• Show Date: 30/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: KAREN BAMBROOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/01/2024

Boston & District Canine Society



Thank you so much to the committee for my invitation to judge Labradors at your last evening show. It was a privilege and honour to judge my breed, the puppy class being the best quality of youngsters which bodes well for the breed. Thank you so much to the exhibitors for your entries.

PUPPY (12,4A)

1 Woodley’s Tricolour De L’Etang Balancet Avec Alkamhurst (imp fra) NAF – A wonderful class to judge, this 7 month old yellow dog stood out for me. With a good eye colour and pigmentation on a good Labrador head which will develop more in time. A clean neck leading to good shoulder placement. This puppy was well balanced with plenty of bone and his outline flowed from nose to tail. Good forechest and level topline and in good double coat. Otter tail straight off the back which was nicely shaped for a youngster. Stood on tight neat feet and moved well fore and aft in it’s class. BP

2 Davis and Rowe’s Rochevale Palm Reader – An 11 month old black bitch with an overall shape which was very pleasing. With a feminine expression and good head shape on a good length of neck leading to good shoulders. Well boned, good coat, good angles and a level topline kept on the move whilst covering the ground with ease. Very attentive to handler.


1 Charlton’s Foxrush Jane Ayre JW – A 17 month old yellow bitch with lovely eye colour and good pigmentation. A feminine expression with an attentive look to it’s handler using her ears well. She has a good overall balance with a good reach of neck, good shoulder angulation and stands square on tight neat feet. In thick double coat with nice shaped tail which never stopped wagging. With good rear angles and 2nd muscled thigh, she moved around the ring with ease.

2 Hopkinson’s Rocheby Saint Louis – A 7 month old yellow puppy dog who was very attentive to it’s handler. Good eye colour and nice pigmentation on a lovely shaped head perfect for his age, nice reach of neck leading into good shoulders. Good overall balance with well muscled hind quarters with a thick otter tail used well on the move. Would have been nice to see him again to challenge for BP.


1 Falshaw & Elliott’s Lonicerium Black Pearl – A 23 month old black bitch who pushed for RBOB. Attentive to it’s handler with a dreamy feminine expression and good eye colour. Nice reach of neck leading to good shoulder placement. Level topline and balanced with a clean outline leading to a thick otter tail. Standing on tight neat feet and showing good muscle tone which showed on the move.

2 Thorpe’s Taph Electra – A 20 month old black bitch not as bodied up as 1. Nice eye colour and nice shaped head with a feminine expression. Overall outline is balanced and flows from the neck to the tail. Otter tail thickly coated, standing on tight neat feet and moved well.

LIMIT (5,2A)

1 Mclellan’s Saranden the River – Two year old yellow bitch with a lovely outline. Lovely head with good eye colour creating a nice expression. A good strong neck leading to good angulations both front and rear, helping the free movement around the ring. Level topline over well sprung ribs and a good tail set showing a well coated otter tail. RBOB

2 Thorpe’s Taph Hippolyta – A 20 month old yellow bitch showing a lighter eye colour than some but with good pigmentation and still creating a feminine expression. In good coat and muscle tone, nice reach of neck into well laid shoulders and has good rear angulation. Nice shaped tail and moved well, would prefer tighter feet.

OPEN (9,6A)

1 Rowe’s Rochevale Fairytale – This 2.5 year old yellow bitch stood out for me at first glance. Good pigmentation on a feminine head with sweet expression. Outline just flowed from the head to her tail. Good strong reach of neck into well laid shoulders, deep chest and spring of rib, good bone and well muscled. In good double coat which showed particularly on the tail. Level topline which held on the move, freely fore and aft around the ring. Pleased to award her BOB.

2 Mclellan’s Saranden Montgomery – A 20 month old black dog with good eye colour and good stop. Head is mature but balances with his up to size body. Strong neck leading to a level topline, in good coat with another having a correct otter tail. Standing on tight neat feet, moved well.

Judge – Mrs Karen Bambrook (Ravoakar)