- Show Date: 08/10/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
- Published Date: 09/10/2023
London & Home Counties Terrier Club
London & Home Counties Terrier Club
8th October 2023
Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation to judge at this lovely show. A friendly and well run show, with good sized rings and plenty of space for everyone. A huge thank you to all the exhibitors for the pleasure of your super dogs. To my lovely steward, Jane thank you for your assistance.
Cairn Terrier
Puppy (0,0)
Post Graduate (5,3)
1. Mr & Mrs Morley - Kanawha Spy Man
Smart 2 year old dog, who showed himself off well. When stood presents a balanced outline. Lovely head piece with a cheeky expression from his dark eyes. Good length of neck, firm topline with a good tail set. Well developed through the body. Holding himself well on the move, and shown in good coat.
2. Mrs Goldfinch - Kanawha Never Say Never
Litter sister to winner, a red brindle bitch, with much to like. Today not quite the flow in outline or coat of her brother. But presents a pleasing outline, very feminine head, with a keen dark eye, and well placed ears. She has enough depth and spring to the ribcage, liked her hindquarters. Not quite as clean in front action today on the move
Limit (3,2)
1. Mrs Coe - Kimmi A Coestar
Liked the outline on this 4 year old wheaten brindle dog, he is smart and keen with a hint of naughtiness. Masculine balanced head, with a bright and keen expression. Good length of neck flowing into a firm topline and well set on and carried tail. Well developed through the body and standing on well boned limbs. Shown in a good coat with a harsh texture. RBOB – Delighted to watch him take RBOB- BIS3
Open (4,3)
1. Mrs Goldfinch - Ch Tycadno Bright Star For Kanawha
Lovely 6 year old bitch, workmanlike yet with flowing lines to give a shapely silhouette. Most feminine of heads, strength to the foreface, neat erect ears and her dark eyes giving an alert expression. Good length of neck, firm level topline, well developed through the body, with her forelegs well under her. Clean and sound on the move. Presented in a weather resistant coat of good texture - BOB
Glen of Imaal Terrier
Puppy (0,0)
Post Graduate (2,0)
1. Miss Hannington - Boudivella Rosie
15 month old blue brindle bitch, who is coming together nicely. When stood she presents a pleasing outline, with a typical profile. Liked her overall substance and bone, she has strength but feminine. Nicely balanced head, with strength to the foreface, a toning round eye, gentle and calm in her demeanour. Well developed through the body and holding the correct topline. Strong and well muscled hindquarters. She has a lovely carriage on the move, holding herself well, today not as clean behind as her kennel mate, but showed good drive – RBOB
2. Mr & Mrs Fraser - Amhard Runrig
2 year old wheaten dog, who was the polar opposite of the winner, very lively and full of beans, with a delightful temperament. Not the easiest to assess, due to his wiggly nature, but he shows lovely substance all through, strong masculine head, well boned limbs, and topline shows the rise to the loin. Showing good drive on the move, just not always in the right direction! Well presented and a pleasure to judge
Limit (0,0)
Open (1,0)
1. Miss Hannington - Ch/Bel/Nl/Esp Ch Boudivella Osca
Mature and strong 8 year old wheaten dog, beautifully presented and looked a picture on the stack. He is quite the charmer, with his happy and gentle nature. Masculine head showing good width to the skull, and strong muzzle. Muscular neck, deep in brisket with a good spring to the ribcage. Standing on well boned limbs. Holding his topline both stood and on the move. Hindquarters have a good width of thigh and well developed in muscle. Showing himself off to advantage today to take BOB
Jack Russell Terrier
Puppy (4,1)
1. Miss Witmond - Tiltser Fortuna
Fell for this 6 month old W/T bitch, a real showgirl already, with a keen attitude. She is a natural show off, which enhanced her shapely outline. Very pretty head, with a dark eye and neat ears, nicely furnished to give a cheeky and alert expression. Good length of neck, firm topline held both standing and on the move, to a well set on and ever wagging tail. Her body has the correct proportions, and is easily spannable. Hindquarters show a good bend of stifle and is short from hock to heel. Moved with confidence and style, just needing to tighten up in front a little more. Beautifully presented and handled. BP shortlisted in a strong puppy group
2. Miss Witmond - Tiltser Tuscany Tan
Litter brother to winner, and very similar in make and shape. So happy and outgoing and a pleasure to judge. He has a lovely flow to his outline. Masculine and balanced head, dark expressive eyes. Good length of neck, straight forelegs, firm topline, not quite the hindquarters of his sister. Another who moved with attitude and well presented
3. Miss Hughes - Kabu Fizzy Pop
Post Graduate (1,0)
1. Miss Hughes - Britanic Shine A Light For Kabu
