• Show Date: 26/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Hilary Male Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 02/11/2023

Newton Abbot & South Devon Canine Society




1st. Bevis’ Skyvana Free Spirit of Starlance – Feminine bitch with head in proportion to body, dark brown oval eye, correct ear set and shape, correct neck with good mane, good spring of rib, moderate bend of stifle, correct tail set and carriage, in good coat, moved well.

2nd. Smith’s Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti – Balanced bitch in outline, feminine head and bright expression, dark eye, moderately short neck into well laid back shoulders, level back, moderate bend of stifle, correct tailset and carriage, not in the best of coats today, moved positively.

3rd. Rice’s Ricox I Love My Mini Me

LIMIT (4,1)

1st. Hirstwood’s Quintrelle I Believe – This bitch appealed for her balanced outline and breed type, feminine head of good proportions, dark eye, correct forelegs leading to hare feet, strong neck into well placed shoulders, good spring of rib, moderate turn of stifle, correct tailset and carriage, moved straight and freely, in excellent coat. RES BOB

2nd. Rice’s Parloueve Back To Black of Rocox – Loved this bitch as well, good body proportions, feminine all through, good head and body proportions, correct shawl over neck, well plumed tail which was correctly set and carried, she needs to settle more on the table and on the move.

3rd. Wayman’s Mynapaw Perfect Symphony

OPEN (4.0)

1st. Bevis’ Ch Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance SHCEX – My notes say stunning dog and it was a joy to get my hands on him, presented a pleasing outline and appealed for breed type, masculine head with dark eye, correct length of muzzle blunt with cushioning, strong neck correctly covered with a good mane, well laid back shoulders, good spring of rib, moderate bend of stifle, correct hare feet with feathering between toes, richly plummed tail correctly set, moved positively. BOB & G1

2nd. Hirstwood’s Quintrelle I Am I Said with Tibbitude – Masculine dog with good head proportions, dark eye, good mane around neck, good spring of rib, level back, correct tail set, carriage and plumage, moderate rear end, moved soundly.

3rd. Smith’s Pure Souls Lucy’s Secret



1st. Bingham & Plummer’s Araki Krazie Maisie for Tetsikaarma –Balanced square bitch, feminine head, marked stop, strong muzzle, black nose, dark brown eyes, strong neck into well placed shoulders, short loin, well bent stifle, moved effortlessly. BOB

2nd. Chamberlain’s Araki Born Toperform – Nearly 12 months old bitch who appealed for breed type and balance, correct head and body proportions for age, needs time but moved with reach and drive. RES BOB & BP

3rd. Harrison’s Boshay Kaliko Jack

OPEN (5,3)

1st. Plummer’s Araki Dream Perfection for Tetsikarma – Larger framed balanced bitch, dark round eyes, moderate length of neck leading to well placed shoulders, level topline, strong loin, correct tail set and carriage, moves soundly.

2nd. Plummer’s Home Town Glory for Tetsikarma – Balanced feminine bitch, dark round eyes, correct pendant ears and set, strong neck, short loin, well bent stifle, in good coat, moved ok.



1st. Barrett’s Royal Topaz – Masculine dog with dark eye, medium sized ears, correctly set, short straight boned forelegs, deep chested, well sprung ribs, moderate rear end, moved soundly. RES BOB

2nd. Hucker’s Bevanray Terrypendry – 11 months old compact dog who appealed for breed type and balance, masculine correct head and body proportions for age, deep chested, short loin, moderate rear end, just needs to tighten up in rear, moved soundly. BP & Puppy Group 1

OPEN (2,0)

1st. Barrett’s Thomas The Steam Tank – Dog with a pleasing head and expression, correct front and rear quarters, deep chested, well sprung ribs, moved freely and soundly. BOB

2nd. Prichard’s Ruption Knightcott Black Diamond at Violotta – Masculine dog with excellent head proportions, medium sized ears correctly set and carried, clean neck into correct shoulder placement, deep chested, good spring of ribs, moderate rear angulation, moved soundly, he was not happy today.


OPEN (4,1)

1st. Sarson’s Arrowflight High Society at Dongagra – 10 months feminine bitch, good head proportions for age, clean strong neck into well placed shoulders, straight forelegs leading to tight feet, good body proportions for age, well bent stifle, moved well driving from behind. BP & BOB

2nd. Hosking & Rose’s Tarquas Box Of Tricks – Finer bitch yet still feminine, moderate length of neck, straight forelegs leading to tight feet, good spring of rib, short back, moved soundly. RES BOB

3rd. Hosking’s Tarquas Wot An Entrance


OPEN (10,0)

1st. Crocker’s Lotringham Tenacity – Feminine bitch, moderate stop, dark almond eyes, clean neck, straight well boned forelegs leading to oval feet, short back, moved soundly. BOB


