- Show Date: 26/02/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Kelly Lee Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Three Counties Pekingese & Cavalier Society
Three Counties Pekingese & Cavalier Society Open Show – 26th February 2023
Judge – Mrs Kelly Hampton-Lee (Kelrick)
I would like to thank the committee of the Three Counties Pekingese & Cavalier Society for inviting me to judge at their Open Show, and for my lovely gift and card. I would also like to thank my steward Stewart Campbell who did a wonderful job of organising the ring for me and keeping everyone on track. It was a lovely friendly show at a new venue and there were lots of positive comments all day and plenty of smiling faces. Although the show clashed with a CKCS Breed Assessment Day and another local open show, I was delighted with the number and quality of the dogs on the day. Thanks to all the exhibitors who attended with their lovely dogs and accepted my decisions in such a sporting manner.
Best of Breed: Rees’ Embeth Rock The Boat
Reserve Best of Breed: Jackson’s Fortunamajor Shining Star
Best Puppy in Breed: Rishtte I’m Tanisha of Remmya
Best Veteran in Breed: Rees’ Embeth Bonny Boat JW
MPD (1,1)
PD (1,0) 1. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Royal Austin. 9 month old Blenheim puppy dog. Plenty of well broken coat with rich chestnut markings. Round, dark eyes and good pigmentation. Well feathered leathers. Good angulation throughout and moved well with good reach and drive. Very attentive to handler and happy in the ring. Best Puppy Dog
JD (3,0) 1. Jackson’s Fortunamajor Rubeus. 14 month old Ruby dog. Presented in immaculate condition with soft silky rich red coat. Lovely head with round, dark eyes, good pigmentation, well set ears and skull almost flat between. Loved this boy’s expression. Slightly arched neck leading to well laid shoulders, good rear angulation. Moved well around the ring.
2. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Royal Austin. (see puppy)
3. Newell’s Corbieanne Storm Prince.
ND: (2,1) 1. Newell’s Corbieanne Storm Prince. 12 month old Blenheim dog. Well presented with plenty of silky coat. Lovely head and expression with good pigmentation, correct dentition, well set ears and almost flat skull. Well angulated, he moved around the ring well with a happy disposition.
GD: (4,1) 1. Jones’ Boatswain Azure at Droleus (IMP ITA). 23 month old Tricolour dog. Lovely head with soft melting expression, dark eyes, correct dentition, well feathered leathers. Good angulation which he used to good effect as he moved gracefully with reach and drive around the ring.
2. Tout’s Earlrae Bourbon Lancer. 21 month old Black & Tan dog. Lovely size and shape with a gorgeous head. Dark eyes, enough cushioning, well feather leathers and skull almost flat between the ears. Well presented. Moved well. Preferred the tail carriage of the winner today.
3. Van Der Vliet’s Alexalee Buster.
PGD: (2,0) 1. Tout’s Earlrae Bourbon Lancer. See GD
2. Beresford’s Sunsante Anton. 3 year old Ruby boy. Lovely boy with plenty of rich red silky coat. Handsome head with round dark eyes, good cushioning, soft expression. Good size and shape and well angulated. He moved round the ring with good reach and drive. Happy and outgoing.
LD: (2,0) 1. Rees’ Embeth Rock The Boat. 2 year old Blenheim dog. This dog caught my eye as soon as he stepped in the ring. Full of personality and enthusiasm, he clearly enjoyed showing! Lovely size and shape with a well broken coat of rich chestnut markings on a pearly white background. Lovely head with round, dark eyes, good pigmentation and good cushioning. Well balanced with good angulation throughout which he used to power around the ring, moving with finesse. A great example of a toy spaniel, and just what I was looking for - I was pleased to award him Best Dog & Best of Breed
2. Mangham’s Brymarden Touch of Gold of Charnavale. 3 year old Blenheim dog. Another lovely example of the breed with a handsome head with dark eyes, correct dentition, good pigmentation and well feathered leathers with skull almost flat between. Good reach of neck, good angles to front and rear. He moved well around the ring maintaining a level topline at all times. Reserve Best Dog
SP OPEN (BLEN or TRI)D: (0,0)
SP OPEN (B/T or Ruby)D: (3,0) 1. Tout’s Earlrae Bourbon Lancer. See GD.
2. Beresford’s Sunsante Anton. See PGD.
3. Van Der Vliet’s Alexalee Buster.
OD: (0,0)
VD: (1,0) Newell’s Corbieanne Charlottes Boy. 10 ½ year old Blenheim dog. Lovely size and shape. Well broken markings of rich chestnut on a pearly white background. Handsome head with good pigmentation. A happy boy who enjoyed himself as he moved well around the ring.
MPB (1,0) 1. Butler’s Tamyse Taylor. 7 month old Blenheim bitch. Lovely, sweet head with good pigmentation and correct dentition. Well presented with well broken coat. This was her first show and although she was apprehensive at first, she moved well when she put her mind to it.
PB (2,0) 1. Bennett’s Richtte I’m Tanisha of Remmya. 11 month old Ruby bitch. A lovely puppy with lots to like. Nice size and shape, well presented with plenty of silky rich red coat. Pretty head with lovely round dark eyes, good cushioning, well set ears and correct bite. Good angles to front and rear. Moved well around the ring holding a level topline. Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy.
2. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Royal Ava. 9 month old Blenheim bitch. Lots to like about this puppy and unlucky to meet the winner today. Nicely presented with a well broken coat with rich chestnut markings. Attractive head with dark eyes, good cushioning and long, well-set leathers to complete the picture. Well angulated, she moved around the ring with good reach and drive.
