• Show Date: 02/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Clumber Spaniel Club

The Clumber Spaniel Club

Open Show

Sunday 2nd April 2023

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

I would like to thank the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge at this well run and friendly show. I was delighted with the super quality and fabulous entry. A huge thank you to all the exhibitors, it is a massive honour to have the pleasure of seeing your lovely dogs. It was a shame the ground outside was still so boggy, so judging took place indoors

Minor Puppy Dog (5,1)

Lovely to see all these puppies, it proved to be rather difficult but fun to assess, and they could all change places on another day, they were all enjoying a day out

1. Miss Dronsfield - Albert Neptune

Outgoing 9 month old dog puppy. He has good overall proportions when stood. Head still needing to break, but has just enough strength for his age. Good length of neck, well held firm topline, brisket is developing nicely and down to the elbow. Good width of thigh. Moving out the most soundly today in this class, holding his outline and showing drive from the rear

2. Dr Kwint - Jackpotstud Lucky Shot

Just 6 month old today, so very raw but delightful. You can see that the basics are there. Nice proportions to the head, deep stop and depth to the flews. Pleasing neck, good topline and tail set. Nice amount of bone to the limbs, feet a little flat a present. Bodied as you would expect for a babe. Good hindquarters. Happy mover, if a little erratic today, time is very much on his side.

3. L Knowles - Jackpotstud Lucky Dice

4. Mr, Mrs & Misses Brown - Mausett Meadie

Puppy Dog (4,0)

1. Mrs Guy - Suelynda Kith & Kin Among Jahanghir

Quality 10 month old puppy dog, showing lots of promise. Most appealing for his overall balance and type. As you would expect just needs to finish maturing into his frame, but everything is in the right place. He has a well proportioned head piece, being square with good width, deep in stop and strength to the muzzle. Large well placed ears framing his head nicely. His strong neck of good length flows seamlessly into a firm topline. Pleasing depth and spring to the ribcage. Standing on well boned limbs. Presented in a close silky white coat. Moving out soundly – BPD & BPIS

2. Mr Tilston - Stonielea Toast

Pleasing 11 month old dog, a fraction more compact than winner in outline. He has lovely overall strength and substance. Strong masculine head of good proportions. Muscular neck of good length flowing into a firm well held topline. Liked his development of forechest and depth to the ribcage. Moderate in his hindquarters. Moved with good drive

3. H Garfoot - Schmitenhohe Whitby Jet

4. S Morris - Tedoskibby Time Is Right

Junior Dog (3,1)

1. H Garfoot - Schmitenhohe Whitby Jet

Previously placed 3rd in the puppy class, very fit and athletic young dog. Such a happy and sound mover. Liked his overall shape. He has a good width to the back skull, deep in stop and strength to his foreface with nicely squared of muzzle. His clean tight eye giving a kind expression. Not quite the substance of puppy winners, but he is all in proportion. Holds a firm topline, with a well set on and used tail. Enough depth to the brisket. Sound on the move

2. S Morris - Tedoskibby Time Is Right

Previously placed 4th in the puppy class. Having a pleasing head with good strength and depth. His body is nicely developed for his age, with a good spring to the ribcage. Nicely boned limbs with neat large feet. Today just losing out on movement, could have swapped places if a little more settled in his action

Novice Dog (1,0)

1. Wareham & Dustan - Maursett Melwyn

22 month old dog, honest sort with a happy demeanour. He has a balanced head shape, with a typical stoical expression. Liked his overall substance and balance, having a lovely depth to the brisket and development of forechest, a fraction shorter in length, but rib carried well back and holding a firm topline. Lovely strong boned limbs. Moving cleanly and with drive behind.

Graduate Dog (2,0)

1. Mr & Mrs Whitehouse - Maursett Muttley At Molvonia

Smart 22 month old dog, and litter brother to novice dog winner. Thought he had a lovely outline on the stack, showing good balance and proportions. Displaying good substance and strength all through. Handsome masculine head, lovely strength, deep stop, and nicely squared flews. Strong neck of good length, well developed forechest and ribcage. He stands on well boned limbs . Topline is firm at all times both standing and on the move. Strong muscular hindquarters giving good drive and positive footfall. Well presented

2. R Wareham - Prestij Nachii Mandarin Shik

Smaller framed 2 year old dog, with a calm and kind demeanour. Not quite the overall balance of winner, being a little more compact in his outline. Liked his substance and strength of bone. Balanced in his head, with a clean tight eye giving a gentle expression. Enough neck flowing into a firm and well held topline. Good depth to the brisket and spring of rib, moderate hindquarters. Moving out soundly

