had to travel to get to the venue. Thank you, also to my two very able stewards who kept the ring running like clockwork. A long day for all but it all went very well.
1st Robertson’s Soletrader Happy As Larry. Well put together young tri-colour male of 9 mths. Masculine head with short square, muzzle and nice oval shape to his skull. Dark pigment to eyes and nose. Strong jaw, so important considering the job these dogs were bred to do, with correct scissor bite. Ears set below eye level and curling nicely with fine hair over the leathers. Good length to his neck flowing into a level topline and strong hind quarters. Unusual eye-catching coat colour of good harsh quality. Very balanced when stacked and moved out with a good reach in front and drive from the rear. Well boned boy but wouldn’t want to see him grow on any bigger. (BPD, BPIB and BPIS)
2nd Reid’s Maudaxi Fonzie Foxtrot (naf) (raf). Lovely 6 mths old sable and white puppy. Unfortunate to come up against the older 1st place today. Has lovely dark pigment, masculine head, well cut away under eye, strong jaw, nice bite. Chest will drop with maturity but has good length of ribs. Correct lay of shoulder with a level topline. Good tail set and strong hindquarters. Short hocks. He was a happy chappy on the move making his movement a little difficult to judge today. I’m sure it will click into place soon. Good angulation both front and back. His coat was harsh to the touch.
1st Guernari and Dane’s Cynetkoys Tinker Tailor. 15 mth old sable and white. Very masculine looking hound with good bone. Good pigment throughout and head plains correct with very flattering head furnishings. Ears set correctly with good curl against the sides of his neck. Correct scissor bite and strong underjaw. Long neck with prominent sternum. Ribs need to fill which will develop with maturity. Harsh jacket, long ribs carried well back with short loin. Feet turn slightly out but he moves freely and his reach and drive help power him around the ring with ease. Really at one with his handler.
2nd Holt’s Nykarth Under Wraps, 14 mth old sable and white who still looks very much a youngster compared to my 1st placement. His movement scored him above my 3rd place and I’m sure they will come into their own given time. Nice Petit head with lovely dark pigment. Defined stop, loved his expression. Strong underjaw and good scissor bite. Ear placement correct with fine curling leathers. Strong, long neck leading to level topline which he kept on the move and when stacked. Ribs are set well back with good angulation both front and back. He was very unsettled by the grooming table but more confident when stacked on the floor. He moved okay for his handler but due to being a little excited, made his movement a little erratic. To be picky I’d like a little more bone to complete the picture.
1st Scott’s Overbecks Tommy Shelby. 19 mth old, tri-colour male with a masculine head. Short muzzle with oval shaped skull and prominent occupit. Good bite with strong under jaw. Good furnishings over head and ears which are set below eye level. Liked his outline on the stack, long neck, good ribs with correct return of shoulder holding up the front assembly. Topline strong and level. Front straight with good reach and good bend of stifle at the rear which helped drive him around the ring. Chest needs to develop more but this will come with age.
2nd Holt’s Nykarth Under Wraps. As above although he was much happier in this class and stood well for his handler.
1st Allen’s Ballencrief Figgy Pudding. Tri-colour with dark pigment throughout. Ears well set against side of the head, covered with fine furnishings. Lovely expression with typical Petit shaped eye, softened by light fringing of hair. Bite correct. Correct shoulder placement with straight front legs and prominent sternum. Ribs carried well back with strong loin. Good tail set reaching just to the hock. To complete the picture I would like a shorter muzzle and tighter elbows. Happy and at one with his handler when he strode out. Was a little wide in front when he came back to me on the move.
1st Hutchings Tangaer French Romance. Outgoing and happy sable and white boy who showed great confidence in the ring. Dark eye and nose. Good ear set with soft curling leathers covered in fine hair. Oval shaped skull with prominent occiput. Would prefer a shorter muzzle and a little more strength to his muzzle but this did not affect his sweet expression. Good scissor bite. Strong neck with perfect level topline. Prominent sternum, sufficient bone for his size. Ribs nicely rounded with correct tight elbows. Correct angulation both front and rear. Good reach and drive. Best mover of the three. Cracking harsh coat to complete the picture. (Pleased to award him RBD).
2nd Townsend’s Afterglow Curtain Call avec Roxastan. Very different type to 1st Short muzzle, nice oval skull with dark pigment to eye and nose. Good scissor bite and correct furnishings around muzzle. Underjaw a little weak. Ears set well with fine curl. Strong neck, level topline and ribs carried well back. Tail set correctly. Harsh coat. Still has some maturing to do. Needs his chest to develop to produce tighter elbows which made him look a little wide when he was moving toward me on the matting.
