• Show Date: 19/03/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jacky Cutler Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/08/2023

Retford Canine Society



Collie (Rough)

P (5) 1. Blake's Corydon The Baron. Seven month old s/w lad who has a lovely well balanced head with well used ears and lovely eyes giving the sweetest expression. He has a well arched neck into a good topline, sufficient angulation and good overall body proportions covered in an attractive coat coming in very nicely. Moved well with an easy ground covering action. BP and Puppy Group 1. 2. Cooper's Kelekona Hearts Of Gold. Another seven month old s/w male, masculine head but not the expression of (1), good front, slighter longer in body, moved out well. 3. Muir's Kelekona's Sparks At Dawn.

J (1) 1. Wray-Ramsden's Takhisis Lady Of Mystery. Sixteen month old s/w bitch with a pretty head and well used ears. Underjaw needs to develop, good neck into a decent topline, good body proportions and well angulated. Moved out well. RBOB.

PG (1) 1. Chaplin's Takhisis Lysander. At twenty-one months this s/w male is going through that rangey stage, he has a nice head with well used ears and nice eyes, good front and decent enough topline. Moves smartly but a tad close behind.

O (6, 1) 1. Allsopp's Aqualita Its A Miracle. Lovely three year old tri male, just coming into his own. Masculine head with a lovely expression, well placed and used ears, well arched neck into a super backline, balanced throughout and with excellent angulation. In super coat and condition, moved with an easy ground covering gait. BOB. 2. Blake's Corydon Pol Roger. Four year old blue merle, smaller type, with a lovely head and balanced outline, excellent front and rear angulation, close up but I felt (1) just had the edge on movement. 3. Radford-House's Ingledene Midnite Skye With Fivejays.

Bearded Collie

P (5, 1) Lovely class of puppies. 1. Waldron & Gray's There's Something About De Chester At Snowmead (Imp FRA). This slate baby of just six months was just exquisite. She has a very pretty well balanced head, good neck into level topline, straight front, excellent ribbing, good rear angulation excellent coat texture, moved and showed well. BP. 2. Lewis' Platinum Jubilee. This well grown ten month old slate male has a nice head and a well balanced body throughout, good angulation and coat in lovely condition. Moved out well. 3. Tuck & Robinson's Thingamebob Star Mission.

J (2) 1. Richards' Wildan's Dark Sky At Elemark. Strong but feminine head on this thirteen month old slate bitch, good neck into a decent topline, well balanced throughout with good ribbing and excellent angulation, coat coming nicely. Moved well. RBOB. 2. Butcher's Sylvabrae Newtons Law. Reserve in a strong Puppy class. Good head and overall well balanced, coat could be harsher. Moderate angulation, just preferred the extension of (1) on the move.

PG (5, 1) 1. Kneeshaw's Adjucet Stand By Me. Very attractive brown and white three year old bitch, good head, very well balanced throughout with a classic outline, good ribbing, in nice coat and condition and moving well. 2. Skinner's Tamjenta Bendelacreme. Coming up for two this slate male is maturing nicely, he has a strong masculine head and is nicely put together. Moves well coming and going and covers the ground. Good coat. 3. Butler's Calowych Moana At Baxilby JW.

O (5, 1) 1. Edwards' Kelham Like Dreams Do At Roxilyn JW. Attractive slate bitch of twenty-two months, she catches the eye with her balanced head and outline, standing over good ground and with a super topline. Good ribbing, excellent angulation and turned out to the minute in a harsh jacket of super colour. Didn't disappoint on the move. BOB and Group 3. 2. Cooper's Tybury's Song Of Ice And Fire. Four year old slate bitch, plainer in head than (1) but balanced and a good overall outline. Decent angulation and moved well. 3. Kneeshaw's Kiltondale Spring Blossom.

Finnish Lapphund

J (1, 1)

PG (3, 1) 1. Sisley-Smith's Tabanyaruu Wihta Kuu Lapsi RL2Ex. Three year old crean bitch, nice head with dark brown eyes, nicely proportioned body giving a good outline but perhaps a bit fine boned. She has good rear angulation and moved ok, nice harsh coat. BOB. 2. Minion's Lumikoira Piparminttu. Four year old black tricolour bitch, Balanced head, decent enough body shape but carrying too much weight which spoils the outline. Rather soft coat, moving ok.

O (3, 1) 1. Sisley-Smith's Tabanyaruu Qtamo Onni RL3Ex. Topsize black tricolour male of six years, well used ears, overall balanced in outline, harsh coat and good side gait but moving a bit close behind. RBOB. 2. Lumikoira Piparminttu.,

BSD (Malinois)

J (2) 1. Mitchell's Foryd Soul Survivor ***. This seven month old fawn bitch has a feminine head, nice outline, perhaps a bit fine boned, tad upright in shoulder, moved nicely once settled. BP. 2. Metcalf & Willingham's Goldmali Salute Belshedo. Seventeen month old male, masculine head, strongly built, good topline, Moved ok.