JB (5,1) 1. King-Smith’s Ispahan Tender Is The Night. 15 month old Blenheim bitch. Well broken coat presented in immaculate condition. Lovely head with dark eyes, skull almost flat between ears, good cushioning and correct teeth. Good front assembly and good angles to rear. She moved well and was animated and happy.
2. Liverton-Ovey’s Kinvaar Sunshine in Pocket for Halosey. 12 month old Blenheim bitch. Lovely size and shape and well presented. Pretty head with good pigmentation, correct dentition, good cushioning and a soft, melting expression. Good angulation which she used to full effect as she moved gracefully around the ring.
3. Lewis’ Carleeto Minnie The Minx.
4. Newell’s Corbieanne Tesha.
NB: (5,1) 1. Jackson’s Fortunamajor Whirlwind. 14 month old Tricolour bitch. Well presented with well broken coat and tan in all the right places. Beautiful head with round dark eyes, good cushioning, good pigmentation and wide blaze creating the desired melting expression which can be hard to achieve on Tricolours. Nice size and shape with good reach of neck and good angulation. A lovely toy spaniel who moved well.
2. Butler’s Tamyse Taffeta. 17 month old Blenheim bitch. Gorgeous head with such expressive dark eyes, flattish skull, well set ears and enough cushioning giving a lovely melting expression. Good front assembly and good reach of neck. Good turn of stifle. Moved well.
3. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Royal Ava.
4. Riis-White’s Tamyse Pretty in Pink.
GB: (1,0) 1. Williams’ Charnell Gintastic for Sancana JW. 19 month old Blenheim bitch. A spirited little girl, full of personality and charm. Lovely head with dark eyes, good pigmentation, correct dentition and sweet expression. Well angulated with good reach of neck. Used this to good effect as she moved gracefully around the ring.
PGB: (3,0) 1. Hopkins’ Droleus That’s M’Calon Aur at Gwawr. 2 year old Blenheim bitch. Well broken markings with rich chestnut on a pearly white background. Plenty of soft, silky coat. Lovely head with round dark eyes, good pigmentation, plenty of cushioning and long leathers framing her face – all creating a lovely melting expression. Short coupled and well angulated, she moved well around the ring with good reach and drive.
2. Liverton-Ovey’s Bon Ray of Hope at Halosey. 2 year old Tricolour bitch. Heavier marked with tan in all the right places. Pretty head with lovely dark eyes and well set ears. Happy and animated. Nice shape and size with good angulation and level topline which she held on the move.
3. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Royal Touch.
LB: (1,0) 1. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Royal Treasure. 3 year old Blenheim bitch with desired lozenge. Well broken coat with rich chestnut markings. Dark eyes, well feathered leathers, good pigmentation. Very animated at all times in the ring. Good topline and tailset.
SP OPEN (BLEN or TRI)B: (2,0) 1. Jackson’s Fortunamajor Shining Star. 2 year old Blenheim bitch. Immaculately presented with plenty of silky coat with well broken markings and Blenheim spot. Stunning head with round, dark eyes spaced well apart, good pigmentation, enough cushioning and correct teeth and bite. Well set ears and skull almost flat between. Soft melting expression. A lovely toy spaniel who was happy and animated. Well angulated and used this to good effect as she moved gracefully around the ring with good reach and drive. Best Bitch and Reserve Best of Breed.
2. Lunt’s Oaktreepark Magic Skye. 3 year old Blenheim bitch. Well broken coat with rich chestnut markings. Round, dark eyes, good pigmentation, correct dentition, well feathered leathers. Good angulation and good reach of neck. Happy disposition, moved well.
SP OPEN (B/T or Ruby)B: (2,1) 1. Lewis’ Carleeto Minnie The Minx. 13 month old Black & Tan bitch. Well presented with plenty of raven black coat with rich tan markings in the correct places. Lovely head with correct melting expression. Good cushioning, round dark eyes, skull almost flat between ears, correct earset. Good topline which she held on the move.
OB: (3,1) 1. Williams’ Anickily Anna Rose Sancana. 5 year old Black & Tan bitch. Immaculately presented with plenty of raven back silky coat and tan in the right places. Gorgeous head with the most expressive dark eyes that draw you in. Lovely size and shape with good angulation throughout. Very happy girl with lots of animation. Moved with good reach and drive, gracefully around the ring.
2. Lewis’ Carleeto Satine. 4 year old Black & Tan bitch. A lovely example of a typical toy spaniel. Plenty of raven black silky coat with rich tan markings. Very pretty head with sweet expression. I have judged this dog before as a puppy and was pleased to see that she has matured beautifully. Short coupled and well angulated, she moved gracefully around the ring maintaining a level topline at all times.
VB: (4,1) 1. Rees’ Embeth Bonny Boat JW. 8 year old Tri bitch. One I have admired since puppy and was delighted to have the opportunity to go over her. She did not disappoint! Gorgeous head with round dark eyes, good pigmentation, good cushioning and such a sweet, melting expression. She has good angles to front and rear and when she moved in all directions it was with good reach and drive. So attentive to her handler, it was clear to see she loves to show herself. It is hard to believe she is a veteran as she is in such good condition. Pleased to award her Best Veteran in Breed. Delighted to hear that she went on to achieve Best Veteran in Show.
2. Lewis’ Carleeto Nikita. 7 year old Ruby bitch. Presented in great condition with plenty of rich red silky coat. Very pretty head with expressive dark eyes, well set ears, enough cushioning. Nice size and formed a lovely silhouette on the stand. Attentive to handler. She moved well in all directions maintaining a level topline.
3. Meek’s Julchrisgor Jitterbug.