OPEN (1,0)

1st. Casey’s Kev Casey for Shamal – Masculine compact dog, square head in proportion to body size, medium sized bat ears, well arched neck, straight well boned forelegs leading to small feet, well sprung ribs, moderate well muscled rear end, moved freely. BOB



1st. Williamson’s Shydally Ultimate Edition Masculine dog who appealed for breed type and balance, correct head proportions, clean neck into well placed shoulders, straight forelegs leading to compact feet, deep chested, well sprung ribs, strong loin, well muscled rear end which he used on the move, moving powerful around the ring. BOB

2nd. Davies’ Maddidalli’s Causing A Storm – Pleasing bitch with feminine head with an intelligent expression, strong neck into correct shoulder placement, straight well boned forelegs leading to round feet, good spring of rib, deep chested, well muscled rear quarters, moved ok.


1st. Edens’ Steyndal Diamond White at Dalens JW – Balanced bitch, feminine head with good proportions and intelligent expression, strong neck into well placed shoulders, straight well boned forelegs, deep chested, good spring of rib, correct tailset and carriage, moderate rear angulation, moved soundly. RES BOB

2nd. Williamson’s Decoda’s Toffee Apple – Finer happy girl that appealed for balance, feminine head, moderate stop, clean lips, medium sized eyes, intelligent expression clean neck, well laid back shoulders, straight forelegs leading to compact feet, needs time to fill her frame, well muscled rear end, moved well. but needs time to fill her frame.

OPEN (1,0)

1st. Davies’ Maddidalli Embers Glow – Pleasing bitch who was clearly enjoying herself, feminine head and expression, well laid back shoulders with corresponding return of upper arm, deep chested, well sprung ribs, strong loin, well muscled rear end, not in her best coat today, moved soundly.


OPEN (1,0)

1st. Hill’s Whizzkees Silver Spirit – Pleasing bitch with a feminine head and expression of good proportions, dark eye, correct ivy shaped ears and set, good ruff on neck, well placed shoulders, straight forelegs leading to cat like feet, compact body, moved soundly but lacked enthusiasm. BOB



1st. Smith’s Snowshoes Ophelia (Japanese Spitz) – 7 months old bitch who appealed for breed type and balance, feminine head, correct high set triangular ears, dark eye, correct front and rear quarters, good body proportions for age, in good coat, moved well once settled. BP & RES AVNSC

2nd. Foster’s Bemojo Pearls Of Honey (German Spitz (Klein) – Feminine bitch who was not in her best coat, dark eye, good ear set and carriage, straight front, moderate rear end, she gave her handler a hard time standing.

OPEN (1,0)

1st. Cooper & Critchlow’s Oberitz Sweet N’Spicy for Pavoskas (German Spitz (Klein) – Balanced compact bitch who appealed for breed type, correct wedge shape head, triangular small ears, good body proportions, good spring of rib, level topline, moderate rear end, moved effortlessly. BOB


GROUP 1 Bevis’ Ch Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance SHCEX – As Before (Tibetan Spaniel)

GROUP 2 Williamson’s Shydally Ultimate Edition – As Before (Dalmatian)

GROUP 3 Barrett’s Thomas The Steam Tank – As Before (French Bulldog)

GROUP 4 Bingham & Plumer’s Araki Krazie Maisie for Tetsikaarma – As Before (Tibetan Terrier)


GROUP 1 Hucker’s Bevanray Terrypendry – As Before (French Bulldog)

GROUP 2 Chamberlain’s Araki Born Toperform – As Before (Tibetan Terrier)

GROUP 3 Sarson’s Arrowflight Kogh Society at Dongagra – As Before (Poodle Miniature)

GROUP 4 Snowshoes Ophelia– As Before (Japanese Spitz)


PUPPY (5, 3A)

1st Harrison’s Boshay Kaliko Jack (Tibetan Terrier) – 10 months old dog with pleasing head correct neck into well placed shoulders, good bone, neat feet, good spring of rib, moved soundly but needs to tighten in rear movement.

2nd Foster’s Claran Court Your Eye (German Spitz (Klein)) – 7 months old dog who certainly was enjoying his day out, good head and body proportions for age, needs to settle when standing and on the move.


1st. Rice’s Ch Ricox Somebody To Love JW SHCEX OSW (Tibetan Spaniel) – Loved this bitch for her overall shape and breed type, feminine head and expression, correct ear set and carriage, correct boned forelegs leading to hare feet, correct shawl over neck, good spring of rib, well bent rear end, correct tail set and carriage moved positively and soundly.

2nd. Hill’s Ch Whizzkees Ebony Silver for Plymkees JW SHCM (Keeshond) – Another lovely bitch who was so clearly enjoying herself, she again appealed for breed type and balance, feminine wedge shaped head, dark eye, compact body, well sprung ribs, deep chested, correct bend of stifle, moved briskly.

