• Show Date: 03/09/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Ian Gabriel Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 25/05/2024

Wolsingham & Wear Valley Agricultural Society

Wolsingham Dog Show


Dr Ian Gabriel

French Bulldog

Junior. 1. Carkenner Jammie Dodger. Fawn dog. Nice type. Pleasing head with good large broad skull. Good strong jaw. Nice open nostril. Lovely round dark eye. Well set and well shaped ear. Good bone. Cobby and short. Nice tight foot. Could be a fraction less straight behind. Moved ok. 2. Leyenda’s King of the Ring. Another with a quality head and nice open nostril. Good bone and feet. Well sprung and good cut up. Just not the topline of 1 or so precise in front action.

PG. 1. Leyenda Masquerade. Brindle bitch who is of good type. Pleasing head and expression. Good ear size and set. Just off a litter which spoilt her underline. Moved soundly. 2. Carkenner Jammie Dodger. Second in puppy.

Open. 1. Leyenda Fangorn Mr Murdoch. Brindle dog. Not a small dog. Good head and expression. Nice clear dark eye. Correct ‘bat ear’. Pleasing front. Good bone and feet. Moved ok. 2. Clonnysmush Lapicolina. Nice for size and shape. Just not quite the ear placement of 1 which spoilt the overall look. Nice body and rib. Pleasing front. Not so good gong away.

Lhasa Apso

Junior. 1 Aibrean Jenga. Nice bitch with a quality head which is very feminine. Correct shaped skull, and muzzle of correct length Nice dark eye. Well furnished in head. Good strong neck. Overall proportions correct. Level with well set tail. Good length of coat with correct texture. Moved very well 2. Ithera Dulce De Lech into Burnsett. Another nice one with many of the qualities of 1. Pleasing size and shape. Nice head. Just not the hind angulation and tail set of 1. Moved well.

PG. 1. Burnsett Lunata Nice bitch who is good for size and overall shape. Pleaisng head of correct proportions. Lovely dark eye. Well furnished. Good neck and shoulder. Correct front and nice tight foot. Level with good tail set. In good jacket. Moved well. 2. Jahneemahs Luna Moon at Billkenstar. Another who like 1 is made well through and also in super condition and coat. Lovely for size and shape. Moved with correct gait, just not with any enthusiasm. Heat of the day may have been implicated in this. 3. Khinjan Copacabana to Toynbee

Open. 1. Kelankin Purple Raynedrop at Billkenstar. Very nice Lhasa bitch. Super head and expression. Good eye. Pleasing front with nice bone and good tight foot. Correct body proportions. Nicely angulated behind. Moved well although if critical could have a fraction more reach. BOB. 2. Toynbee’s Clicquot. Large dog. Nice head and expression. Nicely furnished. Good neck and shoulder. A fraction long for me. Good tail set. Moved well with drive.

Boston Terrier.

PG. 1. Ivy Jewel Put a Spell on You. Ten month old. Very good for overall size and balance. Good head with good short muzzle, and correct overall head proportions. Very nice large eye which is dark. Nice front. Good tight foot. Would prefer her a fraction longer in rib and shorter in loin. Could be a little tidier coming towards you. In good condition. 2. Forever after Florence Clovipop. Heavier type to 1. Very nice for size and shape. Preferred head and expression of 1. Nice neck of good length and good shoulder placement. Good depth to chest and well sprung. Well angulated behind and moved well.

Open. 1. Ivy Jewel Dare to Dream. Quality bitch who appealed for her overall silhouette Very nice head and expression. Good neck and shoulder. Well set ears of correct thickness. Good neck and shoulder. Nice topline and nicely angulated rear. Moved well although could be a fraction tighter in the elbow. 2.Jayneze Hubber Bubber. Bigger dog overall. Nice shape and proportions. Pleasing head although would like a slightly darker eye. Nice topline. Front. Could be a little more angulated in the rear.

Shih Tzu.

