• Show Date: 23/09/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Helen Upton Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 25/09/2023

Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society

Great Yarmouth Gorlestone & District Canine Society 


Judge: Miss H A Upton (Roydack) 

Hungarian Vizsla’s Puppy (2,1) 1 - PORTER-MANNING & PORTER’s - WALLAROO DUNCAN DISORDERLY 11mnth Male who stood alone today, standing on straight forelegs with lovely tight feet, strong and well-arched neck leading into the correct topline for the breed, well chested for age, rear solid angulation, which he put to use on the move covering the ring with ease and enthusiasm. (BOB, BP), Pleased to see him shortlisted in the adult group and Puppy Group 2. SY (1,1) Limit (1,1) Open (0) 

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla’s Puppy (0) SY (2,1) 1 - COOPER’s - HAZEAN DONETSK to DEIFSTOCK (IKC) JW 19mnth Bitch, who stood alone today. Pretty head with a lovely expression, the right amount of furnishings, lovely amount of wire in the coat. Presents a beautiful outline, well balanced with the right amount of muscle and bone for age. Moved well, but I think the ground got to her today as she was lacking drive on the away movement. (BOB). Limit (0) Open (1,1) 

Irish Setters Puppy (1,1) SY (2,1) 1 - LEACH’s - RIVERBRUE OPHELIA JUBBLY Stood alone in this class, but presented the typical Irish outline, She is racy in appearance with elegance Pretty head with a dark eye, and lovely melting expression, lovely neck with well-placed shoulders, still needs to mature in the forechest and ribs but this will come with age as will the coat. Nothing over-exaggerated in this bitch and one I will watch with interest as she matures. Moved ok, but the handler needed to move her faster. when I looked in my catalogue it was no surprise that she came from a top-draw kennel. I liked her for her overall balance and breed type. (BOB). Limit (3,1) 1 LEACH’s - RIVERBRUE OPHELIA JUBBLY 2 TURNER’s - GWENDARIFF I WONT FORGETU 5 ½-year-old male, not as balanced as 1 and lacked the enthusiasm of 1 on the move. Masculine head with dark eye and soft expression, well presented in gleaming coat, well boned and muscled, I would prefer less weight and a cleaner outline. Moved well when he got going, but lacked the drive and enthusiasm. Open (1,0) 1 LEACH’s - RIVERBRUE OPHELIA JUBBLY 

Pointers Puppy (0) SY (3,0) 1 BOOTH’s - LUNDGARTH JUBILEE I judged this girl last week in the Lake District, today she was a lot more settled with her handler. What she lacks in confidence she makes up for in construction she is a bitch that comes alive on the move. Pretty head, with a slightly alert expression which as she grows in confidence I hope will soften. Beautifully balanced and presents a lovely clean outline. Still needs to mature in body and mind but I will continue watching with interest. (BOB) today for her balance and sound movement covering the ground with ease. 2 DUNNETT’s - ALCAZAR EXCALIBUR A lovely black and white male full of character and enthusiasm, masculine well-proportioned head sitting on the correct length of neck leading into well-placed shoulders, slightly stronger in his front at this stage, would like to see a better topline and tail run off. Once he settled he moved well although naughty in the following class. Limit (6,1) Two lovely dogs topped this class, It was very close between the 2, winner won on movement. 1 RAM’s - JILONY BROWN VELVET Liver and White Male - masculine head, would prefer a little more work in the head, the handler has a tendency to hold head up so doesn’t present the clean neck and outline I know he has. Standing on straight forelegs, with nice tight feet, ample spring of rib and depth from withers to brisket, well muscled, and lovely rear angulation, which he put to use on the move, he covered the ring effortlessly. (RBOB) 2 BIRD’s - DROVEBOROUGH’S THE GAMBIT AT VINEPOINT A Substantial B/W Male, no mistaking he is a dog, masculine throughout, lovely head of correct proportions, dark eye,s and a lovely cheeky expression. He presents a lovely clean outline well muscled, well ribbed, and didn’t stop wagging his tail throughout. Unfortunately, his movement lost him this class, he is so excitable that he doesn’t get into a stride to show off his movement to his advantage. Open (3,0) 1 OVEL’s - JIMAURA I’M FOR CAROLINE I liked this bitch for overall balance, a pretty head with dark eyes, and a gentle expression. She has a clean neck leading into well-placed shoulders, straight forelegs with a great amount of forechest, nice depth of chest and spring of ribs, and well-muscled hindquarters with a good bend of stifle, she moved around the ring with enthusiasm and drive, just slightly rolling where she is carrying a tad too much weight. 2 THORPE & BIRCHAM’s - AMIRYCK GET UP AND RUN AT BRAEGORSE A substantial male is masculine throughout and presents a lovely picture. Lovely head with a soft expression, and a well-muscled neck, would prefer a slightly tighter front assembly, well ribbed up with plenty of lung room, correct topline with a nice tail set, and strong in his hindquarters with a good bend of stifle. Moved well, covering the ground with ease. 

Weimaraners Puppy (0) SY (5,1) What a lovely class of youngsters, 2 males topped this class, however, I am sure that all 4 in this class will swap positions throughout their showing careers. 1 SUETT’s - SILBERLISS PECKHAM POUNCER I preferred the head on this male, masculine with the correct proportions with a kind but alert expression, he presented a very balanced outline, would prefer slightly more weight on him, but he is still young and he has time to develop in body. Clean neck of the correct length, and well-placed shoulders, still needs to spring his ribs but has the right amount of lung room and depth to the chest to allow this to happen, a good amount of tuck up, level topline, and correct tail carriage which he held on the move, one of the soundest movers of the day, moved at one with his handler and covered the ground effortlessly (RBOB). 2 PORTER-MANNING & PORTER’s - WALLAROO KYNKI BOOTZ More mature in body than 1, but of differing types. Lovely expression but would prefer less over the skull in the head, well presented, with ample bone and muscle. Well ribbed up with the correct length of body to height ratio. Moved well once he settled down. Limit (0) Open (1,0) 1 SUETT’s - SILBERLISS SOLITAIRE A 4-year-old bitch who is in her prime, she is presented in good condition and the handler handles her to advantage. I liked her for her overall balance and her free-flowing movement, where she covers the ring effortlessly with perfect footfall. Pretty headed bitch with a soft expression, and a clean neck, leading into well-placed shoulders, she has ample spring of rib and depth to chest, body correct length for her size, she is well muscled and has a strong rear angulation with good bend of stifle and standing on nice tight feet. Moved effortlessly and held her topline and tail carriage as she went. (BOB) pleased to see her shortlisted in the group.