• Show Date: 27/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Kerry Roberts Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/10/2023

Horley & District Show Society

Horley and District canine Society

Sunday 27th August 2023

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge for you. Such a fantastic well-run show. Thank you to the steward and to the exhibitors that bought dogs for me today. I was overjoyed to witness great sportsmanship that I have noted further down in my write up.

English Setter

Puppy – No entries

Junior – No entries

Post Graduate

1st Deering Mrs B & Mr N. Pettifox of Rosetimber. Feminine bitch with gentle expression, lovely outline overall, fills the eye. Pleasing front assembly and level topline, used tail on move, moved out well.

2nd Williams Mr S & Mrs M. Richecca Midwinter. Male, pleasing headpiece, Strong neck through shoulders, not quite the front of 1st. well sprung ribs and well angled rear. Somewhat loose in front coming towards me, moved out well on side profile.


1st Whittington Mrs W & Miss K. Juldeane Line of Duty. 3 year old male. Pleasing head and expression. Strong through neck and shoulders. Nicely balanced overall, level topline. Good front and rear angulation with well sprung ribs. Moved well. BOB

2nd Deering Mrs B & Mr N. Skylark of Roseline. 9 year old bitch. Lovely head and expression. Strong front, hardy condition. Strong rear angles and used tail on move. RBOB

Gordon Setter

Puppy – No entries

Junior (4,2)

1st Williams Mr BJ & Mrs EM. Longrow Love is the drug. Very raw youngster. Just needs time. Many pleasing attributes. Well rounded head and clear defined stop, good lips and well set ears. Strong clean neck into clean topline. Would prefer more lay of shoulder Not the rear of 2nd but moved well.

2nd Williams Mr BJ & Mrs EM. Longrow Ruby Tuesday. Litter sister to 1st. Sadly this youngster gave her handler a hard time I was unable to assess movement. My notes say nice solid bitch. Pleasing head, another well-defined stop, lips and ear-set. Strong neck and good front assembly. Wel sprung ribs and enough of stifle turn. If I could have assessed movement, I think they would have swapped place.

Post Graduate (2,1)

1st Gunnery Mrs J. Longrow Love of my life. My notes say lovely well-muscled but feminine bitch. Pleasing head with good ear set. Nice outline, strong neck and well sprung ribs. Balanced on the move holding topline. RBOB.


1st Sandiford & Mazzo P & CA. Hernwood Christmas Price. Upstanding masculine dog of 5 years old. Scores well for head, well rounded skull and clean stop, gentlest expression. Overall pleasing outline, nothing overdone. Moved effortlessly with his handler who shows him beautifully. A real highlight today. BOB

Irish Red and White Setter

Puppy – No entries

Junior – 1 entry (absent)

Post Graduate – 1 entry (absent)

Open – No Entries

Irish Setter

Puppy (1,0)

1st Williamson & Heron O Brien Mr M J and Mrs L C and Mrs F. Caskys United. 6 months old feminine bitch. Very pleasing outline for one so young. Well laid shoulders, strong front assembly and good hindquarters, a little exuberant on the move to start but soon settled. BP

Junior – No entries

Post Graduate – No entries

Open dog (2,0)

I really loved this class. I was really splitting hairs between 1st and 2nd. Especially as the other exhibitor moved both dogs in this class. later after my decision was informed he was the breeder of both and they are litter brothers. I loved the sportsmanship here today, I really felt it needed mentioning. 

1st Richardson Mrs L. Bluesprings Im here at Forestfire. Pleasing headpiece, gentle expression, dark eye. Strong neck into well laid shoulders with good return of upper arm, straight front. Deep ribs and benefits a muscular loin. Good Fore and Aft, Moved with such purpose and drive. BOB

2nd Williamson Mr M J & Mrs L C. Bluesprings Picture this JW. Strong, substantial boy with pleasing outline, lovely headpiece and a nice dark eye, strong straight front, good lay back of shoulder, good spring of rib, well set on tail and strong rear quarters. Moved out well. Just preferred the topline on the move of 1st. RBOB

Open bitch – No Entries

Large Munsterlander

Puppy – No entries

Post Gradute – No entries

Open – No entries

 Spanish Water dog


1st Slaymaker Mrs A C. Perrorizado San Andres. Male of just 6 months. A young boy showing promise, he was a little unsure but just needs time. Pleasing head proportions and expression. Good lay of shoulder. Standing on straight, well boned legs. Well-made rear for age. Moved well. RBOB and BP.


1st Searles Mrs V. Cravessa Bottoms up. 1 year old brown and white male. Pleasing head, short, strong neck, good depth and well developed forechest, well sprung ribs. Moderate angles to stifle, falls away through croup. Moved out well with handler.


1st Searles Mrs V. Adormidera Apache Rose at Cravessa. Feminine and moderate throughout. Nothing is overdone, nicely balanced. Pleasing headpiece, of the correct proportions. Well developed through the body, with the brisket down to the elbow. Straight forelegs, with correct tight feet. well off for coat. Holding a firm topline moving and in side profile. BOB

Judge Kerry Roberts – BYPHAR