- Show Date: 26/11/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Justine Waldron Contact Judge
- Published Date: 06/12/2023
Sunderland & District Canine Society
Sunderland & District Canine Society Open Show
26th November 2023
Australian Shepherd Dog Open (2,1) 1 Turnbull & Clegram’s Triforce Shield Maiden Very much a baby at just 6 months of age this black tricolour girl was still a worthy winner. Clean muzzle of correct proportions, kind expression with well set almond shaped eyes. Correct scissor bite with strength of jaw. Clean well arched neck leading smoothly into well laid back shoulders. Adequate depth of chest in line with her age. Well angulated rear. The floor proved challenging on movement but saw enough to gauge her gait. Good coat, presented in excellent condition. BP & BOB.
Border Collie Graduate (2,0) 1 Ambler’s Thwaitlake all that Glittaz for Jaztech Presented a typical outline on the stand with broad skull and clean cheeks. Moderate stop and nicely set eyes giving a alert expression. Well set ears of good size. Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders and correct slope of pasterns. Liked her depth of chest and spring of rib. Moved out well. 2 Kempton’s Gorgeous Gia Borders Kingdom via Borderbrook (Imp Mne) Giving away some maturity on age, a lovely 10 month old girl. Slightly shorter coupled than 1, nevertheless she was balanced in body. Good head with correct stop and broad skull. Correct bite. Matching fore and hindquarters. Moved out well. Pleased to award her BP and Puppy Group 3 Open (2,0) 1 Kempton’s Borderbrook Winter Sunset Feminine nearly 3 year old girl. Intelligent expression and good head, with wide set eyes and clean muzzle. Good shape and set of ears. Strong muscular neck leading to well laid back shoulders and correct positioning of elbows. Good length of body with deep chest. Nicely let down hocks with good turn of stifle. Moved out well. Presented in excellent condition. Pleased to award her BOB 2 Fisher’s Sevhine Diamonds to Cullain 4 Year old boy of good type. Pleasing head with kind eye and correct bite. Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Nice slope to pasterns. Level topline with good set of tail leading to well muscled thighs. Moving just a little close behind today which was possibly due to the floor covering.
BSD Groenendael Graduate (2,1) 1 Ormsby’s Revloch Shakikh at Kelfyn 13-month-old girl who managed to combine elegance with strength of body. Lovely head with correct length of muzzle to skull. Clean flat muzzle with nice depth of underjaw. Well set eyes of correct shape. Good set of ears and carried well. Long upper arm with tidy elbows and strong pasterns. Deep chest let down to the elbow. Correct rear angulation. Moved well and excellent presentation. Pleased to award her BOB, pipping her mother who won the open class. Open (2,0) 1 Donaldson’s Ch, Ir Ch Revloch Love Me Do 8-year old who has to give way to her daughter for BOB today. Good length of head with correct muzzle proportions giving good balance. Dark eye and correct bite. Would like a little more arch to neck. Good shoulder placement and tight feet. Good depth of rib. Nicely angulated rear. Moved out well. Presented in lovely condition 2 Bird & Caden’s Hawksflight Paparazzi at Domburg 5 year-old mature male. Nicely balanced head of correct proportions. Correct bite. Well set ears. Good reach of neck. Balanced angulation front and rear with straight forelegs of good length. Good depth of chest. Was not settled on the floor today.
BSD Tervueren Open (2,0) 1 Arkley’s Domburg On My Mind Attractive head with strong muzzle. Good eye set and shape. Correct set of ears which were used well. Good length of upper arm with Nice length of neck with good arch. Good set of shoulder and upper arm with correct set of elbows. Square set body with deep chest and good spring to ribs. Moved out well. Excellent presentation. Pleased to award him BOB and Pastoral Group 3 2 Donaldson’s Fivannte Krystal Raindrops. A lovely 11-year-old girl presented in immaculate condition. Lovely clean head with correct scissor bite. Good layback of shoulder. Nice depth of chest reaching point of elbow. Short back with short loin. Well set tail. Very steady on the move. A testament to her owner.
