• Show Date: 18/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Ladies Kennel Society

East of England Ladies Kennel Society

18th July 2023

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

I would like to thank the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge at this super mid-week show. The rings were of a good size, there was plenty of space for everyone, and a lovely atmosphere. A huge thank you to all the exhibitors, it was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to judge your dogs.


Puppy (1,0)

1. Mrs Milroy - Farthinghall Wizz Away

10 month old red sable & white bitch, who has a pleasing outline when stood. Lovely happy and outgoing demeanour. Feminine head, slightly rounded skull, well placed large ears, rounded dark and expressive eyes. Slender in her build, holds a firm topline, just needing to finish filling her frame, nice bend of stifle. Moving out with drive from behind, just loose in her front action.

Junior (1,0)

1. Mrs Milroy - Lafford Inspector Lewis At Farthinghall

Stylish 10 month old dog, who shows good balance, masculine yet dainty and fine boned. He has an appealing head, lovely dark eye and expression, good stop, and well fringed large mobile ears. Well developed through the body, with good depth and forechest, holds a firm topline to a well set on and carried tail. Slender limbs onto a hare like foot. Held his outline on the move, showed good drive, but was a little untidy in front - BP

Post Graduate (4,1)

1. Miss Holmes - Kasper Margenis At Summerjade (Imp Lit)

Smart 20 month old dog, Keen and alert to his handler and who showed himself off with style. Liked his overall size and daintiness. Pleasing head, slight rounding to the backskull, well placed large and nicely fringed ears, dark eye giving a gentle expression. He is well developed in the body, with the chest well let down, holding a firm topline both stood and on the move. Hindquarters show a good width of thigh. Moving out cleanly, with his tail held in a nice plume. Well presented in good coat and condition - BOB

2. Mrs Milroy - Farthinghall’s Candy Man

12 month old tri dog, who has a nice outline when stood. Masculine head, well used ears, dark rounded eye, fine pointed muzzle. Holds a firm topline, with enough depth to the brisket, with slender boned limbs. Driving from the rear, just needing to tighten up in front.

3. Maskell & Waller - Kazkell Cracker Joke

Open (4,2)

1. Maskell & Waller - Lilnrose I’m In The Limelight With Kazkell

Pleasing 4 year old red sable & white dog, who presents a balanced and typical outline on the stack. Masculine head, nicely rounded ear tips, with good fringing which he used well, dark eye and pigmentation, all giving an alert expression. Chest is well let down, and he stands on straight and slender limbs, holding his topline and tail carried well. Moving out with purpose, shown in a lovely flat silky coat – RBOB

2. Miss Holmes - Elfuago Booyah

Happy and outgoing 7 year old red sable & white dog of a different type. He has a little more substance all through than winner. Balanced masculine head, a fraction stronger, lovely dark eye well fringed ears. Not quite the neck of 1st, super depth to the brisket and fill in of forechest, holds a firm topline. Very true on the move both fore and aft.

AV Minor Puppy

Dog (6,3)

1. Mr & Mrs Monaghan - Kensesqui Nice At Tweedsmuir (Clumber)

Super 7 month old Clumber Spaniel dog, just loved him, he shows so much potential. He has lovely overall balance and proportions. Strong square head, with deep muzzle, lovely tight clean eyes of dark amber. Chest is deep and well developed, with ribs carried well back. Well boned limbs, and nicely angulated fore and aft. Clean on the move, still needing to settle in his topline a little more, but super drive.

