• Show Date: 16/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jacky Cutler Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Hitchin & District Canine Society

Hitchin & DCS


Finnish Lapphund

P (1) 1. Birk's Pavoskas Galena. Pretty seven month old brown sable bitch with a sweet expression. Well placed ears and eyes, moderate length of neck into a good topline which she held on the move. Decent angulation front and rear, coat coming in nicely and a very striking red/brown colour. Movement was sound enough but she was rather lacking in enthusiasm. Very promising. Best Puppy and Reserve Best of Breed.

J (1, 1)

PG (2, 1) 1. Fox's Sambreeze Pingviini. Just over two year old tricolour male, masculine head, muzzle perhaps a tad long, well balanced throughout and a good forechest, well off for bone, topline held on the move and well angulated. In good coat and moved very well. Best of Breed.

O (1, 1)

Members Open Stakes (17) 1. Goodman's Blacklake Isabella (Flat Coated Retriever).

Six year old bitch with a striking outline, lovely head and expression. Good reach of neck into an excellent topline, well balanced all through with muscular hindquarters. Shown in excellent condition, her gleaming coat shone and she moved with an easy flowing gait. 2. Bird's Droveborough's The Gambit at Vinepoint (Pointer). Twenty-one month old black and white male just coming into full maturity, well proportioned head and excellent reach of neck, good bone, well sprung ribs and excellent hind angulation. Shown in hard muscular condition and moved with good reach and drive. 3. McDonald's Roanjora Rioja Crianza (Irish Red & White Setter).

Junior Handling 6 – 11 (7, 2) 1. Scarlet Chan-Wu handling a Japanese Spitz. Excellent partnership, Scarlet handled sympathetically and encouraged her dog. She performed her patterns well and kept straight lines. A very neat performance and she took Best Junior Handler over the older class winner on the final go round keeping her dog moving at the right pace. 2. Sienna Edgar handling a Pug. A good performance with a rather reluctant dog, who she encouraged to get the best out of her. Unlucky to meet the winner, her patterns were good but lines could be a bit straighter. 3. Isabelle Gardner handling a Miniature Poodle 4. Emily Windler handling an Irish Red & White Setter. 5. George Gardner handling a Miniature Poodle.

Junior Handling 12 – 16 (3, 1) 1. Megan Slack handling an English Springer Spaniel. Super round from this very accomplished handler. Good patterns and straight lines, placed her dog where I could easily assess it and moved it to advantage in the class. Just lost out on Best Junior Handler as in the challenge I lost sight of her when going round together. 2. Leila Levene handling a Boston Terrier. Leila carried out all instructions well and moved at a good pace for her dog, final set up was a little off line, but overall a lovely performance.

Adult Handling 17-35 (5, 2) 1. Roxanne McDonald handling an Irish Red & White Setter. A text book performance with the dog stood perfectly and moved to advantage. Patterns performed well without exaggeration. 2. Rachael Plunkett handling a Miniature Poodle. A good round with excellent handling particularly showing the teeth. Moved at a good pace and listened to instructions. Unlucky to meet the winner on top form. 3. Shannon Griffin handling a Japanese Spitz.

Adult Handling 36+ (14, 6) 1. N Curtis handling a Sealyham, Super example of handling a dog with sympathy. Moved at just the right pace and placed where I could easily assess her. Carried out my instructions to the letter and took Best Adult Handler. 2. Donna Dodd handling a Swedish Vallhund, Another good handler who gave her dog the best of rounds. Good use of the ring and was aware of my position at all times. 3. Heather Snelson handling a Siberian Husky. 4. Elisabeth Krieger handling a Miniature Schnauzer. 5. Kelly Wallace Horne handling an Italian Greyhound.

Jacky Cutler (Judge)