PG. 1. Alchez After the Storm. B/W. Up to size but good overall shape. Very typical head with good broad sounded skull and correct length and width of muzzle. Eyes correctly set in skull and nice and dark. Well-muscled and boned forelegs. Correct body proportions and good high set tail. In good jacket. Moved well with correct hind action. Moved well. BOB. 2. Bishopspark Holly. Another of good and correct body proportions. Nice for size. Very feminine typey head. I liked this bitch very much. Didn’t really put all in today and not quite the tail set and carriage of 1. 3. Shihmali Bizzi Lizzi.

Open. 1. Emerson Alpiu Slenis of Alchez JW. Quality black male. Quality head and lovely expression. Correct head proportions. Lovely eye. Good broad deep chest and well made front but just a little too loaded over the shoulder if one is critical. Super bone. Level with good tail set. Moved well.

Tibetan Terrier.

PG 1. Layoli Island Treasure. Pleasing 14 month old male. Overall shape is nice and is good for size. Head ok. Pleasing large eye with correctly pigmented rims. Nice shoulder placement. Square and compact. Well angulated behind. Sound on the move. 2. Pippalata Overtime. Bitch who is up to size. Nice overall shape. Pleasing head and expression. Well ribbed up. Level. String loin with correct tail set and carriage. In good jacket. Could be a fraction tidier going away. 3. Billkenstar Amazing Story

Open. 1. Layoli Island Treasure. Winner of PG. 2. Boshanti ZhaZha. Pleasing head and expression. Good neck and shoulder. Nice for size and overall proportions. Well ribbed up. Correct bone and feet. Could be slightly better in topline and a little straight in stifle. Moved ok.

Tibetan Spaniel.

Open 1. Gibbcrees Didn’t Expect That. Six year old dog. Super head and lovely expression. Correct length of muzzle which is well cushioned. Good width and depth to his chin. Lovely for bone and correct foot shape. Well-made front. Well sprung. Nice hind quarters. Well set and plumed tail. Moved very well. In A1 condition and well handled.


Open. 1. My favourite Legend. Quite a nice and typey bulldog. Quality head and typical sour expression. Good breath to the skull, correct furrow, good turn up and good depth. Lovely width to jaw. Correct high set ear. Well made front and super bone. Correct topline although could be a fraction shorter. Feet nice and compact for a heavy male. Likes his food a little too much. Moved ok.


PG 1. Steyndal Baroness. This is a very nice liver bitch who I liked very much. Quality head and expression. Good ear set and shape. Lovely length of neck into the best of shoulders. Correct front with good close elbow. Nice bone and good cat feet. Well sprung. Good topline. Correct tail set and length. Nice hindquarters. Moved very well. Pleased to award her Best Puppy and Best puppy in group. 2. Bellehoud Tipple at Portunes. Another nice one. Quality head with good eye. Nice length of neck. Pleasing front assembly. Just falls off slightly at the croup. Moved well. 3. Dalamanti Duke’s Legend

Open.1. Dalamanti Caeser’s Palace. Nice for overall size and type. Nicely headed with good eye and ear. Nicely angulated front and rear. Good topline and tail set. Moved very well with lovely long stride and drive from the rear. A quality dalmatian. For personal preference I would like a little less heavy marking, but I couldn’t deny him BOB over a lovely young liver and subsequently Best in Group. 2. Steyndal Baroness. Winner of PG. 3. Perdita’s Tomorrowland

Poodle (Miniature).

PG. 1. Natica Chocolate Surprise . This was very nice miniature. Super head and expression. Typical poodle expression. Good eye and leather. Nice length of neck into well placed shoulders. Nice and square in outline. Well-constructed front. In lovely jacket of correct texture. Would have had higher honours today but refused to move despite a sympathetic handler. In good condition.

Poodle (Standard)

PG.1. Tuxedo Prioncess. Quality black bitch who appealed for her overall size and shape. Pleasing head of decent length. Lovely foreface. Feminine without loss of strength. Nicely constructed front. Good bone and correct foot shape. Moved well with typical poodle action. 2 Heathershine Prada. Another with much to like. Not quite the neck and shoulder placement of the winner and could be a fraction shorter. Moved very well fore and aft and has a good side gait.