2. Mr & Mrs Golder - Wild Kisses With Summeramba Of Sunshine’s Valley (Golden)

What a sweetie, at just 6 months and a few days old, this Golden boy took everything in his stride. Very raw as you would expect, but his outline shows good balance. Lovely head, so soft and gentle in his expression. Enough body and depth, keeping a firm topline, nicely angulated fore and aft. Moving out well for one so young

3. Rounce & Tye - Berrymeade Winter Love (Golden)

Bitch (14,5)

1. Mills & Chatburn - Oialt Back With A Icy Three (Newfoundland)

Lovely substance on this black 7 month old Newfoundland bitch. Feminine head but with good strength, nicely squared muzzle, dark clean eye giving a gentle but noble expression. Strong neck of good length, super depth to the brisket, with ribs carried well back. Strong hindquarters which she used to cover the ground well. In good coat and well handled

2. Mrs Wallis - Roxway French Twist (JRT)

Smart 6 month old JRT bitch, liked her overall size and balance. She has an appealing head, with a flat skull, well placed ears, and a dark almond shaped eye with a keen and alert expression. Having a nice flow from nose to tail. Good depth of chest and development of forechest. Holding a firm topline stood and on the move, with a well set on tail. Positive and true on the move

3. Denby & Webb - Prada Golden Age Of Kings For Chifido (Shar Pei)

AV Puppy

Dog (9,3)

1. Miss Collier - Pepperbox Midnight Parti (Cocker)

Happy 10 month old blue roan cocker dog, who shows a compact and sturdy outline. Balanced head, with a dark eye. Good length of neck. He has a good length of leg, and a well developed body, with a good ribcage and short loin. Holding a firm and level topline to a well set on tail. Nicely boned limbs onto tight feet. Moving out soundly in all directions, and showing in good coat.

2. Mr & Mrs Schneiders - Kodam Burning Man At Shantock (Dobermann)

Smart and stylish Dobermann dog, just shy of his first birthday. He has the desired strength but also a touch of elegance. Liked his overall balance being compact in outline. His head has good length, slight stop, and dark almond eyes. Clean neck of good length into a firm slightly sloping topline. Stands on well boned limbs with tight feet. Showed good drive, just a little lose in front today. Shown in lovely condition.

3. Miss Aylmer - Back To The Fushia (Std Poodle)

Bitch (11,8)

1. Ms Wilton-Clark - Shalfleet Chilli Cracker (whippet)

Brindle with white trim whippet, coming up to her 1st birthday. She is such an elegant and curvy bitch giving a lovely outline when stood. She presents a picture of clean lines and graceful elegance. Feminine head, long and lean with a dark kind eye. Well developed through the body, with depth to the brisket and a good fill in of forechest. Holding a lovely topline. Sound and clean on the move

2. Ms Cameron - Sutarka’s For One Night Only (Siberian)

Another lovely bitch, 10 month old Grey & White Siberian Husky, who stood out for her overall balance and proportions. Pleasing foxy head, with well placed erect ears and a keen dark eye. Good length of neck proudly carried, flowing into a firm topline and well set on tail. Good depth of chest and correct amount of spring to the ribcage. Hindquarters show a good width of thigh, which are put to effective use on the move.

3. Mrs Wright - Chazbaz My Girl Melissa (Cocker)

AV Open Stakes (33)

A lovely class, thank you to all the exhibitors.

1. Mrs Nichols - Nikolaev Malbec (Bouvier)

Cracking grey brindle Bouvier, just coming up 2 years of age. He looked a picture on the stack, portraying an image of strength and power. Liked his compact outline and strength. Strong masculine head, flat skull and strong foreface, lovely dark oval eyes, with well placed ears. Strong neck flowing into a firm well held topline and correct set on of tail. Deep in brisket with strong straight well boned limbs. Precise and powerful movement

2. Tarabad & Whitman - Ch Cofton All I Hav To Do Is Dream With Khatibi (King Charles)

Delightful 4 year old, tri King Charles dog, loved his overall shape, size and masculinity. He has such a handsome head, with a good rise in skull, large dark expressive eyes, low set ears framing his face, and nicely cushioned. He has enough neck, holds a firm topline, lovely cobby body, with a good spring to the ribcage. Moving out soundly

