• Show Date: 30/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Joy Middleton Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 01/09/2023

Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society

Norfolk and Norwich Canine Society 
30th August 2023 

Thank you to the society for inviting me to judge at the show. It was a lovely day (although touch wet at times). Thank you to my fabulous steward who started at 8.30am and was still going at 3pm with a smile on her face. 
Thank you to all the exhibitors for your entry and attending the show. 

Bavarian Mountain Hound 

A breed I have enjoyed watching and if you haven’t done the breed seminar run by the club, please do. A wonderful committee who are very passionate and informative about the dogs and their passion really shines through. It was lovely get to judge them and I will watch the breed grow with interest. 

Special Yearling (1)

1) Cockett - Hugo Z Kolbachu 

Lovely young male, 17 months old. Certainly a strong scenting ability on the flooring today. Skull broad and slightly arched, stop well defined Correct muzzle to skull ratio, eyes of medium size dark in colour. Medium length neck flowing into well laid back shoulders. Although he was enjoying giving his novice handler a run for his money you could feel strong bone and oval ribcage, brisket appeared to reach elbow but on a young dog I suspect he has more maturing to do. This dogs real highlight is when he moves. Light and springy movement covering the ground well. You could see his good reach and drive from behind when he got going. A little more handling practice I look forward to seeing what this dog could bring. RBOB

Limit (1)

1) Seago & Gibbard - Conwydogs Purple into Amlida
A lovely bitch, more mature then the RBOB winner. Calm to go over, Skull was broad with defined stop. Correct facial features without being over done. Lovely clear, alert expression. Pigment correct. Ears set moderately high on skull with correct moderate length of neck into nice lay of shoulder. Strong boned for a bitch, with a lovely outline. Well muscled throughout, parallel rear. Movement was lovely to watch light but with drive from behind. Coat was dense and close. BOB 

Open (1)

1) Borsuk - Boartracker Bill
What a little character, Loving the scent on the floor and showing his true breed nature. A little finer in body and bone compared to the others. Stop well defined, Nose of good size with lovely pigment. Lovely alert expression. Ears correctly set with a moderate length of neck. Would prefer a little more return of upper arm. Moved lightly with drive and determination. 

Large Munsterlander 

Limit (2/1)
Foreman - Crumpsbrook Geum at Toberworry
Young male, well proportioned body, skull broad with a slight roundness. Correct pigment. Eyes of medium size, broad, and high set ears. Lovely expression to this dog. Strong muscle neck joining to correctly placed shoulders. Forelegs straight, firm strong back. Well muscled throughout. Well sprung ribs, would like a touch more forechest to him. Slight tuck up. Hips broad well let down hocks. Well set tail with a thick base, well feathered. Free, long-striding movement. RBOB. 

Open (2)
1) Foreman - Centaur Aquarious Lake at Toberworry 

A older more mature bitch, with tones of breed type about her. Well proportioned body, lips well fitting with a nice expression to her. Eyes medium in size and dark in colour. Ears set high, lying flat and close to the head. Strong, well muscled neck into good placement and lay of shoulder. Chest wide and good depth of brisket. Form strong back, shout coupled and lovely well-muscled loin. Slight tuck up, correct body length to height. Feet appeared tight and well knuckled. Lovely free flowing movement. BOB

2) Foreman - Toberworry Little Lies
A younger bitch who still needs to mature and develop in body. A lot of the comments to 1 apply. Lovely outline and breed type to this bitch. Forelegs straight, firm strong back, would just like a touch more depth of body to her. Moved freely but not the drive of 1. 