German Shepherd Dog Open (1,0) 1 Cave’s Casiann Ate 2-year-old unexaggerated girl. Nicely shaped almond eyes; would prefer a little darker. Well set ears carried and used well. Strong jaw with correct scissor bite. Good length to neck and well muscled. Good layback of shoulder but depth of chest to height ratio makes her appear a little heavy in front. Well ribbed back with nicely sloping croup. Not completely happy on the move today being distracted by other exhibits outside the ring. BOB
Hungarian Pumi Open (4, 2) 1 McRobbie’s Schnavbern Delfhius Star Delightful 2-year-old girl with a lively happy temperament. Good length of muzzle with a broad skull, and correct foreface. Good set of eyes, dark brown and adding to a pleasing expression. Good set and bend of ears, used well. Nice arch to neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Level topline with short back and nicely angulated rear. Low set hocks. Moved out well. Pleased to award her BOB. 2 McRobbie’s Mykabel Errar 2-year-old male with short straight back in profile. Long narrow head with correct length of muzzle. Nicely set eyes being wide and of good size. Good set of ears although did not use them to his advantage today. Correct bite. Well laid back shoulders. Not as settled on the move as 1.
Old English Sheepdog Open (4,3) 1 Ferguson’s Mellowdee Moriarty with Lexalby Nearly 8-year-old male who is impressive on the stand showing a typical strong stance with profuse coat. Super square head with strong muzzle with correct ratios. Eyes well set apart. Good length of neck with well laid back shoulders and forelegs with good amount of bone. Company body with well sprung ribs leading to good rear with well turned stifle and well let down hocks. Moved well. BOB
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Graduate (2,0) 1 Holmes Lisjovia Hanky Panky 2-year-old girl who is on the compact side. Has a strong head with lovely expression coming from correct wedge shaped head. Correct bite. Good front angulation with straight well boned forelegs. Good depth of chest and nicely rounded ribcage. Small and compact feet. Moved out well. 2 Holmes & McBain’s Polar Light Dude of America (Imp USA) 11-month-old bitch. Pleasing head, nicely set ears and almond shaped eyes. Strong short neck leading to well laid back shoulders and upper arm. Good depth of chest reaching elbows. Sloping rump leading to well set tail. Good coat, moved out well. BP and Puppy Group 4
Open (3,1) 1 Holmes Ch Lisjovia Estevez JW ShCm Such an impressive male who at 7-years-of age is still being shown in tip top condition. Super head and expression with expressive almond shaped eyes and correctly set ears. Strongly built throughout he is well balanced front and rear with lovely depth of chest, strong bone and muscled hindquarters. Moved out soundly and freely. No hesitation in awarding him BOB and Group 2. He then went on to win Best Pastoral Veteran and ultimately Reserve Best Veteran in Show – congratulations! 2 Cubello’s Night Owl Smaller type than 1 but again a credit to his owners at 7-years-of age. Lovely head and expression coming from correct almond shaped eyes. Sound constructed in good coat and condition. Nice depth of chest and correct rear angulation. Moved out well.
Rough Collie Open (2,1) 1 Donaldson’s Caronlea Celtic Traveller Super head on this boy presenting a clean wedge with flat skull. Correct set of eyes giving a melting expression, almond shaped. Good use and set of ears. Correct bite. Nicely arched neck leading to well laid back shoulders with straight forelegs. Good length to height ratio. Well bent stifles and low hocks. He moved out with purpose. Pleased to award him BOB
Samoyed Open (1,0) 1 McRobbie’s Bondsmoor Autumnal Rainbow Well balanced girl with a typical characteristic smiling expression. Coming from a wedge shaped head with broad flat skull and sparkling dark eyes. Ears used to good advantage. Nice set of shoulder with good bone leading to correct length of back. Well let down hocks. Moved out well. Excellent presentation and handling by his young handler. Pleased to award her BOB
Shetland Sheepdog Graduate (6,0) 1 Redpath’s Pathaaron Fair Isle BP 11-month-old nicely coloured sable. No denying the feminity of this girl who presented an outline of gracefulness. Lovely head pattern with flat skull and cheeks merging into the muzzle. Lovely set and shape of eyes. Good use of ears. Matching front and rear angulations. Neat hocks and well padded toes. Moved out well. Pleased to award her BP and Puppy Group 1. 2 Clegram’s Smiddyshaw All the Glitz Unlucky to meet one today, just giving away on maturity. This 6-month-old tricolour certainly does have all the glitz. Super head and pleasing expression with correct bite and good stop. Nice set to almond shaped eyes. Good use of well set ears. Good set of shoulders and matching rear. Foot perfect movement. Will watch her with interest. 3 Arkley’s Amethrickem Perfect Spirit
Open (3,0) 1 Clegram’s Smiddyshaw I’ll B There for U JW No denying this girl for BOB. Ultra feminine with a pleasing shape. Lovely head with typical sweet expression. Nice set and use of ears. Well laid back should leading to good depth of chest and well sprung ribs. Muscular rear with well turned stifles. Moved out with ease. Super coat and presentation. Not showing any of her 8 years of age. 2 Malone’s Pathaason After the Storm Striking male tricolour in super coat and condition. Pleasing head and expression with correct bite. Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Good length of body with correct depth of chest. Would prefer a little less slope to croup. Moved out well. 3 Bird & Caden’s Molson Mr Blue Sky JW
