• Show Date: 03/09/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jill Cross Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 12/09/2023

South Eastern Hound Club

Thank you to the Club for the invitation, such a friendly Committee and wish everyone well for the future of this important Hound Club. 

Pharaoh Hound

Enjoyed judging this gorgeous breed and thank the Club for providing such well sized rings which gave ample opportunity to show off movement.

Limit (2)

1. Pilgrim & Pilgrim’s Celt and Dac Unforgettable Love (imp FRA) just 7months lovely balance & moderation to this young lady who had a nice wedge shape in profile to her head, alert & good shape to ears carried erect, oval eye of good colour, scissor bite & strong jaw, displayed a lovely outline & topline held nicely stacked & moving, good depth of brisket & moderate cut up. Needs a bit of concentration when moving but when she does, she displays good free flowing action.

2. Ashby’s Regina Alessandra, good rich tan colour & most attractive, a shade finer all through she had a marginally longer foreface & possibly softer ears, liked her length of neck that had that slight arch, moved out with enthusiasm just a preference for the depth of the winner.

Open (2)

1. Ashby, Cappelaere & Samways Kurriera Krystal Amethyst most attractive tan, nicely balanced throughout, excellent condition, head lean & chiselled, good blunt wedge, nicely set ears, good balance & strength of neck to shoulder line, strong pasterns, good depth, ribs & topline, just the right amount of angulation & well-developed thigh, tail nicely set & used well moving, covered the ground with lovely action, Best of Breed.

2. Falzon’s Doucal’s Princifessa Xini, attractive rich tan & she appealed for her moderate length overall, feminine & narrowly finer all through, ears set well, preferred neck & front of the winner, lovely topline, adequate depth & spring of rib, moderate angulation, moving with good carriage however not with the precision of 1.

Jill Cross