CLASS 20: OPEN DOG (3,0) All 3 males in this class were a pleasure to go over. Good quality hounds who could do a day’s work if need be. A tough decision making time for me.
1st Skerritt and Bett’s Beaujons Vagabond of Monkhams. A smaller mould than 2 and 3 but a little powerhouse nevertheless. Lovely petit head with fine curling leathers. Super harsh coat, good pigment and strong underjaw coved in correct furnishings. Strong neck with enough length flowing into a level topline which he held both on the move and when stacked. Very nice angulation with ribs carried well back. Short in loin with a good bend of stifle. Bone sufficient for his size. His handler gets the best out of him showing off his good reach and drive on the move. (Pleased to award him BD and RBOB).
2nd McEwen’s Marunnel Orinoco. Very sweet, compact tri-colour hound who looked really happy on the move. Has a lovely dark eye with a kind expression. Correct scissor bite and strong underjaw. Lovely masculine, Petit head with a strong neck leading into a level topline. Straight front with good bone. Well ribbed, carried well back with a strong loin and good angulation. Harsh coat. Moved soundly and with purpose around the hall. Just preferred his front assembly to that of number 3.
Two very different males in this class. Both very nice old boys. Could change places on another day.
1st Gilluley’s Ir CH Haliston Didier ShCM, ShCEx, VW. Aged 10 with an impressive number of awards gained over his show career. Good pigment with nice furnishings over his lovely oval eye. Strong jaw, correct scissor bite and ear set with gently curling leathers. Long and strong well-muscled neck flowing into a lovely level topline not always seen on the older dogs. He has good depth to his chest with tight elbows and ribs carried well back with strong, well-muscled shoulders and forequarters. Short hocks and correct tail set finished the picture on the stack. Moved with good reach and drive for his age with his tail wagging all the time. (BVIB, RBVIS)
2nd Reids’ CH Vilauddens Magnificent Mile (Imp NLD). 7 year old male who I’ve admired from ringside over the last year. Lovely typical example of the breed but carrying a little weight across his shoulders today which spoilt his movement. Perfect pigment and a masculine, Petit head with good bite and strong jaw. Good ear set with nice curl to his leathers. Front assembly is well boned with prominent sternum. Ribs carried well back. Strong hind quarters. Nice harsh coat, tight feet and short hocks. Enjoyed going over both these two old boys. Thank you.
4 very nice puppies in this class that will exchange places as maturity kicks in during the course of the year, I’m sure. My 2nd and 3rd placements were just a little more difficult to assess as they were being normal, playful puppies. I wouldn’t expect nothing different.
1ST Skerritt and Bett’s Monkhams Nightingale. Sired by the Best Dog and is almost his twin. Sable and white, just 6 mths but already showing she loves the show ring. Confident and willing to please her handler. Pretty feminine head with dark pigment. Lovely oval eye with sufficient furnishings. Short ears just reaching the end of the nose and curling nicely against the side of her neck. Correct scissor bite, good length of neck and a level topline. Needs to develop in chest but this will come with maturity. Good lay of shoulder with a strong rear which she used to her advantage on the move. Nice harsh coat. Short hocks and tail which is set correctly and held sabre like on the move. Presented the best movement on the day. Unfortunate to come up against a much more mature, male puppy for the challenge. (BPB).
2nd Reid’s Maudaxi Joanie Loves Chacha (naf) (raf). Just two days younger than 1st place and at 6 mths another nice puppy to go over. She was a little in awe of the ring today and didn’t settle enough to assess her movement as I would like. Good head features with dark pigment. Prominent occiput and lovely typical oval shape to skull. Correct ear length with nice gentle curl. Sufficient length to neck with strong topline. Ribs carried well back with nice short loin. Tail carried well on the move, wagging all the time. When she stood still for a few seconds I was able to see she had good angulation at both the front and rear.
CLASS 23: JUNIOR BITCH (3,0) Again, a lovely class of youngsters with a couple playing the ring with their own tune and not the one their handlers wanted.
1st Bishops’ Jamar Miss Skylar. The more settled of the three. Sable and white 14 mth old. This girl has also been sired by the Best Dog. Pretty feminine head with a dark eye, short muzzle with a sufficient covering of hair over both. Nice shapely skull, prominent occiput, short ears, curling inwards against the neck. Neck long and strong. Topline needs to strengthen but she is still developing. Ribs carried well back with good lay of shoulder. Good bone. Striking colour with harsh textured coat. Moved the best in the class today and presented a balanced image when stacked which won her the class.