Welsh Corgi Pembroke Open (3,0) 1 Brown’s Calwinii’s Valentina Rose Red and white girl who presented a typical outline standing. Super head with a foxy expression coming from a wide flat skull and correct amount of stop. Correct bite. Short straight legs with good amount of bone. Nice lay back of shoulders and well sprung rib. Moved out in a free and easy way. Pleased to award her BOB and Pastoral Group 4 2 Brown’s Calwinii’s Cherry Blossom 7-month-old girl who was thoroughly enjoying her day. Lovely expression enhanced by correctly shaped head with flat skull. Correct bite. Nicely rounded ears. Moved out well when she settled. BP 3 Reay’s Saniaquinto Fly By Magic to Jacqueilas
Pastoral Group Heading up a super group was the Bearded Collie Jay’s Ch Farmaren’s Drums of Spring at Talraz JW. A super masculine dog who is absolutely in his prime. Good strong head with pleasing expression. Well laid back shoulders with correct amount of bone. Good length of rib and well let down rear. Moved effortlessly round the ring to pip the lovely Pyrenean Mountain dog to win the group. Group 2 Pyrenean Mountain Dog Holmes’ Ch Lisjovia Estevez JW ShCm Group 3 BSD Terveuren Arkey’s Domburg On My Mind Group 4 Welsh Corgi Pembroke Brown’s Calwinii’s Valentina Rose JW
Puppy Pastoral Group PG1 Shetland Sheepdog Redpath’s Pathaaron Fair Isle PG2 Bearded Collie Harcourt-Brown’s Orora’s Himself. An upstanding brown boy with everything in the right place. Lovely melting expression, good head and correct bite. He has matching angulation front and rear. Good length of back coming from rib, with a short loin. Moved out well. Presented in good condition. PG3 Border Collie Kempton’s Gorgeous Gia Borders Kingdom via Borderbrook (Imp Mne) PG4 Pyrenean Mountain Dog Holmes & McBain Polar Light Dude of Amenco
AV Pastoral Puppy (7, 2) 1 Bearded Collie Harcourt-Brown’s Orora’s Himself 2 Border Collie Kempton’s Gorgeous Gia Borders Kingdom via Borderbrook (Imp Mne) 3 Australian Shepherd Turnbull & Clegram’s Triforce Shield Maiden
AV Pastoral Junior (2,1) 1 Border Collie Kempton’s Gorgeous Gia Borders Kingdom via Borderbrook (Imp Mne)
AV Pastoral Graduate (2,0) 1 Border Collie Kempton’s Gorgeous Gia Borders Kingdom via Borderbrook (Imp Mne) 2 Border Collie Fisher’s Sevhine Diamonds to Cullain
AV Pastoral Open (9,4) 1 Welsh Corgi Pembroke Brown’s Calwinii’s Valentina Rose JW 2 Bearded Collie Jay’s Talraz Song of Summer Ultra feminine girl who presented a very typical outline. Kind expression coming from correct head proportions and toning eye colour. Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Correct rib shape and length leading to nice short loin. Good rear angulation matching fore. Moved out well. 3 Shetland Sheepdog Bird & Caden’s Molson Mr Blue Sky JW
AV Pastoral Veteran (10,6) 1 Pyrenean Mountain Dog Holmes’ Ch Lisjovia Estevez JW ShCm 2 Shetland Sheepdog Clegram’s Smiddyshaw I’ll B There For U JW 3 Old English Sheepdog Ferguson’s Mellowdee Moriarty by Lexalby
AV Working NSC Open (2,1) 1 Russian Black Terrier Kerrigan’s Shadlian Good Gracious What an impressive young boy, beautifully presented and handled. Despite standing alone he made quite an impression. Broad head with skull in proportion to muzzle. Good stop, dark eyes set wide apart. Powerful neckline leading to well laid back shoulders with straight and parallel legs. Good depth of chest with short loin. High set tail carried well. Moved out with ground covering strides. Best NSC Working and Working Group 3
Working Group Group 1 Siberian Husky O’Dell’s Lyfearon She is a Wildflower Howlvalley 3-year-old red and white girl who had the ring presence to say look at me and to win the group. Nothing over done with a strong head, with appealing fox like appearance. Nicely shaped almond eyes. Ears well set. Good length and thickness of nexk leading to well laid back shoulders. Tight feet and straight strong body. Well sprung ribs, good tuck up and well bent stifles. Smooth and effortless movement giving the impression of quickness and lightness of foot. Group 2 Boxer McVay’s Seacrest Dr Devious at Lochsunart 20-month old all male. Squarely built with the look of strong bone and muscles from his outline. Did not disappoint on hands on. Broad muzzle with correct ratio to skull. Correct bite. With good underjaw. Dark eyes with good pigmentation. Well set ears leading to strong neck line. Well laid back should with correct length of upper arm. Square in body with super depth of chest. Nice tuck up. Strong and powerful rear with broad thighs. Moved out with drive. Group 3 Russian Black Terrier Kerrigan’s Shadlian Good Gracious Group 4 Newfoundland Russell’s Zentaur Fizzical Damage 2-year old male who presented a balanced outline although not the largest of boys. Broad and large head with short muzzle and lovely eye. Strong well set neck leading to nice straight front. Broad back with level topline and well ribbed. Moved out well although had a tendency to carry his tail high – may be a result of the flooring on the day.
