• Show Date: 07/10/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Karen Powney Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/01/2024

Plymouth & District Canine Society

Plymouth & DCS 7th October 2023

Judge :- Karen Powney (KNOTDOG)

Retriever (Labrador)

A big thank you to my entry today as I know there was a CH club show on. Some nice dogs all with lovely temperaments.

Puppy (1,0)

1st Cremino Capability Rossacre (D) – owned by V Findjan – 8 month old yellow boy who had a lovely tail set, dark brown eye, good rear angulation and moved well. Not much muscle on him yet and he still has a way to go but pleased to award him Best Puppy in Breed.

Special Yearling (5,1)

1st Magnavallys Over The Moon (D) – owned by S&D Kennett – 19 month old boy who would stand out in any crowd – lovely black dog with correct double coat good level back into correct tail set and perfect otter tail. Broad head without being coarse lovely dark eye with well defined stop. Well angulated front and rear with great muscle which showed in his lovely movement round the ring which was a joy to watch. Very Pleased to award him BOB and watch him go and win Group 2 under judge Lisa Nelson.

2nd Magnavalleys Moon Light Rossacre (B) – owned by V Findjan – 19 month old bitch who from the catalogue I gather is litter sister to the winner. Again a lovely shape with good lay of shoulder and not over angulated behind. Good compact feet, level back and good movement. A little more growing up to do as her brother is more mature but she will I am sure mature well as it is all there to come.

3rd Henissy Treacle Tart (B) – owned by C Farrer

Post Graduate (4,1)

1st Lyjansen Nelly Trent Rossacre (B) – owned by V Findjan – 2 year old beautiful girl with good coat, level topline and good feet, good square head while still obviously feminine. Short Loin and well ribbed. Covered the ground well with a good movement. RBOB

2nd Henissy Truffle Trifle (D) – owned by C Farrar – 19 month old litter brother to the 3rd in special yearling, longer in loin than the winner and movement not as together good compact feet with well arched toes, good reach of neck.

3rd LLanstinan Dusty Rhodes – owned by K Fitz-Hughe

Limit (1,0)

1st Carpenny Halshimore Delicious (AI) (B) – owned by J Fishlock – 5 ½ year old yellow girl with good feet, correct rear angulation and good tail set, nice head with dark brown eye. Moved OK.

Open Dog (2,0)

1st Lembras Swings Both Ways at Mibridge (D) – owned by B Jeffrey – 10 year old boy with a dark eye and correct ear set, good head being masculine, and neck, into well laid shoulder, good rear angulation, moved OK.

2nd Chyanhal Pentewan at Pudleigh (D) – owned by H & I Evans – 3 year old boy with a good broad head without being coarse, well defined stop. good neck. Longer in loin than 1st, with low tail set.

Open Bitch (3, 0)

1st Rossacre Spangles of Clarisview (B) – owned by C philpott – Nice head, correct eye and enough reach of neck, good feet and moved OK.

2nd Magnavalley’s Trebah (B) – owned by S&D Kennett – Nice bitch with correct head, not overdone, good angulation but in very soft condition, which did not help her movement.

Large Munsterlander

Post Graduate (no Entries)

Open (2,0)

1st Foxy Gabber UUT ‘T Vossebeltseveld for Kamaze (IMP NLD) (D) – owned by K & R Caile – Not quite 2 year old boy, tall but well proportioned good head and ears, slightly arched neck well set into shoulders, Rounded well knuckled feet Moved OK round the ring. BOB

2nd Kamazee Dance in the Dark (D) – Owned by P Disney – 17 month old boy who should have won the class, but I could barely go over him. I hope with patience he gets over whatever frightend him (apparently at a previous show). He had a good head and ear set, well arched neck set into good shoulders. Good bone, Firm, strong back, well muscled. Good feet and moved well round the ring. RBOB