2nd Woods’ Beaujons Leading Lady JW. 17 mth old , tri-colour girl who had attitude today. Very outgoing youngster who wants to kiss everybody. Pretty, feminine head with lovely dark expressive eyes. Short muzzle with strong underjaw and correct scissor bite. Ears neatly placed below eye level with a good curl and fine hair covering her leathers. Strong neck flowing into a level topline. Good harsh texture to her coat. Strong hindquarters which I’ve seen her use well on other occasions but today she became unsettled on the mat. Stood still long enough to award the 2nd place over 3rd but all three could change places on another occasion.
1st Cooper’s Soletrader Missy Elliott. 12 month old, sable and white. Smart little girl with pretty, feminine head. Nice short muzzle with defined stop. Enough fringing not to obscure her dark, oval eye. Long neck flowing into a very strong, level topline. Angulation spot on both front and rear. Still developing her chest but has tight elbows and good length of rib. Enough bone for her frame, straight legs with nice tight feet. Tail set correctly and reaching the hock. Looks good on the move with free flowing action. I felt she just pipped the 2nd place with a more balanced outline at this stage in their development. ( RBB)
2nd Scott’s Overbecks Polly Gray. 19th mth old orange and white. Pretty feminine head with short muzzle. Correct oval shaped skull. Dark eye, lighter nose pigment but didn’t detract from her sweet expression. Good eye set just below the eye with good curl to her leathers. A moderate length of neck and just needs to settle her topline. Legs well boned and straight. Moderate angulation. Tail set and length correct with nice tight feet. Good harsh coat. Very happy on the move although not the reach and drive of 1st .
3 quite different girls who could all exchange places on another day.
1st Gilluley’s Ballencrieff Jingle Belle. Tri-colour female with lovely dark pigment. Strong jaw with correct scissor bite. Lovely furnishings over eyes and muzzle. Would prefer slightly shorter muzzle. Moderate reach of neck, prominent sternum with ribs reaching well back. Loin and tail could be a little shorter. Level topline and good tail set. Lively when on the move. Strode out with purpose wagging her tail with the typical Petit attitude to please.
2nd Bishops’ Jamar Ina The Countessa. Tri-colour, shorter all over than 1st . Dark, oval eye with lovely expression. Strong underjaw with correct scissor bite. Good ear set with fine hair covering her leathers. Enough neck and prominent sternum. Harsh coat. Sufficient bone for her frame. Would prefer her to be a little shorter in loin with more bend of stifle which affected her drive on the move.
3 very nice quality girls
1st Skerritt and Bett’s Monkhams Memphis Belle. Sable and white. Liked her balanced, compact outline. Pretty Petit head with dark eye and nose. Good shape to her head with ears set correctly at side of the neck with fine, curling leathers. To be picky I’d like them a little longer. Sufficient neck with strong, level topline. Well-muscled hindquarters with good bend of stifle. Enough bone with straight legs and deep chest. Ribs reaching well back. Nice short loin. Tail set correctly and held erect on the move. Flowed around the ring with good reach and drive. Liked her overall balance.
2nd McEwen’s Marunnel Miss Adelaide. Another compact, little hound. Tri-colour with a sweet expression. Lovely dark pigment with kind eyes and happy attitude. Short muzzle with strong underjaw, correct bite. Nice length to neck leading into a level topline which she maintained both on the move and when stacked. Lovely fine leathers with good curl. Short tail well covered with hair. Ribs carried well back. Pleasing outline, just preferred the movement of 1st.
Quality class of ladies who closely fit the breed standard and were definitely, ‘fit for function’.
1st Scott’s Soletrader Langham Rose for Overbecks. This lovely lady caught my eye as she entered the ring. She has a very balanced, pleasing outline and moved with ease around the ring. Pretty, feminine head, rich dark pigment, strong, square muzzle with correct bite. Lovely furnishings. Correct ear placement with fine leathers. Good reach of neck, level topline and well-muscled shoulder and thigh. Tight elbow with ribs carried well back. Correct angulation both front and rear which provided her with excellent reach and drive. She looked lovely on the stack. (BB, BOB plus I was pleased to see her go on to be awarded BIS). Well deserved.
2nd Skerritt and Bett’s Monkhams Luna Luvgood. Orange and white. Shorter type to 1st with typical Petit features throughout. Short muzzle, good bite, dark, oval eye. Lovely tyical head shape with pleasing furnishings. Strong neck with good reach. Level topline, short loin with well-muscled hind quarters. Tail set correct and short to the hocks. Good ribs and deep chest. Tight elbows and feet. Good bone. Solid little hound who could do a day’s work with ease. Loved her happy outgoing character which she demonstrated on the move. Tail wagging, happily. Just felt 1st pipped her in the final line up with her overall outline but it could easily change on another day.
Kim Culyer-Dawson