Smart and well muscled 2 year old W/B/T bitch, of a different stamp to winners, a little shorter on the legs and a little more ribcage. She presents a shapely outline on the stack. So keen and alert in her expression. Good length of neck, showing a well developed forechest and legs well under her, firm level topline, well sprung ribs, and strong hindquarters which she used to drive around the ring
Limit (0,0)
Open (1,0)
1. Whitmond & Fonzo - All Jacks Urano (Imp Ita)
Impressed by this 17 month old W/T dog, he oozes quality and shows himself off with style. Liked his overall body shape and proportions, showing good balance. So typical in his outline and sound in his construction. Handsome and appealing head, flat skull, with strength to the muzzle, dark keen eye and neat well used ears. He has a lovely flow from nose to tail. The topline is firm and level, and tail set on well. Correct amount of rib and easy to span. Nicely angulated hindquarters, moving out well in all directions. Shown with a weatherproof coat BOB – Delighted to watch him go on to take RBIS – congratulations
AV Puppy (4,2)
1. Ms Jones - Squidlyannes Pirate King (Bedlington)
Very raw 6 month old darker blue Bedlington terrier dog. Taking it all in his stride and showing well for one so young. Lovely head, dark well shaped eye, lovely thin low set ears. Still needing to drop and develop through the body as you would expect, showing a good topline and underline. Moderate hindquarters. Moving at one with his handler, just needing to tighten. Coat has a linty texture
2. Miss Turner - Matrixstaffs Moon Dancer At Tidestaff (SBT)
Unfortunately, this 10 month old black brindle bitch was not settled on the move today, just needing more confidence, time will be her friend. She presents a balanced outline when stood. Feminine head, with a lovely dark eye, strength to the foreface and good underjaw. Nicely boned limbs, just needing to finish dropping into herself. Holds a firm topline. Not showing herself off on the move today
AV Junior (9,5)
1. Miss Hannington - Boudivella Rosie (Glen)
Repeat of breed class
2. Miss Nettle - Onziemehurst Milly Earhart (Border)
Smart 15 month old Grizzle & Tan bitch. She presents a balanced and racy outline. Feminine otter like head, dark eye and well placed ears. Easy to span and holding a firm topline. Good width of thigh to the hindquarters but remaining racy. Neat feet. Shown with a good coat texture. Moving out well
3. Mrs & Miss Walker - Torkavi The Last Dragon At Teshleystaf (SBT)
AV Open Members Stakes (7,4)
1. Knight & Poolton - Russalan Martha Rosa JW (Scottish T)
Super 2 year old black bitch, quite the charmer and most appealing for her overall size, shape and femininity. Thought her very smart and looking on good form. Balanced head shape, good length all through with good strength to the foreface, dark intelligent eye and erect well placed ears. She is well developed in the ribcage and holds a firm level topline, with a good bum! Moving out with power and drive. Beautifully presented
2. Brewster & Green - Stowthorney These Days JW (Border)
Very unlucky to meet winner on such form. Another bitch I really like, 16 month old grizzle bitch, who holds such a lovely outline when stood. Functional and workmanlike, nothing overdone but shapely and feminine. Lovely head, dark keen but kind eye, and strength to the muzzle. Nice reach of neck, flowing into a firmly held topline. Right amount of ribcage, and easily spanned, racy but strong hindquarters. A little in her underwear today, but no denying her quality
3. Miss Turner - On The Hill At Tidestaff (SBT)
AV Special Beginner Stakes (12,5)
1. Morris & Reid - Brickin Blame The Game (Norwich)
Delightful 2 year old red dog, who has an appealing outline, compact, and well furnished with a hard well presented coat. Masculine and typical head, showing good balance, well placed ears, dark alert eye and strength to the foreface. Well developed through the body, with a good ribcage, and depth, short strong loin and a firm topline. Stands on well boned limbs. Moving true in all directions and at one with his handler.
2. Mr & Mrs Greenwood - Petmon Royal Gift JW (Scottish T)
Pleasing 2 year old black bitch, who was showing herself of well and pushed the winner hard for the top spot. Attractive, feminine head, keen and alert, lovely dark expressive eyes, well place ears and nicely furnished. Her neck flowing nicely into a firm short back to a well set on tail. Well developed in the ribcage and standing on well boned limbs. Sound and free in her movement. Put down in lovely coat and condition.
3. Mrs Goundry - Komidion Symphoniques At Sarminija (Cesky)
Junior Handling (6-11 years)
1. Lillie-Jaye Gardener-Housden (aged 8)
This young lady impressed with her confidence and calm control of her dog. Standing her Staffordshire Bull Terrier well, and in the perfect stance. Moving so she did not get between the dog and judge. Liked her clam manner and efficient way of answering my questions. On the move, did as was asked and performed the task well – congratulations – Best Junior Handler
2. Edward Kemp (aged 8)
I think it may have been unfortunate that his charge was a little unruly, making the task a little harder. 10 out of 10 for effort and trying. Not quite the confidence of the winner today, but managed admirably in the execution of the tasks. Keep up the good work.