3rd. Cooper & Critchlow’s Oberitz Sweet N’Spicy for Pavoskas (German Spitz (Klein))


1st. Plummer’s Tetsikarma Stargazer SHCM SHCEX VW (Tibetan Terrier) – Larger framed balanced dog, masculine head with good proportions, straight well boned forelegs, deep chested, good spring of ribs, in excellent coat, presented well, moved with reach and drive.


1st. Bevis’ Ch Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance SHCEX (Tibetan Spaniel) – As before

2nd. Rice’s Ch Ricox Somebody To Love JW SHCEX OSW (Tibetan Spaniel) – As before

3rd. Ch Whizzkees Ebony Silver for Plymkees JW SHCM (Keeshond)


PUPPY (1,0)

1st. Prangle’s Clonageera It’s A New Dawn at Heathclare – 10 months old bitch who presented a pleasing picture and was presented well, feminine head with good proportions, dark eye showing intelligent expression, slightly arched neck which flowed into well placed shoulders, correct body proportions for age, well bent rear end, moved effortlessly. BP & RBOB


1st. Chapman’s Sheldonite Gingerbread Man – Dog that presented a pleasing outline and was balanced, masculine head with correct proportions, dark eye, correct ear set, slightly arched clean neck into well placed shoulders, straight well boned forelegs leading to feet, needs time to fill his frame, well bent stifle, moved freely. BOB

2nd. Chapman’s Sheldonite Cinnamon – Litter sister to the winner and similar remarks apply, she again needs time to come together, and, on the move, she is unsettled but she still presents a lovely outline and will be interesting to see what both of these do in the future.

3rd. Markey’s Yokohama Lofty to Evenflow (Imp Pol)


1st. Markey’s Yokohama Lofty to Evenflow (Imp Pol) – 3rd in the previous class, pleasing bitch with feminine head, dark eye, good length of neck, straight well boned forelegs, deep chested, ok spring of rib, well handled, moved soundly but lacked drive.

OPEN DOG (1,0)

1st. Pym, Bott & Milligan-Bott’s Thendara Marshmallow JW - Balanced dog with a masculine head with correct proportions showing an intelligent expression, slightly arched neck into well laid back shoulders, straight front leading to small firm feet, deep chested ribs well sprung with plenty of lung room, well bent stifles, in excellent coat moved with drive. BOB


1st. Markey’s Yokohama Lofty to Evenflow (Imp Pol) – As before



1st. Sandy’s Inostricani Sky’s The Limit – Loved this 13 month old bitch, feminine head with correct planes, strong neck into well laid back shoulders, deep chested, straight oval boned forelegs, good spring of ribs, good bend of stifle, harsh coat, she really gave her handler a hard time but please persevere with her, she moved freely and soundly. RES BOB

OPEN (2,0)

1st. Kruglow’s Amberellie Rosanna – Square bitch who appealed for breed type and balance, feminine head with kind expression, powerful neck into well placed shoulders, straight well bone forelegs, well sprung ribs, correct topline and tuck up, long thigh with a good bend of stifle, moved well. BOB

2nd. Longstaff’s Kevardhu Life Of Rylea – Another bitch that appealed for breed type, feminine head and kind expression, good spring of rib, strong neck, good layback of shoulder, correct tuck up, moderate bend of stifle, moved soundly.


OPEN (3,0)

1st. Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker – Masculine dog who appealed for breed type and balance, masculine wedged shaped head, dark eye, clean neck into well placed shoulders, straight forelegs leading to tight feet, deep chested, well sprung ribs, moderate bend of stifle, in good coat, presented well, moved well. BOB

2nd. Courtier’s Maycourt Take Me To The Top – 8 months old bitch who needs time to fill her frame but has the essentials there, correct head and body proportions for age, in good coat, moved well and must have a bright future. BP & RES BOB

3rd. Courtier’s Maycourt Cover Shot


1st. Smith’s Ch Snowshoes Kings Legacy ShCM ShCEx VW - (Alaskan Malamute) – One I have judged before and I still love him, balanced with a masculine head and expression, clean strong neck into correct shoulder placement, well boned straight forelegs leading to tight feet, well sprung ribs, deep chested, in excellent coat, well muscled rear end where he moved with reach and drive, handled and presented excellently. I can see why this dog is a champion.

2nd. Harcourt Morris’ Dainty Dandies River Mersey at Lenacourt (Dandie Dinmont Terrier) – Masculine dog that appealed for breed type, good head proportions and furnishings, short legs, deep chested, good spring of rib, well developed thighs, moved with a nice easy stride and was clearly enjoying himself.

3rd. Carter’s Ch Afilador Room On The Broom ShCM ShCEx VW (Ibizan Hound)

JUDGE Hilary Male (Malenbrook)