• Show Date: 11/06/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Kooikerhondje Club Of Great Britain

Judging Critique

Kooikerhondje Club Open Show 11th June 2023

I felt extremely honoured to be invited to judge this club show and thoroughly enjoyed the day. The weather was gorgeous and the atmosphere around the ring was very friendly and jovial. My main winners came from the Veteran classes and displayed the correct balance and outline that I was looking for in this lovely breed. This is obviously a breed which is still in its prime well into its veteran years.

All the exhibits had wonderful temperaments, as did all of the exhibitors who accepted my placings with grace and applause! I must also mention my efficient hard-working steward Mr Bill Molton who kept the ring running perfectly all day.

BIS was Williams’s dog Cairnbraid Onwaba Lukimbi of Gladsheim; Reserve BIS & Best Bitch was Williams’s Daniella vom Thyrowberg to Gladsheim ShCM; Reserve Best Dog Davies’s Millhanger Kemboy; Reserve Best Bitch Skjonberg’s N DK UCH ACH NORDV-18 Ea Evana; Best Puppy in Show Harvey’s d Kerfkooiker Gynn and Best Veteran Williams’s d Cairnbraid Onwaba Lukimbi of Gladsheim.

PD 1

1st Harvey’s Kerfkooiker Gynn. Best Puppy. Very nice puppy shown in excellent coat & condition. Well balanced body. Dark eye and good pigmentation throughout. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good depth of chest for age. Nice coat of good length and texture. Good ear rings. Correct tailset and carriage of tail on the move. Covered the ground well on compact, oval feet. Moved well both coming and going.

JD 3 Both 1 and 2 were very pleasing examples of the breed and hard to split. I was not surprised to discover they are litter brothers.

1 Roberts’s Twybrook Noble Prince at Kogarahs. Lovely outline. Nice masculine head but with nothing overdone. Lovely eye shape and colour and pleasing ear rings. Well balanced in head. Good bone, depth of chest & spring of rib. Shown in good coat and condition. Moved well, really striding out with good tail carriage.

2 Purser’s Twybrook Charming Prince, just a little longer overall than 1. Nice head & expression. Good eye shape & colour. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good spring of rib. Small, compact feet. Quality coat and shown in good & muscular condition. Moved well both coming and going.

3 K Gynn

YD 2

1st T N Prince at K

2nd T C Prince


1 Wallis’s Gladsheim Veritas. Lovely outline & shown in excellent coat & muscular condition. Beautiful head, eye & expression framed with nice ear rings. Nicely shaped skull & muzzle. Good pigmentation and bone. Excellent angulation throughout. Good depth of chest & spring of rib. Neat, oval feet. Nice set-on & carriage of tail. Moved very well really covering the ground with each stride.

2 T C Prince

3 Conway’s Shakespeare Agamemnon

LD 4

1 Hearson’s Gladsheim Acer at Jumasue. Very nice masculine dog. Well balanced head, correct eye shape & colour. Good skull to muzzle proportions with nicely shaped skull and muzzle. Good lay of shoulder & return of upperarm.Nice bone, feet & spring of rib. Correct level topline and well let down hocks. Moved very soundly, really striding out and covering the ground well with each stride.

2 Gutteridge’s Benitin Trojan. Nice outline & well-balanced head, good eye & expression. Good pigmentation. Well angulated throughout. Nice bone & small, compact feet. Level topline. Moved with drive. Nice ear rings. Coat of good texture.

3 Guy’s Gladsheim Eleodoro at Kerelkoor

OD 3 Not much to separate 1 & 2 here just preferred the outline of my winner.

1 Davies’s Millhanger Kemboy. Reserve Best Dog. Really caught my eye on entering the ring. Very typical in outline. Lovely head, eye & expression. Nice ear placement & ear rings. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upper arm. Good bone & feet. Nice depth of chest & spring of rib. Short, strong loin and level topline. Nice tail set & carriage. Shown in excellent coat & muscular condition. Beautiful springy & sound movement.

2 Suiter’s Genetika Rumpelstiltskin. Another lovely dog with typical outline. Nicely balanced in head, good eye & expression. Nicely furnished ears. Good coat throughout. Correctly angulated fore & aft. Level topline. Shown in good coat & condition. Moved with lots of drive.

3 Whitehead’s Gladsheim Helios

VD 4

1 Williams’s Cairnbraid Onwaba Lukimbi of Gladsheim. Best dog, best Veteran and Best in Show. A superb example of the breed and very typical in outline. He didn’t put a foot wrong even in the considerable heat of the day. Excellent movement, really springy & covering the ground well with each stride. Nice tail carriage. Well balanced in head with good eye shape & colour. Good pigmentation. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Nice body length being just slightly more than height at the shoulders & level topline. Good bone & feet. Well let down hocks. Shown in gleaming coat & fabulous condition.

2 Marsden’s Gladsheim Apollo. Masculine head, well balanced. Nice eye & expression. Longer in body than 1. Good spring of rib & depth of chest. Well let down hocks. Nicely furnished tail. Carrying a little extra body weight.

3 Brook’s Papikoi Time Out


1 G Rumpelstiltskin

2 B Trojan

3 S Agamemnon

PB 2

1 Cambridge’s Mooiekooi’s Dolly Dodge. Very pretty & shown in good coat & condition. Nice eye shape. Good pigmentation. Nice earset, colour of ear & ear rings. Excellent bone & feet. Good angulation fore & aft. Well developed ribcage for age. Level topline. Nice tail set & carriage. Moved well both coming and going.