Open. Nice class headed by two quality champions. 1. Ch Kossab Santa Cruz. Quality 7 year old. Very nice for size. Pleasing head which is of good length and with a clean backskull. Good neck and shoulder. Pleasing front, and with good bone and feet. Square dog. Level topline with correct tail set. Nice hind angulation which is not overdone. In good coat of correct texture. Moved soundly although could put a little more in, which I forgave due to the hot day. I can see why this standard is titled. 2. Ch Tianola Touch of Class. Another quality black. Of correct shape and size. Not quite the head of 1 and heavier in back skull. Good neck and shoulder. Decent front assembly. Nicely angulated behind. Moved well.

Miniature Schnauzer

PG. 1. Glockens Everybody’s Talking. B/Silver. Pleasing and promising young male. Quality head of good length and correct shape. Correctly sized high set ear. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Good breadth and depth of chest for his age. Correct topline. Typical hind quarters. Moved well. Super body jacket of correct texture. Could have slightly harsher leg furnishings. BOB. 2. Glockens Enough is Said. B/Silver. Very similar in type to 1. Another who is nicely balanced and good for size. A little less finished than 1. Fraction wider in front than her litter brother. Moved very well.

Open. 1. Glockens Kryptonite. P/S. Mature bitch of good make and shape. Pleasing head and expression with good eye and well set ears. Nicely made through. Good front. Nice bone and feet. Well ribbed up. Cobby. Good angulation. Could be tidier going away. In good jacket.

AV Import Utility

Open Difficult class as all young and need time and socialisation. 1. Alchez Simply Radishing. Xoloitzcuintle. Of good type. Pleasing head of ideal proportions. Good neck and shoulder. Decent front assembly. Clean skin. Moved well. 2. Alchez Pumpkin to Talk About Xoloitzcuintle. Similar in type to 1. Difficult to properly go over as needs more confidence. Make a nice shape stood. In good condition. Moved well. Could have better feet.3. Alchez Don’t be Chilli. Xoloitzcuintle

AVNSC Utility

Open 1. Ch Afterglow Home James to Bryron (Toy Poodle). Nice Toy of correct make and shape. Pleasing head which is of good length and clean back. Good neck and shoulder and of good front assembly. Correct foot. Well angulated but not overdone rear. Moved well and is typically poodle. 2. Peter Parker at Namroht. (Chow Chow). Quality black chow. Whilst up to size he is of good shape and outline. Pleasing head and expression. Correct body proportions. Correct tail set and carriage. Moved typically. 3. Ragazza Crema from Namroht (Chow Chow)

AV Utility Puppy. 1. Glockens Enough is Said. Winner of 2nd in PG. 2. Dalamanti Duke’s Legend.. Third in Dalmatian Puppy. Pleasing young dog of good type. Kennel mate to my group winner. Nice head and expression. Good for size. Nice neck and shoulder. Correct topline and tailset. Well angulated. Moved well. 3. Alchez Don’t be Chilli

AV Utility Open. 1. Pushpa French Shangri La Bellicose (IMP BLR). This was a beautiful Frenchie who if not in AV could have had higher honours. I thought this Fench Bulldg quite superb. Lovely head and expression. Good ears. Lovely open nostril. Correct tolpline. Well angulated behind and sound on the move. 2. Heathershine Prada. Second in Standard Poodle PG. 3. Pippalata Overtime Magic.

AV Utility Veteran. 1. Gibbcrees Didn’t Expect That. BOB in Tibetan Spaniels. 2. Ch Tianola Touch of Class. BOB in Standard Poodles.

Audrey and Stewart Schofield Memorial AV Stakes. 1. Gunthwaites Ayr of Elegance RR. Winner of Junior class. 2. Strathlon Spirit of Ectasy. Golden Retriever. Lovely young bitch. Lovely overall shape. Pleasing head and expression. Correct topline and tail set. Could be a fraction up on front pastern. Moved very soundly. In super condition.