O (3, 1) 1. Brett's Ch Goldmali Over The Rainbow. Four year old red bitch, lovely head, good muzzle, with a good neck, nice overall shape and topline, Moved very well. BOB. 2. Brett's Goldmali Queen of Hearts. Two year old fawn bitch, not as balanced in head as (1), good overall outline, moved ok once settled. RBOB.

Pyrenean Mountain Dog

PG (5, 3) 1. Bhattacharya's Jumicar Uptown Girl. Three year old bitch, overall outline was good, but her ears were a tad low set and her eyes a bit full, which spoiled her expression, She is well balanced and has decent angulation which allowed her to move very well. BOB. 2. Asher's Pyrdanza Tosca. Six year old male with a lovely head, good topline and well built, a tad short in leg, and just not making the most of himself on the move. RBOB.

O (5, 5) Excellent entry on paper, many thanks - shame so many were absent.

Swedish Vallhund

J (1, 1)

O (3, 2) 1. Jones' Tanellis Bloomin William. Lovely for type, good head, well placed and used ears. Good topline, well balanced, excellent markings. Moved very well. BOB and Group 4.

AVNSC Pastoral

P (3, 1) 1. Phillips' Domburg Say That You Love Me At Tanje*** (BSD Tervueren). At seven months this bitch has got everything in the right place, prettiest of heads, dark eyes, good reach of neck, excellent outline and held her topline on the move once settled. 2. Scadding's Jaraz Dayfornight. (BSD Groenendael). This six month old baby just needs time, she has all the right attributes, a pretty head and a good overall outline. Moved ok once settled.

J (2, 1) 1. Phillips Domburg Say Its Me At Tanje*** (BSD Groenendael). Another from the same kennel as the P winner and just as promising. Lovely type, most feminine in head, dark eyes, good reach of neck, level topline and overall balanced throughout. Just needs a tad more confidence and sure she will trouble the best. BOB, BP and Puppy Group 4.

PG (1, 1)

AV Import Pastoral

P (2) 1. Beeton & Abbott's Rastafellow's Omg Che Gentile (Bergamasco). Promising youngster with a balanced head and square outline, coat of good texture and starting to split, movement a work in progress but sure it will come right. BIBRP. 2. Henshaw's Whitehemi's Brabham (White Swiss Shepherd). At not quite seven months this young man has a lot of maturing to do, but he has the frame to fill. Masculine head, well used ears, firm level topline, good rear angulation and he just needs to body up and firm up those muscles. Medium coat in good condition.

J (1, 1)

PG (1) 1. Williams' Ballynabola Aztak (White Swiss Shepherd). Well grown two year old male, masculine head with dark eyes, well used ears, good neck into excellent topline, good angulations front and rear, moved with drive.

O (3, 1) 1. Beeton & Abbott's Bellezzalana Arturo (Bergamasco). Five year old male in fabulous coat. Balanced head with parallel planes, well arched neck, square outline and good rear angulation. Well muscled and shows good extension on the move. BIBR 2. Williams' Diana White Princess Lord Of North At Ballynabola (Imp HRV) (White Swiss Shepherd). Lovely head on this four year old bitch, not the biggest but she has a well arched neck into a firm level topline, well angulated hindquarters, could be a bit more muscled but moved well.

AV Pastoral

V (13, 8) 1. Deveson's Lucky Liaison At Lianbray ShCM VW (Shetland Sheepdog). At twelve years old this shaded sable bitch could still mix it with the best. She has the sweetest expression with well placed ears and eyes, a good topline, good angulation and is in excellent coat. Movement that belies her age. 2. Cowley's Ch Callendu Despicable Me At Kashbeluli ShCM ShCEx VW (Hungarian Puli). Nine year old male of excellent breed type, good head shape and square outline, well sprung ribs, strong backend, well muscled, nimble on the move and carrying a superb coat of excellent cords. 3. Edwards' Roxilyn Dark And Delectable (Bearded Collie).


1. Nicholson's GSD Chapelforge Angus With Norwulf. Almost two year old male who has matured into a handsome dog with a masculine head, well used ears and medium brown eyes. He has a good reach of neck into an excellent topline which he held on the move, good front and rear angulations without any exaggeration. Steady side gait and true coming and going. Calm, confident and self assured. Pleased to see him take 4th Best in Show, so nice to see a GSD doing well under different judges.

2. Hickling's Shetland Sheepdog Sheltisha Bell Of The Ball At Natara JW.

Four year old lovely blue merle bitch whose colour is simply gorgeous. Well placed eyes and well used ears giving the sweetest of expressions, overall balanced and a beautiful shape. Moved easily and in lovely coat which did not hide her attributes.

3. Edwards Bearded Collie Kelham Like Dreams Do At Roxilyn JW.

4. Jones' Swedish Vallhund Tanellis Bloomin William.


1. Blake's Collie (Rough) Corydon The Baron.

2 Jerrett's Collie (Smooth) Coldelee Eternal Sunshine. Eleven month old sable bitch, pretty head with well used ears and dark eyes, balanced in outline with good angulation and moving well.

3. Watts' Hungarian Puli Vilmos Vincenzo. Black male of seven months, small head in proportion, well balanced outline, moving well.

4. Phillips' BSD (G) Domburg Say Its Me At Tanje***.

Jacky Cutler (Judge)