Post Graduate Dog (1,0)

1. Fenwick & Thompson - Badgersmoon Mr Branson

Liked the overall balance of this 2 year old dog, showing good proportions and breed type. He has a pleasing and balanced head shape, with good strength to the backskull, deep stop and nicely squared flews. His strong neck, flowing into a firm topline, lovely depth and spring to the ribcage, not quite the forechest. Hindquarters show a nice width of thigh and in lovely muscle tone. Moving with a positive footfall, just seeming to lack the drive today

Limit Dog (3,1)

1. Mrs Thorogood - Anbrook Don’t Stop Me Now At Harrifield

3 year old dog, more heavily marked and strongly made throughout. Liked his outline when stood, strong and of good proportions. Strong masculine head, deep in stop and strong square muzzle, would like a slightly tighter eye. Pleasing length of neck seamlessly flowing into a firm topline. Lovely well developed body, with depth and spring to the ribcage and strength to the loin. Well bent stifles, with a good width of thigh. A happy and true mover

2. Mrs Gascoigne - Nivalis Augustus

Beautifully presented in gleaming white coat, 3 year old dog, who has a pleasing outline on the stack. Today he was rather distracted from his task. Masculine head, good length of neck, lovely deep chest and development of forechest, forelegs straight and well boned. Strong hindquarters, a true mover when he put his mind to it

Open Dog (5,1)

1. Mr & Mrs Whitehouse - Sh Ch Maursett Mallachie At Molvonia

Most impressive outline to this quality 3 year old dog. So very clean and sound throughout, and shown in tip top condition. When stood he has lovely body proportions, with a flow from nose to tail. Liked his size, substance, and masculinity. Handsome head, with a broad skull, good stop and strength to the foreface. Strong muscular neck flowing into a firm and well held topline. Lovely boned limbs onto large round feet. He is well developed through the body, with a good forechest, deep ribcage and strong loin. Using his strong hindquarters to drive around the ring with free and positive strides. Shown in full bloom and immaculate coat and condition – BD & BIS

2. Mr Cox - Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist

Another fabulous youngster, and at only 18 months old the best is yet to come. Very much a showman, smart and full of quality. Of a slightly different stamp to winner, but both top quality. Masculine well proportioned head, broad, with a lovely squared muzzle, and clean dark eyes giving such a gentle expression. Good length of neck, super strong bone and neat feet. He has a pleasing spring to the ribcage and hold a firm topline, having the desired substance and strength through the body. Wish we had a bigger ring to watch this dog in profile, as he can certainly move with style and drive, today not as clean in his front action so had to settle for RBD & RBIS

3. Fenwick & Thompson - Suelynda Second Edition With Badgersmoon

4. C Page - Micklemess Fundamental

Veteran Dog (0,0)

Special Working Dog (1,0)

1. C Page - Micklemess Fundamental

Super substance to this 6 year old dog, he presents an impressive outline, such a shame he did not seem to want to work with his handler today. He has a very balanced and masculine head, showing to be square, good stop and with good strength to the foreface, with a soft and gentle expression. Strong neck of good length, well developed through the body and strong well boned limbs. Not showing himself off on the move

Minor Puppy Bitch (3,1)

1. Wareham & Dunstan - Maursett Missy

Oh my, what a little sweetie this 7 month old bitch is. So happy go lucky and showed herself off with confidence. Nicely balanced and neatly put together for one so young. Pleasing feminine head which is developing along the right lines. Enough depth and spring to the ribcage, with a good forechest. Lovely straight forelegs with good bone onto large round feet. She held a firm topline both stood and on the move. Well presented by her handler and moved in harmony to show positive footfall - BPB

2. L Knowles - Jackpotstud Lucky Sixpence

Very raw 6 month old bitch at her first show. A little overawed to start with but started to settle. When relaxed she shows a promising outline. Good length of neck, firm topline, brisket down to the elbow, but not quite the strength of bone of winner. Liked her width of thigh and bend of stifle. Such a happy mover, tail constantly wagging, while she held her shape showing good drive.

Puppy Bitch (1,0)

1. Mr & Mrs Whiffin - Schmitemhohe Glaisdale

10 month old wriggly puppy, making it difficult to go over her. Happy and outgoing. Very feminine and workmanlike, with a slightly lighter frame. Liked her size and body proportions. Balanced in her head shape, lovely tight clean eye and large well placed ears. Good length of neck, holding a firm topline. Good bend of stifle and in hard muscular condition. Tending to pace on the move, but showed glimpses of parallel driving movement

Junior Bitch (3,2)

1. Mr & Mrs Whiffin - Schmitemhohe Glaisdale

Repeat puppy bitch.