Puppy Working Group PG1 Rottweiler Lambert’s Seittor Cast a Spell 8 month old girl who is precocious in maturity. Lovely strength to head with broad skull and deep muzzle. Correct scissor bite. Dark eyes of almond shape enhancing expression. Well set ears being high and wide apart. Well laid back shoulders with straight front. Deep broad chest with well sprung ribs. Moved out well with ring presence. Delighted to see she ultimately won Reserve Best Puppy in Show – congratulations. PG 2 Boxer Pearce & Francis’ Longdale’s Angels Like You Delightful 7-month-old baby. Good head with lean skull and broad muzzle. Well padded lips with correct dentition. Dark eyes showing good expression. Well set ears. Well laid back shoulders with straight legs. Depth of chest as would be expected as this age. I’m sure there is a lot to come for this young boy.
AV Working Puppy (4,3) 1 Rottweiler Lambert’s Seittor Voodoo Spell Litter sister to the Puppy Group winner – with lots of my remarks also applying to this girl. She has a broad skull with correct bite and dark eyes. Good length and depth of body. Moved out well round the ring. Well presented and handled.
AV Working Junior (4,1) 1 Dobermann Kent & Sutton’s Korifey Reckless Just a day over 12 months, this boy presents a lovely shape and outline. Good head in proportion to body, flat skull with flat cheeks and tight lips. Correct bite. Nicely set and dark eyes. Lean neck leading to well laid back shoulders with straight and parallel front. Square in body with good length of chest, straight topline and good tuck up. Moved round the ring with presence. 2 Russian Black Terrier Kerrigan’s Shadlian Good Gracious 3 Newfoundland Morgan’s Newfangled Confidential
AV Working Graduate (4,2) 1 Newfoundland Russell’s Zentaur Fizzical Damage 2 Tibetan Mastiff Doran’s Tamdrin Richen 18-month-old girl who gave her handler a bit of a challenge. Broad strong head with well defined stop. Nicely set dark eyes. Triangular ears set well. Correct bite. Well laid back shoulders with deep chest. Good rear angulation. Dense, thick coat.
AV Working Open (4,2) 1 Bullmastiff Wilson & Prutley’s Cairnmount Rebel Rouser 6-year old male who presented a powerful built on the stand. Large square head with well filled cheeks and good stop. Well set ears. Nicely arched neck of good length leading to a wide and deep chest. Straight front. Correct rear angulation. Moved out well. 2 Siberian Husky Kent & Sutton’s Lyfearson Off With Her Head Lots to like about this girl who was immaculately handled and presented. Lovely outline with good quality coat. Matching front and rear angulation. Pleasing head with good eye. Moved out well with reach and drive.
AV Working Veteran (4,0) 1 Alaskan Malamute Butler’s Kaytoo Antartic Anko What a super 11-and-a-half girl presented in super condition. Still presenting a powerful build. Broad head with good muzzle depth giving pleasing expression. Good ear set and triangular in shape. Nicely arched neck leading to well laid back shoulders. Deep chest with straight back. Moved out well. A credit to her owner. Best Working Veteran 2 Leonberger Burrell’s Leosrus Never Forget 7-year old boy who was again another presented in super condition. Fabulous head with dark eye giving pleasing expression. Neck flowing into well laid back shoulders. Strong pasterns. Good depth of chest also being broad. Good bend of stifle with strong hocks. Moved out well. 3 Newfoundland McIntyre’s Shirebears Enchanter for Edbear
Justine Waldron (Judge)