• Show Date: 05/11/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Karen Coombs Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/11/2023

Chihuahua Club Of South Wales

Chihuahua Club Of South Wales Open show 5th November 2023 I would like to say a big thank you to the officers and committee for this kind invitation to judge at this very well run show but the biggest thank you goes to the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their much loved dogs . Minor puppy dog. Entries (1) abs (0) Rooney, Mr SJ. Yorone make my day. 6 month old red dog. A lovely type all round, very nice dentation leading up to a clean stop, pretty dome head with beautiful dark round clear eyes and good ear placement. Carried himself with pride holding a lovely tail set on the move , a tough decision between this boy and his litter mate, absolutely nothing between them but a choice had to be made. Puppy dog. Entries (1) abs (0) Rooney, Mr SJ. Yorone two can play that game . 6 month old blue fawn dog. This little one marched into the ring with that “ look at me” attitude that could not be ignored. Such a sweet head with bright beautifully set eyes, lovely dome head finishing off the look with correct ear placement. Nice compact body with well laid back shoulders , he didn’t disappoint on the move. Pleased to award BPIB/BPIS Junior dog.entries (2) abs (1) Poyner, Ms MD. Anadeia ovation for mikichi 16 month old cream dog. A lovely type, in beautiful condition, nice head with lovely round eye, good ear placement, such lovely pigment , short and cobby cutting a lovely profile . Moved so well with a good top-line, carries himself with pride. Pleased to award RBD Special yearling dog. Entries (0) abs (0) Post graduate dog. Entries ( 1) abs (0) Hollister, Mrs K L. Copymear pocket rocket at hollichi. 2 year old red dog. I liked this boys shape and size, lovely correct head with good ear placement, soft dark round eye leading up to a beautiful dome head.this boy was in beautiful condition, short backed with a lovely tail carriage. Very confident on the move . Limit dog. Entries (3) abs (0) Dodd , Mrs H. Anadeia makikoh. 2 year old cream dog. 1st. This little boy is a sound as they come , nothing to dislike about him. Lovely head a good eye, correct ear placement, nicely laid back shoulders and well ribbed . Really nice straight front. Moved well both coming and going . 2nd. Sutton , Mrs B . Nikitos nowwatzizname 19 month old cream and white dog. Another lovely type that was so close to first. Good head with correct ear, good eye and a nice dentation and lovely pigment, I loved his size and shape . Moved so well. A tough decision. 3rd. Graham, Mrs S& Mr P. Chihgra artful dodger. Open dog. Entries (1) abs (0) Morris, Mrs AA. Mikichi Mr Moonlight.4 year old blue fawn and white dog. Just lovely, very nice head with everything in the correct place, beautiful pigment and a lovely bite. Very well balanced , straight front and good strong back end giving him such lovely movement . Move with grace carrying his tail correctly with style , again another in beautiful condition . Pleased to award . BD Veteran dog . Entries (0) abs (0) Minor puppy bitch. Entries (2) abs(1) Poyner, Ms MD. Chinatown moonstone. 6 month old fawn bitch. This little girl bounced into the ring and was so happy to be there. She has the most feminine head with correct dark round eye, beautifully placed ears and a clear stop leading onto a lovely head, she was in such lovely condition. A straight front and back . Moved around fairly well but she is only baby. Held herself so well when she wanted to . Loved her. Pleased to award BPB Puppy bitch. Entries (1) abs ( 1) Junior bitch. Entries (2) abs (0) Edwards, Mrs C R. Copymear dances in the dark. 15 month old black & tan bitch. Such a smart girl with so much to admire. Very attractive head with big round dark eyes you could fall into, very short muzzle but still had a lovely bite. She was in tip top condition, very well balanced . She carried herself so well on the move hold herself so well. 2nd. Dodd, Mrs H. Anadeia pepper Potts. 12 month old white bitch. This is another quality girl. She has everything I admire in a good smooth coat Chihuahua. Pretty head with everything where it should be. She’s was having a off day today and was not happy but we are all entitled to one of these. Special yearling bitch. Entries (2) abs (0) 1st. Dodd, Mrs H. Anadeia amaris. 19 month old white bitch. Such a lovely girl, sweet head with a short muzzle with a good stop . She has beautiful dark eyes, ears placed well on a good dome head. Good depth of rib, moved extremely well showing off the most beautiful top line. 2nd. Sutton , Mrs B. The black dream de L’isle au vert Cotesu. 20 month old cream bitch. This little one has the most beautiful head with a good bite and a lovely muzzle, she has the most beautiful round eye, sadly she was not happy today and would not comply . I’m sure when she settles she will do very well, one to watch I’m sure. Post graduate bitch. Entries (2) abs (0) 1st. Hollister, Mrs K L. Hollichi Ren’s Legacy. 2 year old bitch. Pretty girl with a lovely rounded skull , beautiful large well placed ears with the most gorgeous eyes. Straight front and very well bodied, just lovely in profile. Moved very well. 2nd. Graham, Mrs S & Mr P.chihgra Rosa Bud. 2 year old cream bitch. Super little girl in beautiful condition. Good short stop leading up the a beautifully round dome, well rounded beautiful dark round eye. Nicely placed ears. Short and cobby as they should be. Moved well. Limit bitch. Entries (3) Abs (0) 1st. Dodd, Mrs H. Mikichi Diamond Marquise. 2 year old cream bitch Just my type, beautiful big dark round eye set nicely in to a lovely dome skull . Good bite and ear placement. Straight front lovely laid BACK shoulders short cobby body . Sending off around the ring she didn’t disappoint. Pleased to award RBOB 2ND . Sutton, Mrs B. Nikitos Nowwillieseeme. 17 month old cream & white bitch. Another lovely type , very pretty bitch with a good rounded scull, beautifully placed ear and great pigment. Lovely front leading off to a super top line. Nothing between this girl and first just personal choice. 3rd. Hollister, Mrs K L. Copymear cleopatra At Hollichi. 2 year fawn bitch. Open bitch . Entries (1) abs (0) Sutton, Mrs B. Serena Tout A Gagner De L’isle Au Vert Coteau. 2 year old bitch. Loved this bitch, as sound as they come, nothing was over exaggerated, just lovely. Pretty feminine head with the most adorable dark eye. She had the cheekiest expression that was full of chihuahua character. Lovely strong front, nicely placed shoulders leading on to a razor sharp top line. Move so well both coming and going . Pleased to award BB. Veteran Bitch. Graham, Mrs S & Mr P. Chihgra Ice Ickle 9 year old cream bitch. This old girl stole my heart, she has bags of spirt for one of her age, she has such a gentle expression with beautiful dark round eyes , lovely dome head . She still happy to show as she moved quietly around the ring holding a lovely top line . Pleased to award BVIB Judge : Mrs Karen Coombs