Chesapeake Bay Retriever 

Special Yearling (1)

1) Hayes - Tideflight Floki
Well-proportioned young male. Lovely breed type to this dog, no mistaking him for a male. Bright and happy in character. Skull was broad and round with a medium stop. Correct muzzle to skull proportions. Medium amber eyes, with ears set up on the skull. Moderate length neck into good lay of shoulder. Muscled and well-boned. Shoulders appear powerful, forelegs straight from the front. Short coupled and strong, well-muscled throughout. Held topline on the move and stack. Everything about this dog appears powerful. This dog doesn’t disappoint on the move with smooth and free action. Correct harsh, oily coat with dense undercoat. BOB

Flat Coated Retriever 

Puppy (2)

1) Beeson - Esined Burning Bright 

A bright, active appearance to this puppy. To me she showed power without lumber, and raciness without weediness. A confident youngster without being flashy or over done. Lovely head shape with a flat and moderately broad skull. Medium size eyes and dark in pigment. Eyes small and set on head. Neck long and free from throatiness, running into well placed and lay of shoulder, giving her correct forward reach on the move. Body showing a gradual spring of rib, short loin. Muscular throughout without being over done. Moderate bend of stifle and stood true. Tail straight and set well. Movement was free and flowing throughout. Coat was sense and fine, giving this bitch a wonderful elegance to her. BOB / BP 

2) Kiddell - Diamente Blu Regina Della Pace to Hameldowntor 

Another lovely young, bright, active young puppy. Lovely breed style to her. Confident in her presence and on the move. Lovely friendly expression. Medium size eyes with correct dark pigment. Nose well of good size with open nostrils. Neck long into good point of shoulder, would like a touch more upper arm. Elbows tight to the body, moved cleanly and freely. Body well ribbed and muscled throughout. Moderate bend of stifle. Free flowing movement. 

Special Yearling (4/1)
Campbell & Brown - Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy
Lovely bright young male, nice expression to him and certainly defines himself as a male. Slight stop and moderately broad & flat skull. Medium dark eyes, ears set high and close to the head. Long neck flowing into point of shoulder. Chest Deep and fairly broad, would like slightly tighter elbows, but still a young male I suspect this will tighten in time. Correct round feet. Free and flowing movement. 

2) Holliday - Shashkrox Raise Your Glass
Young bitch, not as mature as the winner of this class. Slightly finer in body, Slight stop, nose of good sis with open nostrils, small and well set ears, correct long neck sliding to correct point and lay of shoulder. Lacking in depth of brisket but this is likely to come in time with maturity. Lovely free flowing movement, would just like to see more body to her as she matures. Slight stop 

3) Beeby - Collinster Leo 

Limit (6/1) 

1) Wilson - Hameldowntor Pedro Ximenez 

A handsome dog, very much a picture of masculinity. A bright dog full of energy today. Head long and nicely moulded, slight stop, eyes medium in size and dark. Long neck flowing into point of shoulder. Chest deep and broad, Forelegs straight, body well ribbed with a short loin. Muscled throughout, moderate bed of stifle and hocks well let down. Just let himself down on the move today, reaching out in front and moving a touch close behind. Lovely drive and workman like type. 

2) Holliday - Floki Super Trouper of Shashrox
Feminine bitch with a lovely outline to her. Intelligent expression to her. Skull flat and moderately broad. Medium eyes with dark pigment. Long neck into point and well placed shoulders. Deep chest, gradual spring of rib, muscular high quarters, not the end of stifle of 1. Moved freely on the side profile. 

3) Campbell & Brown - Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy

Open (3) 

1) Beeson - Esined Pandora
Mature bitch, with a pleasing expression and head. Correct flat skull with slight stop. Medium dark eyes. Ears small and set on high. Long neck into point of shoulder. Correct lay of shoulder, with well-defined brisket, elbows tucked into the body and moved cleanly. Straight forelegs, correct bone. Good spring of rib, short loin. Muscled throuhough with a moderate bend of stifle. Clean free stand. Tail carried correctly at all times. Moved freely and flowed throughout. RBOB 

2) Wilson - Hameldowntor Music of the Night (imp)
Similar comments to 1 apply to this bitch, lovely and well made bitch, just lost out on the movement, tended to forward reach too much. Putting her handler through his paces. Lovely bitch and I’m sure these two will switch places regularly. 