2 Folan-Murphy’s Mooiekooi’s Dizzy Delta. Still a baby & needs to grow on but has time. Very pretty with nice dark eye of good shape. Good proportion of skull to muzzle. Lovely topline. Well let down hocks. Moved soundly and with desired spring, when settled.

JB 5

1 Mar-Gerrison’s Valkira Whispering Hope. Very feminine head & pleasing expression. Well developed for age with well-balanced outline. Nicely balanced head with good earset & carriage with ears framed by lovely ear rings. Good angulation fore & aft. Excellent spring of rib for age. Nice strength over loin. Level topline leading to good set-on of croup and tail. Moved well both coming & going.

2 Stewart’s Twybrook Sweet Princess. Another nice one, just a fraction longer than my winner. Well balanced skull to muzzle ratio. Dark eye of good shape. nicely placed ears & sufficient length of neck. Good bone & feet. Sufficient bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved soundly.

3 Caldwell’s Valkira Secret Love at Taighmuilne

YB 4

1 V W Hope

2 T S Princess

3 V S Love at T


1 Beech’s Mooiekooi’s Chi Chilli. Lovely type with very feminine, well balanced head. Dark eye of nice shape. Good earset & colour of ear displaying pleasing black ear rings. Nice angulation fore & aft. Good bone & excellent spring of rib. Level topline and correct tailset. Moved well both coming & going, on neat feet. Coat of good condition with nice furnishings.

2 Jones’s Gladsheim Savanna. Another nice feminine bitch with pretty head, nice earset & ear rings. Good angulation fore & aft. Level topline. Correct slight slope of croup & nice tail furnishings. Shown in good coat & condition. Moved well when settled.

3 M D Delta

LB 5

1 Mar-Gerrison’s Gladsheim Willow at Valkira. Very nice type with excellent springy movement. Lovely head with good skull to muzzle proportions. Nice eye shape & colour. Lovely black ear rings. Excellent texture and length of coat throughout. Good angulation fore & aft. Excellent spring of rib & strong over loin with correct level topline. Good bone & feet. Shown in excellent muscular condition.

2 Skjonberg’s Mooiekooi’s Bitzy Brilliant. Another lovely bitch just preferred the head of 1. Needs a little more confidence. Nice coat throughout. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good depth of chest & spring of rib. Level topline & correct croup and tailset. Well let down hocks. Moved well.

3 Jones’s Valleyrise Inspiration at Maplecoombe

OB 6

1 Williams’s Gladsheim Arunika. Very nice type shown in excellent coat & condition. Well balanced in outline being slightly longer than height at shoulders. Feminine head & expression, would prefer slightly less stop. Medium length of neck. Excellent front & rear angulation. Excellent spring of rib & good strength over loin. Level topline leading to correct slightly sloping croup with tail set following on the same line. Moved soundly & with a spring of step.

2 Stewart’s Duckhills Thistledown Dance of Emmi over Twybrook. A different type - a little longer overall. Well balanced in head. Nice eye shape & colour. Good pigmentation. Good ear rings. Level topline. Nice bone & small, compact feet. Moved soundly covering the ground well with each stride.

3 Dunford’s Millhanger Victoria Plum

VB 5 a lovely class of veterans including two of 11 years and one aged 10 yrs.

1 Williams’s Daniella vom Thyrowberg to Gladsheim ShCM. Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show. Shown in excellent coat & condition. Lovely head, eye & expression. Nicely balanced skull to muzzle proportions. Excellent lay of shoulder & return of upperarm. Excellent depth of chest & spring of rib. Strong over loin. Good croup, tail set, tail carriage & furnishings. Excellent bone & small, compact feet. Moved soundly and true, really striding out with the desired flowing spring of step.

2 Skjonberg’s N DK UCH ACH NORDV-18 Ea Evana. Reserve best bitch. Another lovely veteran with feminine head and nice eye shape. Good earset & ear rings. Nice medium length of neck which is well muscled. Good bone. Excellent spring of rib leading to strong loin. Moderate bend of stifle and well let down hocks.. Nice tailset & carriage. Shown in excellent coat & lovely muscular condition.

3 Guy’s Cirtap’s Hertogin Freya Van Qira-T at Genetika


1 D T Dance of Emmi Over T

2 Jones’s Valleyrise Inspiration at Maplecoombe. Similar type to my winner. Nice pigmentation throughout with good eye shape & colour. Nice earset, shape of ear &pleasing ear rings. Excellent bone. Level topline and correct bend of stifle; well let down hocks. Coat of good texture. Moved soundly with drive.

3 V S Love at T

Brace 4

1 Anne Mar-Gerrison

2 Sara Williams

Progeny 4

1 G Rumpelstiltskin

2 D V Thyrowberg to G

3 G Willow at V

Special Bred By Exhibitor 5

1 M B Brilliant

2 T S Princess

Special Not Bred by Exhibitor (13)

1 M Kemboy

2 G Acer at J

3 G Veritas

Special Bred in the UK (11)

1 M Kemboy

2 G Veritas

3 T N Prince at K

Special Bred Outside the UK 5

1 N Dk UCh Ach Nordv-18 Ea Evana

2 Johnson’s Sensation vom Tespelkooi of Valleyrise

3 D T Dance of Emmi Over T

Kathy Moores