3. Mrs Reynolds - Telurn Can’t Touch This SGWC (Flatcoat)

Best In Show

Witmond & Fonzo - All Jacks Urano (Imp Ita) (Jack Russell)

What a cracking little terrier this dog is, and quite a charmer! At only 15 months old he certainly has ring presence to show himself off with confidence. Thought him to be a handsome white and tan dog, who is of a nice overall size, with a very pleasing silhouette when stood. Balanced head shape, flat in skull, dark almond eye giving a keen and alert expression. Good length of neck, flowing into a firm level topline, chest showing good depth and easily spanned. Strong hindquarters which he used to drive around the ring. In super coat and tip top presentation – Delighted to award him BIS.

Reserve Best In Show

Mr Sladden - Valcor The Confessor At Canemamans JW (Bracco)

Impressive and upstanding 2 year old orange roan Bracco male. He is a strong and robust dog, who is nicely balanced being just off square in outline. Handsome head, long and lean with the correct divergent planes. Strong neck, deep in brisket and of a good width. Holding his topline well, both stood and on the move. Strong oval boned limbs onto tight feet. Clean and true on the move, showing off his reach and drive in profile.

Best Puppy In Show

Imgram, Ingram, Tousent & Lack - Jojavik Spangled Mob (Dobermann)

Smart and quality puppy, elegant yet with lovely substance. 9 month old Bl/R Dobermann bitch, she has such a proud and shapely silhouette when stood. Feminine head, showing good length and depth, lovely dark eyes showing a keen and intelligent expression. She is well developed through the body, deep in brisket, firm slightly sloping topline, strong round boned limbs onto tight feet. Good width of thigh and bend to the stifle. Shown in gleaming coat and lovely condition. A free and positive mover, and at one with her handler

Reserve Best Puppy In Show

Ms Webb - Chifido Follow The Dream (Chow Chow)

Fell for this 6 month old black Chow Chow bitch, simply adorable, and taking everything in her stride. She presents such a balanced outline for one so young and attentive to her handler. She has an appealing head, with a flat skull, strength to the foreface, lovely dark oval eyes, and neat small thick ears. She is well proportioned through the body, with good depth and a level topline to a well set on and carried tail. Moved with excellent footfall.

Best Veteran In Show

England & Burrage - Ch Ashleyheath’s Black Thunder ShCM ShCex VW (Cesky)

10 year old Cesky Terrier, who defies the aging process, looking in super condition and moves with enthusiasm and pizzazz! Looking a picture when stood, so breed typical and sound in his construction. Long masculine head, dark intelligent eyes, well placed ears, and nicely furnished. Clean elegant neck of good length, cylindrical shape to the ribcage and good length to the loin, holding the correct topline both stood and on the move. He uses his strong hindquarters to really drive around the ring.

Reserve Best Veteran In Show

Reddin, Williams & Newton - Ch Rarjo Quicksilver (PWD)

Eye-catching, strong, robust, and youthful 7 year old Black & White Portuguese Water Dog. Loved his overall balance and strength. He has a well proportioned, masculine head, dark intelligent eyes, with a hint of naughtiness! Brisket is well let down, with a nicely sprung ribcage, to a well set on and carried tail. Liked his strong muscular hindquarters, showing a good width of thigh. Moving out soundly whilst holding his outline. Presented in full bloom and expertly handled to get the best out of him.

Best - Reserve Best of Breed In Show

Wilton-Clark - Shalfleet Chasing The Sun (Whippet)

Lovely outline to this 12 month old brindle with white trim whippet. Thought him just right for size, with a lovely flowing outline. Looking a picture on the stack, standing four square, so clean and sound throughout. Elegant yet so masculine. Lovely lean head, with dark oval eyes that give such a soft and gentle expression. Chest is well let down, and he is nicely filled in, standing on bladed boned limbs and tightly knuckled feet. Correct flow to his topline and underline to strong wide hindquarters. So sound on the move and clean in his action.