3) Campbell & Brown - Ronevorg Firefly Fantasy

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 

Puppy (4)

1) Powley - Danehaven Haha
Confident young male. Slight wedge shape to the skill. Correct occiput, moderate stop. Correct pigment colour. Medium almond shaped eyes with a friendly expression. Medium length neck following into point of shoulder. Young male so still to develop in chest & rings. Back short and level topline. Well muscled for his age, hocked well let down and straight. Tail set on slightly sloping croup. Springy and strong on the move. Parallel going away and coming towards. BP / RBOB

2) Powley - Danehaven Deeks
A slightly different type to 1. Similar comments to 1 apply. Lovely young male with a well laid back shoulder, muscled throughout for his age. I preferred the head shape of one and the front movement of 1. Lovely youngster with style and drive. 

3) Powley - Danehaven Exploits 

Special Yearling (2,1) 

1) Powley - Cryre’s Prancing Across the Sky to Danehaven
Stand alone in this class. This young male has a wedge shape head, moderate stop. Almond shaped eyes set well apart. Friendly expression and alert at all times. Medium length neck into point of shoulder. Just lacking in maturity and time to develop the deep chest and spring of rib. Back short and loin strong and muscled. Power on the move with a good reach. 

Limit (5,1) 

1) Collins & Powley - Danehaven Madeleine
Slightly older bitch, and a lovely feminine look to her. Moderate in size, confined in profile. Slightly wedge shape skull, almond medium eyes. Medium beck into nice lay of shoulder. Deep chest, well sprung ribs. Brisket reaches to elbow. Level topline held throughout. Well muscled and stifles well-bent. Powerful movement with a spring in her step. Parallel going away and coming towards. BOB 

2) Fincham - Danehaven Macdonalds 
Male of similar age to 1. Would like to see him in harder condition. Moderate stop, muzzle tapers from stop to nose. Correct medium almond shaped eyes. Slightly longer in next than 1. Shoulders well laid back. Pasterns strong and slightly sloping. Just not the clean movement of 1 today. 

3) Tester - Gingafing Forget Me Not 

Open (3,1) 

1) Collins & Powley - Danehaven Kovik
Two different styles in this class. A male heavier set. Moderate stop with black nose. Medium size eyes, friendly expression. Medium length neck flowing into point of shoulder. Correct deep chest with elbows close to the body. Slightly longer in loin, level topline held throughout. Moderate tuck up. Powerful on the move strong rear drive. 

2) Tester - Gingaging Let’s Go Crazy
A slightly more petite female. Kind expression, medium stop, muzzle tapers from stop to nose. Medium almond shaped eyes. Would prefer a longer length of neck. Deep chest, would prefer a little more leg length. Well muscled, stifles well bent. Springy on the move. 

American Cocker Spaniel 

Limit (1)

1) Wellsted - Aftermarine Gold Effect
Young bitch who really enjoyed the extra tastes of the floor today. Still a lovely well developed and rounded head. Eyes round, and full looking. Ears set correctly. Long muscled neck. Forelegs straight, Elbows set against the body. Correct width in front. Would prefer a stronger back. Strongly boned. Hocks strong and parallel. Compact feet. When she moved could see a nice smooth effortless movement. RBOB. 

Open (1) 

1) Gaskin - Ir Ch Shadowemane Elderberry Wine at Dovestream (Imp BLR) 

Black and Tan bitch. Strong in appearance. Well developed and rounded head. Eyebrows and stop clearly defined. Muzzle broad and deep. Lovely alert expression. Lobular ears, set correctly. Long neck free of throatiness flowing into well set shoulders. Good width in front with straight forelegs. Ribs deep and well sprung. Strong back which held on the move. Strong hocks and compact feet. Moved smoothly throughout covering the ground well. BOB

Spanish Water Dog 

Special Yearling (1) 

1) Searles - Cravessa’s Bottoms Up
A young male just out of puppy. Correct skull to muzzle proportions, oval shaped eye with correct pigment. Eyes medium in size and set correctly. Short muscled neck flowing into point of shoulder. A young dog still to mature. Good angulation. Well muscled throughout for his age. Used his rear for powerful drive. BOB

Open (1) 

1) Searles - Adormidera Apache Rose at Cravessa
More mature bitch, Correct head to muzzle proportions. Medium oval eyes with correct pigment. Fantastic coat with no trimming or grooming seen. Short neck into point of shoulder. Level back, well-sprung ribs. Would just like a little more width to her. Handled well with brisk movement. RBOB. 

Joy Middleton 