Novice Bitch (2,1)

1. H Garfoot - Kingsknoll Daisy

Lovely natured 20 month old bitch, built on slightly more refined lines. Liked her overall size and proportions. She has a pleasing head, with good width to the backskull, decent stop and nicely squared flews, lovely tight clean eyes. Good length of neck, moderate bone, with a nice spring to the ribcage. A little soft in her topline today. Strong muscular hindquarters with a good width of thigh. Happy and enthusiastic on the move

Graduate Bitch (2,1)

1. Mr, Mrs & Miss Dawson - Big Boom’s Viking Liv (imp hrv)

Nice honest bitch, coming up 2 years of age. Pleasing for her body proportions and outline when stood. She displays strength through the body and is nicely boned. She has a feminine strength to her head, large well placed ears and a thoughtful kind expression. Nice straight front, good forechest and well sprung ribcage. Holding a firm topline both stood and on the move. Coat in full bloom, close straight and well presented. Positive on the move, but lacking the drive today

Post Graduate Bitch (2,0)

1. Mr, Mrs & Miss Dawson - Big Boom’s Viking Liv (imp hrv)

Repeat Graduate bitch.

2. E & J Hirst - Snow White Source Of Happiness For Creeaark (Imp Pol)

Loved this whirling dervish’s fun loving attitude to life, and at 3 years old has no intention of being stoic!! Very feminine bitch all through. Nicely balanced head, with a good width to the backskull, deep stop, and strength to the foreface. Strong neck of good length, a little soft in topline today, lovely depth and spring to the ribcage. Well angulated hindquarter with a good width of thigh. Not quite as tidy in her rear movement as winner. Presented in gleaming white coat.

Limit Bitch (2,0)

1. Mr & Mrs Boden - Suelynda Kreme Della Kreme

So much to admire on this 23 month old bitch. She shows lovely balance and proportions when stood. Having good substance and strength yet retaining her femininity. Liked her well proportioned head, good breadth, her foreface has strength with flews of a nice depth. Kind expression from her clean dark eyes. Developing well in the body, with a deep brisket and her well sprung ribs are carried well back. Holding her firm topline both stood and on the move. Liked her strong hindquarters with have a good width of thigh, and these were put to good use on the move as she shows lovely parallel driving action from behind, whilst holding her outline. Just feel she needs a little more time to completely finish the picture. Delighted to award her RBB

2. C & C Page - Micklemess Just An Illusion

6 year old bitch, who presents a pleasing shape when stacked, she has strength and substance but retains her femininity. Balanced head shape, with nicely squared flews. Strong muscular neck, lovely development of forechest and depth to the brisket. Holding a good topline both stood and on the move. Well boned limbs and large rounded feet. Moving with drive and holding her outline with a good tail carriage, just a little untidy in front. Coat straight, close, and well feathered.

Open Bitch (4,2)

1. Mr & Mrs Monaghan - Sh Ch Tweedsmuir She’s So Sheek

Superb 3 year old bitch, who looked a picture on the stack, with beautiful poise. She has lovely flowing body lines with strength, substance and unexaggerated symmetry, to be picky would like a fraction less weight. Beautiful feminine head, showing lovely balance, strength but not overdone, Width to the backskull, frowning brown, strength to her squared muzzle, dark clean eyes giving a gentle expression. Good length of neck, well developed in forechest and well carried back and sprung ribcage. She held a firm topline both stood and on the move. Hindquarters show a good width of thigh and well bent stifle. Moving out soundly. Immaculately presented and in full bloom – BB & BOS

2. H Garfoot - Kingsknoll Daisy

Repeat Novice

Veteran Bitch (2,2)

Special Working Bitch (2,0)

1. H Mayes - Abbyford Lady Little Hound At Wooliebourne

Happy and outgoing 18 month old bitch, built on a lighter frame. Liked her head piece, which showed good width, deep stop, and strength to the foreface. Muscular neck of good length, moderate bone. Enough depth and spring to the ribcage. Tending to lose her topline a little. Strong muscular hindquarters. A sound and enthusiastic mover, with good drive

2. L Knowles - Jackpotsud Running Late

Another lovely happy bitch, 3 year old, showing herself off with confidence. Today preferring the head of winner. Good body proportions on a lighter frame, neck of good length, flowing into a firm topline. Nice spring to the ribs. Muscular hindquarters. Moving out positively and at one with her handler

Brace (4,1)

1. Garfoot

2. Fenwick

3. Wareham

Stud Dog (1,1)

Brood Bitch (1,0)

1. L Knowles - Jackpotsud Running Late